29 research outputs found

    Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies of Adsorption of Reactive Red 120 on Chitin

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    Chitin is a natural compound that can be extracted from various organisms that is used in various applications from medicine to environmental applications. In this study, effect of chitin is followed for adsorption of reactive red 120 textile dye from water at different conditions such as pH, initial concentration of dye, ionic strength, initial concentration of chitin, effect of temperature, effect of contact time. Characterization of the adsorption were recorded by Fourier Transform Infrared FT-IR spectroscopy

    Faunistic Composition, Ecological Properties and Zoogeographical Composition of the Family Elateridae (Coleoptera) of the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey

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    The focus of this study was to understand the faunistic composition, ecological properties and zoogeographical composition of Elateridae (Coleoptera) of the Central Anatolian region. 72 species belonging to seven subfamilies and 25 genera were identified. The major part of the Elateridae fauna of the Central Anatolian region is formed by the subfamilies Elaterinae and Cardiophorinae. The genus Cardiophorus was the most species-rich genus. The species composition of the Elateridae fauna of the Central Anatolian region is partially consistent with known Elateridae fauna of Turkey. The Central Anatolian region shares most species with the European part of the Western Palaearctic as does the Elateridae fauna of Turkey. Detailed localities of nine species are given for the first time for Turkey, with emphasis on the Central Anatolian region

    Contributions To The Fauna Of Elateridae (Coleoptera) Of Turkey With A Description Of A New Species And Two New Records

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    A new species, Athous (Orthathous) saysatensis n. sp., was discovered in Artvin province and two new species for Turkish fauna, Agriotes bogatschevi Dolin, 1969 and Athous (Athous) kobachidzei Dolin & Chantladze, 1982, were recorded from Giresun, Gumushane, Rize and Trabzon provinces within comprehensive field studies carried out in 2013, 2014 and 2015 on the Elateridae family of the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. The morphology of the new species is described. Photographs of habitus, drawings of aedeagi and the distribution map of the new species, its closely related species and new records are given.WoSScopu

    Figs. 1– 4. 1 in Notes on Four Species of Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Turkey

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    Figs. 1– 4. 1) Craspedostethus dilutus (habitus, male) (scale = 1 mm); 2) Tolphorea turcica. (habitus, male) (scale = 1 mm); 3) Anostirus purpureus (habitus, male) (scale = 2 mm); 4) Peripontius jagemanni (habitus, male) (scale = 1 mm).Published as part of <i>Kabalak, Mahmut & Sert, Osman, 2010, Notes on Four Species of Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Turkey, pp. 160-162 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 64 (2)</i> on page 161, DOI: 10.1649/072.064.0214, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10112496">http://zenodo.org/record/10112496</a&gt

    Peripontius jagemanni Platia and Gudenzi 2000

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    Peripontius jagemanni Platia and Gudenzi, 2000 (Fig. 4) Size. Length 4.69–4.87 mm, width 1.57 mm. Body length and width were given as 4.35–4.50 and 1.35 mm, respectively, by Platia and Gudenzi (2000). Locality Record. 2 males: Adıyaman: Besni Değirmeni river, 08.VII.2006, leg. E. Yağmur. This species was reported by Cate (2007) and Mertlik and Platia (2008) from Turkey without a specific locality record. World Distribution. Syria and Turkey. Notes. According to Mertlik and Platia (2008), there are 10 species of Peripontius Gurjeva, 1979 in Turkey. We would like to thank Senem Özdemir and Barış Özüdoğru for checking the manuscript, and Sinan Anlaş for supplying some material for this study.Published as part of Kabalak, Mahmut & Sert, Osman, 2010, Notes on Four Species of Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Turkey, pp. 160-162 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 64 (2) on pages 161-162, DOI: 10.1649/072.064.021

    Athous (Orthathous) yozgatiensis Kabalak and Sert, new species

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    Athous (Orthathous) yozgatiensis Kabalak and Sert, new species (Figs. 1, 2a, 2b, 3a) Type Locality. Holotype: 1 male, Yozgat province, Sorgun County, Yaylalik village, Şebek picnic area, 40° 4′ 27.48″ N, 35° 14′ 41.58″ E, 1442m, 13.VII.2006, leg. M. Kabalak. Paratypes: 2 males, Yozgat province, Sorgun County, Yaylalık village, Şebek picnic area 40° 4′ 27.48″ N, 35° 14′ 41.58″ E, 1442m, 13.VII.2006, leg. M. Kabalak. Specimens are deposited in the Hacettepe University Zoology Museum (HUZOM) at the Hacettepe University Biology Department. Holotype. Male, length 7.5 mm; width 2.07 mm; body dark brown; anterior margin of pronotum reddish yellow; lateral and basal margins of scutellum yellow-ferrugineous, remainder of scutellum dark brown; elytra dark brown except yellow-ferrugineous base and elytral suture and basal part of elytra; antennae and legs yellow-ferrugineous; body covered with short, sparse yellowish hairs. Head, including eyes, as wide as anterior margin of pronotum and covered with umbilicate punctures, with a longitudinal impression from vertex and to frontoclypeal suture; fronto-clypeal suture slightly convex, not reaching sides of clypeus; antennae extend beyond apices of posterior angles of pronotum by about two segments, second segment subconical, slightly longer than wide, third segment subconical, 1.4 times longer than second, 1.4 times shorter than fourth and slightly narrower at apex, second and third together clearly longer than fourth, segments four to ten triangular, 1.5 times longer than wide, segments four and five resemble each other more than others, segment eleven ellipsoidal and longer than penultimate segment; pronotum 1.1 times longer than wide, slightly convex on the disk, without median carina, sides feebly arcuate, posterior angles slightly divergent, not carinate, apex rounded and directed upwards, lateral margin fully visible in dorsal view; punctuation generally deep, dense and umbilicate, sparser and smaller on medial disk; scutellum semi-circular, narrower than the interelytral space, longer than wide, strongly convex, with deep and scattered punctures; elytra 2.5 times longer than pronotum; sides sub-parallel except on distal third; striae regularly and indistinctly punctured; interstriae feebly convex, rough, with dense, simple punctures; legs with tarsal segment four small, in dorsal view as long as half of the third and as long as one-third of fifth segment. Aedeagus length 1.09 mm, typical morphology (Fig. 3a) for the genus, parameres acutely dentate and apex broadly rounded. Female. Unknown. Variation. 2 paratypes, length 9.25–10.61 mm, width 2.44–3.00 mm. Habitat. Specimens were taken from shrubs by net in a woodland consisting mainly of Quercus L. sp. and Carpinus L. sp. These woodlands are at the junction of the typical Central Anatolian and the Middle of Black Sea Coastal regions of Turkey. Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from the locus typicus (type locality), the Yozgat Province. 1 mm), b) Antenna (scale bar = 1 mm). Diagnosis. Reitter (1905) proposed Orthathou s as a new subgenus of Athous. It is the most diverse subgenus in Turkey (Mertlik and Platia 2008). It can be differentiated from the other subgenera of the genus by: average smaller size; anteriorly inclined, not bordered, and convex scutellum; variable fronto-clypeal suture (Platia 1994; Laibner, 2000). The general morphologies of A. yozgatiensis, A. kovancii, and A. fragariae are very similar to each other. On the other hand, several general morphological characters and aedeagal structures can be used to differentiate them. The second antennal segment is slightly longer than wide in the new species, whereas it is as long as wide in A. kovancii and A. fragariae. The third antennal segment is 1.4 times longer than the second in A. yozgatiensis, whereas it is two times longer than the second in A. kovancii and A. fragariae. The distal teeth of the parameres are more strongly pointed in A. fragariae (Fig. 3c) than in A. yozgatiensis (Fig. 3a) and A. kovancii (Fig. 3b). The apex of the parameres is angled in A. kovancii and A. fragariae, but broadly rounded in the new species. A detailed comparison of general and aedeagus morphology, collection month, and localities for A. yozgatiensis, A. kovancii and A. fragariae are given in Table 1.Published as part of Kabalak, Mahmut & Sert, Osman, 2010, A New Species Of Athous Eschscholtz In The Subgenus Orthathous Reitter (Coleoptera: Elateridae) From Turkey, pp. 119-121 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 64 (2) on pages 119-12

    Fig. 7 in Notes on Four Species of Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Turkey

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    Fig. 7. Aedeagus (dorsal view) of Tolphorea turcica.Published as part of <i>Kabalak, Mahmut & Sert, Osman, 2010, Notes on Four Species of Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Turkey, pp. 160-162 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 64 (2)</i> on page 162, DOI: 10.1649/072.064.0214, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10112496">http://zenodo.org/record/10112496</a&gt

    Craspedostethus Schwarz 1898

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    KEY TO SPECIES OFADULT CRASPEDOSTETHUS INTURKEY (G. Platia, personal communication) 1. Size on average smaller, second and third antennal segments subequal in length, together as long as fourth or slightly longer.................................................................. C. linnavuorii 1′. Size on average larger, third antennal segments longer than second, together notably longer than fourth.......................... C. dilutusPublished as part of Kabalak, Mahmut & Sert, Osman, 2010, Notes on Four Species of Click Beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from Turkey, pp. 160-162 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 64 (2) on page 160, DOI: 10.1649/072.064.021