42 research outputs found


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    Europe is increasingly struggling to support the reintegration of people who have returned from ISIS-controlled areas and have been adherents of their ideology. There are a variety of methods developed to support the de-radicalisation and disengagement of Islamic radicals. This article provides an overview of the methods and discussion topics used by practitioners in the framework of such deradicalisation and disengagement programmes. The research is based on interviews with experts from Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. As a result, the author has drawn the following conclusions: 1) The selection of methods used for de-radicalisation and disengagement depend on the individual in question. In this context, the most important starting point is to gain an understanding of the factors that contributed to that specific person’s radicalisation and/or involvement in an extremist organisation; 2) The main supportive methods are mentoring, socio-economic aid/assistance, psychological and religious counselling; 3) The discussions with mentors and other sponsors are aimed at developing new perspectives. The main topics of discussion are related to identity, belonging, foreign policy and possible new ventures; whereas the issues of religion and ideology are the focal topics for people whose radicalisation and/or engagement with extremist organisations was motivated primarily by those aspects. Overall, the results indicate that the methods used to support de-radicalisation and disengagement should be tailored to the needs of the individual. However, there is still a lot of work to be done by organisations running such radicalisation and disengagement programmes in order to improve their capacity to deliver a variety of activities to support an individual’s reintegration in a holistic manner

    Regilaul ja flow – empiiriline uurimus

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    Previsão em tempo real da inflação Brasileira com aprendizado de máquina

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Economia.O presente trabalho tem como proposta a realização de previsões em tempo real (Nowcasting) da inflação brasileira. A inflação quando baixa, estável e previsível pode trazer vários benefícios para a sociedade. A incerteza na economia diminui e os indivíduos podem planejar seu futuro sem ver sua renda sendo corroída. Utilizaremos métodos de regressão com aprendizado de máquina que realizam seleção e regularização de variáveis para melhorar a precisão da previsão e a interpretabilidade do modelo. Para que isso seja possível, é necessário a criação de uma base de dados de alta frequência. A fim de observar a acurácia, aplica-se uma avaliação de capacidade preditiva em tempo rea


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    Relato técnico de uma análise financeira de uma empresa de logística, comparando os índices dos períodos de 2011, 2012 e 2013

    The Phoenix Model: disengagement and deradicalisation

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    CREST copyright requirements can be found at: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/about/copyright/This article provides an introduction to the Phoenix Model of Disengagement And Deradicalisation. In a review of disengagement and deradicalisation literature from 2017 to 2020, we identified 11 major themes: Opportunity, Disillusionment, (Dis)trust, Family and friends, Prison, Identity, Programme interventions, Formers, Security, Mental health, and Reintegration. Many of these themes have been flagged as significant factors in disengagement and deradicalisation before, though this is the first time they’ve been identified as a collective. This systematic approach allowed further analysis to develop a new model for understanding disengagement and deradicalisation processes which is outlined here

    The role of (dis)trust in disengagement and deradicalisation

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    CREST copyright requirements can be found at: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/about/copyright/When designing a disengagement or deradicalisation programme, who delivers it and how much they are trusted needs careful consideration. A systematic review of the disengagement and deradicalisation literature identified (dis)trust as playing a key filtering role in the disengagement and deradicalisation decision-making processes. It was found that the opportunities to leave a terrorist organisation are more likely to be successful when they are offered by an individual, organisation, or entity that is perceived by the would-be defector as being trustworthy. The same opportunity provided by a distrusted or less trusted entity is significantly less likely to lead to an organisational exit. Trust is most important at the initial stages of disengagement. However, if one is to have a sustained exit, these and other trusting relationships must be maintained

    A systematic review of post-2017 research on disengagement and deradicalisation

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    This research was funded by the Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats – an independent Centre commissioned by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC Award: ES/N009614/1) and which is funded in part by the UK Security and intelligence agencies and Home Office.An urgent need exists for an empirically grounded understanding of the processes that lead individuals to disengage and deradicalise from terrorism and violent extremism. It is only with such empirically driven knowledge that appropriate interventions and programmes to assist in the successful reintegration of former terrorists and violent extremists can be designed, validated, updated and implemented. This report provides a systematic review of the post-2017 research on disengagement and deradicalisation (see Appendix A for methodology). After screening more than 83,000 documents, we found 95 reports which met the criteria for coding. This sample of reports was coded across eight core coding themes and a total of 123 individual variables (see Appendix B). Through the process of a systematic quality review, 29 articles were identified as meeting the criteria for full thematic analysis. In addition to this, the 30 most heavily cited pre-2017 papers (see Appendix C) on disengagement and deradicalisation were identified to be used as a comparative sample for the post-2017 publications. The analysis of that collection has allowed us to identify the major factors involved in these processes and to assess the extent to which knowledge and understanding is progressing in this critical field. Overall, the review found clear evidence of progress in our understanding of disengagement and deradicalisation. Comparison with the pre-2017 literature illustrates that valuable research is being conducted and published in the recent period using more robust research methods and which is providing new data for analysis and insight. The review found that research had identified a range of facilitative causes and barriers for disengagement and deradicalisation, though work is still needed to determine the weighting of these. Encouragingly, the review also found that the available evidence suggests that many interventions examined appear to have positive impacts. Relapse and recidivism occur but appears to be uncommon. Eleven major themes across the post-2017 research were identified and analyse

    Microscopic origins of performance losses in highly efficient Cu In, Ga Se2 thin film solar cells

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    Thin film solar cells based on polycrystalline absorbers have reached very high conversion efficiencies of up to 23 25 . In order to elucidate the limiting factors that need to be overcome for even higher efficiency levels, it is essential to investigate microscopic origins of loss mechanisms in these devices. In the present work, a high efficiency 21 without anti reflection coating copper indium gallium diselenide CIGSe solar cell is characterized by means of a correlative microscopy approach and corroborated by means of photoluminescence spectroscopy. The values obtained by the experimental characterization are used as input parameters for two dimensional device simulations, for which a real microstructure was used. It can be shown that electrostatic potential and lifetime fluctuations exhibit no substantial impact on the device performance. In contrast, nonradiative recombination at random grain boundaries can be identified as a significant loss mechanism for CIGSe solar cells, even for devices at a very high performance leve

    Methods and topics of conversation supporting the deradicalization and disengagement of Islamists based on practices of six European countries

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    Magistritöö eesmärk oli teada saada, milliseid deradikaliseerumist ja eemaldumist toetavaid meetodeid ja teemapüstitusi kasutatakse töös islamistidega. Selleks analüüsisin kuue Euroopa riigi – Austria, Soome, Rootsi, Hollandi, Saksamaa ja Ühendkuningriigi – ekspertide ja kahe Euroopa Liidu institutsioonides töötava spetsialistiga tehtud intervjuusid. Töö alguses sõnastasin teoreetilise raamistikuga, mis andis ülevaate deradikaliseerumis- ja eemaldumisvaldkonna peamistest mõistetest ning radikaliseerumis- ja deradikaliseerumismotiividest. Esimene uurimisküsimus oli seotud deradikaliseerumis- ja eemaldumisprotsessi strukturaalse ülesehitusega. Vaatluse all olnud riikide praktikasse kuulub neli etappi: organisatsiooni poole pöördumine, kokkulepete sõlmimine, vajaduste kaardistamine ja nõustamine ning programmist või toetavatest tegevustest eemaldumine. Esimene etapp võib olla vabatahtlik, aga ka kohtu poolt suunatud. Kokkulepete tegemise faasis on oluline, et äärmuslase ja kontaktisiku vahel tekiks usalduslik side – muidu ei saa eesootavaid tegevusi läbi viia, sest paljud neist eeldavad vastastikusel usaldusel põhinevat suhet. Etapi kolmas faas algab konkreetse indiviidi vajaduste kaardistamisega, et teada saada, millised on tema vajadused ühiskonda lõimumiseks. Kui need on paika pandud, saab alustada eri meetodite rakendamise ja jututeemade käsitlemisega. Kui inimene tunneb, et on saavutanud iseseisva elu ja protsessi algul seatud eesmärgid, lõpeb koostöö. Küsimus, mis meetodeid protsessis kasutatakse ja mis teemadel äärmuslastega vesteldakse, oli siinse töö puhul keskne. Pakutavad meetodid sõltuvad konkreetse indiviidi vajadustest. Siiski loetlen järgnevalt levinumad meetodid: äärmuslasele mentori määramine, kes toetab teda tugiisikuna kogu deradikaliseerumis- ja eemaldumisprotsessi vältel; sotsiaalse ja majandusliku abi pakkumine, mille hulka kuulub inimese toetamine tööturule naasmisel, kontaktide leidmisel ja hariduse omandamisel; vajadusel psühholoogilise ja religioosse nõustamise pakkumine. Tulemuste puhul oli üllatav, et religioosne nõustamine pole protsessi kohustuslik osa, vaid enamikul juhtudel sõltub selle pakkumine konkreetse indiviidi soovidest. Kui inimene ei soovi usuteemalist nõustamist, siis üldjuhul seda peale ei sunnita. Üks teistest eristuv meetod on virtuaalkeskkonnas sekkumine – äärmuslane leitakse ja temaga võetakse ühendust sotsiaalmeedia vahendusel, järgneb sotsiaaltöötajaga silmast silma kohtumine. Äärmuslastega käsitletavad teemad on peamiselt seotud identiteedi, kuuluvuse ja religiooniga. Identiteeti puudutavates küsimustes arutleb äärmuslane mentori või kriminaalhooldajaga talle omaste narratiivide, rollide, välispoliitika ja riigiga suhestumise üle. Nimetatud teemad toetavad identiteedi loomist ja vestluste kaudu proovib mentor toetada äärmuslases uute perspektiivide teket, mis omakorda aitab luua uut vägivallatut identiteeti. Näiteks aidatakse äärmuslasel end näha mõnes uues rollis, proovitakse leida organisatsioon, kuhu saab vägivallatult panustada, ja arutletakse välispoliitiliste sündmuste üle, et toetada maailmavaatesse nüansside lisandumist. Religiooni ja ideoloogiaga seotud tegevusi on mitmeid. Üldjuhul on äärmuslasel võimalik suhelda kohaliku imaamiga, osal juhtudel ka võtta osa kogudusega seotud tegevustest. Siiski pole see alati lihtne, sest on kogudusi, kellel on keeruline võtta enda sekka äärmuslast. Olulisema infona tuli tööst välja, et sageli pole religioon ja ideoloogia radikaliseerumise peamised põhjused ja motivaatorid, mistõttu osal juhtudel ei käsitleta neid teemasid programmis või toetavates tegevustes üldse. Mõne spetsialisti sõnul võib osa äärmuslaste puhul loobuda religiooni ja ideoloogia komponendist programmis ja toetavates tegevustes. Eestil puudub väljatöötatud praktika toetamaks äärmuslaste deradikaliseerumist ja eemaldumist, sest pikka aega polnud selleks vajadust. Siiski on tehtud samme selles suunas, et koolitada vajalikke ametkondi ja luua võrgustik, mis vajaduse korral selle teemaga tegeleb. Deradikaliseerumise ja eemaldumise toetamisele suunatud tegevuste puhul on oluline rõhutada, et need peavad toimuma konkreetse inimese vajadusi arvestades, mis muudab kõnealuses valdkonnas tegutsemise väga aeganõudvaks ja kalliks. Praeguste organisatsioonide tegevuse kriitikaks on toodud, et tegeletakse ühe-kahe meetodiga korraga, ent ei vaadata inimese kõiki vajadusi ega tegeleta nendega ühekorraga. Lisaks ei mõõda programmid oma mõju, mistõttu on keeruline öelda, millised meetodid mõjuvad ja miks. Selle pinnalt võib öelda, et on oluline, et erinevad deradikaliseerumist ja eemaldumist toetavad tegevused toimuksid paralleelselt ja lähtuksid konkreetse indiviidi vajadustest, kuid rohkem ressursse tuleb suunata ka mõjuhindamisse, et teada saada, mis protsessi juures töötab ja mis mitte