39 research outputs found

    Source/sink removal affects mobile carbohydrates in Pinus cembra at the Swiss treeline

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    Spatial variability of mobile carbohydrates within Pinus cembra trees at the alpine treeline

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    The size of mobile carbohydrate pools in treeline trees may hold the answer to the carbon limitation hypothesis of tree growth at high elevation. However, a major limitation for the use of such a chemical marker is its potentially large spatial and temporal variability at very small scales. Here we explore this variability in Pinus cembra L. at the alpine treeline in the Swiss Central Alps. To our surprise, neither slope exposure (south vs. north) nor position within the tree crown (compass directions and upper, middle and lower part of crown) had a significant influence on the concentration of total non- structural carbohydrates (TNC) in tissues. However, different- aged tissues (noodles and branch segments) showed a significant difference in TNC concentration, maybe due to their different tissue dry matter density and activity. There is no indication that these patterns change across the season, despite significant seasonal variation in tissue specific TNC. Hence, any broad assessment of the carbon supply status of trees at the alpine treeline needs to carefully select tissue samples for equal age, but does not require a lot of spatial replication within individual trees

    Water status and macronutrient concentrations, but not carbon status, of Viscum album ssp. album are determined by its hosts: a study across nine mistletoe–host pairs in central Switzerland

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    IntroductionEuropean mistletoe, Viscum album L., is a hemiparasite that can infect various tree species, yet our understanding of its physiological interactions with host species is limited.MethodsNine mistletoe–host pairs (i.e. V. album ssp. album growing on nine different broadleaf tree species) under different growth conditions in central Switzerland were selected to examine the carbon, water and nutrient relationships between mistletoe and its hosts. We measured leaf morphological traits, isotopic compositions (δ13C and δ15N), concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) and specific compounds (i.e. mobile sugars and starch), and macronutrients (i.e. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) in leaf and xylem tissues of both mistletoe and its hosts.Results and DiscussionThere were only non-significant relationships between NSC concentrations in mistletoe and in its host species across the nine mistletoe–host pairs, suggesting the carbon condition of V. album ssp. album is determined by both the heterotrophic carbon transfer and self-photosynthetic capacity among different mistletoe-host pairs. However, mistletoe leaf morphological traits (single leaf area and mass, and leaf mass per unit leaf area) did not change across the nine mistletoe–host pairs, and mistletoe leaf δ13C, water content and macronutrient concentrations were linearly correlated with those in the host leaves. Macronutrients showed accumulations in mistletoe across the nine pairs. Further, tissue N concentrations were significantly higher in mistletoe grown on N-fixing hosts than on non-N-fixing hosts. Finally, leaf N:P in mistletoe was significantly correlated with the ratio in the host across the nine mistletoe–host pairs. Overall, our results indicate strong relationships between mistletoe and its hosts for water- and nutrient-related traits, but not for carbon-related traits, which demonstrates that V. album ssp. album can adjust its physiology to survive on different deciduous tree species hosts and under different site conditions

    Microsite Effects on Physiological Performance of <i>Betula ermanii</i> at and Beyond an Alpine Treeline Site on Changbai Mountain in Northeast China

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    The alpine treeline demarcates the temperature-limited upper elevational boundary of the tree life form. However, this treeline does not always occur exclusively as a sharp &#8220;line&#8221;, outposts of tree groups (OTG) with a height of at least 3 m are often observed in microsites up to several hundred meters beyond the line of continuous forest on some mountains. This suggests that other factors such as microenvironment may play a significant role in compensating for the alpine tree facing growth-limiting low temperature conditions. To test the microenvironment effects, this study compared the differences in growing conditions (climate and soil properties) and ecophysiological performance of Erman&#8217;s birch (Betula ermanii Cham.) trees growing in a continuous treeline site (CTL, ~1950 m above sea level, a.s.l.) and OTGs (~2050 m a.s.l.) on Changbai Mountain in northeastern China. The results show the average 2-m air temperature for OTG was slightly lower in the non-growing season than which at the CTL (&#8722;10.2 &#176;C &lt; &#8722;8.4 &#176;C), there was no difference in growing season air temperature and soil temperature at 10 cm depth between CTL and OTG. The contents of focal soil nutrients in CTL and OTG were similar. Difference in K and Mn contents between sites were detected in leaves, difference in K, Mn, and Zn in shoots. However, comparing similarity of ecophysiological performances at an individual level, trees at CTL and OTG show no significant difference. Our study reveals that mature trees at the CTL and OTG experience generally similar environmental conditions (climate and soil properties) and exhibit similar overall ecophysiological performance (reflected in carbon reserves and nutrients). This might provide insight into how mature trees might be able to survive in areas higher than the continuous treeline, as well as the importance of microclimatic amelioration provided by protective microsites and the trees themselves

    Influence of Different Vegetation Types on Soil Physicochemical Parameters and Fungal Communities

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    This study assessed the effects of Betula dahurica (BD), Betula platyphylla (BP), Larix gmelinii (LG), Quercus mongolica (QM), and a mixed conifer&ndash;broadleaf forest composed of LG and QM (LGQM) on the soil physicochemical parameters and community structure of fungi in the Zhongyangzhan Black-billed Capercaillie Nature Reserve. Fungal community structures were characterized via ITS rRNA sequencing. The effects of soil parameters on the community structure of soil fungi were assessed by Pearson correlation analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA). LGQM exhibited lower C/N, available nitrogen (AN), total phosphorus (TP), and available phosphorus (AP) compared with the QM broadleaf forest. The fungal Shannon and Simpson diversity indices were highest in BP, whereas LG exhibited the highest ACE index. The Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Mortierellomycota, and Mucoromycota fungal phyla were dominant across all vegetation types. Each of the different vegetation types studied herein exhibited a unique fungal community structure. The RDA results indicated that fungal community structures were primarily shaped by the total N, available N, and available P of soil. Our findings thus indicated that forests restored with different species of trees may exhibit variations in soil quality and characteristics despite sharing the same climate. Furthermore, broadleaved and coniferous forests exhibited a unique fungal community diversity and composition

    Influence of Different Vegetation Types on Soil Physicochemical Parameters and Fungal Communities

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    This study assessed the effects of Betula dahurica (BD), Betula platyphylla (BP), Larix gmelinii (LG), Quercus mongolica (QM), and a mixed conifer–broadleaf forest composed of LG and QM (LGQM) on the soil physicochemical parameters and community structure of fungi in the Zhongyangzhan Black-billed Capercaillie Nature Reserve. Fungal community structures were characterized via ITS rRNA sequencing. The effects of soil parameters on the community structure of soil fungi were assessed by Pearson correlation analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA). LGQM exhibited lower C/N, available nitrogen (AN), total phosphorus (TP), and available phosphorus (AP) compared with the QM broadleaf forest. The fungal Shannon and Simpson diversity indices were highest in BP, whereas LG exhibited the highest ACE index. The Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Mortierellomycota, and Mucoromycota fungal phyla were dominant across all vegetation types. Each of the different vegetation types studied herein exhibited a unique fungal community structure. The RDA results indicated that fungal community structures were primarily shaped by the total N, available N, and available P of soil. Our findings thus indicated that forests restored with different species of trees may exhibit variations in soil quality and characteristics despite sharing the same climate. Furthermore, broadleaved and coniferous forests exhibited a unique fungal community diversity and composition

    Individual and interactive effects of air warming and elevated O3 on carbon fixation and allocation in two urban tree species

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    With continuous urbanization and climate warming, increased air temperature and elevated ozone (O3) concentration often co-occur in many urban areas, but we still lack information about the interactive effects of warming and elevated O3 on urban trees. In the present experiment, the single and combined effects of increased air temperature (IT, ambient air temperature + 2 °C) and elevated O3 (EO, ambient air O3 concentrations + 80 ppb) on carbon (C) fixation and allocation in Quercus mongolica and Pinus tabuliformis, which are widely used as street tree species in urban areas of China, were investigated over two consecutive growing seasons by using 13C isotope techniques. The results showed that IT increased biomass, photosynthetic gas exchange parameters and total 13C content of both tree species. Compared to ambient temperature, IT significantly increased the total 13C content labelled by 56.6 % in Q. mongolica and by 31.2 % in P. tabuliformis in 2021. Elevated O3 induced a decrease in biomass and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in both tree species. Compared to ambient O3, elevated O3 significantly decreased Pn by 52.6 % in Q. mongolica and by 37.4 % in P. tabuliformis in 2020. The treatment EO decreased 13C allocation to roots but increased 13C content and distribution in leaves in Q. mongolica. These findings demonstrated that EO inhibited the growth and photosynthesis of the two tree species. Our results showed that Q. mongolica was more sensitive to IT and EO than P. tabuliformis, but the former has a self-repair mechanism under increased O3 stress as it is able to invest more carbon to repair leaf damage to a certain extent. Our study also found that the total biomass, relative growth rate, Pn and total 13C content remained higher under the combination of IT and EO compared to EO alone, suggesting that moderate warming may mitigate the negative effects of elevated O3 stress to some extent

    Responses of soil respiration to nitrogen addition in the Sanjiang Plain wetland, northeastern China.

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    This study was designed to test the hypothesis that nitrogen (N) addition leads to enhanced soil respiration (SR) in nitrogen deficient marsh. Here, we report the response of SR to simulated N deposition in a temperate marsh of northeastern China from June 2009 to September 2011. The experiment included three-levels of N treatment (control: no N addition, Low-N: 4g N m-2 y-1, and High-N: 8 g N m-2 y-1). Our study showed various responses of SR to level and duration of N addition. Yearly SR was increased by 11.8%-15.2% (P0.05) and 15.4% (P<0.05) in the next two years under High-N addition. Soil respiration was positively correlated with soil temperature and negatively correlated with soil water content. High-N treatment reduced soil pH value (P<0.05). The negative response of SR to High-N addition in the following two years may attribute to lower microbial activity, microbial biomass and alteration in the microbial community due to lower soil pH, which consequently leads to decreased SR. Meanwhile, we found root biomass were increased under High-N addition. This implies that the increase of autotrophic respiration was lower than the decline of heterotrophic respiration in the following two years. Our findings suggest complex interactions between N deposition and SR, which is needed to be further investigated in the future studies

    Rates of litter decomposition and soil respiration in relation to soil temperature and water in different-aged Pinus massoniana forests in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China.

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    To better understand the soil carbon dynamics and cycling in terrestrial ecosystems in response to environmental changes, we studied soil respiration, litter decomposition, and their relations to soil temperature and soil water content for 18-months (Aug. 2010-Jan. 2012) in three different-aged Pinus massoniana forests in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Across the experimental period, the mean total soil respiration and litter respiration were 1.94 and 0.81, 2.00 and 0.60, 2.19 and 0.71 µmol CO2 m(-2) s(-1), and the litter dry mass remaining was 57.6%, 56.2% and 61.3% in the 20-, 30-, and 46-year-old forests, respectively. We found that the temporal variations of soil respiration and litter decomposition rates can be well explained by soil temperature at 5 cm depth. Both the total soil respiration and litter respiration were significantly positively correlated with the litter decomposition rates. The mean contribution of the litter respiration to the total soil respiration was 31.0%-45.9% for the three different-aged forests. The present study found that the total soil respiration was not significantly affected by forest age when P. masonniana stands exceed a certain age (e.g. >20 years old), but it increased significantly with increased soil temperature. Hence, forest management strategies need to protect the understory vegetation to limit soil warming, in order to reduce the CO2 emission under the currently rapid global warming. The contribution of litter decomposition to the total soil respiration varies across spatial and temporal scales. This indicates the need for separate consideration of soil and litter respiration when assessing the climate impacts on forest carbon cycling