149 research outputs found


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    O desenvolvimento de bebidas mistas vem ampliando nos últimos anos o mercado de sucos de fruta, apresentando estes produtos em formato diferente dos tradicionais sabores encontrados no mercado e, além disso, oferecendo aos consumidores produtos enriquecidos naturalmente pela incorporação de nutrientes fornecidos por dois ou mais frutos. Neste contexto, o trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a presença dos minerais K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe e Cu em uma bebida mista elaborada com água-de-coco e suco de maracujá e verificar a contribuição dos minerais encontrados na bebida para Ingestão Diária Recomendada – (IDR). Observou-se a presença de todos os minerais analisados na bebida, destacando-se a presença de Ca (64,28 mg/100mL), Mg (12,0 mg/100mL) e Mn (0,11 mg/100mL) que fornecem respectivamente 13,2; 9,5 e 9,8% da IDR destes minerais com o consumo de uma embalagem do produto (250 mL).The development of mixed drink is extending the fruit juice market in the last years, presenting these products in different format from the traditional flavors found in the market and, moreover, offering to the consumers products enriched by the incorporation of nutrients supplied from two or more fruits. In this context, the aim of this work was to determine the presence of minerals K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu in a mixed drink composed of coconut water and passion fruit juice and verify the mineral contribution in the beverage for Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI). It was observed the presence of every mineral evaluated in the mixed drink, with prominence for Ca (64,28 mg/100mL), Mg (12,0 mg/100mL) and Mn (0,11 mg/100mL) that provide respectively 13,2; 9,5 and 9,8% of the DRI of these minerals with the consumption of one product package (250 mL)

    Níveis de colesterol e fosfolipídios em carnes caprinas influenciados por dietas de cálcio

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    The objective of this study was to determine the contents of cholesterol and phospholipid in the meat from goats fed on calcium supplemented diets. Nine castrated male undefined breed goats with 17 to 23 months of age and 22.5 kg average weight were used. Animals were reared during 28 weeks in native pasture and offered mineral supplements consisting of: A = NaCl 93.2% plus a regular trace mineral supplement (TMS) 6.8%; B = NaCl 86.4%, plus TMS 6.8%, plus dicalcium phosphate 6.8%; C = NaCl 86.4% plus TMS 6.8%, plus rock phosphate 6.8%. At the end of the experimental period three goats from each treatment were slaughtered and the meat from the shoulder and the leg collected and analyzed. Cholesterol content in goat meat ranged from 61.5 to 76.1 mg/100 g. It was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the meat from goats offered the calcium supplements (treatments B and C) than in the meat from goats without calcium supplement (treatment A). Meat phospholipid varied from 6.2 to 8.2 mg/100 g and was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in goats offered dicalcium phosphate (treatment B) than in goats offered the mix without calcium supplement or the one containing rock phosphate (treatments A and C). Both cholesterol and phospholipid were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in goat shoulder meat than in goat leg meat for the supplemented animals, and did not show any difference for the unsupplemented animals.O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os conteúdos de colesterol e fosfolipídios em carne de caprinos alimentados com dietas contendo suplementos de cálcio. As análises foram feitas na carne de nove animais machos, castrados, sem raça definida, com 17 a 23 meses de idade e peso médio de 22,5 kg. Os animais foram criados por 28 semanas em pastagem nativa, recebendo suplementação de minerais e duas fontes de cálcio, de acordo com os seguintes tratamentos: A = 93,2% de NaCl e 6,8% de uma mistura regular de microelementos minerais (MEM); B = 86,4% de NaCl mais 6,8% de MEM e 6,8% de fosfato bicálcico; C = 86,4% de NaCl mais 6,8% de MEM e 6,8% de fosfato de rocha. Ao final do período experimental, os animais foram abatidos, e as carnes da paleta e do pernil coletadas para determinação do seu conteúdo de colesterol e fosfolipídios. O nível de colesterol das carnes caprinas variou de 61,5 a 76,1 mg/100 g, sendo significativamente (P < 0,05) menor na dos animais alimentados com suplementos de cálcio (tratamentos B e C) que na dos animais alimentados sem suplemento de cálcio (tratamento A). O nível de fosfolipídios das carnes caprinas variou de 6,2 a 8,2 mg/100 g, sendo significativamente (P < 0,05) maior na carne dos caprinos sem suplementos de cálcio ou com suplemento de fosfato de rocha (tratamentos A e C). Os níveis de colesterol e fosfolipídios de carne dos animais suplementados foram significativamente (P < 0,05) maiores na paleta que no pernil, e no tratamento sem suplementação não houve diferença significativa entre estes

    Estabilidade química, físico-química e microbiológica de polpas de acerola pasteurizadas e não-pasteurizadas de cultivo orgânico.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a estabilidade química, físico-química e microbiológica de polpas de acerola pasteurizadas e não-pasteurizadas, oriundas de cultivo orgânico e armazenadas sob congelamento (-18±2ºC) durante 360 dias. O armazenamento sob congelamento não ocasionou perdas significativas de qualidade das polpas de acerola. No entanto, o tratamento térmico influenciou negativamente nos conteúdos iniciais de alguns componentes, principalmente sólidos solúveis, açúcares solúveis totais e redutores, que apresentaram conteúdos inferiores no início do armazenamento para as polpas pasteurizadas. As polpas pasteurizadas e não-pasteurizadas apresentaram boa qualidade microbiológica do início ao final do armazenamento. Dentre as polpas estudadas, as polpas não-pasteurizadas apresentaram melhores características iniciais de cor. As polpas pasteurizadas garantiram melhores características microbiológicas no que concerne aos aspectos de segurança alimentar


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    Cashew nuts have high nutritional value. This nut providesmacronutrients, micronutrients and a large variety of antioxidants,such as phenolic compounds. There are losses in some compoundsduring the processing of fruits and there are very few studies onthis aspect. Given the above, this research aimed to determine theeff ect of the processing steps on cashew nut characteristics withemphasis on total antioxidant activity. Signifi cant diff erences wereobserved between the processing steps for all the chemical andphysical-chemical characteristics studied. Cashew nuts containedhigh levels of lipids and energy, low content of moisture and wateractivity and medium content of phenolic compounds (51.33 GAE/100g) and antioxidant activity by the ABTS•+ radical (6.49 μM Trolox/g)at the end of the process. Regarding the total antioxidant activity,it was observed that the ABTS•+ radical method can be consideredappropriate to measure the antioxidant activity of cashew nuts, sincethe results presented lower coeffi cients of variation and expressproportionate results to other methods


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    The present work aimed to characterize the cashew nut bran during several stages of processing, with emphasis in the quantification of total extractable polyphenols and total antioxidant activity. The cashew nut bran was analyzed for the following parameters: water activity, total acidity, pH, moisture, ash, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, total extractable polyphenols and total antioxidant activity by the methods ABTS•+ and DPPH•. There was a decrease in the water activity and moisture in cashew nut bran during processing. The highest values of total extractable polyphenols and antioxidant activity were observed in raw bran due to peel adhered in these nuts


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    This research aimed to determine the total extractable polyphenols and the antioxidant activity of cashew nut obtained from conventional and organic cultivation. The study was performed with cashew nuts collected at four stages of processing: after shelling, before peeling, after peeling and during packaging. The antioxidant activity was measured by the methods with the radicals ABTS•+ and DPPH• and by the β-carotene/linoleic acid system. The nuts collected in the steps after shelling and before peeling presented higher antioxidant activity than those collected after peeling and during packaging. Little variation occurred in the content of total extractable polyphenols and antioxidant activity by ABTS•+ and DPPH• assays between the two cultivation methods studied


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    A presente revisão de literatura aborda o tema alimentos transgênicos, enfocando aspectos de segurança e riscos potenciais ao consumidor, bem como questões de rotulagem e regulamentações nacionais e internacionais. Os principais alimentos de origem vegetal e animal transgênicos no mundo foram apresentados, assim como as modificações e vantagens decorrentes de suas transformações. São descritos os mecanismos de surgimento de riscos nesses organismos e os procedimentos de avaliação mundialmente adotados. Os parâmetros de alergenicidade, toxicidade, surgimento de patógenos alimentares resistentes e alteração na qualidade nutricional dos alimentos são destacados pela sua importância em relação à segurança desses alimentos. A tecnologia do DNA recombinante, associada a outras técnicas convencionais de melhoramento e manejo, apresenta enorme potencial para aumentar a produtividade agrícola, beneficiar o meio ambiente e melhorar a qualidade dos alimentos. No entanto, a inocuidade sob o ponto de vista toxicológico e nutricional deve ser igualmente almejada durante o desenvolvimento de alimentos geneticamente modificados, levando-se em conta, acima de tudo, a segurança final do consumidor. TRANSGENIC FOODS: SAFETY, DIETARY RISKS AND REGULATIONS Abstract The present literature review approaches the subject of transgenic foods assessing security aspects and potential risks to the consumer, as well as labelling and national and international regulations. The main transgenic foods of vegetal and animal origin in the world are presented, as well as the modifications and advantages of their transformations. The emergent risks mechanisms in this organisms and the globally adopted evaluation procedures are described. The parameters of allergenicity, toxicity and occurrence of resistant food pathogens and alteration in the nutritional food quality are stand out by its importance in relation to the safety of this foods. The recombinant DNA technology, associated to other conventional techniques shows great potential to enhance agriculture productivity, to benefit the environment and to improve food quality. Although, the innocuosity by nutritional and toxicological point of view should also be aimed during the development of genetically modified food, regarding above all the final consumers security

    Isolation of total RNA from ripe and unripe soursop (Annona muricata L.) fruit

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    Soursop fruit tissue is known by its acidic pH and high levels of polysaccharides, polyphenolics and secondary metabolites. These conditions are recognized to interfere unfavorably with conventional methodologies for RNA isolation. We describe here a rapid and simple method for the isolation of total RNA from soursop fruit. RNA was extracted in less than 4 h through a combination of SDS/potassium acetate precipitation and selective binding on a silica-gel-based membrane (Qiagen) through microspin speed technology. In comparison to other methods applied for RNA extraction from soursop fruit, our protocol improved substantially RNA quality as well as RNA yield. The isolated RNA served as a robust template for RT-PCR analysis. Comparable RNA quality and yield per dry weight were obtained from unripe and ripe fruits. This makes the method appropriate to being used in studies on differential gene expression in post-harvest behavior

    Eficiência da farinha desengordurada de gergelim como complemento protéico da farinha extrudada de caupi

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    The purpuse of this work was to evaluate the nutritional and organoleptic efficiency of the defatted proteic mixture obtained from gergelim, with extruded flour from cowpea beans, using physical, biochemical, nutritional and sensory methods. Using integral sesame seed, with 54.08% of oil and 21.83% of protein, the dehusked seed with low concentration of oxalates, that was used in the production of defatted sesame flour (FDG) with 2.81% of oil and 59.16% of protein was obtained. The main characteristic of the flour was the high concentration of sulphur amino acids (30.88 mg/g protein). The FDG was used as a complement of the protein of the cowpea flour obtained through a extrusion cooking process (FEC) which inactivated the major part of the trypsin inhibitors. The protein of the flour (FEC) presented a concentration of 24.29%, a low content of sulfur amino acids (17.22 mg/g protein) and a high lysin content (58.47 mg/g protein). The formulated food was considered of good nutritional quality.O objetivo deste trabalho foi promover uma avaliação nutricional da mistura protéica desengordurada, obtida do gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.), com a farinha extrudada do caupi (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), utilizando-se métodos físicos, bioquímicos, nutricionais e sensoriais. Usando-se semente integral do gergelim, com 54,08% de óleo e 21,83% de proteína, obteve-se a semente descascada com baixa concentração de oxalatos, que foi usada para a produção de farinha desengordurada de gergelim (FDG) contendo 2,81% de óleo e 59,16% de proteína. A principal característica desta farinha foi sua alta concentração de aminoácidos sulfurados (30,88 mg/g proteína). Esta FDG foi usada como complemento da proteína da farinha do caupi obtida pelo processo de cozimento por extrusão (FEC), o que ocasionou a inativação de grande parte dos inibidores de tripsina. A proteína da farinha FEC mostrou uma concentração de 24,29%, um baixo conteúdo de aminoácidos sulfurados (17,22 mg/g proteína) e alto teor de lisina (58,47 mg/g proteína). O alimento formulado foi considerado de boa qualidade nutricional


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    Este trabalho de revisão de literatura teve como objetivo apresentar as potencialidades do bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart.). Foram abordadas suas características nutricionais, químicas e físico-químicas, bem como os aspectos de produção, mercado e industrialização do fruto. O bacuri evidencia grande potencial econômico pelas amplas possibilidades de uso, podendo transformar-se (num período relativamente curto) em nova e excelente alternativa para o mercado de frutas exóticas. Outros estudos enfocando, principalmente, a conservação pós-colheita e a industrialização do bacuri são necessários. THE AGRO ECONOMICAL POTENTIAL OF BACURI: A REVIEW Abstract The objective of this literature review work was to present the potentialities of bacuri fruit (Platonia insignis Mart.). The nutritional, chemical and physico-chemical characteristics, as well as its production, market and industrialization aspects were discussed. The bacuri fruit evidences a great economical potential by the wide use possibilities, could constitute in a relatively short period, a new and excellent alternative for the market of exotic fruits. However, it is necessary more studies on this fruit, mainly about the post-harvest conservation and industrialization