1,196 research outputs found

    Hitchin’ a Ride in the 1970s: Canadian Youth Culture and the Romance with Mobility

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    to travel for his or her personal growth. However, in the 1970s, civil society saw dropping out of school or work and drifting around as the sign of youth alienation and crazy hippie ideas. In 1969, the Trudeau government struck a task force to investigate why thousands of middle-class young people were observed hitchhiking along the Trans-Canada Highway. This article looks at the federal government’s reaction to the “transient youth” subculture through the lens of what hitchhiking meant to restless teenagers and twenty-somethings. In the early 1970s, Canadian thumb-travellers subverted hegemonic class and gender expectations by putting a new twist on the rituals associated with traditional Canadian tourism. By self-consciously adorning themselves with backpacks, beads, Canada flags, and long bushy hair or by flipping a peace sign to oncoming traffic, they performed rituals of a romantic subculture. Then, as now, their road stories highlight more than the monotonous and carnivalesque moments of alternative travel; they can be read as key biographical moments when understandings of landscapes, national identity, and citizenship were formed.Prendre une année de congé est aujourd’hui perçu comme une excellente occasion pour les jeunes de voyager à des fins de croissance personnelle. Dans les années 1970, cependant, la société civile considérait le fait de quitter l’école ou le travail pour aller à gauche et à droite comme le signe de l’aliénation de la jeunesse et des folles idées hippies. En 1969, le gouvernement Trudeau a mis sur pied un groupe de travail pour analyser les raisons pour lesquelles on voyait des milliers de jeunes de la classe moyenne faire de l’auto-stop le long de la Transcanadienne. Le présent article examine la réaction du gouvernement fédéral à la sous-culture des jeunes nomades sous l’angle de la signification de l’auto-stop pour de fébriles adolescents ou jeunes dans la vingtaine. Au début des années 1970, les auto-stoppeurs canadiens ont bouleversé les attentes – celles d’une classe hégémonique et celles par rapport au genre – en donnant une coloration nouvelle aux rituels associés au tourisme canadien traditionnel. En s’affublant consciemment de sacs à dos, de colliers, de drapeaux canadiens, en portant les cheveux longs en broussaille ou en agitant des symboles de la paix au-devant des automobilistes, ils accomplissaient les rituels d’une sous-culture romantique. Comme de nos jours, leurs récits de voyage mettaient alors en évidence plus que les moments monotones ou carnavalesques du voyage non conformiste; ils peuvent être vus comme des moments biographiques clés au cours desquels les jeunes se formaient une conception des paysages, de l’identité nationale et de la citoyenneté

    A Strenuous Day

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    Stretching three quarters of a century, from roughly 1870 to 1945, A Strenuous Day traces the lives of Harve and Hattie England of Maryville, Missouri, an otherwise ordinary couple caught up in events which transformed their lives. In telling their story, Mahood comes to know his grandparents, who are a very real part of a period in history marked by a World War, a flu epidemic, the likes of Charles Lindbergh, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Herbert Hoover, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and distinguished by the Great Depression. Mahood deftly pieces together this chronicle of the Englands from diaries, letters, local records, newspapers, and oral history and shows how they navigated family, work, small town politics, and a defining tragedy that occurred while Harve served as County Sheriff. This merging of narrative, family history, and social history offers an intimate historical approach and broad insight into the “American experience” of the rural Midwest.https://knightscholar.geneseo.edu/geneseo-authors/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Policing Gender, Class And Family In Britain, 1800-1945

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    This book is intended for undergraduate courses on modern British history, women's history, courses on family, sexuality and childhood. Women's studies, history of education, sociology

    Data center design & enterprise networking

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    Today’s enterprise networks and data centers have become very complex and have completely integrated themselves into every facet of their represented organization. Organizations require Internet facing services and applications to be available at any part of the day or night. These organizations have realized that with centralized computing and highly available components, their technological presence with customers can be greatly enhanced. The creation of an infrastructure supporting such high availability takes numerous components and resources to function optimally. When an organization makes the decision to design a data center, they utilize resources to provide insight into what components to deploy. Much of this information is based off of recommendations made by third party vendors or limited past experiences. This research provides a course offering as a solution to help provide students with the information to design and comprehend the major components within a modern data center. The information included in the course offering has been compared with industry accepted standards and various other resources to provide reliable and accurate information. Course topics have been architected around eight major topics. These topics covered are network design, electrical systems, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, security, management, redundancy, disaster recovery and site planning. The information contained within the lectures has been compiled from multiple sources to provide a single location for information. Furthermore, the course offering will utilize class discussions, case study analysis and activities to re-enforce key points. Providing such a course for students to learn about data center components will provide organizations with the ability to rely less on outside information and design scalable data centers that can provide years of growth

    Assertive Biblical Women

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    The effects of situational cues on inducing stress

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    The effect of situational cues on inducing and increasing state anxiety was investigated in this research experiment. 132 college students were asked to participate in the experiment. After completing a baseline stress questionnaire, a story was read out loud in three parts to the students about a party that involved underage drinking and other escalating stressors. After each part a short questionnaire was given to measure the impact on stress levels based on self-report. Previous research on the subject was conclusive in finding that presenting situational cues could influence state anxiety. An experiment involving positive and negative written scenarios evidenced a significant difference from prestress to poststress scores, reflecting that change had occurred due to the scenarios presented (Moberley, Moulds & Watkins, 2008). The research hypothesis predicted that the stress questionnaires presented after each part of the story would show an increase in state anxiety as compared with the baseline stress questionnaire taken by each participant. An additional dimension of the experiment included gender differences in induction of stress to see if perhaps one was more influenced by stressors than the other

    Spectral Attenuation Characteristics of Strong Ground Motions in East-Central Iran Using Theoretical Data

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    Ground-motion prediction equations are an essential element of PSHA. In seismic hazard analysis, attenuation calculations determine how quickly ground motions decrease as the distance from a seismic event increases. The estimation of ground motion for future earthquakes as a function of magnitude and distance is an important problem from earthquake engineering point of view. This article presents spectral equations for the estimation of horizontal strong ground motions caused by shallow crustal earthquakes with magnitude range of Mw 5.0 to 7.4 and distance to the surface projection of the fault less than 100 km for theoretical (simulated) records. The reason for development of ground motion in this region is that strong ground motion data are too sparse to allow ground motion relations to be derived directly from sufficient observed data. By considering the modeling parameters, we have used the stochastic finite fault modeling to generate a large suite of acceleration time histories for this region. The attenuation characteristics of horizontal spectral accelerations of strong motion in near-field are studied in this paper and the attenuation relations for horizontal acceleration response spectrum in the period range of 0.1–5 s for rock classification in the East-Central Iran are established. These equations were derived by two-stage regression analysis, on a set of 1200 theoretical strong-motion records generated in this area. The present results will be useful in estimating strong ground motion parameters and in the earthquake resistant design in the East-Central Iran region
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