22,442 research outputs found

    Noise-Activated Escape from a Sloshing Potential Well

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    We treat the noise-activated escape from a one-dimensional potential well of an overdamped particle, to which a periodic force of fixed frequency is applied. We determine the boundary layer behavior, and the physically relevant length scales, near the oscillating well top. We show how stochastic behavior near the well top generalizes the behavior first determined by Kramers, in the case without forcing. Both the case when the forcing dies away in the weak noise limit, and the case when it does not, are examined. We also discuss the relevance of various scaling regimes to recent optical trap experiments.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, REVTeX, expanded versio

    Anisotropy of nickel-base superalloy single crystals

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    The influence of orientation on the tensile and stress rupture behavior of 52 Mar-M247 single crystals was studied. Tensile tests were performed at temperatures between 23 and 1093 C; stress rupture behavior was examined between 760 and 1038 C. The mechanical behavior of the single crystals was rationalized on the basis of the Schmid factor contours for the operative slip systems and the lattice rotations which the crystals underwent during deformation. The tensile properties correlated well with the appropriate Schmid factor contours. The stress rupture lives at lower testing temperatures were greatly influenced by the lattice rotations required to produce cross slip. A unified analysis was attained for the stress rupture life data generated for the Mar-M247 single crystals at 760 and 774 C under a stress of 724 MPa and the data reported for Mar-M200 single crystals tested at 760 C under a stress of 689 MPa. Based on this analysis, the stereographic triangle was divided into several regions which were rank ordered according to stress rupture life for this temperature regime

    Effect of strain on hyperfine-induced hole-spin decoherence in quantum dots

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    We theoretically consider the effect of strain on the spin dynamics of a single heavy-hole (HH) confined to a self-assembled quantum dot and interacting with the surrounding nuclei via hyperfine interaction. Confinement and strain hybridize the HH states, which show an exponential decay for a narrowed nuclear spin bath. For different strain configurations within the dot, the dependence of the spin decoherence time T2T_2 on external parameters is shifted and the non-monotonic dependence of the peak is altered. Application of external strain yields considerable shifts in the dependence of T2T_2 on external parameters. We find that external strain affects mostly the effective hyperfine coupling strength of the conduction band (CB), indicating that the CB admixture of the hybridized HH states plays a crucial role in the sensitivity of T2T_2 on strain

    Real-space Hopfield diagonalization of inhomogeneous dispersive media

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    We introduce a real-space technique able to extend the standard Hopfield approach commonly used in quantum polaritonics to the case of inhomogeneous lossless materials interacting with the electromagnetic field. We derive the creation and annihilation polaritonic operators for the system normal modes as linear, space-dependent superpositions of the microscopic light and matter fields, and we invert the Hopfield transformation expressing the microscopic fields as functions of the polaritonic operators. As an example, we apply our approach to the case of a planar interface between vacuum and a polar dielectric, showing how we can consistently treat both propagative and surface modes, and express their nonlinear interactions, arising from phonon anharmonicity, as polaritonic scattering terms. We also show that our theory can be naturally extended to the case of dissipative materials

    Theoretical Investigation of Phonon Polaritons in SiC Micropillar Resonators

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    Of late there has been a surge of interest in localised phonon polariton resonators which allow for sub-diffraction confinement of light in the mid-infrared spectral region by coupling to optical phonons at the surface of polar dielectrics. Resonators are generally etched on deep substrates which support propagative surface phonon polariton resonances. Recent experimental work has shown that understanding the coupling between localised and propagative surface phonon polaritons in these systems is vital to correctly describe the system resonances. In this paper we comprehensively investigate resonators composed of arrays of cylindrical SiC resonators on SiC substrates. Our bottom-up approach, starting from the resonances of single, free standing cylinders and isolated substrates, and exploiting both numerical and analytical techniques, allows us to develop a consistent understanding of the parameter space of those resonators, putting on firmer ground this blossoming technology.Comment: 10 Pages, 8 Figure

    Variations of the Lifshitz-van der Waals force between metals immersed in liquids

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    We present a theoretical calculation of the Lifshitz-van der Waals force between two metallic slabs embedded in a fluid, taking into account the change of the Drude parameters of the metals when in contact with liquids of different index of refraction. For the three liquids considered in this work, water, CCl3FCCl_3F and CBr3F CBr_3F the change in the Drude parameters of the metal imply a difference of up to 15% in the determination of the force at short separations. These variations in the force is bigger for liquids with a higher index of refraction.Comment: 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Superconductivity in striped and multi-Fermi-surface Hubbard models: From the cuprates to the pnictides

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    Single- and multi-band Hubbard models have been found to describe many of the complex phenomena that are observed in the cuprate and iron-based high-temperature superconductors. Simulations of these models therefore provide an ideal framework to study and understand the superconducting properties of these systems and the mechanisms responsible for them. Here we review recent dynamic cluster quantum Monte Carlo simulations of these models, which provide an unbiased view of the leading correlations in the system. In particular, we discuss what these simulations tell us about superconductivity in the homogeneous 2D single-orbital Hubbard model, and how charge stripes affect this behavior. We then describe recent simulations of a bilayer Hubbard model, which provides a simple model to study the type and nature of pairing in systems with multiple Fermi surfaces such as the iron-based superconductors.Comment: Published as part of Superstripes 2011 (Rome) conference proceeding

    Radiofrequency spectroscopy of 6^6Li p-wave molecules: towards photoemission spectroscopy of a p-wave superfluid

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    Understanding superfluidity with higher order partial waves is crucial for the understanding of high-TcT_c superconductivity. For the realization of a superfluid with anisotropic order parameter, spin-polarized fermionic lithium atoms with strong p-wave interaction are the most promising candidates to date. We apply rf-spectroscopy techniques that do not suffer from severe final-state effects \cite{Perali08} with the goal to perform photoemission spectroscopy on a strongly interacting p-wave Fermi gas similar to that recently applied for s-wave interactions \cite{Stewart08}. Radiofrequency spectra of both quasibound p-wave molecules and free atoms in the vicinity of the p-wave Feshbach resonance located at 159.15\,G \cite{Schunck05} are presented. The observed relative tunings of the molecular and atomic signals in the spectra with magnetic field confirm earlier measurements realized with direct rf-association \cite{Fuchs08}. Furthermore, evidence of bound molecule production using adiabatic ramps is shown. A scheme to observe anisotropic superfluid gaps, the most direct proof of p-wave superfluidity, with 1d-optical lattices is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Signatures of the A2A^2 term in ultrastrongly-coupled oscillators

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    We study a bosonic matter excitation coupled to a single-mode cavity field via electric dipole. Counter-rotating and A2A^2 terms are included in the interaction model, A{\mathbf A} being the vector potential of the cavity field. In the ultrastrong coupling regime the vacuum of the bare modes is no longer the ground state of the Hamiltonian and contains a nonzero population of polaritons, the true normal modes of the system. If the parameters of the model satisfy the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule, we find that the two polaritons are always equally populated. We show how this prediction could be tested in a quenching experiment, by rapidly switching on the coupling and analyzing the radiation emitted by the cavity. A refinement of the model based on a microscopic minimal coupling Hamiltonian is also provided, and its consequences on our results are characterized analytically.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
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