167 research outputs found

    Isotropic Geometry of Graph Surfaces Associated with Product Production Functions in Economics

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    A production function is a mathematical formalization in economics which denotes the relations between the output generated by a firm, an industry or an economy and the inputs that have been used in obtaining it. In this paper, we study the product production functions of 2 variables in terms of the geometry of their associated graph surfaces in the isotropic 3-space I-3. In particular, we derive several classification results for the graph surfaces of product production functions in I-3 with constant curvature

    Hz. İsa’ya ne oldu?

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    Hz. İsa’ya ne olduğu sorusu geçmişten bugüne çoğu insanın kafasını kurcalayan ve kesin bir cevabı olmayan en zor sorulardan biridir. Neredeyse Hıristiyanlığın üzerine inşa edildiği Hz. İsa’nın, Tanrı’nın katına yükselip, dünyanın sonuna doğru yeryüzüne inip “Tanrısal Krallığı” yeniden kuracağı düşüncesi Hıristiyanlığın özünü oluşturmaktadır. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Aydın tarafından yazılan “Hz. İsa’ya Ne Oldu?” adlı kitap Hıristiyan ve İslam geleneğinde İsa-Mesih’in akıbeti sorununa cevap bulma amacıyla yazılmıştır. Kitap üç bölüm ve bir ek bölümden oluşmaktadır. Yazar kitabın birinci bölümünde temel Hıristiyan kaynaklarından ve diğer Yeni Ahit metinlerinden İsa’nın tutuklanması, yargılanması, çarmıha gerilerek idam edilmesi konusunu ele almaktadır. İkinci bölümde İsa’nın idamı sonrası, dirilmesi, taraftarlarıyla bir süre görüşmesi ve göğe yükselerek Tanrı’nın sağ yanına oturması hadisesi ele alınmaktadır. Kitabın üçüncü bölümünde İslam kaynaklarından hareketle İsa’ya ne olduğu sorusu cevaplandırılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Kitaba ek konulan bölümde ise İsa’yı ele verdiğine inanılan Yahudi İskaryot’un bir hain mi, yoksa bir kahraman mı olduğu üzerine, 1970’li yıllarda ele geçirilen gnostik karakterli Yahudi İncili üzerinden bir değerlendirme yer almaktadır

    Investigation of the Yeast and Mould Floras in Some Ground Spices

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    In this study, yeast and mould floras of 60 spices samples that werecollected from different places of Diyarbakır have been investigated. Theyeast spices as Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger and mouldspices as Candida tropicalis and C. albicans have been commonly isolatedfrom the spices samples.The ratios of yeast contamination in the samples of black pepper,cumin, allspice, ground hot red pepper, flaked pepper (red) and flakedpepper (black), investigated in this study, have been found as % 70, % 80,% 90, % 90, % 60 and % 30 respectively. As a result of high amount ofyeast contamination in spices samples, it is thought that there is a high riskof aflatoxin presence.Using the good and hygienically producing techniques at the stages ofharvest, production, processing, storage and selling with decontaminationapplications as sterilization, microwave and irradiation become effectiveeither in to prove the microbiological quality of the spices and eliminatingof the probable aflatoxin risk due to highly yeast contamination

    Singular Minimal TranslationSurfaces in Euclidean Spaces Endowed with Semi-symmetric Connections

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    In this paper, we study and classify singular minimal translation surfaces in a Euclidean space of dimension 33 endowed with a certain semi-symmetric (non-)metric connection

    The Treatment Role of Anti-aggregants and Anti-coagulants in Radial Artery Occlusion after Transradial Coronary Angiography

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    Objective:The transradial approach (TRA) has been widely used for coronary procedures. The rate of complications such as bleeding, hematoma and pseudoaneurysm is reduced with TRA. The purpose of this study is to search the treatment role of anti-aggregants and low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) in situation of radial artery occlusion (RAO).Methods:A total of 239 patients (140 men, 58.6%) were included. Of the patients 159 (66.5%) were elective, and 80 (33.5%) had acute coronary syndrome. When RAO was detected, patients were treated with 2 weeks of LMWH.Results:In 23 (9.6%) of 239 patients, RAO was observed. From the 23 patients with RAO, 12 (52.8%) were using anti-aggregants, and the remaining 11 (47.8%) did not use. In terms of RAO, a statistically significant difference was observed between anti-aggregant users and non-users (p<0.001). In the group using anti-aggregants and LMWH a statistically significant improvement was observed in the radial flow compared with the group treated withLMWH alone (p<0.001).Conclusion:In the present study, we showed that the addition of anti-aggregants to anti-coagulants decreased RAO rate, declined the symptoms of RAO, also potentiated the effects of anti-coagulants and resulted in better recanalization rate of RA

    Hatay mozaiklerinde kullanılan taş tesseraların türü ve kökenin tespiti, Müze Otel örneği

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    This study was carried out to determine the type and resources of stone tessera taken from parcel no 4642 (Museum Hotel) mosaics in Hatay province. Archaeometric analysis was performed on 60 tessera samples belonging to 6 different mosaics. In the scope of the study, color analysis, P-XRF and petrographic thin section optical microscopy analysis were performed on tessera samples. As a result of the analyzes, the color components of the tesserae were documented. According to the results of P-XRF analysis; main, artifact, transition and presence of rare earth elements were determined. At the same time, because the majority of tessera is composed of limestone, it is determined that there are high Ca elements in their structures and these results support the results obtained by petrography analysis. According to petrography analysis; the majority of the tessera are limestone, siltstone, clay stone and radiolarite rock species and just one rock type is not determined. It is concluded that these rock types are found in Antakya and surrounding of the region. When the tissue characteristics of tesserae samples were evaluated, it was seen that the tesserae belonging to the limestone species had micritic and sparitic texture and the other rock types had crystalline and clastic texture. When the hardness levels of tesserae samples were examined, it was found that the hardest tesserae was tesserae of the radiolith rock type (4,5- 5 mohs) and the others were generally (2- 3 mohs).Bu araştırma Hatay ili 4642 nolu parselde (Müze Otel) ele geçen mozaikleri oluşturan taş tesseraların türü ve kökeninin tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında izinli olarak alınan 6 mozaiğe ait toplam 60 adet tessera üzerinde renk analizi, P-XRF ve petrografik ince kesit optik mikroskop analizi gibi arkeometrik analizler yapılmıştır. Ayrıca P-XRF analizi sonuçlarına göre; ana, eser, geçiş ve nadir toprak elementlerinin varlığı tespit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda tesseraların büyük çoğunluğu kireçtaşından oluştuğu için yapılarında oldukça yüksek oranlarda kalsiyum (Ca) elementinin olduğu belirlenirken bu sonuçlar petrografik ince kesit optik mikroskop analizi ile elde edilen sonuçları destekler niteliktedir. Petrografik ince kesit optik mikroskop analizine göre; tesseraların büyük çoğunluğunu kireçtaşı olduğu az sayıda tanetaşı, silttaşı, kiltaşı ve radyolarit kayaç türünden oluştuğu ve bu kayaç türlerinin araştırma alanı olan Antakya ilçesi ve civarında bol miktarda bulunduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Tessera örneklerinin doku özellikleri değerlendirildiğinde, kireçtaşı türüne ait tesseraların mikritikve sparitik dokuya sahip oldukları, diğer kayaç türlerinin ise kristalize ve kırıntılı bir dokuya sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Tessera örneklerinin sertlik derecelerine bakıldığında, en sert tesseranın radyolit kayaç türüne ait tesseranın olduğu (4,5- 5 mohs) diğerlerinin ise genel olarak (2- 3 mohs) sertliğinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    Archaeometric investigation of the Seasonal Mosaic of Antiochia

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    Hatay Arkeoloji Müzesinde sergilenen Mevsimler Mozaiği dokuz panelden oluşur ve dört köşesinde mevsimler tasvir edilir. Mevsimler Mozaiğinin üzerinde bulunan cam ve taş tesseraların renkleri Munsell Renk Kataloğu esas alınarak, dijital Odak marka Capsure Portatif Renk Eşleştirme cihazı ile belirlenmiştir. Taş tesseraların petrografik analizleri ince kesit optik mikroskop analizi ile cam tesseraların kimyasal analizi de Polarize Enerji Dağıtımlı X-Işını Floresan Spektrometresi kullanılarak, arkeometrik yönden karakterize edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında taş tesseraların kayaç türü, dokusu, sertlik derecesi, agregayı oluşturan kayaç ve mineraller tanımlanmıştır. Cam tessera analizlerinin sonuçları çerçevesinde bulunan elementlerin kimyasal kompozisyonu belirlenmiş ve renk özellikleri hakkında öngörülerde bulunulmuştur. Taş tesseraların petrografik analizi ile kayaç türleri biyosparitik, biyomikritik ve mikritik kireçtaşı olarak belirlenmiştir. Cam tesseraların PED-XRF analizi sonucunda soda kireç camı olduğu, bitki külünün kullanılmadığı, bünyesinde bozulmanın ve direncinin düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Cam tesseraya yeşil rengi veren elementin bakır olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Stronsiyum (Sr) ve zirkonyum (Zr) içeriklerine bakılarak cam tesseraların yapısında karasal hammadde kullanıldığı sonucuna varılmıştır.The Seasons Mosaic exhibited in Hatay Archaeology Museum consists of nine panels and the seasons are depicted in its four corners. The colors of the glass and stone tesserae on the Seasons Mosaic were determined by the digital Focus brand Capsure Portable Color Matching device based on the Munsell Color Catalogue. The petrographic analyzes of the stone tesserae were characterized archeometrically by thin-section optical microscopy analysis and the chemical analysis of the glass tesserae using the Polarized Energy Distributed X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer. In the light of the results obtained, the rock type, texture, hardness level, rocks and minerals forming the aggregate of the stone tesserae were defined. The chemical composition of the elements found within the framework of the results of the glass tessera analysis was determined and predictions were made about the color properties. By petrographic analysis of stone tesserae, rock types were determined as biosparitic, biomicritic and micritic limestone. As a result of the PED-XRF analysis of the glass tesserae, it was determined that it was soda lime glass, that plant ash was not used, and that it had low deterioration and resistance. It has been understood that the element that gives the green color to the glass tesserae is copper. By looking at the strontium (Sr) and zirconium (Zr) contents, it was concluded that terrestrial raw materials were used in the structure of glass tesserae

    Artificial Lifting in Liquid Dominated High-Temperature Geothermal Fields in Turkey: Lessons Learned

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    Due to the attractive feed-in-tariff mechanism, Turkish geothermal producers operate geothermal power plants at their maximum capacity. As a result, many geothermal reservoirs in Turkey have been exploited with an aggressive production strategy by multiple operators. A significant amount of production targeted natural fractures associated with normal faults in Western Anatolia. Wells produced at the maximum allowable capacity caused substantial reservoir pressure drops that affected reservoir dynamics. Premature temperature decline, local pressure drop, and the sharp decline of non-condensable gases (NCG) have been commonly observed in these geothermal reservoirs. All of these impacted the production performance of wells negatively. Artificial lifting methods such as airlifting and downhole pumps (Line shaft pumps or electrical submersible pumps (ESPs)) are commonly used to compensate for missing production. This study discusses the use of ESPs in liquid dominated high-temperature Alaşehir and Kızıldere fields. Observations, experiences, and lessons learned from the ESP applications in these fields are reported in detail

    To rechallenge or not to rechallenge, that is the question? An unsuccessful attempt of hypomethylating agent plus venetoclax in an elderly FLT3-positive relapsed acute myeloid leukemia patient after a yearlong period of remission

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    Dear Editor, Acute myeloid leukemia is the most common sub-type of acute leukemia in adulthood [1]. It has a detrimental prognosis with conventional combination chemotherapy, mainly with anthracyclines and cytarabine. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation has signifcantly prolonged the overall survival in a particular “eligible” patient population, but as AML is a disorder of the elderly, not all patients are able to proceed with allogeneic stem cell transplantation

    Wheel Hub Fatigue Performance under Non-constant Rotational Loading and Comparison to Eurocycle Test

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    AbstractWheel Eurocycle (EC) loading condition could be adapted to hub as a result of similar loading characteristics on vehicle. A correlation is constructed between road load data (RLD) for specified vehicles and EC test spectrum. To provide correlation between EC and RLD, test speed, axial and lateral loads at EC are converted to cyclic loading condition and relevant loading scenarios are generated. Rotational effect is taken into account. Pseudo-damage results of RLD and EC spectra are compared and expected fatigue lifetime for hub is presented