282 research outputs found

    3D Data Processing Toward Maintenance and Conservation. The Integrated Digital Documentation of Casa de Vidro

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    During the last decade, 3D integrated surveys and BIM modelling procedures have greatly improved the overall knowledge on some Brazilian Modernist buildings. In this framework, the Casa de Vidro 3D survey carried out by DIAPReM centre at Ferrara University, beside the important outputs, analysis and researches achieved from the point cloud database processing, was also useful to test several awareness increasing activities in cooperation with local stakeholders. The first digital documentation test of the Casa de Vidro allowed verifying the feasibility of a full survey on the building towards the restoration and possible placement of new architectures into the garden as an archive-museum of the Lina Bo and P.M. Bardi Foundation. Later, full 3D integrated survey and diagnostic analysis were carried out to achieve the total digital documentation of the house sponsored by the Keeping it Modern initiative of Getty Foundation (Los Angeles). Following its characteristics, the survey had to take into consideration the different architectural features, up to the relationship of architecture and nature. These 3D documentation activities and the point cloud processing allowed several analysis in a multidisciplinary framework

    Rilievo, documentazione, modellazione semantica. Nuovi approcci metodologici per il patrimonio culturale

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    I nuovi utilizzi del dato digitale per una conoscenza interdisciplinare del patrimonio culturale sono una delle sfide attuali a livello europeo, verso una crescente inclusività e accessibilità dei dati. Il progetto “INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling”, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma Horizon 2020, propone un sostanziale avanzamento nelle procedure di rilievo laser scanner 3D e di modellazione, in particolare nel campo del patrimonio culturale, in cui architetture storiche, siti archeologici, complessi monumentali sono caratterizzati da geometrie non convenzionali e da specifiche caratteristiche che richiedono un approccio metodologico in cui il rilievo no-contact si integra con procedure di indagine diagnostica e si configura come Piattaforma integrata in cui far confluire quell’insieme di informazioni (storiche, documentali, metriche, morfologiche, materiche, conservative), punto di partenza per ogni azione volta alla conoscenza, valorizzazione, conservazione o restauro del patrimonio storico architettonico.New applications of digital data for an interdisciplinary knowledge of cultural heritage are one of the current challenges at European level, towards increasing inclusiveness and accessibility. The project "INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modeling ", funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program, proposes a progress in the 3D laser scanner survey and modeling, in particular in the field of cultural heritage, in which historical architectures, archaeological sites, monumental complexes are characterized by unconventional geometries and specific features that require a methodological approach in which the no-contact survey integrates diagnostic investigation procedures and it is configured as an integrated platform where merging the set of information (historical, documental, metric, morphological, material, conservative), starting point for each action to knowledge, enhancement, conservation or restoration of the historical architectural heritage


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    Abstract. The paper is focused on research activities on documentation, analysis and representation of Modernist Heritage in Latin America. The research is part of a broad project developed by the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara following the main aim of documentation for knowledge, enhancement and preservation of cultural heritage. In addition to several on site projects developed in cooperation with local institutions, mainly in Brazil, and based on historical analysis, documentation, survey, modelling and diagnostic assessment, the research has then opened up to an in-depth study of Modernist architecture. The field of investigation has been extended to Latin America, through the analysis of the main architectures of the iconic figures of Modernism, in order to collect a database of models as support for different research avenues. The methodological process is based on the "survey of the project", an analysis of documentation as the starting point for the representation in BIM environment from which to extract conventional representations and different levels of interpretation.</p

    Innovative technologies for restoration in Pompeii. The 3D morphometric survey in via dell’Abbondanza

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    The project had as primary objectives the safeguarding of architectural remains and the experimentation with restoration methodologies and materials. The restoration works addressed a number of facades along the stretch of the Decumanus Maximus known today as via dell'Abbondanza. After the collection of numerous notes from previous archaeological investigations and from visual inspections about architectural morphology, materials and state of conservation, surveys of ancient facades were carried out and measurement data were collected. The survey by means of 3D laser scanner of the varied and complex architectures have been characterized by an attempt to focus efforts on contributing representational knowledge of the existing site elements

    point cloud analysis for conservation and enhancement of modernist architecture

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    Documentation of cultural assets through improved acquisition processes for advanced 3D modelling is one of the main challenges to be faced in order to address, through digital representation, advanced analysis on shape, appearance and conservation condition of cultural heritage. 3D modelling can originate new avenues in the way tangible cultural heritage is studied, visualized, curated, displayed and monitored, improving key features such as analysis and visualization of material degradation and state of conservation. An applied research focused on the analysis of surface specifications and material properties by means of 3D laser scanner survey has been developed within the project of Digital Preservation of FAUUSP building, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. The integrated 3D survey has been performed by the DIAPReM Center of the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara in cooperation with the FAUUSP. The 3D survey has allowed the realization of a point cloud model of the external surfaces, as the basis to investigate in detail the formal characteristics, geometric textures and surface features. The digital geometric model was also the basis for processing the intensity values acquired by laser scanning instrument; this method of analysis was an essential integration to the macroscopic investigations in order to manage additional information related to surface characteristics displayable on the point cloud


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    Abstract. The Uruguayan Engineer Eladio Dieste underwent a quest for thinness in the field of structural design which rendered his reinforced masonry thin-shell structures at a conspicuous position in Modern Latin American Architectural Heritage, so much so as to have Dieste's work in Latin America and Europe included in an indicative list for UNESCO's cultural heritage sites as of 2010. Nonetheless, the design process that led Dieste to such innovative structural typologies is yet to be fully academically explored. Thus, the objective of this paper is to examine the state-of-art regarding the intricate design process of Eladio Dieste's gaussian vaults and shed some light on the existing gaps within this process by means of the 3D parametric modelling and digital fabrication of selected case studies. The adoption methodological procedures such as 3D parametrical modelling and digital fabrication allows for the establishment of important relationships between the design process and the resulting geometry of Eladio Dieste's designs, as well as furthering registry of Dieste's legacy for conservation purposes.</p

    Prevalence and clinical correlates of sarcopenia in institutionalized older people: Cross-sectional study of a nursing home population

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    Background &amp; aims. Sarcopenia is a common condition among institutionalized older people which leads to increased risk of adverse outcomes such as disability and death. We investigated the prevalence and clinical correlates of sarcopenia in older institutionalized adults in Italy, while also evaluating the interchangeability and adequacy of two definitions of sarcopenia (EWGSOP and FNIH) for this geriatric setting. Methods. Cross-sectional analysis of 97 participants enrolled in a nursing home facility in Italy. Since 97% of the study subjects resulted either unable to walk or “slow walkers”, we assessed sarcopenia presence ignoring the walking speed criterion: sarcopenia was assessed as low appendicular skeletal mass index plus low grip strength (EWGSOP criteria) and as weakness plus low lean mass (FNIH criteria). Skeletal muscle mass was estimated using bioimpendance analysis. Results. In this population of 97 institutionalized older people (age 83.2 ± 9.4 years, women 73.2%), according to both EWGSOP and FNIH criteria 13 participants (13.4%) were identified as affected by sarcopenia; however, only 5 subjects were identified as sarcopenic according to both definitions simultaneously. The prevalence of sarcopenia was directly correlated with male sex and comorbidity level, while being inversely correlated with Body Mass Index. Conclusions. According to EWGSOP and FNIH criteria, prevalence of sarcopenia is significant among institutionalized older people, and it’s strongly related to male sex, BMI and comorbidity level. EWGSOP and FNIH criteria identified as sarcopenic different individuals and therefore cannot be used interchangeably. Assessment of walking speed might be unfeasible in institutionalized older subjects

    Bridging the gap between 3D navigation and semantic search. The INCEPTION platform

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    The paper presents the main outcomes and future development of the INCEPTION project, “Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling”, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Work Programme Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies (Call Reflective-7-2014, Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets) and completed in May 2019. In particular, the key-targeted project achievement will be presented: a specific cloud-based platform conceived to accomplish the main objectives of accessing, understanding and strengthening European Cultural Heritage by means of enriched 3D models. The need for digital data interpretation, in addition to documentation, guided the overall process of the cross-disciplinary work methodology, based on new methods and tools for 3D surveying and H-BIM modelling, new approaches and methodologies for Cultural Heritage 3D data inclusive access and exploitation by means of the Platform

    Bridging the gap between 3D navigation and semantic search. The INCEPTION platform

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    The paper presents the main outcomes and future development of the INCEPTION project, “Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling”, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Work Programme Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies (Call Reflective-7-2014, Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets) and completed in May 2019. In particular, the key-targeted project achievement will be presented: a specific cloud-based platform conceived to accomplish the main objectives of accessing, understanding and strengthening European Cultural Heritage by means of enriched 3D models. The need for digital data interpretation, in addition to documentation, guided the overall process of the cross-disciplinary work methodology, based on new methods and tools for 3D surveying and H-BIM modelling, new approaches and methodologies for Cultural Heritage 3D data inclusive access and exploitation by means of the Platform

    Changes in private health service utilisation and access to the Italian National Health Service between 2006 and 2019: A cross-sectional comparative study

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    Objectives: Previous research highlighted that in the early 2000s a significant share of the Italian population used and paid out of pocket for private healthcare services even when they could potentially have received the same treatments from the National Health Service (NHS). The decrease in public investments in healthcare and the increase in health needs due to the population ageing may have modified the use of private health services and equity of access to the Italian NHS. This study aims to investigate the change in the prevalence of individuals who have fully paid out of pocket for accessing healthcare services in Italy between 2006 and 2019 and the main reasons behind this choice. Design: Cross-sectional comparative study. Participants and comparison: Two representative samples of the Italian population were collected in 2006 and 2019. Outcome measures: Prevalence of access to fully paid out-of-pocket private health services; type of service of the last fully paid out-of-pocket access; main reasons for the last fully paid out-of-pocket access. Results: We found an increase in the prevalence of people who declared having fully paid out of pocket at least one access to health services during their lifetime from 79.0% in 2006 to 91.9% in 2019 (adjusted OR 2.66; 95% CI 1.98 to 3.58). 'To avoid waiting times' was the main reason and it was significantly more frequent in 2019 compared with 2006 (adjusted OR 1.75; 95% CI 1.45 to 2.11). Conclusions: This comparative study, conducted the year before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighted an increase in the prevalence of Italian residents who have fully paid out of pocket for access to health services to overcome long waiting times. Our findings may indicate a reduced access and possible worsening of the equity of access to the public and universalistic Italian NHS between 2006 and 2019
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