556 research outputs found

    Black hole accretion and host galaxies of obscured quasars in XMM-COSMOS

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    Aims. We explore the connection between black hole growth at the center of obscured quasars selected from the XMM-COSMOS survey and the physical properties of their host galaxies. We study a bolometric regime ( ⟹ L_(bol) ⟩ = 8 × 10^(45) erg s^(-1)) where several theoretical models invoke major galaxy mergers as the main fueling channel for black hole accretion. Methods. To derive robust estimates of the host galaxy properties, we use an SED fitting technique to distinguish the AGN and host galaxy emission. We evaluate the effect on galaxy properties estimates of being unable to remove the nuclear emission from the SED. The superb multi-wavelength coverage of the COSMOS field allows us to obtain reliable estimates of the total stellar masses and star formation rates (SFRs) of the hosts. We supplement this information with a morphological analysis of the ACS/HST images, optical spectroscopy, and an X-ray spectral analysis. Results. We confirm that obscured quasars mainly reside in massive galaxies (M_⋆ > 10^(10)M_⊙) and that the fraction of galaxies hosting such powerful quasars monotonically increases with the stellar mass. We stress the limitation of the use of rest-frame color − magnitude diagrams as a diagnostic tool for studying galaxy evolution and inferring the influence that AGN activity can have on such a process. We instead use the correlation between SFR and stellar mass found for star-forming galaxies to discuss the physical properties of the hosts. We find that at z ~ 1, ≈62% of Type-2 QSOs hosts are actively forming stars and that their rates are comparable to those measured for normal star-forming galaxies. The fraction of star-forming hosts increases with redshift: ≈ 71% at z ~ 2, and 100% at z ~ 3. We also find that the evolution from z ~ 1 to z ~ 3 of the specific SFR of the Type-2 QSO hosts is in excellent agreement with that measured for star-forming galaxies. From the morphological analysis, we conclude that most of the objects are bulge-dominated galaxies, and that only a few of them exhibit signs of recent mergers or disks. Finally, bulge-dominated galaxies tend to host Type-2 QSOs with low Eddington ratios (λ 0.1)

    Two-Face(s): ionized and neutral gas winds in the local Universe

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    We present a comprehensive study of the Na I λ\lambda5890, 5895 (Na I D) resonant lines in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, DR7) spectroscopic sample to look for neutral gas outflows in the local galaxies. Individual galaxy spectra are stacked in bins of M⋆{\star} and SFR to investigate the dependence of galactic wind occurrence and velocity as a function of the galaxy position in the SFR-M⋆M{\star} plane. In massive galaxies at the high SFR tail we find evidence of a significant blue-shifted Na I D absorption, which we interpret as evidence of neutral outflowing gas. The occurrence of the blue-shifted absorption is observed at the same significance for purely SF galaxies, AGN and composite systems at fixed SFR. In all classes of objects the blue-shift is the largest and the Na I D equivalent width the smallest for face-on galaxies while the absorption feature is at the systemic velocity for edge-on systems. This indicates that the neutral outflow is mostly perpendicular or biconical with respect to the galactic disk. We also compare the kinematics of the neutral gas with the ionized gas phase as traced by the [OIII]λ\lambda5007, Hα\alpha, [NII]λ6548\lambda6548 and [NII]λ6584\lambda6584 emission lines. Differently for the neutral gas phase, all the emission lines show evidence of perturbed kinematics only in galaxies with a significant level of nuclear activity and, they are independent from the disk inclination. In conclusion, we find that, in the local Universe, galactic winds show two faces which are related to two different ejection mechanisms, namely the neutral outflowing gas phase related to the SF activity along the galaxy disk and the ionized phase related to the AGN feedback. In both the neutral and ionized gas phases, the observed wind velocities suggest that the outflowing gas remains bound to the galaxy with no definitive effect on the gas reservoir.Comment: Accepted to A&A, 13 pages, 9 figure

    Radio faint AGN: a tale of two populations

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    We study the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (E-CDFS) Very Large Array sample, which reaches a flux density limit at 1.4 GHz of 32.5 microJy at the field centre and redshift ~ 4, and covers ~ 0.3 deg^2. Number counts are presented for the whole sample while the evolutionary properties and luminosity functions are derived for active galactic nuclei (AGN). The faint radio sky contains two totally distinct AGN populations, characterised by very different evolutions, luminosity functions, and Eddington ratios: radio-quiet (RQ)/radiative-mode, and radio-loud/jet-mode AGN. The radio power of RQ AGN evolves ~ (1+z)^2.5, similarly to star-forming galaxies, while the number density of radio-loud ones has a peak at ~ 0.5 and then declines at higher redshifts. The number density of radio-selected RQ AGN is consistent with that of X-ray selected AGN, which shows that we are sampling the same population. The unbiased fraction of radiative-mode RL AGN, derived from our own and previously published data, is a strong function of radio power, decreasing from ~ 0.5 at P_1.4GHz ~ 10^24 W/Hz to ~ 0.04$ at P_1.4GHz ~ 10^22 W/Hz. Thanks to our enlarged sample, which now includes ~ 700 radio sources, we also confirm and strengthen our previous results on the source population of the faint radio sky: star-forming galaxies start to dominate the radio sky only below ~ 0.1 mJy, which is also where radio-quiet AGN overtake radio-loud ones.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evolution in the iron abundance of the ICM

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    We present a Chandra analysis of the X-ray spectra of 56 clusters of galaxies at z>0.3z>0.3, which cover a temperature range of 3>kT>153> kT > 15 keV. Our analysis is aimed at measuring the iron abundance in the ICM out to the highest redshift probed to date. We find that the emission-weighted iron abundance measured within (0.15−0.3)Rvir(0.15-0.3) R_{vir} in clusters below 5 keV is, on average, a factor of ∌2\sim2 higher than in hotter clusters, following Z(T)≃0.88T−0.47Z⊙Z(T)\simeq 0.88 T^{-0.47} Z_\odot, which confirms the trend seen in local samples. We made use of combined spectral analysis performed over five redshift bins at 0.3>z>1.30.3> z > 1.3 to estimate the average emission weighted iron abundance. We find a constant average iron abundance ZFe≃0.25Z⊙Z_{Fe}\simeq 0.25 Z_\odot as a function of redshift, but only for clusters at z>0.5z>0.5. The emission-weighted iron abundance is significantly higher (ZFe≃0.4Z⊙Z_{Fe}\simeq0.4 Z_\odot) in the redshift range z≃0.3−0.5z\simeq0.3-0.5, approaching the value measured locally in the inner 0.15Rvir0.15 R_{vir} radii for a mix of cool-core and non cool-core clusters in the redshift range 0.1<z<0.30.1<z<0.3. The decrease in ZFeZ_{Fe} with zz can be parametrized by a power law of the form ∌(1+z)−1.25\sim(1+z)^{-1.25}. The observed evolution implies that the average iron content of the ICM at the present epoch is a factor of ∌2\sim2 larger than at z≃1.2z\simeq 1.2. We confirm that the ICM is already significantly enriched (ZFe≃0.25Z⊙Z_{Fe}\simeq0.25 Z_\odot) at a look-back time of 9 Gyr. Our data provide significant constraints on the time scales and physical processes that drive the chemical enrichment of the ICM.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of "The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era", Dicember 2006, Kyoto (Japan

    XMM-Newton observation of the Chandra Deep Field-South: Statistical treatment of faint source spectra

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    We present first results of the X-ray spectral analysis of the 500 ksec deep survey obtained with XMM-Newton on the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). Statistical distributions of spectral index and intrinsic absorption are derived for a sample containing 70 sources with a count limit of 100 (flux limit in the [2-10] keV band of 8.9 ×10−16\times 10^{-16} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}), of which 44 have redshift identification. We observe a separation between the type-1 and the type-2 AGN in diagnostics involving different X-ray parameters. Using the subsample with known zz, we show that this separation between the AGN populations is a consequence of different absorption column densities. The two populations have the same average spectral index, =2±0.1 = 2 \pm 0.1. We present integrated spectrum for the most distant type-2 QSO whith strong X-ray absorption and a clear soft excess; we obtained the best fit for these objects with two difference models: a scattering model and a double power law model. We also confirm a progressive hardening for the combined integrated spectra for faint objects which at first was noted by \cite{toz01a}. Our results shown a clear evolution of decrease of withdecreasingfluxinthehard2−10keVband.However,wedetectnotonlyaregularincreaseof with decreasing flux in the hard 2-10 keV band. However, we detect not only a regular increase of for different subsamples of fluxes in comparison with Chandra results, but also an internal discrepancy of the values, if we fitted in the different energy bands.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of the symposium "The Restless High-Energy Universe", 5-8 May 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherland

    Tracing the evolution in the iron content of the ICM

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    We present a Chandra analysis of the X-ray spectra of 56 clusters of galaxies at z>0.3, which cover a temperature range of 3>kT>15 keV. Our analysis is aimed at measuring the iron abundance in the ICM out to the highest redshift probed to date. We find that the emission-weighted iron abundance measured within (0.15-0.3)R_vir in clusters below 5 keV is, on average, a factor of ~2 higher than in hotter clusters, following Z(T)~0.88T^-(0.47)Z_o, which confirms the trend seen in local samples. We made use of combined spectral analysis performed over five redshift bins at 0.3>z>1.3 to estimate the average emission weighted iron abundance. We find a constant average iron abundance Z_Fe~0.25Z_o as a function of redshift, but only for clusters at z>0.5. The emission-weighted iron abundance is significantly higher (Z_Fe~0.4Z_o) in the redshift range z~0.3-0.5, approaching the value measured locally in the inner 0.15R_vir radii for a mix of cool-core and non cool-core clusters in the redshift range 0.1<z<0.3. The decrease in Z_Fe with redshift can be parametrized by a power law of the form ~(1+z)^(-1.25). The observed evolution implies that the average iron content of the ICM at the present epoch is a factor of ~2 larger than at z=1.2. We confirm that the ICM is already significantly enriched (Z_Fe~0.25Z_o) at a look-back time of 9 Gyr. Our data provide significant constraints on the time scales and physical processes that drive the chemical enrichment of the ICM.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of "Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies", August 2006, Garching (Germany

    The space density of Compton-thick AGN at z~0.8 in the zCOSMOS-Bright Survey

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    The obscured accretion phase in BH growth is a key ingredient in many models linking the AGN activity with the evolution of their host galaxy. At present, a complete census of obscured AGN is still missing. The purpose of this work is to assess the reliability of the [NeV] emission line at 3426 A to pick up obscured AGN up to z~1 by assuming that [NeV] is a reliable proxy of the intrinsic AGN luminosity and using moderately deep X-ray data to characterize the amount of obscuration. A sample of 69 narrow-line (Type 2) AGN at z=0.65-1.20 were selected from the 20k-zCOSMOS Bright galaxy sample on the basis of the presence of the [NeV] emission. The X-ray properties of these galaxies were then derived using the Chandra-COSMOS coverage of the field; the X-ray-to-[NeV] flux ratio, coupled with X-ray spectral and stacking analyses, was then used to infer whether Compton-thin or Compton-thick absorption were present in these sources. Then the [NeV] luminosity function was computed to estimate the space density of Compton-thick (CT) AGN at z~0.8. Twenty-three sources were detected by Chandra, and their properties are consistent with moderate obscuration (on average, ~a few 10^{22} cm^-2). The X-ray properties of the remaining 46 X-ray undetected Type 2 AGN were derived using X-ray stacking analysis. Current data indicate that a fraction as high as ~40% of the present sample is likely to be CT. The space density of CT AGN with logL_2-10keV>43.5 at z=0.83 is (9.1+/-2.1) 10^{-6} Mpc^{-3}, in good agreement with both XRB model expectations and the previously measured space density for objects in a similar redshift and luminosity range. We regard our selection technique for CT AGN as clean but not complete, since even a mild extinction in the NLR can suppress [NeV] emission. Therefore, our estimate of their space density should be considered as a lower limit.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, A&A, in pres

    The sub-mJy radio sky in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: source population

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    The sub-mJy radio population is a mixture of active systems, that is star forming galaxies (SFGs) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We study a sample of 883 radio sources detected at 1.4 GHz in a deep Very Large Array survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (E-CDFS) that reaches a best rms sensitivity of 6 microJy. We have used a simple scheme to disentangle SFGs, radio-quiet (RQ), and radio-loud (RL) AGNs based on the combination of radio data with Chandra X-ray data and mid-infrared observations from Spitzer. We find that at flux densities between about 30 and 100 microJy the radio population is dominated by SFGs (~60%) and that RQ AGNs become increasingly important over RL ones below 100 microJy. We also compare the host galaxy properties of the three classes in terms of morphology, optical colours and stellar masses. Our results show that both SFG and RQ AGN host galaxies have blue colours and late type morphology while RL AGNs tend to be hosted in massive red galaxies with early type morphology. This supports the hypothesis that radio emission in SFGs and RQ AGNs mainly comes from the same physical process: star formation in the host galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA
