147 research outputs found

    Nature of human capital, technology and ownership of public goods

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    Besley and Ghatak (2001) show that public good should be owned by the agent who values the public good most — irrespective of technological factors. In this paper we relax their assumptions in a natural way by allowing the agents to be indispensable and show that relative valuations are not the sole determinant of optimal ownership structure but also nature of human capital and technology matter.property rights, public goods, indispensability, technology

    Miten masennus vaikuttaa ihmisen elämään ja seksuaalisuuteen? : masennusta sairastavien potilaiden kokemuksia - "Ei voi muuta kuin sanoa, että masennus on vaikuttanut elämääni todella paljon."

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata masennusta sairastavan potilaan kokemuksia elämästään ja seksuaalisuudestaan. Tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa masennuksen vaikutuksesta masennusta sairastavan potilaan elämään ja seksuaalisuuteen, jotta sairaanhoitajat ja hoitava henkilökunta voisi paremmin kiinnittää huomiota masentuneen potilaan seksuaalisuuteen hoitaessaan ja auttaessaan häntä kokonaisvaltaisesti. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös masennusta sairastavan potilaan hoitotyön ja seksuaalineuvonnan kehittämisessä. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin sähköisellä verkkokyselyllä. Tutkimuskohteena oli Tukinet.net palvelua käyttävät masentuneet henkilöt. Vastaajiksi valikoituivat kahden viikon aikana verkkopalvelua käyttäneet ihmiset (n=20) eri puolelta Suomea. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivista, aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet kuvasivat masennuksen vaikutusta elämäänsä kolmen kokonaisuuden kautta, nämä kokonaisuudet olivat itsetunto, ihmissuhteet ja itsetuhoisuus. Masennuksen vaikutusta seksuaalisuuteensa kuvattiin neljän kokonaisuuden kautta. Seksuaalisuuteen vaikuttavat kokonaisuudet olivat: kiinnostuksen tai halun puute seksiin tai toiseen ihmiseen, naiseuden ja mieheyden kokeminen, käsitys itsestä seksuaalisena olentona ja masennuslääkkeiden vaikutus seksuaalisuuteen. Seksuaalisuus ja masennus koetaan edelleen yksilötasolla henkilökohtaiseksi asiaksi, josta ei mielellään puhuta. Masennus on yksi yleisimmistä kansansairauksista, joka vaikuttaa ihmisen elämänlaatuun, heikentää hänen sosiaalisia suhteitaan ja osallisuuttaan yhteisössä. Sairaanhoitajan ottaessa seksuaalisuuden puheeksi hoitosuhteessa, hän antaa samalla masentuneelle potilaalle luvan seksuaalisuudesta puhumiseen. Seksuaaliterveyden tukeminen on osa masennuksesta toipumista ja elämänlaadun tukemista.The purpose of this thesis is to describe the experiences of the influence of depression on patient´s life and sexuality. The aim is to bring out new information about the influence of depression on patient´s life and sexuality. The results of the research can be used when developing a depressed patient´s comprehensive nursing and sexual counselling. The research method on this thesis is qualitative. The study material was gathered by publishing the instructions, in which the essays were asked for, in online community Tukinet.net. The online service is used by depressed patients from all over the country. An online enquiry was open two weeks and the informants (20) were randomly selected. The data was analyzed by using the inductive content analysis. According to the results of the research and from the informants´ experiences depression affects their lives by three factors: self-esteem, interpersonal relations and self-harm. The influences on sexuality were described by four factors: an interest or a lack of desire for sex or another person, the experience of womanhood and manhood, the understanding of oneself as a sexual creature and the influence of antidepressants on sexuality. Sexuality and depression are private affairs which are still not talked about openly. Depression is one of the most common national diseases and it affects person´s quality of life, weakens one´s social contacts and contribution in society. Sexual health is one important part of depressed patient´s healing process. Sexual counselling given at the right time by nurses, improves a patient´s quality of life and support their sexuality. Sexual guidance is supporting one`s quality of life and helping to recover from depression

    Reputation and the Allocation of Ownership

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    We show that the allocation of ownership matters even in long-term relationships where problems of opportunism are less severe unless the agents are very patient. Ownership structure is chosen to give agents the best incentives to cooperate. The optimal ownership structure of the static game restricts the gain from deviation to be the lowest but also the punishment will be minimal. The worst ownership structure of the one-shot game is good in the repeated setting because it provides the highest punishment but bad because the gain from deviation is also the highest. We show that when investment is inelastic to surplus share joint ownership is optimal. While for elastic investment the results of the one-shot game apply. Allowing for renegotiation of ownership softens the punishment under joint ownership. Joint ownership is then optimal if the agents are indispensable enough to each other

    Mixing Private and Public Service Providers and Specialization

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    We analyze the reform of public sector welfare services such as education. In this paper we compare a mix of private and a public service provider with full privatization. In both cases the suppliers specialize in serving particular customer types. In the mixed institution the government sets the public fee such that service quality does not deteriorate and the price of the private supplier is anchored at comparatively low level. Under full privatization, however, prices escalate to the highest possible level. As a consequence, consumer welfare is higher with a mixed institution – unless the proportion of low-cost customers is high. The mixed institution can also accommodate wealth constraints of customers to some extent.private and public suppliers, specialization, welfare services, mixed institutions

    Reputation and Ownership of Public Goods

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    This paper analyzes the effect of reputation on ownership of public goods in the Besley and Ghatak (2001) model. We show that in the dynamic setup the optimal ownership depends not only on the relative valuations for the public good but also on technology (elasticity of investment). We also show that joint ownership of public good can be optimal in both the static and repeated game but it emerges for a different parameter range. Our results are applied to the case of return of cultural goods to their country of origin.public goods, property rights, reputation, joint ownership, cultural goods

    Digital Technology and the Allocation of Ownership in the Music Industry

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    We apply the property rights theory of Grossman-Hart-Moore in the music industry and study the optimal allocation of copyright between the artists who create music and the labels who promote and distribute it. Digital technology opens up a role for new intermediaries. We find that entry of online platforms occurs only if they are sufficiently more productive in distribution than the incumbent label. Furthermore, entry leads to a change in bargaining positions and it can become optimal for the copyright to be shifted from the label to the artist. (Updated from working paper 04/096)property rights theory, copyright, internet, music industry

    Digital Technology and the Allocation of Ownership in the Music Industry

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    This paper analyses the innovation process of music goods from an organisational point of view and the effects of digital technology on the allocation of property rights. We apply the property rights theory framework introduced by Grossman-Hart-Moore (GHM) to the music industry and study the contractual relationship between artists who create music and labels who promote and distribute it. In the spirit of GHM, different types of ownership structures are analysed. The result confirms the current allocation of property rights as it suggests that music labels, whose role in the production process is indispensable due to their promotion and distribution knowledge, should own the copyright. However as digital technology advances further, alternative ways to promote and distribute music develop - labels become less indispensable. We find scenarios where the incumbent ownership structure ceases to be optimal. Moreover, we discuss new organisational structures of the music industry. We introduce a mentor, an alternative intermediary to the label and analyse its effect on the optimal allocation of ownership. Our main result is that label ownership becomes less likely.property rights theory, copyright, internet, music industry

    Reputation and Allocation of Ownership

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    We show that allocation of ownership matters even in a long-term relationship where problems of opportunism are less severe unless agents are very patient. Ownership structure is chosen to give the agents best incentives to cooperate. The optimal control structure of the static game restricts the gain from deviation to be the lowest but also the punishment will be minimal. The worst ownership structure of the one-shot game is good in the repeated setting because it provides the highest punishment but bad because the gain from deviation is also highest. We show that when investment costs are very elastic partnership and a hostage type solution arise in equilibrium. While when costs are moderately elastic the results of the one-shot game apply.Ownership, reputation, allocation, one-shot game, investment costs, agents, optimal control structure.
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