23 research outputs found

    Increased rates of large-magnitude explosive eruptions in Japan in the late Neogene and Quaternary

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    Tephra layers in marine sediment cores from scientific ocean drilling largely record high-magnitude silicic explosive eruptions in the Japan arc for up to the last 20 million years. Analysis of the thickness variation with distance of 180 tephra layers from a global dataset suggests that the majority of the visible tephra layers used in this study are the products of caldera-forming eruptions with magnitude (M) >6, considering their distances at the respective drilling sites to their likely volcanic sources. Frequency of visible tephra layers in cores indicates a marked increase in rates of large magnitude explosive eruptions at ~8 Ma, 6–4 Ma and further increase after ~2 Ma. These changes are attributed to major changes in tectonic plate interactions. Lower rates of large magnitude explosive volcanism in the Miocene are related to a strike-slip dominated boundary (and temporary cessation or deceleration of subduction) between the Philippine Sea Plate and southwest Japan, combined with the possibility that much of the arc in northern Japan was submerged beneath sea level partly due to previous tectonic extension of Northern Honshu related to formation of the Sea of Japan. Changes in plate motions and subduction dynamics during the ~8 Ma to present period led to (1) increased arc-normal subduction in southwest Japan (and resumption of arc volcanism) and (2) shift from extension to compression of the upper plate in northeast Japan, leading to uplift, crustal thickening and favourable conditions for accumulation of the large volumes of silicic magma needed for explosive caldera-forming eruptions

    Izu-Bonin-Mariana Rear Arc: The Missing Half of the Subduction Factory

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    4GT) lies in the western part of the Izu fore-arc basin, ~60 km east of the arc-front volcano Aogashima, ~170 km west of the axis of the Izu-Bonin Trench, 1.5 km west of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 792, and at 1776 meters below sea level (mbsl). It was drilled as a 150 m deep geotechnical test hole for potential future deep drilling (5500 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) at proposed Site IBM-4 using the D/V Chikyu. Core from Site U1436 yielded a rich record of Late Pleistocene explosive volcanism, including distinctive black glassy mafic ash layers that may record large-volume eruptions on the Izu arc front. Because of the importance of this discovery, Site U1436 was drilled in three additional holes (U1436B, U1436C, and U1436D), as part of a contingency operation, in an attempt to get better recovery on the black glassy mafic ash layers and enclosing sediments and to better constrain the thickness of the mafic ash layers. IODP Site U1437 is located in the Izu rear arc, ~330 km west of the axis of the IzuBonin Trench and ~90 km west of the arc-front volcanoes Myojinsho and Myojin Knoll, at 2117 mbsl. The primary scientific objective for Site U1437 was to characterize “the missing half of the subduction factory”; this was because numerous ODP/Integrated Ocean Drilling Program sites had been drilled in the arc to fore-arc region (i.e., ODP Site 782A Leg 126), but this was the first site to be drilled in the rear part of the Izu arc. A complete view of the arc system is needed to understand the formation of oceanic arc crust and its evolution into continental crust. Site U1437 on the rear arc had excellent core recovery in Holes U1437B and U1437D, and we succeeded in hanging the longest casing ever in the history of R/V JOIDES Resolution scientific drilling (1085.6 m) in Hole U1437E and cored to 1806.5 mbsf

    IODP Expedition 350 Elemental analysis (CHNS)

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    Fundamental elemental component (total carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur) fluctuations help define the origin, depositional environment, and diagenetic alteration of source materials. To determine C, H, N, and S, solid samples are reacted with a catalyst, separated by chromatography, and detected by thermal conductivity on a FlashEA 1112 CHNS elemental analyzer. Organic carbon can be directly measured on the elemental analyzer by acidification of the sample to drive off carbonate as carbon dioxide before analyzing. Total organic carbon on this report is measured rather than calculated

    IODP Expedition 350 Moisture and Density

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    Moisture and density (MAD) data were acquired on ~10 mL sediment or rock samples by measuring three out of four material parameters: wet (saturated) mass, wet volume, dry mass, and/or dry volume after 24 h drying in a convection oven at 105 degrees C. From the moisture and volume measurements, the following phase relationships are calculated: wet and dry water content, wet bulk density, dry bulk density, grain density, porosity, and void ratio. The combination of measurements is defined by the submethod chosen: A, B, C, or D. Wet (A, B, or C) and dry (A, B, C, or D) mass is determined using motion-compensated balances. Wet volume is determined either by helium pycnometry (A) or by the sample's geometric dimensions using calipers (A or D). Dry volume (C or D) is measured by helium pycnometry. Submethods A and B are not recommended by IODP. Submethod C is suitable for saturated materials such as fine-grained sediments. Submethod D is suitable for unsaturated porous material such as certain limestones and basalts

    IODP Expedition 350 Vane shear strength (AVS)

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    Shear strength was measured on section halves using a GEISA automated vane shear (AVS) frame and device controller. The device is suitable for sediment not affected by cementation (i.e., saturated, clay-rich, soft sediment). Shear strength measurements should be considered only approximate, particularly because the influence of pore pressure changes during the undrained experiment cannot be estimated. Report includes vane shear strength at the sample's failure point, maximum torque angle, penetration direction, and rate of vane rotation