64 research outputs found

    Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Data Collection in Polish Enterprises

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    Purpose: Studies suggest that organisations tend to a selective dis-closure of non-financial information. Researchers have analysed many determinants of corporate social responsibility disclosure. However relatively little attention has been devoted to the topic of the sustainability reporting process and how the reports are developed, which includes also the question of data collection and its determinants. The paper tries to determine whether selected variables: the size of the organisation, financial performance, oper-ating on foreign markets, the issue of stakeholders mapping and preparing of non-financial reports influence the detail of collected non-financial information in Polish organisations.Design/methodology/approach: For this purpose CATI research with 102 companies listed on the Warsaw stock exchange has been conducted. The obtained results have been analysed using V Cramer contingency measure and the Kruskal-Wallis H test.Findings: The undertaken research shows there are statistical-ly significant differences between the detail of non -financial information collected by organisations mapping and not-map-ping stakeholders. In relation to the influence of the size of the organisation the obtained results were not statistically significant, yet showed a moderate correlation between those variables. Similar results were obtained for the other variables. Statistically relevant correlation has been determined in regard to the influence of operating on foreign markets and the detail of the collected data regarding respect for human rights, financial per-formance and the detail of collected information regarding respect for human rights and anti-corruption and bribery matters and the correlation between the fact of preparing non-financial reports and the detail of the collected environmental information.Research and practical limitations/implications: The limita-tions of the study result from the fact, that the questionnaire has been build using the Likert scale, for most of the questions, the quantitative nature of the presented answers imposed the choice of tools for the analysis of quantitative variables which allow for limited conclusions about the nature of the correlation.Originality/value: Based on the analysis of the existing state of art and to the best knowledge of the author the issue of determinants of collecting CSR data has not been analysed yet. Thus, this paper tries to start a discussion regarding a previously neglected issue.Paper type: research paper

    Structure of Corporate Responsibility Reporting in Polish Organisations

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    Purpose: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a long history, dating back to the 1950s and undergoing since than many changes. Although environmental responsibility is one of its fundamental paradigms, there are also other dimensions, which constitute CSR: the social dimension, focusing on people and the economic dimension. Studies suggest that organisations tend to a selective disclosure of non-financial information. This may lead to disparities in the nature of non-financial information disclosed. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to determine the structure of CSR information disclosed by Polish organisations.Design/methodology/approach: The analysis has been conducted on organisations listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. For this purpose sustainability reports made available by the organisations have been analysed using the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines. The data has been analysed using descriptive statistics.Findings: The analysis shows, that organisations disclose non-financial information most specific in the category General Standard Disclosure. Within the category Specific Standard Disclosure, organisations are most likely to disclose social information followed by environmental information and economic information. However, within social information the disclosure level is not even. Most specific information is being disclosed in regard to the Labour Practices and Decent Work categories, while only a few organisations disclose Human Rights information.Research and practical limitations/implications: Due to the low number of organisations disclosing non-financial information in general, the results presented in this paper must be treated with caution, especially inregard to the attempt to show the structure of CSR reporting in particular industries. The practical implications of the results include the presentation of existing disparities within CSR reporting and thus point towards reporting areas, which need to be approached with more attention.Originality/value: Previous research relating to the disclosure of non-financial information focused mainly on selected industries. This paper evaluates CSR reporting in regard to all organisations listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Furthermore, previous research analysed mostly the disclosure level in selected categories, without showing the relation between the disclosure levels in all categories.Paper type: Research paper

    Intersections Between Diversity Management and Human Resources Management in Polish Enterprises

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    Purpose: The organisational environment enterprises operate in is constantly changing. Organisations and whole industries seek new ways of achieving competitive advantage and becoming innovative. Additionally socio-demographic changes like population ageing, migrations force organisations to adapt their management styles. One of the possible solutions for those challenges is diversity man-agement. The main goal of this paper is to identify the intersections between diversity management and human resources management in organisations and in consequence to determine where in the organisations’ structure and strategy diversity management is being implemented in the analysed organisations.Design/methodology/approach: For the purpose of this paper tele-phone-depth-interviews (TDIs) with representatives from companies implementing diversity management were conducted. The enterpris-es were chosen through purposive sampling. The organisations were firstly screened for implementing diversity management through an analysis of their websites and reports. The organisations imple-menting diversity management and informing stakeholders about it through their websites and reports were further included into the study. The respondents chosen for the TDIs were representatives of the organisations responsible for diversity management or indicated by the company itself as the most competent to give information about the diversity management related actions of organisations.Findings: The conducted research suggests that analysed organ-isations implement a wide range of possible HR approaches to diversity management from diversity enlargement, implemented by most of the organisations through a special diversity orient-ed recruitment process, diversity sensitivity achieved mostly through diversity trainings, diversity audit realized through social and diversity indicators and reporting to the strategy for achieving organisational outcomes implemented by single organ-isations through developing a horizontal approach to diversity management.Research and practical limitations/implications: For the pur-pose of this paper a qualitative research approach was chosen. Therefore, the presented results are not representative, but, due to the fact that only a few organisations in Poland implement diver-sity management, the entities interviewed for the purpose of this paper can be treated as flagships of this strategy in Poland and as a kind of good practices.Originality/value: The paper examines the intersections between diversity management and human resources management in select-ed Polish organisations. Due to the fact that diversity management is not a widespread approach in Polish organisations, the paper gives insight into the exiting solutions of implementing it and combining it with human resources management.Paper type: research paper

    Diversity Management Instruments in Polish Organisations

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    Purpose: Although diversity management as a concept and a term has been used since the 1980s, it is still a relatively seldom-used strategy in Polish organisa-tions. As previous research shows, organisations define and implement diversity management in various ways, which consequently leads to the usage of different instruments. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to present the different diversity management instruments used by Polish organisations. Special emphasis was put on the question whether the organisations have a dedicated budget for diversity management and whether they include diversity information in their reports. The aim of the paper was to present an overview of the instruments used by the organisations – leaders of diversity management in Poland.Design/methodology/approach: For the purpose of this paper telephone-depth-in-terviews (TDIs) with representatives from companies implementing diversity management were conducted. The enterprises were chosen through purposive sampling. The organisations were firstly screened for implementing diversity management through an analysis of their web sites and reports. The organisations implementing diversity management and informing stakeholders about it through their web sites and reports were further included into the study. The respondents chosen for the TDIs were representatives of the organisations responsible for diversity management or indicated by the company itself as the most competent to give information about the organisation’s diversity management related actions.Findings: The conducted research has shown the variety of diversity manage-ment instruments used in the interviewed organisations is large. The instruments differ from simple ones like organising a diversity day and promoting the idea of diversity and inclusion through simple channels to complex systems of moni-toring and assessing the implementation of diversity management. Furthermore, all organisations declare that they include diversity in their reports. Additionally, almost all of them admit that they do not have a separate budget for diversity management actions and initiatives.Research and practical limitations/implications: For the purpose of this paper a qualitative research approach was chosen. Therefore, the presented results are not representative, but, due to the fact that only a few organisations in Poland implement diversity management, the entities interviewed for the purpose of this paper can be treated as flagships of this strategy in Poland and as a kind of good practices.Originality/value: The paper presents an overview of diversity management instruments used by Polish organisations with special emphasis put on bud-geting and reporting. It defines diversity budgeting in terms of assessing every action from the perspective of its consequences towards all diversity dimensions represented in the company, while taking into account the human and financial resources.Paper type: Research paper

    RAB family gene expression in breast cancer cells under influence of paclitaxel

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the role of paclitaxel on RAB family of genes in primary breast cancer cell lines. The cancer breast cells obtained from 40 women during mastectomy were used to address this issue. The group included patients with intraductal breast cancer - lesions in I or II advancement level by TNM classification and G1-G2 by Bloom classification. (tumor dimensions up to 2.0 cm without metastases to lymph nodes). Cytostatic drugs before surgery were not administered to these patients. The cultures were conducted in 25 cm^2^ plastic containers at RPMI medium with addiction of 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) at the standard conditions. After reaching concentration levels of 10 000/ml of the cells, the cultures were treated with 60 ng/ml and 300 ng/ml doses of paclitaxel. The concentrations were calculated in relation to therapeutic doses of paclitaxel, applied in polytherapy in patients with breast cancer. The cell cultures untreated for cytostatic were used as a control group. Analysis was conducted for RAB family of genes: RAB3D, RAB5B, RAB5C, RAB7, RAB7L1, RAB9P1, RAB10. RAB11A, RAB311B, RAB13, RAB18, RAB22A, RAB23, RAB26, RAB27A, RAB27B, RAB28, RAB30, RAB31, RAB33A, RAB3D6, RAB 38, RABL2B Total RNA was extracted from the harvest control group and the treated cells, and this was followed by cDNA synthesis, which was used for hybridization assays using arrays. A lower dose of paclitaxel (60 ng/ml) treatment resulted in an increase (2-4 fold- statistically significant), whereas a higher dose (300 ng/ml) caused a decrease (2-fold - statistically insignificant) in expression of examined oncogenes, compared to that of the control group.In summary, this data indicates that 60 ng/ml paclitaxel dose induced the RAB gene expression in an up-regulated pathway. A higher concentration of cytostatic (300 ng/ml) is a toxic dose for primary breast cells in vitro

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    The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Attractiveness of Employers in the Perception of Generation Z

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    Corporate Social Responsibility has become an important instrument in the development of an employer’s branding strategy. Research shows that Generation Y is highly sensitive in regards to CSR issues, and that CSR influences their perception of an employer’s attractiveness. However, the question this paper aims to find an answer to is whether this would also apply to the next generation, Generation Z. For this purpose, we conducted a survey (n = 250) with a sample of representatives of Generation Z. The findings suggest that Generation Z perceives CSR as an important factor in their choice of employer, however not important enough to convince them to reject a job offer if the employer is not perceived as ethical and responsible

    The role of nutrition in the preventive treatment and etiopathogenesis of breast cancer

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    The incidence of cancers is rising worldwide Breast cancer is a cancer whose incidence is steadily increasing in the many countries. In women, breast cancer is the most common malignancy whilst its morbidity rates are the second most frequent after lung cancer. A large body of evidence indicates that about one fourth of breast cancer cases are connected with an unhealthy diet, and pro-health lifestyle can result in even 50% of reduction of breast cancer risk. Inappropriate nutrition and dietary habits are a direct cause or a risk factor of many neoplastic diseases – including breast cancer. A change of these habits can significantly contribute to reducing the risk of breast cancer

    Assessment of Reliability of Mixing Process in Diverse Mixers

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    Homogeneity of fodder blends is one of the primary fodder blend quality criteria. Inadequate mixing of fodder ingredients may cause insufficient growth of livestock and unsuccessful medical treatment in the case of healing fodder. Majority of fodder producers make use of the information contained in the fodder blend technical dossier for the purpose of target mixing parameters. However, average mixing time, that is very often specified, does not reflect the specific nature of a given fodder blend. Apart from the fodder blend construction parameters, physical properties of raw materials used for production purposes, in particular disintegration degree, fodder blend discharge manner, filling degree have an impact upon the homogeneity of mixing. The research on the homogeneity of mixing in various fodder producers has proven the necessity to control this stage of production

    Sensory Integration - the weight of stimuli. The role of parents

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    INTRODUCTION Sensory integration is a kind of integration or organization of stimuli, the ability to feel and respond properly to news from the world. The organization of stimuli takes place in the brain so that later can use them to create appropriate reactions and behaviors. If the flow of stimuli is disturbed then some reactions, the body's response may be incorrect. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this article is to present in a understandable way the sensory integration process and the impact of various stimuli on its condition. It also shows how important parents play in the development and therapy of children with sensory integration disorders. THE WEIGHT OF THE BODCIES The stimuli is food that absorbs our brain through every organ of our body. We are what we eat, that is why, it is so important what we feed our children's brain. Impulses reach the body thanks to the senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and proprioceptive, atrial and interoceptive. SUMMARY Sensory integration is the whole of reactions that take place between the outside world and our body. The most important and the most intense time of physical and mental development is childhood during which we provide our body with the most stimuli. For children with sensory integration disorders and without these disorders, the best therapists are parents