32 research outputs found

    One-year measurements of surface heat budget on the ablation zone of Antizana Glacier 15, Ecuadorian Andes

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    International audience[1] Meteorological variables were recorded (14 March 2002 to 14 March 2003) at 4890 m above sea level (asl) on the Antizana Glacier 15 (0.71 km 2 ; 0°28 0 S, 78°09 0 W) in the tropical Andes of Ecuador (inner tropics). These variables were used to compute the annual cycle of the local surface energy balance (SEB). The four radiative fluxes were directly measured, and the turbulent fluxes were calculated using the bulk aerodynamic approach, calibrating the roughness length by direct sublimation measurements. The meteorological conditions are relatively homogeneous throughout the year (air temperature and air humidity). There is a slight seasonality in precipitation with a more humid period between February and June. During June-September, wind velocity shows high values and is responsible for intense turbulent fluxes that cause reduction of melting. Considering the SEB over the whole year, it is dominated by net radiation, and albedo variations govern melting. During the period under consideration the net shortwave radiation S (123 W m À2) and the sensible turbulent heat flux H (21 W m À2) were energy sources at the glacier surface, whereas the net long-wave radiation L (À39 W m À2) and the latent turbulent heat flux LE (À27 W m À2) represented heat sinks. Since the O°C isotherm-glacier intersection always oscillates through the ablation zone and considering that the phase of precipitation depends on temperature, temperature indirectly controls the albedo values and thus the melting rates. This control is of major interest in understanding glacier response to climate change in the Ecuadorian Andes, which is related to global warming and ENSO variability

    Monitoring a turkey hatchery based on a cyber-physical system

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    Escuela Superior Polit ́ecnica del Litoral (ESPOL)The implementation of a turkey farm bringswith it severe environmental problems due to the deficientstudy of the physical space where the animals are placed.To counteract this situation and improve the qualityof life in the hatchery, it is necessary to monitor andcontrol the following variables: Temperature, Humidity,Ammonia Emission and Lux. The solution is based on acyber-physical system which is composed of a network ofsensors, controller and actuator. The sensors will provideinformation from the physical environment, the con-troller evaluates these parameters to execute an action tothe actuator. Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID)control defines the setpoint for temperature while Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) adjusts the light intensity in aspotlight. The End Device executes these actions and itsparameters will be sent to ThingSpeak which monitorssystem behavior the Internet of Things

    Review article of the current state of glaciers in the tropical Andes: a multi-century perspective on glacier evolution and climate change

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    The aim of this paper is to provide the community with a comprehensive overview of the studies of glaciers in the tropical Andes conducted in recent decades leading to the current status of the glaciers in the context of climate change. In terms of changes in surface area and length, we show that the glacier retreat in the tropical Andes over the last three decades is unprecedented since the maximum extension of the LIA (mid 17th–early 18th century). In terms of changes in mass balance, although there have been some sporadic gains on several glaciers, we show that the trend has been quite negative over the past 50 yr, with a mean mass balance deficit for glaciers in the tropical Andes that is slightly more negative than the computed global average. A break point in the trend appeared in the late 1970s with mean annual mass balance per year decreasing from −0.2m w.e. in the period 1964–1975 to −0.76m w.e. in the period 1976–2010. In addition, even if glaciers are currently retreating everywhere in the tropical Andes, it should be noted that as a percentage, this is much more pronounced on small glaciers at low altitudes that do not have a permanent accumulation zone, and which could disappear in the coming years/decades. Monthly mass balance measurements performed in Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia showed that variability of the surface temperature of the Pacific Ocean is the main factor governing variability of the mass balance variability at the interannual to decadal time scale. Precipitation did not display a significant trend in the tropical Andes in the 20th century, and consequently cannot explain the glacier recession. On the other hand, temperature increased at a significant rate of 0.10◩Cdecade−1 in the last 70 yr. The higher frequency of El Nin ̃o events and changes in its spatial and temporal occurrence since the late 1970s together with a warming troposphere over the tropical Andes may thus explain much of the recent dramatic shrinkage of glaciers in this part of the world

    Adaptive PI Controller Based on a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Speed Control of a DC Motor

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    Automated industrial processes require a controller to obtain an output signal similar to the reference indicated by the user. There are controllers such as PIDs, which are efficient if the system does not change its initial conditions. However, if this is not the case, the controller must be retuned, affecting production times. In this work, an adaptive PID controller is developed for a DC motor speed plant using an artificial intelligence algorithm based on reinforcement learning. This algorithm uses an actor–critic agent, where its objective is to optimize the actor’s policy and train a critic for rewards. This will generate the appropriate gains without the need to know the system. The Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with Twin Delayed (DDPG TD3) was used, with a network composed of 300 neurons for the agent’s learning. Finally, the performance of the obtained controller is compared with a classical control one using a cost function