11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggantian Sebagian Ransum Komersil dengan Bungkil Kelapa Hasil Fermentasi dengan Effective Microorganism-4 (Em-4) terhadap Bobot Karkas Ayam Pedaging

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of partial replacement of commercial ration with fermented coconut meal with effective microorganism-4 (EM-4) on the carcass weight of broilers. This study used 100 chicks aged 3 days old. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 kinds of treatment of rations containing 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% coconut meal fermented with EM-4 under four replications. Chickens reared for 4 weeks and at the end of the study two chickens were taken from each unit of the cage to cut and the carcas were analyzed. Parameters observed were feed intake, slaughter weight, and percentage of carcas. The data were processed using analysis of variance with Duncan's advanced test. The results showed that the use of coconut meal fermented with EM-4 in the ration of broiler was significant (P 0,05) on the percentage of carcass weight. It was concluded that the use of coconut meal fermented with EM-4 in broiler rations may be used only to the extent of 15%

    Performa Broiler yang Diberi Ransum Mengandung Daun Sengon (Albizzia Falcataria) yang Direndam dengan Larutan Kapur Tohor (CaO)

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    This research aims at meauring the use of Sengon leaves soaked in kapur tohor and it\u27s effect on the performance of broiler. The Study used 100 broiler Hubber aged 3 days and 5 treatments ration which contain different Sengon. The design used in this study was completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatmen. Parameter measured were ration consumption, body weight gain, feed convertion and carcass. The result of this study shows that the use of sengon in the ration is effective significantly (P<0.05) on the ration consumtion, body weight gain,carcass and feed convertion. It could be concluded that Sengon can be used up to 7.5% in the ration of the broiler

    Respon Biologis Pemberian Bungkil Kelapa Hasil Fermentasi Dengan Trichoderma Harzianum Dalam Ransum Terhadap Performans Ayam Pedaging

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    The experiment was aimed to see the effect of coconut cake fermentation with Trichoderma Harzianum (TH) in ration on the performance of male broiler. 100 heads of three-day-old broiler chiken were arranged to completely randomized treatment with 5 kinds of ration such as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20 % of coconut cake fermentation with TH and 4 times replication. Data collected were feed consuption, body weight gain and feed conversion. Analisys of variance and Duncan's multiple range test were used to analize the data. The result showed that the use of coconat cake fermentation with TH significantly (P&lt;0,05) reduced body weight gain, but there was no effect (P&gt;0,05) on feed consumption and feed conversion. From the experiment result we concluded that only 15 % of coconut cake fermentation with TH which can be suggested in male broiler chiken ratio


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    Ada enam alat tangkap yang biasa digunakan nelayan di Kecamatan Tungkal Ilir yaitu sondong, jaring insang (gill net), togok, trawl, rawai dan bubu, dengan hasil tangkapan yang beranekaragam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hasil tangkapan menggunakan alat tangkap Bottom gill net (jaring insang dasar) 2 inchi di Kelurahan Kampung Nelayan, Kecamatan Tungkal Ilir. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei dimana pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak sebanyak 10% dari 50 nelayan menjadi 5 orang nelayan selama 10 kali penangkapan. Data yang dihimpun meliputi total hasil tangkapan, jenis ikan, berat ikan, dan ukuran tangkapan untuk menganalisis komposisi jenis, indeks keseragaman, indeks keanekaragaman, dan indeks dominansi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat sebanyak 9.772 ekor dengan komposisi terdiri dari 9 spesies yaitu ikan Kurau (E. tetradactylum), ikan Gulamah (Johnius trachycephalus), ikan Lomek (Harpodon nehereus), ikan Baji-baji (Grammoplites scaber), ikan Selangat (Anodontostoma selangkat), ikan Lidah (Cynoglossus lingua), ikan Biang (Setipinna breviceps), ikan Duri (Hexanematichthys sagor) dan ikan Malung (Gnathopis nystromi). Hasil tangkapan tertinggi yaitu ikan Lomek sebanyak 3.447 ekor dan hasil tangkapan terendah yaitu ikan baji-baji sebanyak 129 ekor. Indeks keseragaman bernilai 0,79, indeks keanekaragaman bernilai 1,74, dan indeks dominansi sebesar 0,23.Ada enam alat tangkap yang biasa digunakan nelayan di Kecamatan Tungkal Ilir yaitu sondong, jaring insang (gill net), togok, trawl, rawai dan bubu, dengan hasil tangkapan yang beranekaragam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hasil tangkapan menggunakan alat tangkap Bottom gill net (jaring insang dasar) 2 inchi di Kelurahan Kampung Nelayan, Kecamatan Tungkal Ilir. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei dimana pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak sebanyak 10% dari 50 nelayan menjadi 5 orang nelayan selama 10 kali penangkapan. Data yang dihimpun meliputi total hasil tangkapan, jenis ikan, berat ikan, dan ukuran tangkapan untuk menganalisis komposisi jenis, indeks keseragaman, indeks keanekaragaman, dan indeks dominansi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat sebanyak 9.772 ekor dengan komposisi terdiri dari 9 spesies yaitu ikan Kurau (E. tetradactylum), ikan Gulamah (Johnius trachycephalus), ikan Lomek (Harpodon nehereus), ikan Baji-baji (Grammoplites scaber), ikan Selangat (Anodontostoma selangkat), ikan Lidah (Cynoglossus lingua), ikan Biang (Setipinna breviceps), ikan Duri (Hexanematichthys sagor) dan ikan Malung (Gnathopis nystromi). Hasil tangkapan tertinggi yaitu ikan Lomek sebanyak 3.447 ekor dan hasil tangkapan terendah yaitu ikan baji-baji sebanyak 129 ekor. Indeks keseragaman bernilai 0,79, indeks keanekaragaman bernilai 1,74, dan indeks dominansi sebesar 0,23

    A factor analysis to establish a group of causes of deferred maintenance at Malaysia’s public university buildings

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    The building has deferred the maintenance activities either planned or scheduled and delayed from the original schedules by some factors and therefore cause dissatisfaction of the building users commonly become a familiar issue. The public university buildings are an important place, everyone gathers to learn and share knowledge. They are producing future leaders, engineers and industry players. Therefore, it is also the heart of the development of a country. Hence, this study is intended to establish a group of causes factors of deferred maintenance of public university buildings in Malaysia. Questionnaires survey were carried out amongst the targeted respondent and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software were used to analyse 220 data collections for factor analysis. The study reveals 42 factors of causes are then classified into three groups. Group 1 is the organization and it displays 20 factors, group 2 is the resources which display 13 factors and group 3 is financial display 9 factors. This study shared useful information and insight knowledge of deferred maintenance of public university buildings in Malaysia

    Pe Pengaruh Penggantian Rumput dengan Jerami Jagung terhadap Kualitas Fisik Wafer

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk &nbsp;mengetahui &nbsp;pengaruh penggantian rumput dengan jerami terhadap kualitas sifat fisik &nbsp;wafer. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan&nbsp; RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap)&nbsp; dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan penelitian adalah A1 = Rumput 50% dan konsentrat, A2=rumput 30%+jerami jagung 20%+konsentrat, A3=rumput 20%+jerami jagung 30%+konsentrat dan A4=rumput 0% + jerami jagung 50%+konsentrat. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis dengan Analisis Ragam&nbsp; dan bila terdapat perbedaan yang nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan (SAS 91.3 Portabel).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggantian rumput dengan jerami jagung berpengaruh&nbsp; tidak&nbsp; nyata (P&gt;0.05)&nbsp; terhadap&nbsp; aktivitas air, daya serap air, berat&nbsp; jenis, ketahanan dan berbeda nyata terhadap&nbsp;&nbsp; kerapatan bahan. Kesimpulan&nbsp; penelitian penggantian rumput dengan jerami jagung tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas fisik &nbsp

    Identifying occurrences of accident at work place in terms of occupational safety on roads and bridges infrastructure in Indonesia

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    The economic growth of a country will be greatly influenced by road and bridge infrastructure that serves as a connecting flow of goods and human transportation. There are still some road and bridge construction projects in Indonesia that show the occurrence of accidents because lack of awareness by the management of the adverse effects of safety. Therefore, the author tries to find solutions to the improvement measures in minimizing the occurrence of occupational accidents by providing safety knowledge to the Project Managers and related staff, to be more concerned about the safety and the environment around the project. Based on data collected from the Ministry of Public Works and Indonesian People's Housing, there are several work accidents in toll road projects in Indonesia from August 2017 to February 2018. When viewed from several of these accidents, it can be concluded that the main cause is the lack of knowledge of the management staff about the need to enforce safety regulations, especially in the work of lifting object to the upper structure. Therefore, a commitment is needed to implement serious occupational safety regulations from all stakeholders who play a role in developing this infrastructure project

    Iso Isolasi Bakteri Selulolitik Asal Saluran Pencernaan Rayap dan Daya Hidupnya pada Berbagai Substrak yang Berasal dari Limbah Pertanian dan Perkebunan

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    This study aimed to identify isolates that produce cellulase enzymes derived from cellulolytic bacteria from the digestive tract of termites and to determine the best type of substrate as the carrier and survival of these isolates. This research consists of 3 (three) stages. The first stage of research was the isolation of cellulolytic bacteria using descriptive data analysis. The second stage of research was to determine the best carrier for selected cellulolytic isolates, while the third stage was to determine the shelf life of the isolates with the selected substrate as the best carrier by analyzing data using analysis of variance. The results of the first phase of research obtained 3 isolates of cellulolytic bacteria from the best termite digestive tract based on the clear zone index test with isolate code VR52, VR61 and VR81 with clear zone index for each isolate 1.087; 2,250 and 1,710 mm. Based on Gram staining, the three isolates were gram-positive bacteria in the form of bacilli. Maximum enzyme activity in isolate VR61 (Bacillus sp) with its enzyme activity (19.91 µ/mL). The results of the second stage study showed that rice bran was the best sAubstrate based on total microbes with a value of 202 x 109 CFU / g. The results of the third stage research showed that the number of cellulolytic bacteria in the selected sub-extract (rice bran) at a storage temperature of 4oC (178.92 x 109 CFU / gr) was more than that of storage at 27oC (101.69 x 109 CFU / gr). This research concludes that the longer the storage time shows a decrease in the number of bacteria and pH in the sub-extract. The best interaction on rice bran sub-extract as a carrier at a storage temperature of 4oC in the second week with the number of cellulolytic bacteria 197.8 x 109 CFU / gr with a pH value of 6.46 and the fourth week of 167.85 x 109 CFU / gr with a pH value of 6.39. Keywords: Cellulose, Cellulolytic Bacteria, Termite