2 research outputs found

    Monsignor Luigi Biraghi e i falsi di Cernusco

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    We present here some reflections on an inscription from Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milan) discovered by Monsignor Luigi Biraghi in 1849 and published by Mommsen among the falsae in CIL V 664*. This paper stems from the discovery of some private and unpublished letters by Biraghi that we consulted at the Archive of the Quadronno Institute of the Sisters of St. Marcellina in Milan. This correspondence informs us of Biraghi\u2019s personal and professional relationships with other mid-19th century classical scholars. The analysis of these documents will shed some light on the harsh judgment that Mommsen (along with others) expressed on Biraghi regarding some inscriptions that he had discovered in the Ager Mediolanensis

    Mating behaviour, morphology and taxonomy of Pseudoyersinia betancuriae (Mantodea: Amelidae)

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    Summary: The morphology of the Betancurian Dwarf Mantis Pseudoyersinia betancuriae Wiemers, 1993 is here presented with a redescription of both male and female, to better understand the taxonomy of this species within the tribe Amelini. The mating behaviour has been studied pairing different males and females in laboratory conditions, recording the occurrence of cannibalism and the presence of a courtship display, here observed and described for the first time. The biology of this species with a peculiar and not well-known natural history is described for both its morphology, genetics and ecology