21 research outputs found

    Kajian Perencanaan Pembentukan Tpa Regional Rencana Daerah Layanan Kota Banjarbaru, Banjarmasin dan Martapura

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    This research is intended to investigate (a) the garbage growth projection, (b) the condition of Final Garbage Destination (FGD) for Banjarbaru, Banjarmasin and Martapura, (c) the planning concept on regional FGD, (d) the landfill model, planning component and technique component priorities on regional FGD for Banjarbaru, Banjarmasin and Martapura. The used method is survey namely deep interview using questionnaire to 14 people that involved in FGD management; and observation. The data analysis covers geometric method, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) and descriptive analysis. The population growth in Banjarbaru (2,4%) is higher than Banjarmasin (1,8%) and Martapura (1,7%). From projection of population growth, the projection of garbage growth can be calculated. Up to 2033, projection of total garbage growth for those cities will be obtained 3.339.762.228 kg that needs about 38,92 ha for FGD land based on the assumption that the project is started from 2014. The Regulation Number 18 Year 2008 about garbage management states that the open dumping is forbidden. Until now, the FGD in those cities still use open dumping because of limited finance, equipment and facilities. Because of the increasing of garbage, it needs a well planned FGD management that is not polluting environment through regional cooperation FGD. SWOT analysis result shows that finance and human resouce quality is the most important thing that should be considered for government in making decision. The result of Analytical Hierarchy Process shows that the selected model landfill is sanitary landfill. The first priority for planning component of FGD is government regulation (decision), and the first priority for technique component is recycling and loading garbage

    Ipteks Pelaksanaan Sewa Barang Milik Negara pada Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang (Kpknl) Manado

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    The implementation of BMN Rental is the utilization of other parties within a certain period of time and receive cash rewards that can increase non-tax state revenue (PNBP). Based on the results of observations, it can be seen that the object of lease in the implementation of BMN leases in Manado KPKNL has covered all rental objects above, so Manado KPKNL expects reports from other work units and awareness of satker in reporting BMN after that KPKNL Manado takes investigative actions to the field , there are still many satker who complain about the high cost of rent. BMN leasing in Manado KPKNL is considered to be lacking, because there are still a lot of satker who have not fully understood the requirements for submitting the lease documents, so that when the lease application is submitted there are still many incomplete / incomplete requirements documents. Suggestions from penuis for KPKNL Manado are expected to be able to set a reasonable and affordable BMN rental price. Advice from the author is expected for each Satker to pay more attention to the requirements before applying for BMN rent

    Deskripsi Pranata Masyarakat Arab dalam Film “Kingdom Of Heaven”

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    - Penelitian ini membahas mengenai “Kingdom of Heaven” yang merupakan film yang digarap oleh industri perfilman Hollywood yang menceritakan sejarah umat manusia yang pernah terjadi di abad ke-11. Perkembangan situasi di Palestina yang belum juga memperoleh titik damai antara Palestina dan Israel, menjadi titik awal mengapa perindustrian Hollywood memproduksi sebuah film untuk mengingatkan kembali akan sebuah jalan sejarah yang pernah ditempuh oleh Palestina. Tim peneliti mencoba memberikan tambahan dan juga analisis kritis dari film “Kingdom of Heaven” yang diharapkan dapat dijadikan bahan kajian guna terciptanya rekayasa sosial dari tatanan baru yang damai di bumi Palestina. Penelitian ini terbatas pada analisis pranata masyarakat dan masih memerlukan kajian budaya khususnya sub pranata sosial lainnya yang belum dianalisis, sehingga dapat memberikan sumbangsih yang dapat mendukung dalam memberikan gambaran yang utuh akan rekayasa sosial yang diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan guna terciptanya Yerusalem yang damai. Penelitian ini juga mendeskrpsikan figur Shalahuddin yang tidak ditemukan atau masih sangat minim digambarkan dalam film ini. Perlu kiranya sebagai saran dari penelitian ini agar penelitian budaya harus terus ditingkatkan, khususnya studi kawasan Timur Tengah yang sampai hari ini masih jauh dari kedamaian dan sedang mencari format rekayasa sosial yang mendukung terciptanya situasi dan budaya masyarakat yang kondusif. Industri perfilman hendaknya dapat lebih mengeksplor lagi sumber-sumber sejarah yang digunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan sebuah film non-fiksi, sehingga penonton dapat mengambil manfaat setelah menyaksikannya karena film hari ini menjadi media yang sangat potensial dalam menyampaikan sebuah pesan. Kata Kunci – Palestina, Kerajaan, Surga, Islam, Sali

    Effect of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) on microbial quality and sensory acceptability of frozen paratha

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    Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) are known to possess good antimicrobial properties. In the present work, spice-infused frozen parathas were formulated to investigate the effect of fennel and coriander on microbial (aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeast and mould, and Bacillus cereus) reduction and sensory acceptability of frozen paratha throughout the storage at -18°C. The present work was also aimed at determining the relationship between spice concentrations and storage durations on microbiological quality of the samples. Fennel and coriander seed powder were used at concentrations of 2, 4 and 6% of wheat flour (w/w). The microbiological analysis was performed by total plate count, yeast and mould count, and Bacillus cereus count after 9, 12 and 15 weeks of storage. Sensory evaluation was conducted using hedonic scales at the end of storage durations. Results showed that spice infusion in frozen paratha significantly delayed the growth of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeasts and moulds, and Bacillus cereus during storage. The lowest log count was demonstrated by coriander at 6% in total plate count (3.85, 3.90 and 3.91 log10 CFU/g), and yeast and mould count (2.54, 2.59 and 2.60 log10 CFU/g) after 9, 12 and 15 weeks, respectively. Bacillus cereus was not detected throughout the storage durations. Fennel exhibited minimum activity against Bacillus cereus with no significant difference on log count reduction when compared with control. Coriander showed the highest decrease in both total plate count and Bacillus cereus count during the storage duration. Sensory evaluation result indicated that control sample exhibited the highest preference over all attributes when compared with fennel and coriander. Coriander-infused paratha was slightly darker in colour due to high concentration of 6%. Fennel yielded the lowest score in terms of taste among all samples. Fennel and coriander showed no significant difference for sensory acceptability. Overall, all frozen parathas were in good quality after 15 weeks of frozen storage. It can thus be concluded that fennel and coriander can be used as potential natural preservatives to inhibit the growth of microorganisms in paratha during frozen storage. Nevertheless, the optimum spice concentration should be determined to minimise the effects on the sensory attributes