1,098 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT MAILA ROSLIANA. The Relationship Between Academic Self-Concept With Achievement in Mathematics Subject at SMKN 13 West Jakarta. Scientific Paper, Jakarta : Study Program of Economic Aducation, Concentration of Office Administration Education, Economics and Administration Department, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, January, 2012. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between academic self-concept with achievement in mathematics subject at SMKN 13West Jakarta. The study was conducted over four months from August to November 2011. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach. The study population was all students of SMK Negeri 13 Jakarta West as much as 756 students, and affordable population of this study is a class XII student of Administrative, Art and Tourisme which amounts to 160 students. The sample used as many as 110 students by using proportional random technique. Data variable Y (achievement) is a secondary data obtained from the three times the value of daily tests on the subjects of mathematics at the first semester 2011/2012 School Year. While the data variable X instrument used was a replica of Academic Self-Concept Scale (ASCS) of researchers Liu, et.al., with internal consistency reliability of a = 0.82 and was measured using a Likert scale. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Y = 27,67 + 0,819X. The results of normality test calculations conclude that the error estimates of regression of Y on X is normally distributed. Test results and test the linearity regression and significance regression showed that the relationship between academic self-concept and achievement are linear and significant. The results of calculation of the correlation coefficient indicates a positive relationship exists between academic self-concept with achievement. Based on test results significance correlation coefficient (t-test) showed a significant relationship exists between academic self-concept with achievement. While the variation coefficient of determination indicates achievement variables (Y) was set at 0.2092(20.92%) by academic self-concept variables (X). The conclusion of the research has shown that there was a positive correlations between Academic SelfConcept with Achievement in Mathematics Subject at SMKN 13 West Jakarta

    The influence of coaching on perceived job performance of newly promoted managers

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    The perceptions held by newly promoted managers or those managers who have moved between managerial roles, when it comes to their own job performance in the workplace, remain interesting. An exploratory research design method was followed with the aim of providing evidence-based literature in order to explore how coaching can influence the perceived job performance of these managers, considering the amount of effort needed from them to adjust to their roles. The study was conducted using a convenience non-probability sample of managers who are working in different sectors ranging from public utilities, the media as well as engineering and gas industries. Data were collected from the research participants who were readily available and transcripts were produced. In order to maintain accuracy, the transcripts were based on recordings of the outcomes of semi-structured, one-on-one interviews conducted using a research interview discussion guide. A triangulation process to collect data from different sources was used, focusing on managers who received coaching and managers who did not receive coaching, as well as the managers managing the aforesaid categories of managers. The data collected were transcribed and then analysed using Atlas.ti software, based on themed content analysis. The results provide a South African perspective on the perceived influence of coaching on newly promoted managers or those managers who have moved between managerial roles. The findings demonstrated that coaching can contribute positively to the role transition and work adjustment of these managers, as one of the managers who had been coached indicated, saying, “It assisted me in affirming myself in the role.” The meaning attached to the findings is that coaching can contribute towards building the necessary confidence to lead and manage others. However, the lack of a common criterion for measuring successful job performance, focusing on specific managerial competencies, remains a challenge. The research participants in this study took up coaching for different reasons and the level of impact was thinly spread across these dimensions. Therefore, more scientific research still need to be done to get empirical evidence on the impact of coaching on perceived job performance in a South African context, using a common criterion and specific managerial competencies.MT201

    Can We Make It? Coming-of-Age in a Covid Kitchen

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has shifted how we interact with our communities and how we carry out our daily lives. If stories in the news and in social media are any indication, food seems to be a surprising focus of the pandemic for young and old. Personally speaking, I delved into cooking. I experienced the tensions at the grocery. I adjusted my food shopping habits. I felt like I grew up. I began to wonder how other people my age might have modified their food preparation habits and what the experience of cooking in quarantine meant to them. In this honors project, I explore such ideas by conducting a literature review and in-depth qualitative interviews with five young adults between the ages of 20 and 27. After coding and analyzing the interview data, I have crafted a creative nonfiction essay that weaves together my personal experiences and those of other young adults. The resilience, creativity, and flexibility demonstrated by my interviewees reveals that cooking through quarantine is serving as a powerful coming-of-age experience for many. This piece of creative nonfiction reveals the ways in which young adults “grew up” through cooking in the midst of a global pandemic

    Mediatori digitali e trasformazioni delle pratiche didattiche

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    Il passaggio da mediatori tradizionali, di tipo analogico e sequenziale, tra cui in primo luogo il libro di testo, a mediatori digitali, profondi e flessibili per loro stessa natura, pu\uf2 determinare una trasformazione significativa, in termini di effi-cacia didattica, nei processi di insegnamento-apprendimento? Il presente contributo prende in esame gli elementi di cambiamento indivi-duati, seguendo in modalit\ue0 longitudinale l'azione didattica di una insegnante di scuola primaria e della sua classe, nei tre anni conclusivi del ciclo scolastico. La docente \ue8 inserita in un progetto di formazione in servizio basato sull'analisi delle pratiche didattiche e sulla riflessione sul proprio agito, attraverso l'accompagnamento di un team di ricercatrici che ne ha supportato l'emersione delle evidenze in termini di modifica sia delle proprie concezioni che delle proprie prassi di insegnamento. Il turning-point del processo \ue8 stato evidenziato al momento dell'inserimento nel dispositivo di un mediatore digitale, una videoanimazione virtuale con nume-rosi spazi interattivi di approfondimento che ha reso possibile per la docente una ristrutturazione delle proprie modalit\ue0 di trasposizione didattica, una ricostruzio-ne accurata del sapere sotteso allo strumento utilizzato in classe, una progettazio-ne della lezione maggiormente attenta allo spazio d'azione lasciato agli alunni. Il mediatore \ue8 di per s\ue9 trasformativo rispetto alle problematizzazioni che hanno luogo direttamente all'interno dello spazio della pratica didattica perch\ue9 impregnato di un sapere coerente rispetto alle intenzioni dell'insegnante e non dispersivo o frammentario ma riconducibile ad unit\ue0 concettuali significative. In seconda battuta, cambia l'approccio al senso del mediatore. Esso si pone come boundary object, risorsa di confine tra linguaggi e modalit\ue0 cognitive differenti. Oltre ad essere trasformativo \ue8 anche in trasformazione, dotato di caratteristiche di fluidit\ue0 che si esplicitano durante l'utilizzo in situazion
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