24 research outputs found

    Byzantium, Rus and Cumans in the early 13th century

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    This paper examines the foreign policy of the Galician-Volhynian prince Roman Mstislavich. Roman became the main military ally of the Byzantine Empire in the early 13th century. Byzantium was going through a severe political crisis caused by the Serbian and the Bulgarian uprisings and by the crushing raids of the Cumans. According to Niketas Choniates, the nomads’ aggression could have been stopped only thanks to the aid of the Galician prince Roman. The circumstances and the time of Roman’s campaign in Choniates’ account are the same as in the Russian chronicles reporting the steppe campaigns of the Galician-Volhynian prince

    Schlözer and Karamzin. Struggle for Priority in Studying Russian Chronicles

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    In the 18th and 19th centuries, new knowledge about the history of ancient Rus’ was acquired by the introduction of new written sources, primarily narrative sources, into academic circulation. The ancient Russian chronicles were most significant in this respect. Each historian sought precedence for his own discovery and study of a previously unknown ancient record. This explains misconceptions about the role of some scholars as pioneers in studying Russian chronicles. In some cases, these misconceptions persist to our time.                                    The article studies the history of the discovery by Nikolaj M. Karamzin of the Hypatian (Academic) and the Chlebnikov Copies of the Hypatian Chronicle. It is established that Karamzin found the information about the Hypatian Copy in a little-known Latin description of the manuscript published in Göttingen in 1768. This description leads us to the conclusion that the first to discover the chronicle was not Karamzin (as it is still customarily thought) but August L. Schlözer and his students. Karamzin was the third to find the Hypatian Codex but the first to understand its true significance.In the 18th and 19th centuries, new knowledge about the history of ancient Rus’ was acquired by the introduction of new written sources, primarily narrative sources, into academic circulation. The ancient Russian chronicles were most significant in this respect. Each historian sought precedence for his own discovery and study of a previously unknown ancient record. This explains misconceptions about the role of some scholars as pioneers in studying Russian chronicles. In some cases, these misconceptions persist to our time.The article studies the history of the discovery by Nikolaj M. Karamzin of the Hypatian (Academic) and the Chlebnikov Copies of the Hypatian Chronicle. It is established that Karamzin found the information about the Hypatian Copy in a little-known Latin description of the manuscript published in Göttingen in 1768. This description leads us to the conclusion that the first to discover the chronicle was not Karamzin (as it is still customarily thought) but August L. Schlözer and his students. Karamzin was the third to find the Hypatian Codex but the first to understand its true significance

    Information Technology and Pragmatic Analysis

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    Similarity method has been in science for several centuries. The basis of the study is closely connected with mathematical linguistics. This approach has allowed obtaining new results in the analytical geometry, which, in turn, is used in different applications in information technology. The results are described briefly. Binary relations in linguistics and geometry are compared with the position of system analysis. The modified hypothesis of space as a binary structure is put forward on the basis of singular linear transformations. The hypothesis of the human sensory system is given shortly. Architecture computing appliance for solving this class of problems is proposed. The modified method is also applied in pattern recognition. The presence of symmetry in natural languages is shown briefly

    Psychological stress among Swedish female figure skaters : – a quantitative survey study

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    Introduktion: Psykologisk stress är ett sympatiskt påslag som imiterar en flyktreaktion i kroppens nervsystem genom utsöndring av adrenalin, kortisol och noradrenalin i blodet– detta bidrar i sin tur med förhöjt blodtryck och muskelspänningar i kroppen som kan ligga till grund bakom ett flertal sjukdomar. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om det fanns signifikanta skillnader i stressnivåer mellan svenska kvinnliga konståkare och svenska kvinnor som inte utövade någon idrott, samt att undersöka om åldern 18–21 år, respektive 22–26 år kunde ge ett annorlunda resultat i den upplevda stressen mellan grupperna. Metod: Genom användning av verktyget "PSS-14" genomfördes en online enkätundersökning inom Sverige där den uppskattade stressen under den senaste månaden mättes hos kvinnor. Studien bestod av 100 svenska kvinnliga deltagare, 18–26 år. 51 deltagare var svenska kvinnliga konståkare och 49 deltagare var kvinnor som inte var medlemmar i en idrottsförening. Resultat: Medelvärdet i PSS–14 för totala andelen kvinnliga konståkarna var 27,92 poäng ± 8,57, och 27.04 poäng ± 7,68 för kvinnor som inte var medlemmar i en svensk idrottsförening. Inga signifikanta skillnader upptäcktes mellan gruppen konståkare och icke konståkare, åldrarna för undergrupperna visade sig även sakna en statistisk signifikans efter ett parametriskt t-test. Konklusion: Samtliga grupper indikerade ett medelvärde som var högre än tidigare studier efter ha besvarat enkäten PSS–14. Det upptäcktes dock inga signifikanta skillnader i stressnivåer mellan någon av grupperna. Däremot visades det att icke idrottande kvinnor 22–26 år indikerade en lägre upplevd stressnivå än de övriga grupperna, dock inte signifikant

    Angelos in Halych: Did Alexios III Visit Roman Mstislavich?

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    The movements of the emperor during the Fourth Crusade, traceable through Byzantine and western sources, probably included a mission to seek aid from the Galician ruler

    Byzantine Imperial Purple in Ancient Rus´

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