23 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Psychological Techniques in Increasing Deviant Sexual Fantasy Self-Disclosures

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    The assessment of deviant sexual fantasy and interests is an important component in sex offender risk assessment and subsequent treatment planning. However, clinicians and researchers have long acknowledged that sex offenders often distort or underreport details related to their sex offenses, particularly details relating to offense-related deviant sexual fantasy and interests. Some of the common methods used to minimize underreporting of deviant sexual fantasy and interests include the use of phallometry (or plethysmography) and polygraphy; however, not all assessment/treatment facilities or private practitioners providing services to sex offenders have access to such resources. Thus, the development of more efficient, cost-effective and less invasive methods for the assessment of deviant sexual fantasy and interests would be valuable. As a first step in a program of research attempting to address this issue, the current research project sought to determine if techniques derived from clinical, social, and marketing psychology--Foot-in-the-Door (FITD), Door-in-the-Face (DITF), Normalization (Norm), and Bogus Pipeline (BPL)--could be adapted for use with a self-report questionnaire to increase disclosure rates of deviant sexual fantasy among non-offenders. It was hypothesized that participants exposed to these adapted techniques would endorse greater rates of deviant sexual fantasy than participants in the control condition. Six hundred seventy eight undergraduate participants were recruited and randomly assigned to one of five conditions (control, FITD, DITF, Norm, or BPL). Each participant completed a battery of questionnaires online, including sexual fantasy and detailed demographic questionnaires. A between-groups design was utilized to assess the effectiveness of these techniques. Overall, no significant differences between groups were found and results indicated equivalent disclosure rates across all experimental conditions. Potential reasons for the obtained results are offered and future directions for this line of research are proposed

    Traumatic atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation in an adolescent: a case report

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    Atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation is rarely caused by trauma in adults. Usually, the treatment of choice is traction using Halo/Gardner-Wells fixation devices for up to six weeks. CASE PRESENTATION: We present the case of a 19-year-old Caucasian woman with traumatic atlantoaxial subluxation. Early reduction three hours after trauma and immobilization using only a soft collar were performed and yielded very good clinical results. CONCLUSION: In the adult population, atlantoaxial subluxation is a rare condition but is severe if untreated. Early treatment implies a non-surgical approach and a good outcome. Conservative treatment is the recommended first step for this condition

    Contribution of copy number variants to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects

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    Copy number variants (CNVs) have been strongly implicated in the genetic etiology of schizophrenia (SCZ). However, genome-wide investigation of the contribution of CNV to risk has been hampered by limited sample sizes. We sought to address this obstacle by applying a centralized analysis pipeline to a SCZ cohort of 21,094 cases and 20,227 controls. A global enrichment of CNV burden was observed in cases (OR=1.11, P=5.7×10−15), which persisted after excluding loci implicated in previous studies (OR=1.07, P=1.7 ×10−6). CNV burden was enriched for genes associated with synaptic function (OR = 1.68, P = 2.8 ×10−11) and neurobehavioral phenotypes in mouse (OR = 1.18, P= 7.3 ×10−5). Genome-wide significant evidence was obtained for eight loci, including 1q21.1, 2p16.3 (NRXN1), 3q29, 7q11.2, 15q13.3, distal 16p11.2, proximal 16p11.2 and 22q11.2. Suggestive support was found for eight additional candidate susceptibility and protective loci, which consisted predominantly of CNVs mediated by non-allelic homologous recombination

    Schizophrenia-associated somatic copy-number variants from 12,834 cases reveal recurrent NRXN1 and ABCB11 disruptions

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    While germline copy-number variants (CNVs) contribute to schizophrenia (SCZ) risk, the contribution of somatic CNVs (sCNVs)—present in some but not all cells—remains unknown. We identified sCNVs using blood-derived genotype arrays from 12,834 SCZ cases and 11,648 controls, filtering sCNVs at loci recurrently mutated in clonal blood disorders. Likely early-developmental sCNVs were more common in cases (0.91%) than controls (0.51%, p = 2.68e−4), with recurrent somatic deletions of exons 1–5 of the NRXN1 gene in five SCZ cases. Hi-C maps revealed ectopic, allele-specific loops forming between a potential cryptic promoter and non-coding cis-regulatory elements upon 5′ deletions in NRXN1. We also observed recurrent intragenic deletions of ABCB11, encoding a transporter implicated in anti-psychotic response, in five treatment-resistant SCZ cases and showed that ABCB11 is specifically enriched in neurons forming mesocortical and mesolimbic dopaminergic projections. Our results indicate potential roles of sCNVs in SCZ risk

    Patients presenting to the emergency department with non-specific complaints : the Basel Non-specific Complaints (BANC) study

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    Patient management in emergency departments (EDs) is often based on management protocols developed for specific complaints like dyspnea, chest pain, or syncope. To the best of our knowledge, to date no protocols exist for patients with nonspecific complaints (NSCs) such as "weakness,""dizziness," or "feeling unwell." The objectives of this study were to provide a framework for research and a description of patients with NSCs presenting to EDs

    Drug-related emergency department visits by elderly patients presenting with non-specific complaints

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    BACKGROUND Since drug-related emergency department (ED) visits are common among older adults, the objectives of our study were to identify the frequency of drug-related problems (DRPs) among patients presenting to the ED with non-specific complaints (NSC), such as generalized weakness and to evaluate responsible drug classes. METHODS Delayed type cross-sectional diagnostic study with a prospective 30 day follow-up in the ED of the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. From May 2007 until April 2009, all non-trauma patients presenting to the ED with an Emergency Severity Index (ESI) of 2 or 3 were screened and included, if they presented with non-specific complaints. After having obtained complete 30-day follow-up, two outcome assessors reviewed all available information, judged whether the initial presentation was a DRP and compared their judgment with the initial ED diagnosis. Acute morbidity ("serious condition") was allocated to individual cases according to predefined criteria. RESULTS The study population consisted of 633 patients with NSC. Median age was 81 years (IQR 72/87), and the mean Charlson comorbidity index was 2.5 (IQR 1/4). DRPs were identified in 77 of the 633 cases (12.2%). At the initial assessment, only 40% of the DRPs were correctly identified. 64 of the 77 identified DRPs (83%) fulfilled the criteria "serious condition". Polypharmacy and certain drug classes (thiazides, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants) were associated with DRPs. CONCLUSION Elderly patients with non-specific complaints need to be screened systematically for drug-related problems. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00920491