71 research outputs found

    Cyanide Toxicokinetics: The Behavior of Cyanide, Thiocyanate and 2-Amino-2-Thiazoline-4-Carboxylic Acid in Multiple Animal Models

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    Cyanide causes toxic effects by inhibiting cytochrome c oxidase, resulting in cellular hypoxia and cytotoxic anoxia, and can eventually lead to death. Cyanide exposure can be verified by direct analysis of cyanide concentrations or analyzing its metabolites, including thiocyanate (SCN−) and 2-amino-2-thiazoline-4-carboxylic acid (ATCA) in blood. To determine the behavior of these markers following cyanide exposure, a toxicokinetics study was performed in three animal models: (i) rats (250–300 g), (ii) rabbits (3.5–4.2 kg) and (iii) swine (47–54 kg). Cyanide reached a maximum in blood and declined rapidly in each animal model as it was absorbed, distributed, metabolized and eliminated. Thiocyanate concentrations rose more slowly as cyanide was enzymatically converted to SCN−. Concentrations of ATCA did not rise significantly above the baseline in the rat model, but rose quickly in rabbits (up to a 40-fold increase) and swine (up to a 3-fold increase) and then fell rapidly, generally following the relative behavior of cyanide. Rats were administered cyanide subcutaneously and the apparent half-life (t1/2) was determined to be 1,510 min. Rabbits were administered cyanide intravenously and the t1/2 was determined to be 177 min. Swine were administered cyanide intravenously and the t1/2 was determined to be 26.9 min. The SCN−t1/2 in rats was 3,010 min, but was not calculated in rabbits and swine because SCN−concentrations did not reach a maximum. The t1/2 of ATCA was 40.7 and 13.9 min in rabbits and swine, respectively, while it could not be determined in rats with confidence. The current study suggests that cyanide exposure may be verified shortly after exposure by determining significantly elevated cyanide and SCN− in each animal model and ATCA may be used when the ATCA detoxification pathway is significant

    Noninvasive monitoring of treatment response in a rabbit cyanide toxicity model reveals differences in brain and muscle metabolism

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    Noninvasive near infrared spectroscopy measurements were performed to monitor cyanide (CN) poisoning and recovery in the brain region and in foreleg muscle simultaneously, and the effects of a novel CN antidote, sulfanegen sodium, on tissue hemoglobin oxygenation changes were compared using a sub-lethal rabbit model. The results demonstrated that the brain region is more susceptible to CN poisoning and slower in endogenous CN detoxification following exposure than peripheral muscles. However, sulfanegen sodium rapidly reversed CN toxicity, with brain region effects reversing more quickly than muscle. In vivo monitoring of multiple organs may provide important clinical information regarding the extent of CN toxicity and subsequent recovery, and facilitate antidote drug development

    Metabolism of Cyanide by Glutathione To Produce the Novel Cyanide Metabolite 2-Aminothiazoline-4-oxoaminoethanoic Acid

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    The direct analysis of cyanide (HCN or CN– inclusively symbolized as CN) to confirm exposure has major limitations due to cyanide’s volatility, reactivity, and short half-life in biological fluids. These limitations have led to the exploration of cyanide detoxification products for indirect verification of cyanide exposure. Although cyanide interacts strongly with sulfur-containing molecules, to date, biomarkers resulting from the interaction of cyanide with glutathione (GSH; i.e., a biologically abundant sulfur-donating biomolecule) have yet to be discovered. In this study, we studied the interaction of CN and GSH to produce 2-aminothiazoline-4-oxoaminoethanioc acid (ATOEA). An LC–MS/MS method was developed and validated to analyze ATOEA from plasma, producing a linear range of 0.5–50 μM, a limit of detection of 200 nM, and excellent precision and accuracy. ATOEA concentrations were significantly elevated in the plasma of animals following cyanide exposure. Moreover, the production of ATOEA from cyanide exposure was confirmed by detection of both ATOEA and ATOEA-13C15N in rabbit plasma (N = 11 animals) following administration of NaCN:K13C15N (1:1), with a similar amount of ATOEA and ATOEA-13C15N formed (R2 = 0.9924, p \u3c 0.05). The concentration of ATOEA increased with cyanide dose and then decreased rapidly when an antidote was administrated. This study definitively showed that ATOEA is produced from interaction of CN and GSH and can serve as a biomarker of cyanide exposure

    Determination of Free Cyano-cobinamide in Swine and Rabbit Plasma by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    In recent years, Cobinamide (Cbi) has shown promise as a therapeutic for cyanide poisoning. There are several forms of Cbi based on the identity of the ligands bound to the cobalt in Cbi and these different forms of Cbi have divergent behavior (e.g., the aquo and hydroxo forms of Cbi readily bind to proteins, limiting their distribution significantly, whereas [Cbi(CN)2] does not). While current analysis techniques only measure total Cbi, methods to elucidate the behavior of ‘available’ Cbi versus cyanide-complexed Cbi would be valuable for biomedical and pharmacokinetic studies. Therefore, a method was developed for the analysis of cyanide-complexed Cbi in plasma via liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS). Plasma samples were prepared by denaturing proteins with 10% ammonium hydroxide in acetonitrile. The resulting mixture was centrifuged, and the supernatant was removed, dried, and reconstituted. Cyanide-complexed Cbi was then analyzed via LC-MS-MS. The limit of detection was 0.2 μM, and the linear dynamic range was between 1 and 200 μM. The accuracy was 100 ± 17% and the precision, measured by relative standard deviation (%RSD), was ≤18.5%. Carryover, a severe problem when analyzing Cbi via liquid chromatography was eliminated using a polymeric-based stationary phase (PLRP-S) and a controlled washing protocol. The method allowed evaluation of the cyanide-bound and ‘available’ Cbi from treated animals and, when paired with a method for total Cbi analysis, allows for estimation of Cbi utilization when treating cyanide poisoning

    Airway Epithelium Stimulates Smooth Muscle Proliferation

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    Communication between the airway epithelium and stroma is evident during embryogenesis, and both epithelial shedding and increased smooth muscle proliferation are features of airway remodeling. Hence, we hypothesized that after injury the airway epithelium could modulate airway smooth muscle proliferation. Fully differentiated primary normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells at an air–liquid interface were co-cultured with serum-deprived normal primary human airway smooth muscle cells (HASM) using commercially available Transwells. In some co-cultures, the NHBE were repeatedly (×4) scrape-injured. An in vivo model of tracheal injury consisted of gently denuding the tracheal epithelium (×3) of a rabbit over 5 days and then examining the trachea by histology 3 days after the last injury. Our results show that HASM cell number increases 2.5-fold in the presence of NHBE, and 4.3-fold in the presence of injured NHBE compared with HASM alone after 8 days of in vitro co-culture. In addition, IL-6, IL-8, monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 and, more markedly, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 concentration increased in co-culture correlating with enhanced HASM growth. Inhibiting MMP-9 release significantly attenuated the NHBE-dependent HASM proliferation in co-culture. In vivo, the injured rabbit trachea demonstrated proliferation in the smooth muscle (trachealis) region and significant MMP-9 staining, which was absent in the uninjured control. The airway epithelium modulates smooth muscle cell proliferation via a mechanism that involves secretion of soluble mediators including potential smooth muscle mitogens such as IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1, but also through a novel MMP-9–dependent mechanism

    New facile method to measure cyanide in blood.

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    Cyanide, a well-known toxic substance that could be used as a weapon of mass destruction, is likely responsible for a substantial percentage of smoke inhalation deaths. The vitamin B(12) precursor cobinamide binds cyanide with high affinity, changing color and, correspondingly, its spectrophotometric spectrum in the ultraviolet/visible light range. Based on these spectral changes, we developed a new facile method to measure cyanide in blood using cobinamide. The limit of detection was 0.25 nmol, while the limit of quantitation was approximately 0.5 nmol. The method was reliable, requires minimal equipment, and correlated well with a previously established method. Moreover, we adapted it for rapid qualitative assessment of cyanide concentration, which could be used in the field to identify cyanide-poisoned subjects for immediate treatment

    A disposable blood cyanide sensor.

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    Deaths due to smoke inhalation in fires are often due to poisoning by HCN. Rapid administration of antidotes can result in complete resuscitation of the patient but judicious dosing requires the knowledge of the level of cyanide exposure. Rapid sensitive means for blood cyanide quantitation are needed. Hydroxocyanocobinamide (OH(CN)Cbi) reacts with cyanide rapidly; this is accompanied by a large spectral change. The disposable device consists of a pair of nested petri dish bottoms and a single top that fits the outer bottom dish. The top cover has a diametrically strung porous polypropylene membrane tube filled with aqueous OH(CN)Cbi. One end of the tube terminates in an amber (583nm) light emitting diode; the other end in a photodiode via an acrylic optical fiber. An aliquot of the blood sample is put in the inner dish, the assembly covered and acid is added through a port in the cover. Evolved HCN diffuses into the OH(CN)Cbi solution and the absorbance in the long path porous membrane tube cell is measured within 160 s. The LOD was 0.047, 1.0, 0.15, 5.0 and 2.2 μM, respectively, for water (1 mL), bovine blood (100 μL, 1 mL), and rabbit blood (20 μL, 50 μL). RSDs were<10% in all cases and the linear range extended from 0.5 to 200 μM. The method was validated against a microdiffusion approach and applied to the measurement of cyanide in rabbit and human blood. The disposable device permits field measurement of blood cyanide in <4 min
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