28 research outputs found

    Antiviral mechanisms of two broad-spectrum monoclonal antibodies for rabies prophylaxis and therapy

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    Rabies is an acute and lethal encephalomyelitis caused by lyssaviruses, among which rabies virus (RABV) is the most prevalent and important for public health. Although preventable through the post-exposure administration of rabies vaccine and immunoglobulins (RIGs), the disease is almost invariably fatal since the onset of clinical signs. Two human neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), RVC20 and RVC58, have been shown to be effective in treating symptomatic rabies. To better understand how these mAbs work, we conducted structural modeling and in vitro assays to analyze their mechanisms of action, including their ability to mediate Fc-dependent effector functions. Our results indicate that both RVC20 and RVC58 recognize and lock the RABV-G protein in its pre-fusion conformation. RVC58 was shown to neutralize more potently the extra-cellular virus, while RVC20 mainly acts by reducing viral spreading from infected cells. Importantly, RVC20 was more effective in promoting effector functions compared to RVC58 and 17C7-RAB1 mAbs, the latter of which is approved for human rabies post-exposure treatment. These results provide valuable insights into the multiple mechanisms of action of RVC20 and RVC58 mAbs, offering relevant information for the development of these mAbs as treatment for human rabies

    Protein kinase A in human glioblastoma non-stem and stem like cells: from transient interference to stable lentiviral-mediated downregulation of the regulatory subunit R2A

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    Gliomas are the most frequent brain tumors worldwide. Glioblastoma is classified by the World Health Organization as a high-grade glioma with predominantly astrocytic differentiation and is characterized by large intratumoral heterogeneity, microvascular proliferation and high infiltrative capacity. This brain tumor represents the most common form of glioma and is currently associated with a median survival of only 14 months from diagnosis. The standard therapy for glioblastoma patients include surgical resection of the tumor mass, radiotherapy and chemotherapy with the alkylating agent temozolomide. Despite this aggressive treatment, glioblastoma is still considered an incurable cancer and less than 5% of patients survive after five years. Tumor relapse is frequently observed and is probably related to the presence of a subpopulation of cancer stem cells, which represent one of the major obstacle to glioblastoma therapy. Indeed, cancer stem cells are known to be resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy thanks to their recently described plasticity, a strong DNA repair capacity, overexpression of DNA checkpoints and drug efflux proteins. Based on these characteristics, cell cultures of cancer stem cells as gliomaspheres are a recognized in vitro model for the study of glioblastoma and for identification of new therapeutic targets. Recent advancement in glioma etiopathogenesis allowed introduction of molecular markers in addition to histological criteria for glioma classification, pointing to a future personalized molecular therapy. In the last decades, many innovative therapeutic strategies and potential targets among molecules of signaling pathways specifically altered in glioblastoma have been investigated. Most of these therapeutic options are currently under preclinical and clinical evaluation showing promising results, but the high complexity and heterogeneity of glioma tumors underlie the continuous need for novel therapeutic targets. In this direction, protein kinase A (PKA) has recently emerged due to its involvement in many distinctive features of cancer cells and to its peculiarities in glioblastoma cells compared to brain parenchyma. PKA is a multifunctional enzyme, whose activation depends on binding of cAMP molecules. In its inactive form PKA is a tetramer consisting of two catalytic subunits and a regulatory subunit dimer. Up to now three catalytic isoforms and four regulatory isoforms have been identified and all of them present a specific expression pattern among different cell types and tissues. The cAMP/PKA pathway regulates a wide range of cellular processes, such as metabolism, gene transcription, cell cycle progression, cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptosis. The isoform-specific, spatio-temporal regulated PKA distribution allows a fine control of PKA signaling and is of primary importance for maintenance of physiological state. Indeed, several alterations of protein kinase A, including unbalanced expression of its subunits, dysregulation of the kinase activity and PKA delocalization, have been associated with many human diseases, including cancer. In particular, in human glioblastoma PKA is ten-times more abundant than normal brain. What is more, in rodent and human glioblastoma cells the regulatory subunit R2A presents a peculiar intracellular localization. In these cells perinuclear clusters of R2A co-localized with the Golgi apparatus have been described, whereas they have not been reported in the brain parenchyma, where R1A and R2B aggregates are instead detected. The functional significance of Golgi-associated PKA is still unknown, but this observation points to a potential role of R2A subunit as a tumor marker or a novel therapeutic target. Based on these considerations, the present PhD project aimed at providing additional insights into the role of protein kinase A, particularly R2A subunit, in human glioblastoma. For this purpose, the study of PKA R2A intracellular localization was extended to human glioblastoma stem like cells, as up to now no data are reported as regard to R2A localization in cancer stem cells. Immunofluorescence experiments were performed on human gliomaspheres, confirming in glioblastoma stem like cells the same peculiar R2A intracellular distribution that had been previously described in non-stem glioblastoma cell lines and primary cell cultures. This observation further supports the peculiarity of R2A subunit in human glioblastoma compared to brain parenchyma, as well as the need to further characterize the specific functional role of this peculiarity. In order to develop new molecular tools for study of PKA, a set of recombinant plasmids for expression of PKA subunits fused to EGFP fluorescent protein were generated and preliminarily validated in human glioblastoma cells. Despite a low transfection efficiency, these plasmids proved to be useful tools for functional studies of PKA in different cellular models. Moreover, in the first part of the research project, effects of transient interference with PKA pathway were analyzed in human glioblastoma cells through multiple approaches. Alterations of PKA activity, expression and intracellular distribution were induced by drug treatments, small interfering RNA (siRNA) transfection, overexpression of wild type and mutant PKA isoforms and expression of peptide inhibitors for PKA dislocation. Consistently with other scientific studies, these experiments demonstrated that transient interference with PKA differentially affects human glioblastoma cells, particularly cell viability and cell motility. In addition, as previously reported in other human cell lines, siRNA-mediated downregulation of PKA R2A expression proved to induce Golgi fragmentation and dispersion of R2A in the cell cytoplasm of glioblastoma cells, an effect that deserves further investigation. As a complementary approach, to investigate the relationship between PKA R2A and Golgi apparatus, effects of disrupted Golgi function on human glioblastoma cells and R2A intracellular localization were also analyzed. Increased cell death, reduced cell motility and redistribution of R2A subunit in the cell cytosol were observed in glioblastoma cells following treatment with the Golgi disruptor brefeldin A. These results support the relevant relationship between R2A subunit and Golgi complex in glioblastoma cells, but future studies are needed to better understand its functional meaning. The second part of the PhD project was focused on the development of a third-generation lentiviral system for downregulation of PKA R2A expression through short hairpin RNA (shRNA) delivery. Lentiviral vectors for expression of shRNA targeting different exons of R2A gene, their co-expression with EGFP reporter protein, as well as expression of a scrambled shRNA were thus generated and validated in non-stem and stem like glioblastoma cells. In both cell cultures PKA R2A gene silencing lentiviral vectors proved able to induce an efficient and stable downregulation of R2A expression. Preliminary experiments also evaluated the effects of PKA R2A knockdown on glioblastoma cell proliferation and cell death. As regard to non-stem glioblastoma cells, data from cell growth assays are still controversial due to a possible cytotoxicity of the scrambled shRNA sequence, not detected by previous bioinformatic validation of the shRNA and that is currently under investigation. Conversely, in glioblastoma stem like cells the scrambled vector did not affect cell viability compared to untransduced cells. Moreover, a significantly different distribution between viable and dead cells, particularly an increase in dead cells, was reported for glioblastoma stem like cells with downregulated PKA R2A expression compared to scrambled transduced cells. These results thus point to a potential relationship between PKA R2A silencing and cell survival of glioblastoma stem like cells, an interesting aspect that should be further investigated. In conclusion, the present PhD project investigated the multiple functions of PKA in human glioblastoma by means of many complementary approaches and different in vitro models. PKA transient interference exhibited some anti-tumor effects and preliminary data indicated a potential relationship between PKA R2A downregulation and glioblastoma stem like cell growth. What is more, a lentiviral system for efficient R2A silencing was developed and successfully validated, proving to be a promising tool for future study of PKA in several cellular models.I gliomi sono i più frequenti tumori cerebrali a livello mondiale. Il glioblastoma è classificato dall'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità come glioma ad alto grado con prevalente differenziazione astrocitica ed è caratterizzato da elevata eterogeneità intratumorale, proliferazione microvascolare e grande capacità infiltrativa. Il glioblastoma è la forma più comune di glioma ed è attualmente associato ad una sopravvivenza media di soli 14 mesi dalla diagnosi. La terapia standard per questo tipo di tumore prevede la resezione chirurgica della massa tumorale, radioterapia e chemoterapia con l'agente alchilante temozolomide. Nonostante questo approccio aggressivo, il gliobastoma è ad oggi ancora considerato un tumore incurabile e meno del 5% dei pazienti sopravvive a cinque anni dalla diagnosi. Nei pazienti affetti da glioblastoma, le ricadute si verificano frequentemente e sono probabilmente dovute alla presenza di una sottopopolazione di cellule staminali tumorali, che rappresentano uno dei maggiori ostacoli alla terapia. È infatti noto che queste cellule sono resistenti a radioterapia e chemioterapia grazie alla loro plasticità, un'elevata capacità di riparare i danni al DNA, un'elevata espressione di proteine checkpoint che controllano la progressione del ciclo cellulare in risposta a danni genetici e di proteine che sono in grado di espellere all'esterno della cellula diverse molecole tra cui i farmaci. Proprio per queste caratteristiche di resistenza alle terapie convenzionali, le colture cellulari di cellule staminali tumorali sono oggi un modello in vitro riconosciuto per lo studio del glioblastoma e per l'identificazione di nuovi target terapeutici. Le cellule staminali tumorali vengono mantenute in particolari condizioni di coltura, che ne permettono la crescita selettiva sottoforma di aggregati sferici (sfere) in sospensione. Grazie alla ricerca scientifica, la conoscenza dell'eziopatogenesi dei gliomi è recentemente cresciuta e l'introduzione di marcatori molecolari, oltre ai criteri istologici per la classificazione dei gliomi, rappresenta un avanzamento verso una terapia molecolare personalizzata. Negli ultimi vent'anni, sono state sviluppate molte strategie terapeutiche innovative e sono stati identificati potenziali nuovi target tra i componenti delle vie di segnalazione intracellulari specificamente alterate nel glioblastoma. La maggior parte di questi nuovi approcci terapeutici è attualmente in fase di valutazione preclinica e clinica, i risultati sembrano promettenti, ma la complessità e l'eterogeneità dei gliomi sottolineano la necessità di cercare continuamente nuovi bersagli terapeutici. Proprio in questa direzione, la proteina chinasi A (PKA) è recentemente emersa per il suo coinvolgimento in molte caratteristiche distintive delle cellule tumorali e per le sue peculiarità nelle cellule di glioblastoma rispetto al parenchima cerebrale. PKA è un enzima che svolge molte funzioni all'interno della cellula e la cui attivazione dipende dal secondo messaggero cAMP. Nella sua forma inattiva PKA è un tetramero costituito da due subunità catalitiche e un dimero di subunità regolatorie. Fino ad oggi sono state identificate tre isoforme catalitiche e quattro isoforme regolatorie. Ciascuna subunità, sia catalitica che regolatoria, presenta un pattern di espressione specifico tra i diversi tipi cellulari e i diversi tessuti dell'organismo. La via mediata da cAMP/PKA regola una vasta gamma di processi cellulari, tra i quali il metabolismo, la progressione del ciclo cellulare, la proliferazione cellulare, la differenziazione cellulare, la trascrizione genica e l'apoptosi. La distribuzione isoforma-specifica di PKA e la sua regolazione spazio-temporale permettono un fine controllo dei segnali mediati dalla via di cAMP/PKA, che risulta essere di primaria importanza per il mantenimento di uno stato cellulare fisiologico. Infatti, molte alterazioni di PKA, come una sbilanciata espressione delle sue isoforme, una disregolazione della sua attività chinasica e la delocalizzazione dell'enzima stesso, sono state associate a molte malattie umane, compresi diversi tumori. In particolare, nel glioblastoma umano PKA è dieci volte più abbondante rispetto al cervello sano. Inoltre, nelle cellule di glioblastoma di roditore e umane la subunità regolatoria R2A di PKA presenta una peculiare localizzazione intracellulare sottoforma di cluster perinucleari co-localizzati con l'apparato di Golgi. Questa particolare distribuzione della subunità R2A non è stata riscontrata nel parenchima cerebrale, dove invece sono stati individuati aggregati delle subunità R1A e R2B. Il significato funzionale della proteina chinasi A associata all'apparato di Golgi non è ancora chiara, ma questa osservazione indica un potenziale ruolo della subunità R2A come marcatore tumorale o come nuovo target terapeutico. Sulla base di quanto esposto finora, questo progetto di dottorato ha lo scopo di approfondire il ruolo della proteina chinasi A, ed in particolare della subunità R2A, nel glioblastoma umano. Per questo motivo, lo studio della localizzazione intracellulare di R2A è stato esteso, per la prima volta, alle cellule staminali tumorali di glioblastoma. Esperimenti di immunofluorescenza hanno dimostrato che anche in queste cellule la subunità R2A presenta la stessa distribuzione intracellulare che era stata precedentemente descritta in linee cellulari e colture primarie non staminali di glioblastoma umano. Questa osservazione rafforza ulteriormente la peculiarità di R2A rispetto al parenchima sano e sottolinea la necessità di caratterizzare lo specifico ruolo funzionale di questa subunità. Al fine di sviluppare nuovi strumenti molecolari per lo studio di PKA, è stato generato un set di plasmidi ricombinanti per l'espressione delle subunità di PKA in fusione alla proteina verde fluorescente (EGFP). Questi plasmidi sono stati validati in cellule di glioblastoma umano e, nonostante la bassa efficienza di trasfezione, si sono rivelati degli utili strumenti per studi funzionali di PKA in vari modelli cellulari. Nella prima parte del progetto di ricerca sono inoltre stati analizzati in cellule di glioblastoma umano gli effetti di una interferenza transiente con la via di PKA. Alterazioni dell'attività, dell'espressione e della distribuzione intracellulare della proteina chinasi A sono state indotte mediante diversi approcci, come il trattamento con agenti chimici, la trasfezione con small interfering RNA (siRNA), l'overespressione di forme wild type e mutate delle subunità di PKA e l'espressione di peptidi inibitori che causano la delocalizzazione di PKA. Coerentemente con quanto riportato in letteratura, questi esperimenti hanno dimostrato che l'interferenza transiente con PKA può avere effetti diversi sulle cellule di glioblastoma umano, in particolare sulla loro vitalità e capacità migratoria. Come già riportato in altre linee cellulari umane, si è osservato che la ridotta espressione di PKA R2A indotta dalla trasfezione con siRNA induce la frammentazione dell'apparato di Golgi e la dispersione di R2A nel citoplasma delle cellule di glioblastoma, un effetto che deve essere ulteriormente approfondito. Per studiare più a fondo la relazione tra PKA R2A e apparato di Golgi, sono stati anche analizzati gli effetti indotti dall'interferenza con l'apparato di Golgi sulle cellule di glioblastoma e in particolare sulla localizzazione intracellulare di R2A. Il trattamento con brefeldina A, che distrugge la funzione dell'apparato di Golgi, causa un aumento della mortalità cellulare, riduce la motilità e induce la ridistribuzione della subunità R2A nel citosol delle cellule di glioblastoma. Questi risultati sono a sostegno dell'importante relazione tra PKA R2A e l'apparato di Golgi, ma ulteriori studi sono necessari per comprenderne meglio il significato funzionale. La seconda parte del progetto di ricerca riguarda lo sviluppo di un sistema basato su vettori lentivirali di terza generazione per la riduzione dell'espressione della subunità R2A di PKA mediante short hairpin RNA (shRNA). Sono quindi stati generati dei vettori lentivirali per l'espressione di shRNA aventi come bersaglio diversi esoni del gene di R2A, per la co-espressione degli stessi shRNA e del gene reporter EGFP e per l'espressione di uno shRNA scrambled per la valutazione di eventuali effetti off-target. Tutti i vettori sono stati validati sia in cellule non staminali che in cellule staminali di glioblastoma umano, dimostrandosi in grado di indurre un silenziamento efficiente e stabile dell'espressione di R2A in entrambi i tipi di colture cellulari. Esperimenti preliminari hanno inoltre valutato gli effetti del silenziamento della subunità R2A sulla proliferazione e sulla morte cellulare. Per quanto riguarda le cellule non staminali di glioblastoma umano, i dati ottenuti sono controversi a causa di una possibile citotossicità della sequenza scrambled, che non era stata rilevata dalla precedente validazione bioinformatica e che è tuttora in fase di studio. Al contrario, nelle cellule staminali di glioblastoma la stessa sequenza scrambled non risulta essere tossica in quanto non induce una riduzione della vitalità cellulare rispetto alle cellule non trasdotte. Ancora più interessante è l'osservazione che le cellule staminali di glioblastoma con una ridotta espressione di R2A dovuta alla trasduzione con il vettore recante la sequenza shRNA contro il gene di R2A, presentano una distribuzione di cellule vive/morte significativamente diversa, nello specifico un aumento della morte cellulare, rispetto alle cellule trasdotte con il vettore scrambled. Questi risultati suggeriscono quindi una potenziale relazione tra il silenziamento della subunità R2A e la sopravvivenza delle cellule staminali di glioblastoma, un aspetto che merita di essere ulteriormente approfondito. In conclusione, questo progetto di dottorato ha indagato le molteplici funzioni di PKA nel glioblastoma umano, attraverso approcci tra loro complementari e diversi modelli in vitro. È stato dimostrato che l'interferenza transiente con la via di PKA può avere effetti anti-tumorali sulle cellule di glioblastoma. Dati preliminari indicano anche una possibile relazione tra la riduzione dell'espressione della subunità R2A e la crescita delle cellule staminali di glioblastoma. Inoltre, è stato messo a punto un sistema lentivirale per il silenziamento efficiente e stabile di PKA R2A. Questo strumento è stato validato con successo nelle cellule di glioblastoma umano e può essere considerato uno strumento promettente per futuri studi della proteina chinasi A in diversi modelli cellulari

    Protein kinase A in human glioblastoma non-stem and stem like cells: from transient interference to stable lentiviral-mediated downregulation of the regulatory subunit R2A

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    Gliomas are the most frequent brain tumors worldwide. Glioblastoma is classified by the World Health Organization as a high-grade glioma with predominantly astrocytic differentiation and is characterized by large intratumoral heterogeneity, microvascular proliferation and high infiltrative capacity. This brain tumor represents the most common form of glioma and is currently associated with a median survival of only 14 months from diagnosis. The standard therapy for glioblastoma patients include surgical resection of the tumor mass, radiotherapy and chemotherapy with the alkylating agent temozolomide. Despite this aggressive treatment, glioblastoma is still considered an incurable cancer and less than 5% of patients survive after five years. Tumor relapse is frequently observed and is probably related to the presence of a subpopulation of cancer stem cells, which represent one of the major obstacle to glioblastoma therapy. Indeed, cancer stem cells are known to be resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy thanks to their recently described plasticity, a strong DNA repair capacity, overexpression of DNA checkpoints and drug efflux proteins. Based on these characteristics, cell cultures of cancer stem cells as gliomaspheres are a recognized in vitro model for the study of glioblastoma and for identification of new therapeutic targets. Recent advancement in glioma etiopathogenesis allowed introduction of molecular markers in addition to histological criteria for glioma classification, pointing to a future personalized molecular therapy. In the last decades, many innovative therapeutic strategies and potential targets among molecules of signaling pathways specifically altered in glioblastoma have been investigated. Most of these therapeutic options are currently under preclinical and clinical evaluation showing promising results, but the high complexity and heterogeneity of glioma tumors underlie the continuous need for novel therapeutic targets. In this direction, protein kinase A (PKA) has recently emerged due to its involvement in many distinctive features of cancer cells and to its peculiarities in glioblastoma cells compared to brain parenchyma. PKA is a multifunctional enzyme, whose activation depends on binding of cAMP molecules. In its inactive form PKA is a tetramer consisting of two catalytic subunits and a regulatory subunit dimer. Up to now three catalytic isoforms and four regulatory isoforms have been identified and all of them present a specific expression pattern among different cell types and tissues. The cAMP/PKA pathway regulates a wide range of cellular processes, such as metabolism, gene transcription, cell cycle progression, cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptosis. The isoform-specific, spatio-temporal regulated PKA distribution allows a fine control of PKA signaling and is of primary importance for maintenance of physiological state. Indeed, several alterations of protein kinase A, including unbalanced expression of its subunits, dysregulation of the kinase activity and PKA delocalization, have been associated with many human diseases, including cancer. In particular, in human glioblastoma PKA is ten-times more abundant than normal brain. What is more, in rodent and human glioblastoma cells the regulatory subunit R2A presents a peculiar intracellular localization. In these cells perinuclear clusters of R2A co-localized with the Golgi apparatus have been described, whereas they have not been reported in the brain parenchyma, where R1A and R2B aggregates are instead detected. The functional significance of Golgi-associated PKA is still unknown, but this observation points to a potential role of R2A subunit as a tumor marker or a novel therapeutic target. Based on these considerations, the present PhD project aimed at providing additional insights into the role of protein kinase A, particularly R2A subunit, in human glioblastoma. For this purpose, the study of PKA R2A intracellular localization was extended to human glioblastoma stem like cells, as up to now no data are reported as regard to R2A localization in cancer stem cells. Immunofluorescence experiments were performed on human gliomaspheres, confirming in glioblastoma stem like cells the same peculiar R2A intracellular distribution that had been previously described in non-stem glioblastoma cell lines and primary cell cultures. This observation further supports the peculiarity of R2A subunit in human glioblastoma compared to brain parenchyma, as well as the need to further characterize the specific functional role of this peculiarity. In order to develop new molecular tools for study of PKA, a set of recombinant plasmids for expression of PKA subunits fused to EGFP fluorescent protein were generated and preliminarily validated in human glioblastoma cells. Despite a low transfection efficiency, these plasmids proved to be useful tools for functional studies of PKA in different cellular models. Moreover, in the first part of the research project, effects of transient interference with PKA pathway were analyzed in human glioblastoma cells through multiple approaches. Alterations of PKA activity, expression and intracellular distribution were induced by drug treatments, small interfering RNA (siRNA) transfection, overexpression of wild type and mutant PKA isoforms and expression of peptide inhibitors for PKA dislocation. Consistently with other scientific studies, these experiments demonstrated that transient interference with PKA differentially affects human glioblastoma cells, particularly cell viability and cell motility. In addition, as previously reported in other human cell lines, siRNA-mediated downregulation of PKA R2A expression proved to induce Golgi fragmentation and dispersion of R2A in the cell cytoplasm of glioblastoma cells, an effect that deserves further investigation. As a complementary approach, to investigate the relationship between PKA R2A and Golgi apparatus, effects of disrupted Golgi function on human glioblastoma cells and R2A intracellular localization were also analyzed. Increased cell death, reduced cell motility and redistribution of R2A subunit in the cell cytosol were observed in glioblastoma cells following treatment with the Golgi disruptor brefeldin A. These results support the relevant relationship between R2A subunit and Golgi complex in glioblastoma cells, but future studies are needed to better understand its functional meaning. The second part of the PhD project was focused on the development of a third-generation lentiviral system for downregulation of PKA R2A expression through short hairpin RNA (shRNA) delivery. Lentiviral vectors for expression of shRNA targeting different exons of R2A gene, their co-expression with EGFP reporter protein, as well as expression of a scrambled shRNA were thus generated and validated in non-stem and stem like glioblastoma cells. In both cell cultures PKA R2A gene silencing lentiviral vectors proved able to induce an efficient and stable downregulation of R2A expression. Preliminary experiments also evaluated the effects of PKA R2A knockdown on glioblastoma cell proliferation and cell death. As regard to non-stem glioblastoma cells, data from cell growth assays are still controversial due to a possible cytotoxicity of the scrambled shRNA sequence, not detected by previous bioinformatic validation of the shRNA and that is currently under investigation. Conversely, in glioblastoma stem like cells the scrambled vector did not affect cell viability compared to untransduced cells. Moreover, a significantly different distribution between viable and dead cells, particularly an increase in dead cells, was reported for glioblastoma stem like cells with downregulated PKA R2A expression compared to scrambled transduced cells. These results thus point to a potential relationship between PKA R2A silencing and cell survival of glioblastoma stem like cells, an interesting aspect that should be further investigated. In conclusion, the present PhD project investigated the multiple functions of PKA in human glioblastoma by means of many complementary approaches and different in vitro models. PKA transient interference exhibited some anti-tumor effects and preliminary data indicated a potential relationship between PKA R2A downregulation and glioblastoma stem like cell growth. What is more, a lentiviral system for efficient R2A silencing was developed and successfully validated, proving to be a promising tool for future study of PKA in several cellular models

    Alternative Methods to Current In Vivo Procedures to Address the 3Rs Tenet in Rabies Proficiency Testing

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    Canine rabies is responsible for an estimated 59,000 human deaths every year. In an attempt to reach the ZeroBy30 goal, robust disease surveillance coupled with improved diagnostics play a paramount role in ensuring reliable data and gradually attesting rabies control advancements. In this context, proficiency testing is organized to harmonize rabies diagnostic capacities. In most exercises, rabies-positive samples consist of brains collected from intracerebrally inoculated mice. This procedure causes distress and severe suffering to animals, raising important ethical concerns that can no longer be ignored. In the last decades, the 3Rs tenet (Replace, Reduce, Refine) has been successfully implemented in several scientific areas, and we strongly support its application in the framework of rabies proficiency testing. Here, we discuss cell-based technologies as innovative sustainable in vitro candidate systems to replace in vivo experiments for the production of proficiency testing samples. The application of these alternative methods can allow completely in vitro or ex vivo production of rabies proficiency testing panels, which would represent an important replacement or reduction/refinement for current in vivo procedures

    Molecular targets in glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma is the most lethal brain tumor. The poor prognosis results from lack of defined tumor margins, critical location of the tumor mass and presence of chemo- and radio-resistant tumor stem cells. The current treatment for glioblastoma consists of neurosurgery, followed by radiotherapy and temozolomide chemotherapy. A better understanding of the role of molecular and genetic heterogeneity in glioblastoma pathogenesis allowed the design of novel targeted therapies. New targets include different key-role signaling molecules and specifically altered pathways. The new approaches include interference through small molecules or monoclonal antibodies and RNA-based strategies mediated by siRNA, antisense oligonucleotides and ribozymes. Most of these treatments are still being tested yet they stay as solid promises for a clinically relevant success

    Sisymbrium officinale, the Plant of Singers: A Review of Its Properties and Uses

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    Sisymbrium officinale (hedge mustard and formerly called Erysimum officinale) is a common plant in wild lands of Europe and Africa. It is also cultivated for its seeds and leaves to be used in salad or mustard. Sisymbrium officinale is useful not only in culinary preparations, but it also seems to possess interesting therapeutic properties, especially for throat diseases such as aphonia and hoarseness. For this reason, it is commonly called “herb of singers” (in Italian, “Erba dei cantanti”). Indeed a cup of Sisymbrium officinale infusion is frequently consumed by singers before artistic performance, even if its beneficial ability still needs to be scientifically demonstrated. Some preliminary data can be analyzed, but new efforts and resources should be devoted to study and investigate a plant with valuable therapeutic potential. This review summarizes the data available for Sisymbrium officinale

    A lentiviral-based system for targeting the regulatory subunit R2A of protein kinase A in human glioblastoma.

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most frequent and lethal primary brain tumor, associated with a median survival of only 12-15 months after first diagnosis. The identification of new molecular targets and new therapeutic approaches are required for the development of effective treatments. Based on our previous results, a new therapeutic target for GBM treatment is potentially represented by the regulatory subunit R2A of protein kinase A (PKA). In rodent and human GBM cells this subunit presents a specific localization on Golgi apparatus, that is not detectable in the healthy brain parenchyma. Moreover, PKA R2A is significantly overexpressed in human GBM compared to non-tumor brain tissue. We previously demonstrated that siRNA-mediated R2A downregulation induces a reduction in cell viability and motility, and also fragmentation of Golgi apparatus in human GBM cells. In the present study the 3rd generation lentiviral vector cPPT.hCMV.EGFP was tested for transduction of U87 human GBM cell line and primary GBM cell cultures. Recombinant lentiviral vectors were also generated for expression of short hairpin RNA (shRNAs) targeting PKA R2A. This lentiviral system represents an efficient strategy for shRNA delivery and downregulation of PKA R2A expression. U87 human GBM cell line and primary GBM cell cultures were grown respectively as adherent cells in serum-supplemented medium and as spheres in serum-free medium. 293T cells were used for production and titration of lentiviral vectors. EGFP expression was monitored at epifluorescence microscope and western blot analysis was performed to evaluate R2A expression. The lentiviral cPPT.hCMV.EGFP vector is able to efficiently transduce U87 cells and primary GBM spheres. Transduced U87 cells maintain the expression of the EGFP reporter gene for more than two weeks and no apparent influence on cell growth was observed. Expression of EGFP is detected from most, but not all, cells forming the transduced primary GBM spheres. Moreover, transduced primary GBM cells are able to form spheres and maintain the expression of the reporter gene after dissociation. Recombinant lentiviral cPPT.hCMV.EGFP-based vectors were generated for expression of shRNA.TEMP1 or shRNA.TEMP2, targeting different exons of PKA R2A gene, and for their co-expression with EGFP protein. Western blot analysis demonstrated an efficient reduction of R2A expression induced by all generated recombinant vectors, both after cell transfection and cell transduction. The 3rd generation lentiviral cPPT.hCMV.EGFP vector proved to efficiently transduce human GBM cells and human primary GBM spheres. Moreover, this lentiviral system allows efficient delivery of shRNA for downregulation of PKA R2A expression, thus representing a new strategy for targeting protein kinase A in human GBM cells