7 research outputs found

    Energy Expenditure In Vocalizations Of Pigs Under Stresses

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    Modern swine production faces many challenges nowadays, among which are productivity growth, meat quality improvement, decrease of environmental damage and reduction of cost production. Pigs spend energy to vocalizing, especially when they undergo stress. The waste of energy can increase the cost of production and lead to greater environmental damage. The goal of this study was to estimate the energy spent by pigs under the stress of castration and its effect on the animals' weight gain. Two groups of ten animals each were castrated, being one group with local anesthetic and the other without anesthetic. The piglets' vocalizations were recorded during different stages of the neutering process and then estimated of the amount of energy emitted during each vocalization. Afterwards, this energy was associated with the animals' weight gain. There was no difference in the total energy spent in both groups, since the energy used during the application of anesthetic was similar to the energy spent during the castration of the animals without anesthetic. There was also no correlation between energy spent and the animals' weight gain. It was possible to estimate the amount of energy emitted through vocalization. This energy spent by piglets in pain was greater than in other handling situations (contention, weighting and realease).335896901Cordeiro, A.F.S., Pereira, E.M., Nääs, I.A., Silva, W.T., Moura, D.J., Medida de Vocalização de Suínos (Sus scrofa) como um Indicador de Gasto Energético (2009), p. 2. , Brazilian Journal of Biosystems Engineering, CampinasCosta, A.N., Produção e bem-estar animal aspectos técnicos e éticos da produção intensiva de suínos (2008) Ciência Veterinária nos Trópicos, Recife 11, 1, pp. 43-48Costa, O.A.D., Ludke, J.V., Costa, M.J.R.P., Faucitano, L., Peloso, J.V., Roza, D.D., Modelo de carroceria e seu impacto sobre o bem-estar e a qualidade da carne dos suínos (2007) Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, 37 (5), pp. 1418-1422Dallanora, D., Machado, G.S., Biondo, N., Impacto da qualidade dos leitões desmamados sobre o desempenho posterior nas creches terminações (2010) Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Porto Alegre, 37, pp. 171-180Hötzel, M.J., Machado Filho, L.C.P., (2013), pp. 34-38. , http://www.freewebs.com/hotzel/PorWorld2004.pdf, Comportamento e bem-estar dos leitões em relação ao desmame. Porkworld, Paulina, São Paulo 01 jul. 2004. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 fevKummer, R., Gonçalves, M.A.D., Lippke, R.T., Marques, B.M.F., Mores, T.J., Fatores que influenciam o desempenho dos leitões na fase de creche (2009) Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Porto Alegre, 37 (1), pp. 195-209Marx, G., Horn, T., Thielebein, J., Knubel, B., Borell, E., Analysis of pain-related vocalization in young pigs, Journal of Sound and Vibration (2003) Amsterdam 266, 3, pp. 687-698Moraes, E., Kiefer, C., Iandara Schettert Silva, I., S.Ractopamina em dietas para suínos machos imunocastrados, castrados e fêmeas (2010) Ciência Rural, Santa Maria40, pp. 2409-2414Moura, D.J., Silva, W.T., Nääs, I.A., Tolon, Y.B., Lima, K.A.O., Vale, M.M., Real timecomputer stress monitoring of piglets using vocalization analysis (2008) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Amsterdam, 64, pp. 111-118Nääs, I.A., Campos, L.S.L., Baracho, M.S., Tolon, Y.B., Uso de redes neurais artificiais na identificação de vocalização de suínos (2008) EngenhariaAgrícola, Jaboticabal, 28, pp. 2204-2216Pauly, C., Spring, P., O'doherty, J.V., Kragten, S.A., Bee, G., Growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat qualityof group-penned surgically castrated, immunocastrated(Improvac®) and entire male pigs and individually pennedentire male pigs (2009) The International Journal of Animal Biosciences, Cambridge, 3 (7), pp. 1057-1066Rault, J.-L., Lay, J.R., Marchant-Forde, J.N., Castration induced pain in pigs and other livestock (2011) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Amsterdam, 135 (3), pp. 214-225Risi, N., Uso da vocalização como indicador patológico em leitões na fase de maternidade. 2010. 93 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo (2010) PiracicabaSilva, R.B.T.R., Nääs, I.A., Moura, D.J., Silveira, N.A., Welfare norms for swine production under intensive rearing system.Brazilian Journal of Biosystems Engineering (2007) Campinas, 1 (2), pp. 137-145Smith, A.L., Stalder, K.J., Serenius, T.V., Baas, T.J., Mabry, J., W.Effects of piglet birth weights at weaning and 42 days post weaning (2007) Journal of Swine Health and Production, 15 (4), pp. 213-218Taylor, A.A., Weary, D.M., Vocal responses of piglets to castration: identifying procedural sources of pain (2000) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Amsterdam, 70 (1), pp. 17-26Tolon, Y.B., Baracho, M.S., Nääs, I.A., Rojas, M., Moura, D.J., Ambiências térmica, aérea e acústica para reprodutores suínos EngenhariaAgrícola (2010) Jaboticabal, 30 (1), pp. 1-1

    Using Geostatistics To Evaluate The Environment Of "wean To Finish" Swine Housing [uso Da Geoestatística Na Avaliação De Variáveis Ambientais Em Galpão De Suínos Criados Em Sistema "wean To Finish" Na Fase De Terminação]

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    The "wean to finish" is a new pig production system in Brazil. To date, few research have investigated the environmental conditions of this pig farming system. The aim of this study was to evaluated the thermal environmental conditions and gases concentration using geostatistical techniques of a wean-to-finish barn during finishing phase at 9AM, 12PM e 3PM. The data variability was evaluated by the descriptive analysis, of the temperatures, relative humidity, air velocity, ammonia and carbon dioxide concentration. The results showed the average, median, coefficient of variation, asymmetry and curtosis and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test with the software Minitab 15. To determine the spatial dependence, the semivariogram exam was done, with the software GS+. The air velocity and gases concentration showed the highest coefficient of variation. This has happened because of the heterogeneity of the data caused by the natural ventilation. The Krigging maps showed the spacial differences of the pens with different numbers of animals in different hour of the day.345800811Borges, G., Miranda, K.O.S., Rodrigues, V.C., Risi, N., Uso da geoestatística para avaliar a captação automática dos níveis de pressão sonora em instalações de creche para suínos (2010) Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, 30 (3), pp. 377-385. , junBournet, P.E., Boulard, T., Effect of ventilator configuration on the distributed climate of greenhouses: A review of experimental and CFD studies (2010) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 74, pp. 195-217. , New YorkCambardella, C.A., Moorman, T.B., Novak, J.M., Parkin, T.B., Karlen, D.L., Turco, R.F., Konopka, A.E., Field scale variability of soil properties in Central Iow a solis (1994) Soil Science Society of America Journal, Madison, 58 (5), pp. 1501-1511Campos, J.A., Tinôco, I.F.F., Baêta, F.C., Cecon, P.R., Mauri, A.L., Qualidade do ar, ambiente térmico e desempenho de suínos criados em creches com dimensões diferentes (2009) Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, 29 (3), pp. 339-347Carvalho, T.M.R., (2010) Influência da ventilação mínima no ambiente térmico e aéreo na fase de aquecimento para frangos de corte. 2010., , 140 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) -Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Estadual de Campinas CampinasCarvalho, T.M.R., Moura, D.J., Souza, Z.M., Souza, G.S., Bueno, L.G.F., Qualidade da cama e do ar em diferentes condições de alojamento de frangos de corte (2011) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasília, 46 (4), pp. 351-361. , abrCarvalho, T.M.R., Use of geostatistics on broiler production for evaluation of different minimum ventilation systems during brooding phase (2012) Revista Brasileira Zootecnia, 41 (1), pp. 194-202. , Viçosa, MGCastro, J.O., Campos, A.T., Ferreira, R.A., Júnior, T.Y., Tadeu, H.C., Uso de ardósia na construção de celas de maternidade: I - efeito sobre o ambiente e comportamento de suínos Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, 31 (3), pp. 458-467Corkery, G., Monitoring environmental parameters in poultry production facilities (2013) Computer Aided Process Engineering, , CAPE Forum 2013. Graz: Graz University of TechnologyFaria, F.F., Moura, D.J., Souza, Z.M., Matarazzo, S.V., Variabilidade espacial do microclima de um galpão utilizado para confinamento de bovinos de leite (2008) Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, 38 (9), pp. 2498-2505(2004) Geostatistics for the environmental sciences, , Gamma Design GS+. Version 7.0. Michigan, 2004. 1 CD-ROMKiefer, C., Moura, M.S., Silva, E.A., Santos, A.P., Silva, C.M., Luz, M.F., Nantes, C.L., Respostas de suínos em terminação mantidos em diferentes ambientes térmicos (2010) Revista Brasileira Saúde Produção Animal, Salvador, 11 (2), pp. 496-504Lima, A.L., Oliveira, R.F.M., Donzele, J.L., Fernandes, H.C., Campos, P.H.R.F., Antunes, M.V.L., Resfriamento do piso da maternidade para porcas em lactação no verão (2011) Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 40 (4), pp. 804-811. , Viçosa, MGMartin, W.R., (2012) Effects of heat stress on thermoregulation, reproduction and performance of different parity sows. 2012., , 154f. Thesis (Master of Science) - Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri, Missouri(2007) Minitab, , MINITAB., Versão, 15., 15.1Miles, D.M., Rowe, D.E., Owens, P.R., Winter broiler litter gases and nitrogen compounds: Temporal and spatial trends (2008) Atmospheric environment, Oxford, 42 (14), pp. 3351-3363Nääs, I.A., Uso de técnicas de precisão na produção animal (2011) Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 40 (358-364), pp. 358-364. , v. Viçosa, MGOrlando, U.A.D., Oliveira, R.F.M., Donzele, J.L., Ferreira, R.A., Silva, F.C.O., Vieira Vaz, R.G.M., Siqueira, J.C., Níveis de proteína bruta e suplementação de aminoácidos em rações para leitoas mantidas em ambiente termoneutro dos 60 aos 100kg (2007) Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 36 (4), pp. 1069-1075. , Viçosa, MG SuplPandorfi, H., Almeida, G.L.P., Guiselini, C., Zootecnia de precisão: princípios básicos e atualidades na suinocultura (2012) Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal, Salvador, 13 (2), pp. 558-568Paulo, R.M., Tinôco, I.F.F., Oliveira, P.A.V., Souza, C.F., Baêta, F.C., Cecon, P.R., Avaliação da amônia emitida de camas sobrepostas e piso concretado utilizados na criação de suínos (2009) Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina Grande, 13 (2)Silva Neto, S.P., Santos, A.C., Leite, R.L.L., Dim, V.P., Cruz, R.S., Pedrico, A., Neto, D.N.N., Análise espacial de parâmetros da fertilidade do solo em região de ecótono sob diferentes usos e manejos (2011) Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, 32 (2), pp. 541-552Silva Neto, S.P., Silva, R.G., Santos, A.C., Gama, F.R., Guerra, M.S.S., Brito, M.J.D., Padrões espaciais de deposição de fezes por bovinos de corte em áreas de pastagem (2011) Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal, 12 (2), pp. 538-550. , SalvadorSilva, E.G., Santos, A.C., Ferreira, C.L.S., Sousa, J.P.L., Rocha, J.M.L., Silveira Júnior, O., Variabilidade espacial das características ambientais e peso de frangos de corte em galpão de ventilação negativa (2013) Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal, 14 (1), pp. 132-141. , SalvadorSilva, I.M., Pandorfi, H., Almeida, G.L.P., Guiselini, C., Caldas, A.M., Jacob, A.L., Análise espacial das condições térmicas do ambiente pré-ordenha de bovinos leiteiros sob regimes de climatização (2012) Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 16 (8), pp. 903-909. , Campina GrandeSilva-Miranda, K.O., Borges, G., Menegale, V.L.C., Silva, I.J.O., Efeito das condições ambientais no nível de ruído emitido por leitões (2012) Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, 32 (3), pp. 1-11Soares, E.A., Leal, A.F., Malheiros Filho, J.R., Camerini, N.L., Nascimento, J.W.B., Dermeval, A.F., Zoneamento bioclimático para produção de suínos na maternidade no município de Areia - PB (2009) Revista Educação Agrícola Superior Brasília, 24 (1), pp. 3-6(2009) Contouring, gridding and surface mapping package for scientists an engineers, , http://www.goldesoftware.com, SURFER version 9.0. Acesso em: 10 fev 2010Vieira, S.R., Geoestatística em estudos de variabilidade espacial do solo (2000) Tópicos em ciência do solo, 1, pp. 1-54. , NOVAIS, R. F. et al (Ed). Viçosa: SBGS cap 1Warrick, A.W., Nielsen, D.R., Spatial variability of soil physical properties in the field (1980) Applications of soil physics, , HILLEL, D., (ed). New York, Academic Pres

    Data Mining Applied To Horse Thermal Comfort

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    Thermal comfort plays a critical role in body temperature regulation. Heat-regulation mechanisms, such as changes in peripheral blood flow, are activated by thermal stress to maintain body homeostasis and it can results in a fluctuation of skin temperature. Although thermal comfort of horse has been studied, its relation with surface temperature is rarely seen in the literature. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the potential of data mining techniques in knowledge discovery by associating surface temperature with thermal comfort of horses. The decision tree model presented 74.0% of accuracy and all attributes of dataset were considered relevant for the classification problem. The results revealed the potential of data mining techniques to equine thermal comfort classification problems.422428Autio, E., Neste, R., Airaksinen, S., Heiskanen, M.-L., Measuring the heat loss in horses in different seasons by infrared thermography (2006) Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 9 (3), pp. 211-221. , DOI 10.1207/s15327604jaws0903-3Batista, G.E.A.P.A., Prati, R.C., Monard, M.C., A study of the behavior of several methods for balancing machine learning training set (2003) SIGKDD Exploration, 6 (1), pp. 20-29Chapman, P., Clinton, J., Kerber, R., Khabaz, T., Reinartz, T., Shearer, C., Wirth, R., (2000) CRISP-DM 1.0: Step-by-step Data Mining Guide, , http://www.spss.ch/upload/1107356429_CrispDM1.0.pdf, Available at: Accessed 22 November 2011Chawla, N.V., Bowyer, K.W., Hall, L.O., Kegelmeyer, W.P., SMOTE: Synthetic minority over-sampling technique (2002) Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 16, pp. 321-357. , http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/jair/pub/volume16/chawla02a.pdfCunningham, J.G., Termorregulação (2002) Tratado de Fisiologia Veterinária, , 3rd ed. São Paulo: Guanabara KooganFayyad, U., Stolorz, P., Data mining and KDD: Promise and challenges (1997) Future Generation Computer Systems, 13 (2-3), pp. 99-115. , PII S0167739X97000150Ferreira, V.M.O.S., Francisco, N.S., Belloni, M., Aguirre, G.M.Z., Caldara, F.R., Nääs, I.A., Garcia, R.G., Polycarpo, G.V., Infrared thermography applied to the evaluation of metabolic heat loss of chicks fed with different energy densities Brazilian J. of Poult. Sci., 13 (2), pp. 113-118Hodgson, D.R., Davies, R.E., McConaghy, F.F., Thermoregulation in the horse in response to exercise (1994) British Veterinary Journal, 150 (3), pp. 219-234Huang, P., Lin, P., Shangwei, Y., Xiao, M., Data Mining for seasonal influences in broiler breeding based on observational study (2011) Information Computing and Applic., 7030, pp. 25-32Japkowicz, N., Class imbalances: Are we focusing on the right issue? (2003) 2nd Workshop on Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets, pp. 17-23Jones, S., Horsback Riding in the Dog Days (2009) (S.L.): Animal Science e-news University of Arkansas, 2 (3), pp. 3-4. , The Cooperative Extension Divison, 7pKnížková, I., Kinc, P., Gürdil, G.A.K., Pinar, Y., Selvi, K.Ç., Applications of infrared thermography in animal production (2007) J. of Fac. of Agric., 22 (3), pp. 329-336Laurikkala, J., (2001) Improving Identification of Difficult Small Classes by Balancing Class Distribution, , http://sci2s.ugr.es/keel/pdf/algorithm/congreso/2001-Laurikkala-LNCS.pdf, Available at: Accessed 01 November 2011Marlin, D.J., Scott, C.M., Roberts, C.A., Casas, I., Holah, G., Schroter, R., Post exercise changes in compartmental body temperature accompanying intermittent cold water cooling in the hyperthermic horse (1998) Equine Vet. J., 30, pp. 28-34McCutcheon, L.J., Geor, R.J., Thermoregulation and exercise-associated heat stress (2008) Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse, pp. 382-386. , Hinchcliff, K.W.R. J. Geor, A. J. Kaneps. Philadelphia: ElsevierMutaf, S., Şeber Kahraman, N., Frat, M.Z., Surface wetting and its effect on body and surface temperatures of domestic laying hens at different thermal conditions (2008) Poult. Sci., 87, pp. 2441-2450Paludo, G.R., McManus, C., De Melo, R.Q., Cardoso, A.G., Da, S.M.F.P., Moreira, M., Fuck, B.H., Effect of Heat Stress and Exercise on Physiological Parameters of Horses of the Brazilian Army (2002) Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 31 (3), pp. 1130-1142Oliveira, L.A., Campei, J.E.G., Azevedo, D.M.M.R., Costa, A.P.R., Turco, S.H.N., Moura, J.W.S., Estudo de respostas fisiológicas de equinos sem raça definida e da raça quarto de milha às condições climáticas de Teresina, Piauí (2008) Ciencia Animal Brasileira, 9 (4), pp. 827-838Vale, M.M., Moura, D.J., Nääs, I.A., Pereira, D.F., Characterization of heat waves affecting mortality of broilers between 29 days and market age (2010) Brazilian J.of Poult.Sci., 12 (4), pp. 279-28

    Data Mining As A Tool To Evaluate Thermal Comfort Of Horses

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    Thermal comfort is of great importance to preserve body temperature homeostasis during thermal stress conditions. Although thermal comfort of horses has been widely studied, research has not reported its relationship to surface temperature (TS). The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of data mining techniques as a tool to associate surface temperature with thermal comfort of horses. TS was measured using infrared thermographic image processing. Physiological and environmental variables were used to define the predicted class, which classified thermal comfort as "comfort" and "discomfort". The TS variables for the armpit, croup, breast and groin of horses and the predicted class were then submitted to a machine learning process. All dataset variables were considered relevant to the classification problem and the decision-tree model yielded an accuracy rate of 74.0%. The feature selection methods used to reduce computational cost and simplify predictive learning reduced the model accuracy to 70.1%; however the model became simpler with representative rules. For these selection methods and for the classification using all attributes, TS of armpit and breast had a higher rating power for predicting thermal comfort. The data mining techniques had discovered new variables relating to the thermal comfort of horses.281290FancomAutio, E., Neste, R., Airaksinen, S., Heiskanen, M., Measuring the heat loss in horses in different seasons by infrared thermography (2006) Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 9, pp. 211-221Batista, G.H.A.P.A., Prati, R.C., Monard, M.C., A study of the behavior of several methods for balancing machine learning training data (2004) SIGK DD Explorations, 6, pp. 20-29Castanheira, M., Paiva, S.R., Louvandini, H., Landim, A., Fiorvanti, M.C.S., Paludo, G.R., Dallago, B.S., McManus, C., Multivariate analysis for characteristics of heat tolerance in horses in Brazil (2010) Tropical Animal Health and Production, 42, pp. 185-191Chapman, P., Clinton, J., Kerber, R., Khabaz, T., Reinartz, T., Shearer, C., Wirth, R., CRIS P-DM 1.0: Step-by-step data mining guide (2000) The CRIS P-DM Consortium, , http://www.spss.ch/upload/1107356429_CrispDM1.0.pdf, Available atChawla, N.V., Bowyer, K.W., Hall, L.O., Kegelmeyer, W.P., SMOTE : Synthetic minority over-sampling technique (2002) Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 16, pp. 321-357Crivelenti, R.C., Coelho, R.M., Adami, S.F., Oliveira, S.R.M., Data mining to infer soil-landscape relationships in digital soil mapping (2009) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 44, pp. 1707-1715. , Portuguese, with abstract in EnglishCunningham, J.G., (2002) Textbook F Veterinary Physiology, , Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, USAHan, J., Kamber, M., Pei, J., (2011) Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA, USAHuang, C.-J., Yang, D.-X., Chuang, Y.-T., Application of wrapper approach and composite classifier to the stock trend prediction (2008) Expert Systems with Applications, 34, pp. 2870-2878Japkowicz, N., (2003) Class Imbalances: Are We Focusing on the Right Issue?, , http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~nat/Papers/papers.html, Accessed Oct. 16, 2012Jodkowska, E., Dudek, K., Przewozny, M., The maximum temperatures (Tmax) distribution on the body surface of sport horses (2011) Journal of Life Sciences, 5, pp. 291-297Jones, S., Horseback riding in the dog days (2009) Animal Science E-news University of Arkansas, 2 (3-4), p. 7. , http://www.aragriculture.org/news/animal_science_enews/2009/july2009.htm, The Cooperative Extension DivisonKohn, C.W., Hinchcliff, K.W., Physiological responses to the endurance test of a 3-dayevent during hot and cool weather (1995) Equine Veterinary Journal, 20, pp. 31-36Kohn, C.W., Hinchcliff, K.W., McKeever, K.H., Evaluation of washing with cold water to facilitate heat dissipation in horses exercised in hot, humid conditions (1999) American Journal of Veterinary Research, 60, pp. 299-305Lin, S.-W., Chen, S.-C., Parameter determination and feature selection for C4.5 algorithm using scatter search approach (2012) Software Computer, 16, pp. 63-75Lutu, P.E.N., Engelbrecht, A.P., A decision rule-based method for feature selection in predictive data mining (2010) Expert Systems with Applications, 37, pp. 602-609Marlin, D.J., Scott, C.M., Roberts, C.A., Casas, I., Holah, G., Schroter, R., Post exercise changes in compartmental body temperature accompanying intermittent cold water cooling in the hyperthermic horse (1998) Equine Veterinary Journal, 30, pp. 28-34McConaghy, F.F., Hodgson, D.R., Rose, R.J., Hales, J.R., Redistribution of cardiac output in response to heat exposure in the pony (1996) Equine Veterinary Journal Supplement, 22, pp. 42-46McCutcheon, L.J., Geor, R.J., Thermoregulation and exercise-associated heat stress (2008) Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse, pp. 382-396. , Hinchcliff, K.W. 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