3 research outputs found

    Retrosternal Goiter – Cancer Incidence

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    O bócio retroesternal é uma afecção rara da glândula tireóide, que acomete principalmente mulheres acima de 60 anos, caracterizada por tireóide aumentada de tamanho, peso e volume, que invade a cavidade torácica total ou parcialmente. A não realização do ato cirúrgico tem sido preconizada em alguns casos como forma alternativa de melhoria da qualidade de vida, sobretudo em pacientes idosos assintomáticos. Todavia, existe uma incidência de câncer nos bócios retroesternais, associado a um índice maior de complicações, que justifica a abordagem cirúrgica precoce, principalmente em pacientes jovens, mesmo que assintomáticos. Este trabalho resulta de um relato de caso e revisão de literatura, sobre bócio retroesternal e incidência de câncer em uma paciente de 62 anos, submetida a tireoidectomia total, com achados histopatológicos de pós operatório, de carcinoma papilífero, carcinoma folicular e adenoma folicular. Esses achados nos alerta para a possibilidade de incidência de câncer nesses pacientes, devendo ser aventado o tratamento cirúrgico precoceThe retrosternal goiter is a rare thyroid gland disease, which mainly affects women over 60 years, characterized by increased thyroid size, weight and volume, which invades the thoracic cavity. Failure to perform the surgery has been recommended in some cases as an alternative way of improving the quality of life, especially in asymptomatic elderly patients. However, there is an incidence of cancer in retrosternal goiters associated with a higher rate of complications, justified the early surgical approach, especially in young patients, even if asymptomatic. This work results from a case report and literature review on retrosternal goiter and cancer incidence in a 62-year-old patient submitted total thyroidectomy with histopathologic findings after surgery, papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma and follicular adenoma. These findings alerts us to the possibility of cancer incidence in these patients, recommending in such cases, early surgical treatmen

    Management and conduct of vascular diseases of the portal system

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    Aneurysms and thromboses of the portal vein are rare pathologies of the portal system that commonly follow an asymptomatic course. The vast majority of cases are diagnosed as incidental findings during imaging studies. Symptoms of aneurysms are the result of mass effects, while thrombosis symptoms are a function of the liver's ability to form a collateral circulation network in the thrombosis. The scant experience with such cases poses a dilemma for patient management and so the vast majority of authors choose an expectant approach with rigorous patient surveillance and only intervene in symptomatic patients. We report one case of an aneurysm of the portal vein and one case of portal vein thrombosis and discuss management and observation of these patients