16 research outputs found


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    Spending huge amount of money during wedding ceremony among Hausa and Fulani ethnic groups who are predominantly Muslims in Northern Nigeria is a new phenomenon. There is a change in the trend at which potential husband and wife spend ostentatiously at pre and post wedding events to impress the friends, relatives and the general public. The study adopted a Theory of Conspicuous consumption by Thorsten Veblen to explain the behaviour of some bride and groom in spending money to impress others. Methodologically, qualitative data were elicited from ten IDI with some newly wedded couples in Kano and Katsina metropolises. The study found that in an attempt to demonstrate one’s social and economic class in the society, some people spend money uncontrollably during their wedding or that of their children or relatives. The result further showed that the essence of the wedding spending is not to impress the couples but it is targeted at the audience, spectators or guests at the wedding which contravenes the teachings of Islam which admonish Muslims to be modest in all their social interactions and activities. The paper concluded that spending huge amount of money during wedding deter young people from getting married which leads to delay marriage among people of child bearing age in Kano and Katsina. This is rampant because the neglect of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Benediction of Allah be upon him) in wedding rites

    The Spread of Shi'a and Its Activities in Nigeria

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    The aftermath of the Iranian revolution and emergence of Shia Immamiya as the religion of government in Iran in 1979. The Razavi charitable Endowment under the Iran’s supreme religious leader has been spending a lot of money, especially in Africa to indoctrinate and convert Muslims to Shia. The paper traced the origin of Shia in Nigeria. Identified the factors that facilitated the spread of Shia in Nigeria. A desk review methodology was adopted. The study found out that the Iranian government has devoted a lot of funds to Africa and under the pretext of aid in the area of building Mosques, establishing schools and giving the scholarship to study in Iran. It has been observed that ignorance of Shia among most Islamic scholars, teachers, and preachers has contributed its spread until when Nigerians started studying in Universities in Saudi Arabia, the real identity of Shia is known

    Digital Transaction: A Catalyst for Financial Inclusion and Job Creation

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    What informed the rationale for developing this topic was the growing number of Point of Sale (POS) Agents in Katsina Metropolis and their clients/customers. The central focus of this article is to examine the role of Agent Banking which is part of financial inclusion in poverty reduction in Katsina metropolis. The researchers adopted a survey research design where data were elicited using quantitative research techniques from the targeted respondents. The data collected were analyzed and presented which revealed that there are at least twenty Post of Sale (POS) outlets located in each major street of Katsina Metropolis. The study also found that the POS has become a veritable source of livelihood for those who are into Agency Banking in the area. Additionally, the availability of POS Agents has influenced a significant population of the metropolis to adopt the use of digital systems of payment in their businesses and other financial transactions. It has revealed that the cashless policy has facilitated or accelerated the growth of digital marketing in the Katsina metropolis, entrepreneurs in the area are now selling their wares online and receiving payment via the same system which has eliminated the barriers created by time and space. The theoretical implication of the cashless policy was the unintended consequences it generated. It is referred to as the Cobra Effect during the 2033 Generation Elections in Nigeria. The decision to redesign the currency and reduce the amount of money in circulation has created more demands for cash hence luring some voters to exchange their votes for cash on election day. The practical implications of the findings of this study are twofold: The cashless policy has encouraged some of the people who are financially excluded were able to open bank accounts. It has enabled marketers to carry out financial transactions online without physical contact between the buyer and seller with the aid of electronic money payment systems

    Ramadan tafsir of the glorious Qur’an goes virtual during Covid-19 lockdown in Nigeria

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    The researchers were motivated by the adoption of digital communication applications and social media platforms by some Islamic scholars in Nigeria to conduct annual Tafsir of the glorious Qur’an in Ramadan 2020 in the midst of coronavirus lockdown. The paper adopted Lull’s Gratification Theory for theoretical explanation of virtual interaction between the scholars who conducted the Tafsir from an isolated places and the audience who watched or listened from their homes in adherence to safety measures to stop the spread of the disease. Methodologically, the study adopted a cross-sectional research design and purposive sampling technique to elicit secondary data from the target participants. The study found that there is usage of digital medium of communication and interaction between Islamic clerics and their followers. This explains the flexibility of Islam to embrace development, adopt and adapt it in conformity with Islamic rules and regulations. The findings also show that Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram are the most common internet based interactive platforms which Islamic scholars explored and disseminated their Tafsir virtual to the audience. The paper concludes that internet has enabled people not only to interact virtual but Tafsir and other forms of Islamic preaching can be conducted without co-presence of the preachers and the audience. The option of live streaming video on Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram which consume a lot amount of data has enabled Muslim users to followed the Ramadan Tafsir from distant places

    Negotiating with the Bandits and Endless Security Challenges in Katsina State, Nigeria (2019-2020)

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    The activities of criminals have been on the rise and the security situation deteriorated after negotiations between the State Government and the criminals in Nigeria. This paper assesses the context of armed banditry, cattle rustling, and kidnappings in Katsina State. The researchers adopted a cross-sectional study design and explanatory research type. A field survey was conducted in Batsari town and two villages: Zamfarawa and Bakiyawa. In-Depth Interviews (IDI) were conducted with some residents of the villages and some armed bandits. A non-probability sampling and snowballing technique were adopted to sample the research participants for the interviews. The study found that the Katsina State Government has not understand fully the security challenge and hence identified the wrong leaders of the criminals for negotiation, this is because there are three categories of criminals in the areas. This incensed some of the groups of criminals to intensify their attacks, kidnapping, and the rustling of livestock


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    This paper is a contribution and a piece of Da’wah work towards eradicating syncretic practice and the worship ancestors (Likya) among Eggon Erro people in Eggonland. The study revealed that religious syncretism is common among many Eggon Erro Muslims, but its main contention was that it had a negative influence on a lot of them. If continual awareness and Da'wah could be carried out, the problem will be eradicated. This study was conducted using a survey method, and data were collected through in-depth interviews. The results of this study showed the need for a sustainable Da'wah to combat the issue of syncretism that many Eggon Erro Muslims are into, and their persistent indulgence in syncretic practices and its effects on their faith (Iman). While acknowledging the efforts of some Muslim scholars to end this endemic problem, this study reveals that Tauheed is not well inculcated into the minds of many Eggon Erro Muslims yet. Therefore, for the purpose of effectively instilling practical Tauheed in their minds, a concerted effort is required among all stakeholders in the task of spreading Islamic education in the communities of the Eggon Erro. The paper concluded that educating the youthful population and the elderly through Islamic education would go a long way to eradicate this menace. &nbsp

    Covid-19 Lockdown and The Plights of People Remanded in Security Detention Centres: A Socio Legal Analysis

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    The researchers analyzed from sociological and legal perspectives the COVID-19 lockdown and the plights of people remanded in security detention centers in Nigeria. The objective of the study is to identify the loopholes in the Constitution of the Federal Republic 1999 as amended and other relevant legal provisions in Nigeria. The study is an exploratory type of research whose goal is to explore the phenomenon under investigation. This research design is considered appropriate for this paper because the COVID-19 lockdown has explored the weaknesses of the extant legal provisions in Nigeria in a situation like the Lockdown. Data were from secondary sources and were subjected to content analysis. The result revealed that during the COVID-19 lockdown in Nigeria, accused persons, awaiting trial persons and prisoners in different detention centers were detained beyond the legal requirements whereas there is no legal provision that clearly stated remedies.Tulisan ini mengkaji hak-hak orang yang ditahan oleh aparat keamanan atau dijebloskan ke dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan oleh Pengadilan sebelum lockdown COVID-19 dan menjalani masa karantina COVID-19 dalam tahanan. Para peneliti mengidentifikasi ketentuan hukum yang terkandung dalam Konstitusi Republik Federal Nigeria 1999 celah di dalamnya yang gagal membuat ketentuan untuk keadaan darurat seperti penguncian. Konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan dari tindakan purposive oleh Robert Merton diadopsi sebagai penjelasan teoretis. Makalah ini mengadopsi desain penelitian eksplorasi untuk mengeksplorasi kekosongan dalam Hukum Nigeria di mana data bersumber dari sumber sekunder dalam teks terdokumentasi. Makalah ini menemukan bahwa semua Undang-undang dan Undang-undang di Nigeria tidak memiliki ketentuan tentang bagaimana memberi kompensasi kepada orang-orang yang mengalami masalah emosional, keuangan sosial, dan psikologis sebagai akibat dari waktu yang mereka habiskan di sel tahanan di luar waktu yang diharapkan karena penguncian

    Covid-19 Lockdown and The Plights of People Remanded in Security Detention Centres: A Socio Legal Analysis

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    The researchers analyzed from sociological and legal perspectives the COVID-19 lockdown and the plights of people remanded in security detention centers in Nigeria. The objective of the study is to identify the loopholes in the Constitution of the Federal Republic 1999 as amended and other relevant legal provisions in Nigeria. The study is an exploratory type of research whose goal is to explore the phenomenon under investigation. This research design is considered appropriate for this paper because the COVID-19 lockdown has explored the weaknesses of the extant legal provisions in Nigeria in a situation like the Lockdown. Data were from secondary sources and were subjected to content analysis. The result revealed that during the COVID-19 lockdown in Nigeria, accused persons, awaiting trial persons and prisoners in different detention centers were detained beyond the legal requirements whereas there is no legal provision that clearly stated remedies.Tulisan ini mengkaji hak-hak orang yang ditahan oleh aparat keamanan atau dijebloskan ke dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan oleh Pengadilan sebelum lockdown COVID-19 dan menjalani masa karantina COVID-19 dalam tahanan. Para peneliti mengidentifikasi ketentuan hukum yang terkandung dalam Konstitusi Republik Federal Nigeria 1999 celah di dalamnya yang gagal membuat ketentuan untuk keadaan darurat seperti penguncian. Konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan dari tindakan purposive oleh Robert Merton diadopsi sebagai penjelasan teoretis. Makalah ini mengadopsi desain penelitian eksplorasi untuk mengeksplorasi kekosongan dalam Hukum Nigeria di mana data bersumber dari sumber sekunder dalam teks terdokumentasi. Makalah ini menemukan bahwa semua Undang-undang dan Undang-undang di Nigeria tidak memiliki ketentuan tentang bagaimana memberi kompensasi kepada orang-orang yang mengalami masalah emosional, keuangan sosial, dan psikologis sebagai akibat dari waktu yang mereka habiskan di sel tahanan di luar waktu yang diharapkan karena penguncian

    Defensive walls: A neglected security strategy in northern Nigeria

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    Nigeria from 2016 to 2023 has been facing new security challenges, including kidnapping of people for ransom, sporadic shooting of inhabitants, and the rustling of livestock. There is a rich history of how cities in Nigeria, erected defensive walls or fortifications to protect the inhabitants and their property against invaders, criminals, or rustlers centuries before the arrival of the European colonialists to Africa. The incessant attacks on rural communities, highways and urban centres have compelled criminologists and security experts to rethink and revisit the security strategies adopted in the past and worked effectively in protecting the populace and their belongings. Kingdoms and Empires, as well as Emirates in different parts of Africa, had developed or erected defensive walls or fortifications which if replicated in the 21st century, will ease neighbhourhood watch and community surveillance and policing. This paper has helped to identify cities in Nigeria with defensive walls and restrict entrances (gates) in places such as Kano, Katsina Sokoto, Zaria and Benin City. These are some of the cities known for prehistoric warfare and their people were brave and famous in intercity and inter-community battles. The study found that towns and cities in Nigeria and other parts of the world used defensive walls or fortified their jurisdiction against enemies or invaders. The strategy proved effective in protecting their people and property. Building defensive walls or fortifications of towns and cities that are facing acute security challenges in Nigeria can enable the Government and community members to protect the residents. The use of defensive walls will make the use of different mass surveillance tactics much easier because the areas are cordoned-off hence patrol, searching and arrest of criminals. Therefore, the researcher recommended that instead of spending huge amounts on the procurement of weapons by the Federal Government of Nigeria, the Government should erect or build fences that make criminal investigation more effective hence combat crime and criminals

    The Spread of Shi'a and Its Activities in Nigeria

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    The aftermath of the Iranian revolution and emergence of Shia Immamiya as the religion of government in Iran in 1979. The Razavi charitable Endowment under the Iran’s supreme religious leader has been spending a lot of money, especially in Africa to indoctrinate and convert Muslims to Shia. The paper traced the origin of Shia in Nigeria. Identified the factors that facilitated the spread of Shia in Nigeria. A desk review methodology was adopted. The study found out that the Iranian government has devoted a lot of funds to Africa and under the pretext of aid in the area of building Mosques, establishing schools and giving the scholarship to study in Iran. It has been observed that ignorance of Shia among most Islamic scholars, teachers, and preachers has contributed its spread until when Nigerians started studying in Universities in Saudi Arabia, the real identity of Shia is known