21 research outputs found

    Effect of some free radicals on superoxide dismutase and carboxypeptidase - A review

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    Free radicals are species with unpaired electron in their outermost shell. Most free radicals come from oxygen or nitrogen atoms. Radical species such as superoxide radical, hydroxyl radicals and hydrated electron are called the primary radicals of water radiolysis and can be produced by irradiating water molecule. Inorganic radicals on the other hand are formed by irradiating aqueous solution of enzyme containing sodium or potassium salt of the radical to be produced. Superoxide dismutase, an important antioxidant enzyme can be inactivated by hydrogen peroxide at His-118 of the active site of the enzyme, while hydrated electron was found to be completely ineffective as inactivating specie. Hydrated electron was also found to be completely ineffective in the inactivation of carboxypeptidase, while there appears to be some relative efficiency with hydrogen atom.Keywords: hydroxyl radical (.OH); hydrogen atom (H.); hydrated electron (e-aq); superoxide dismutase SOD; Superoxide radical (O2.-

    Levels of Heavy Metals in Soil, Water and Vegetables around Industrial area in Bauchi, Northeastern Nigeria

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    This study examined the levels of heavy metals in soil, water, and vegetables (amaranthus, hibiscussabdariffa, and allium cepa leaves) around the industrial area Bauchi, Northeastern Nigeria. The composite samples of soil, water, and vegetables were collected and determine the level of heavy metals (Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, and As) using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The level of the heavy metals decreased in the order of Mn > Zn > Pb > Cd, Pb > Zn > Mn > Cd, and Mn > Zn > Mn > Cd in the soil, water, and vegetables respectively. Among the vegetables, amaranthus had the highest heavy metals level followed by allium cepa leaves and hibiscus sabdariffa. The levels of heavy metals obtained were below the tolerance level recommended by the world health organization (WHO). The bio-concentration factors of the heavy metals for the studied samples were below one except Zn in amaranthus. The daily intake of metals for Mn was found to be the highest in amaranthus for children and estimated to be 1.149 mg/person/day. Health risk index of Zn for amaranthus and allium cepa leaves for children and Pb for amaranthus, hibiscus sabdariffa and allium cepa leaves for both children and adults were above 1, except in hibiscus sabdariffa for adults, signifying provable of health risks for the consumption of the vegetables in the study area. Therefore, the consumption of these vegetables as food could pose a health hazard, and regular monitoring is recommended to prevent metal accumulation with their associated health implications in the consuming public

    Prevalence and predictors of delirium among medical inpatients admitted through accident and emergency unit of Jos University Teaching Hospital

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    Background: Delirium is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome, commonly encountered across all healthcare settings. However, little is known about its magnitude and determining factors in medical inpatients especially at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) setting of tertiary institutions in low income countries.Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of delirium among medical inpatients admitted through the A&E unit as well as to assess its predictors.Method: This was a cross-sectional study that employed a consecutive sampling technique to select 290 eligible subjects from medical inpatients that presented to A&E unit of Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH). Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) was used to assess for delirium.Results: The results showed that 35.9% of the respondents had delirium. The predictive variables for delirium were: Age groups 18-34 years and 35-64 years (P=0.014 and P = 0.003), prior cognitive impairment (P = 0.020), having estimated monthly income belowN50,000 (P<0.001 and P=0.008) , use of alcohol (P=0.026) and having rare/other medical diagnosis (P = 0.0016).Conclusion: Delirium is very common in medical inpatients and highly predictable especially in high risk patients. Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry services need to be integrated into the A&E unit management team particularly in the areas of prevention and management of identified cases.Keywords: Delirium, Medical Inpatients, Prevalence, Predictors, Accident and Emergency Uni

    Geopolitics of Land Borders Closure in West Africa

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    This article discuss how a border policy of a particular country shaped the economic, political and security of the neigbouring countries. Border in the era of globalization, it is beyond a mere geographical demarcation that separates one country from the other. It occupies a central place in the international, continental and regional economic, political and security discourse. The decision of the Federal Government of Nigeria to close its land borders in August 2019 for economic and security reasons has affected commercial activities and movement of people between the frontiers of Nigeria with Togo, Benin Republic, Cameroon, and Niger Republic. Secondary data were sourced for the analysis and discussion. Hegemonic Stability Theory is adopted as theoretical framework to explain the phenomenon. The results show that the internal affairs of Nigeria become a theme for discussion at the regional economic bloc, Economic Community of West African States. Domestically, Nigerian government has portrayed border closure as one of the best decision to safeguard home industries and farmers from the importation of cheap goods. The paper further found that the border closure has provided Nigeria with an opportunity to compelled its neighbours to set up a joint border security patrol to check the influx of undocumented migrants, illegal selling of weapons, importation contraband products and discontinue the harbouring of terrorist groups in the border communities. However, the border closure led to economic hardship for Nigerians at the border communities and those who engage in cross border trade by rendering them jobless. Therefore, the article concludes that border can be used by an economically strong country to protects its political, economic and security interests. This is evident between Nigeria with its neigbhours when Nigeria shut its land borders because it is stronger than all its entire neighbours; economically and politically as well as military strength. Also, with a population of over 280 million people, it is a huge market in which the neighbours takes advantage of, for trading, labour migration and other commercial activities

    Women Against Women Women’s Participation in Nigerian Politics

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    This paper examines women’s participation in politics and their performance in electoral contests. Nigeria embraced democracy in 1999 after 16 years of consecutive military rule. Among the features of democracy, there is universal suffrage which ensures participation of all eligible citizens in the process of electing a leader. This paper adopts a qualitative method using data collected from In-Depth Interviews and Key Informant Interviews in some selected states in Nigeria. The findings of the study reveal that there is an increase in the number of women who participated in political party rallies, campaigns and registered as a voter but the percentage of women who won elected political offices and political appointments are not commensurate with their level of participation. The study establishes that despite the number of registered female voters in the general elections, they lack identity consciousness to vote for female candidates to reduce the gap between male and female representation in government. The preference of male candidates over female candidates could be attributed to religious, cultural, economic and psychological factors. The paper concludes that the absence of identity consciousness among women has aggravated the marginalized condition of women in government. Therefore, the reasons for the low participation of women in democratic governance in Nigeria – apart from cultural, financial and religious factors – are emotional factors and a lack of identity consciousness

    Health Risk Assessment for Exposure to Some Selected Heavy Metals via Drinking Water from Dadinkowa Dam and River Gombe Abba in Gombe State, Northeast Nigeria

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    Abstract The concentrations of eight heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Co and Zn) were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy in water from Dadinkowa dam and Kwadon boreholes which are the major sources of drinking water to Gombe town in Gombe State, North-East, Nigeria. The concentrations of metals in water from Dadinkowa dam were in the order: Fe (1.86mg/l), Mn(0.68mg/l), Cu(0.92mg/l), Pb(0.19mg/l), Cd(0.50mg/l), Ni(0.59mg/l), Co(0.42mg/l) and Zn(0.83mg/l).The concentrations of the metals in water from Gombe Abba River were in the order Fe(0.21 mg/l), Mn (0.24 mg/l), Cu (0.29 mg/l), Pb (0.02 mg/l), Cd (0.10 mg/l), Ni( 0.04 mg/l), Co(0.12 mg/l) and Zn (0.41 mg/l). The human health risk assessment was performed by determining the chronic daily intake (CDI), hazard quotient (HQ) and total hazard index (THI) of the metals through human oral consumption for both adults and children. The HQ of iron, manganese, nickel and cobalt in water from Dadinkowa dam were all greater than unity and thus pose a potential health risk for both adults and children while cobalt was the only heavy metal of concern in water from Gombe Abba River as its HQ was greater than unity. The THI of water from all the sampled sites assessed were of high risk. Further monitoring of these sites is recommended as well as research by biomedical experts to reveal the exact adverse effects that heavy metal contamination of water might induce in humans, particularly among individuals in vulnerable populations such as children

    Posttraumatic stress disorder among internally displaced victims of Boko Haram terrorism in north-eastern Nigeria

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    Background: A large number of youth are often directly involved in armed-conflict, and therefore are at greater risk of developing a wide range of mental disorders including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However little is known about the prevalence of PTSD among youth who constitute a large work force.Objective: This study was carried out to assess the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder among Internally Displaced youth exposed to Boko Haram terrorism in North-Eastern Nigeria. It also assessed the socio-demographic factors associated with PTSD in this population.Method: A cross-sectional study that employed a consecutive sampling technique to select eligible subjects undergoing a Citizenship and leadership training at Citizenship and Leadership training institute Jos, Plateau State. The posttraumatic stress disorder module of Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview was used to assess for current symptoms of PTSD.Results: The results show that more than two-third of the respondents were unemployed youth with secondary level of education and had low or no stable income. More than 63% of the respondents were diagnosed with PTSD. Educational status (p=0.002), marital status (p=0.001) and income before displacement (p=0.010) were the significant factors associated with PTSD.Conclusions: The results point to the importance of screening and treatment for traumatic armed conflict victims, with particular attention to youth who had low education and low income levels as well as being never married or widowed.Keywords: PTSD, sociodemographic factors, Bokoharam terrorism, North Eastern Nigeri

    Source-Rock Potential and Paleoenvironment of the Coniacian Numanha Formation, Northeastern Nigeria: An Integrated Palynofacies and Geochemical Approach

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    A study of source-rock characterization and paleoenvironmental interpretation has been carried out on a relatively thick Coniacian sedimentary succession from the Numanha Formation in the Guyuk area of the Yola arm in the Northern Benue Trough, northeastern Nigeria. The aim is to provide organic facies data for the assessment of its hydrocarbon generating potential owing to the high prospects of its lateral equivalent Fika Shale in the Gongola arm of the Northern Benue Trough. The investigation of 98 samples from three outcrop sections [09° 50′ N, 11° 51′ E; 09° 54′ N, 11° 50′ E; 09° 54′ N, 11° 49′ E] which includes palynofacies analysis, spore/pollen coloration, and geochemical analyses enabled an evaluation of organic matter richness and quality. Measured TOC ranges between 0.01 and 7.4% which reflects poor to good organic richness, while visual kerogen characterization shows thermally mature Type II-III kerogen indicative of oil and gas prone materials. Recovered palynomorphs comprised both marine (dinoflagellate cysts, microforaminiferal test linings) and terrestrial (spores, pollen, freshwater alga Pediastrum) taxa. These palynomorphs vary in proportion at different horizons of the sections indicating shoreline fluctuations. Except for the Kurnyi section, amorphous organic matter occurs in minor percentages, indicating low preservation potential during deposition. All data indicate that the Numanha Formation was deposited in a highly proximal to mud-dominated oxic shelf environment

    Source-Rock Potential and Paleoenvironment of the Coniacian Numanha Formation, Northeastern Nigeria: An Integrated Palynofacies and Geochemical Approach

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    A study of source-rock characterization and paleoenvironmental interpretation has been carried out on a relatively thick Coniacian sedimentary succession from the Numanha Formation in the Guyuk area of the Yola arm in the Northern Benue Trough, northeastern Nigeria. The aim is to provide organic facies data for the assessment of its hydrocarbon generating potential owing to the high prospects of its lateral equivalent Fika Shale in the Gongola arm of the Northern Benue Trough. The investigation of 98 samples from three outcrop sections [09° 50′ N, 11° 51′ E; 09° 54′ N, 11° 50′ E; 09° 54′ N, 11° 49′ E] which includes palynofacies analysis, spore/pollen coloration, and geochemical analyses enabled an evaluation of organic matter richness and quality. Measured TOC ranges between 0.01 and 7.4% which reflects poor to good organic richness, while visual kerogen characterization shows thermally mature Type II-III kerogen indicative of oil and gas prone materials. Recovered palynomorphs comprised both marine (dinoflagellate cysts, microforaminiferal test linings) and terrestrial (spores, pollen, freshwater alga Pediastrum) taxa. These palynomorphs vary in proportion at different horizons of the sections indicating shoreline fluctuations. Except for the Kurnyi section, amorphous organic matter occurs in minor percentages, indicating low preservation potential during deposition. All data indicate that the Numanha Formation was deposited in a highly proximal to mud-dominated oxic shelf environment