7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Inokulasi Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskular dan Komposisi Pupuk Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Cengkih Tuni (Syzygium aromaticum L.)

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    Cengkih Tuni merupakan salah satu cengkih unggul asal Maluku yang telah dilepas oleh Kementerian Pertanian RI pada tahun 2013. Penggunaan pupuk kimiawi untuk meningkatkan produksi cengkih Tuni dapat dilakukan, akan tetapi penggunaan dalam jangka panjang dapat memberikan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan kualitas hasil panen. Untuk itu diperlukan input teknologi budidaya ramah lingkungan sejak di pembibitan seperti pemanfaatan FMA dan penggunaan pupuk organik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh interaksi FMA dan komposisi pupuk organik terhadap pertumbuhan bibit cengkih Tuni. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah dosis inokulum mycofer FMA yang terdiri atas empat taraf yaitu 0 spora/tanaman (0 g/tanaman), 50 spora/tanaman (2 g/tanaman), 100 spora/tanaman (4 g/tanaman), 150 spora/tanaman (6 g/tanaman), 200 spora/tananamn (8 g/tanaman). Faktor kedua adalah komposisi media pembibitan berupa campuran pupuk organik dengan tanah (v/v) yang terdiri atas lima taraf yaitu tanpa pemberian pupuk organik (kontrol), tanah : pupuk organik 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1. Hasil penelitian didapatkan interaksi terbaik terdapat pada interaksi antara inokulasi FMA 100 spora/tanaman (4 g/tanaman) dan komposisi pupuk organik 2:1 terhadap hampir keseluruhan peubah pengamatan. Kolonisasi FMA kategori tinggi dalam penelitian didapatkan pada dosis inokulasi FMA 4 g/tanaman pada keseluruhan kombinasi perlakuan, sedangkan kategori sedang terdapat pada dosis inokulasi FMA 2, 6, dan 8 g/tanaman pada keseluruhan kombinasi perlakuannya.&nbsp

    Morphological Traits of Maluku Native Forest Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L. Merr & Perry)

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    A study was conducted to study the morphology of the forest cloves groups based on their sizes of their leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds, and to determine their potential yield and optimize their production system. The research was conducted for six months from January until June 2018 in Ambon, Maluku Province, Indonesia. The research used a random sampling technique to > 15-year-old trees  in productive clove forest maintained by the local farmer in Ambon. The observation and recording was conducted at several stages of clover growth, namely bud sprouting, flower bud, blooming, perianths and anthers senescence, unripe green and ripe fruits. Different size groups of forest cloves have significant differences in the duration of flower and fruit formation. Forest cloves with large leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds had quicker ripening process than the othersize groups, but their fruits were longer to ripen. Flower from the medium size group had the shortest duration to develop its flower and form its fruit, whereas the smallest type took the longest time in fruit formation process but the duration of fruit ripening was similar to those from large morphology. Among the three different sizes of forest cloves in Maluku, the trees with large leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds group are the best to be commercially developed due to its earliest time to harvest and large flower sizes. Forest cloves are best harvested when the flowers are fully matured, indicated by one or two flower buds from one inflorescence have bloomed

    Morpho-Agronomical Diversity of Forest Clove in Moluccas, Indonesia

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    Forest clove (Zyzygium aromaticum) is a type of wild clove found in Moluccas. The increasing interest of farmers in cultivating this plant leads to complete their information of morpho-agronomical characteristics which could provide diversity reflecting morpho-agronomical their distribution areas. This study aimed to characterize the morpho-agronomical traits of Forest clove plants in Moluccas. By survey, Forest clove more than 15 year old tree totalling of 50 populations were observed their 54 morpho-agronomical characteristics in two areas (Ambon and Seram) from March to June 2018. Two aromatic cloves, namely Tuni and Zanzibar were used for comparative analysis. The results showed that Forest cloves had a similarity of 78% among the population and grouped into 3 groups with a morpho-agronomical variation of 22%. On the contrary, Forest cloves and comparators (Tuni and Zanzibar) had morpho-agronomical differences of 58%. Based on the main component analysis, there were 11 most influential characters of Forest cloves (leaf size index, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, petiole length, flower length, diameter of flower tube, ripe flower weight, fruit length, fruit width, and fruit weight) which could be descriptors for this plant species

    Analisis Rantai Pasok Komoditas Cengkih Hutan di Maluku

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    The Maluku Islands are renowned as the world's clove origin. Maluku is home to one of the indigenous clove germplasms known as Forest cloves. Forest Cloves are wild-type cloves found on Ambon Island, Maluku. The study's objective was to conduct an analysis of the supply chain for forest clove commodities. The investigation was conducted in the villages of Hitulama, Hitumesing, and Pulau Seram in Maluku Province, as well as in the villages of Latu and Hualoi. Primary data were collected from a sample of 25 forest clove farmers. The data analysis reveals that several parties are involved in the supply chain of Maluku's forest clove commodities, including farmers/suppliers, village-level middlemen, large collectors in the Regency City and provincial capital, Ambon City, as well as large companies in Surabaya that use forest cloves as raw material. Efforts to conserve forest cloves must be made in order to expand local potential and farmers' revenue. As a result, the wealth of Forest clove germplasm in Maluku province can be increased

    Morphological Character of Clove “Raja” (Syzygium aromaticum L.), Endemic to Maluku, Indonesia

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    Clove “Raja” is one of the local Maluku clove germplasm, which has characteristics similar to cultivated cloves and wild types. Until now, very limited information that are available on the morphological character of clove “Raja”. This study aims to provide basic information on the morphological diversity of “Raja”. The study was conducted at the location of the distribution of cloves “Raja” in Mamala village, Leihitu sub-district, Central Maluku district, Maluku province, in June-August 2022. The descriptors used referred to Tropical Fruit Descriptors, with some modifications. The clove “Raja” that were characterized belonged to the farmers and consisted of 30 accessions of cloves that were over twenty years old. The characterization variables included the characters of trees, stems, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. The results of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) on 30 plant samples based on 54 morphological characters obtained two accession groups with a dissimilarity coefficient of 41%. The results of the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) got a total diversity of 70.5% where the first group consisted of accessions of cloves “Raja” group I having identifiable characters in the form of leaf area, leaf length, leaf width, and leaf tip shape; while the second group of clove accessions of “Raja” group I in the form of stem circumference, petiole length, flower length, fruit length, fruit width, and fruit weight. Characteristics of accession of “Raja” cloves group II had distinctive morphological traits in the form of crown shape, upper surface of leaves, lower surface of leaves, leaf thickness, leaf texture, old leaf color, shoot color, leaf tip color, leaf aroma, leaf spiciness, flower stalk length, and seed color

    Essential Oils of <i>Etlingera acanthodes</i> A.D. Poulsen, An Endemic Ginger from Sulawesi Island

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    Etlingera acanthodes A.D. Poulsen is a ginger endemic to Sulawesi, and there is no research on its essential oils. The Essential oil information of E. acanthodes is the first reported and has a high novelty. The objective of the study is to analyze the component of E. acanthodes essential oils, which are endemic to Sulawesi. The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation of the leaves, stems, flowers, and rhizomes of E. acanthodes A.D. Poulsen. The samples were analyzed by GC-MS method using the Agilent Technologies 7890 Gas Chromatograph with Auto Sampler. Data analysis of essential oils of GC-MS results were determined based on comparing mass spectra from the NIST 2005 v.2.0 library and Wiley 7 library 2003. The oils of E. acanthodes contain terpenoids, phenolic, steroids, and other compounds. Phenolic compounds (39.56%) predominate in leaves, other compounds (41.25%) on stems, diterpenes hydrocarbons (77.3%) in flowers, and other compounds (43.5%) and steroids (40.4%) on rhizomes. The five main compounds of E. acanthodes are Neophytadiene; (+)-De-O-Methylcentrolobine; Cholest-5-En-3-Ol,23-Ethyl-,(3. Beta.23S)-; 9,12-Octadecadienoic Acid, Phenol, 2-ethyl-. The analysis found several compounds that can be used for industry and medicine in the future