111 research outputs found


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    Kerusakan jalan telah menjadi permasalahan umum yang biasa dihadapi karena hampir di setiap daerah memiliki jalan yang rusak. Beberapa hal yang menjadi penyebab kerusakan jalan di Indonesia antara lain karena kualitas jalan yang kurang baik, situasi iklim di Indonesia yang tropis dan kondisi drainase jalan yang tidak memadai. Aspal merupakan salah satu material yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat jalan raya. Untuk meningkatkan mutu aspal dibutuhkan bahan dasar lain salah satunya dengan memberikan bahan tambah dalam campuran yang sifatnya mampu mengatasi kelemahan yang dimiliki aspal, contohnya plastik.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai karakteristik Marshall akibat penambahan plastik HDPE pada campuran AC-WC dengan mengacu pada spesifikasi Bina Marga 2010. Untuk penelitian ini dilakukan pemeriksaan sifat fisik aspal, agregat serta plastik terlebih dahulu yang dilakukan berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Kemudian dilakukan pengujian Marshall untuk menentukan Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO). Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh nilai KAO sebesar 5,6%. Variasi penambahan plastik HDPE pada campuran AC-WC yang digunakan adalah 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, dan 8% terhadap Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO). Temperatur dan waktu perendaman benda uji ke dalam waterbath yang digunakan adalah 60oC, 70 oC, 80 oC selama 30 menit, dan 60 oC selama 24 jam.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar plastik yang dapat digunakan pada campuran AC-WC modifikasi untuk suhu perendaman 60° selama 30 menit adalah 0-1,5%, suhu perendaman 70° selama 30 menit adalah 0,1-1,5%, suhu perendaman 80° selama 30 menit adalah 1-3%, suhu perendaman 60° selama 24 jam adalah 1,5-3% karena tahan terhadap perubahan suhu dan iklim serta memenuhi spesifikasi Bina Marga

    Authentic Assessment Analysis of educational Learning Islamic Religion Junior High School in the Merdeka Curriculum

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    The Merdeka Curriculum is something that has recently emerged and implemented, not many educators are familiar with its practices, including in terms of assessment. Authentic assessment in learning Islamic Religious Education at the junior high school. It is important to do this to understand the effectiveness and success of the Merdeka curriculum in achieving the objectives of Islamic religious education. By conducting this analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of the authentic assessment used can be identified, as well as providing guidance for educators in developing better evaluation methods. This research method is Descriptive Qualitative which emphasizes literature (library reaserch) by collecting references related to evaluation/assessment which is then continued with the author's knowledge which is associated with what happens in the field and then peeling it with the Descriptive-analytic method. The results of this study are that the Merdeka curriculum emphasizes the profile of Pancasila students, the objectives of PAI subjects are emphasized on knowledge of Islamic values, PAI learning outcomes are related to 5 elements, namely Al-Qur'an Hadith, Akidah, Akhlak, Jurisprudence and Islamic Cultural History, Authentic Assessment of the Merdeka curriculum in PAI lessons consists of 3 aspects, namely 1) Cognitive: Written Tests, Oral Tests and Assignments, 2) Effective: attitude portfolio, class discussion, social project, writing product assessment, role simulation, self-assessment, open questions, reflection and feedback, 3) Psychomotor: Direct Observation, product assessment, simulation and skill portfolio. The three aspects are closely related because PAI is a lesson with the aim of practicing in everyday life, it is not enough just to have a theory (Knowledge) It needs field practice

    Konstruksi Bounding Volume Hierarchy dengan Metode Agglomerative Clustering untuk Meningkatkan Performa Ray Tracing

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    Ray Tracing sebagai algoritma rendering yang menghasilkan citra realistis memiliki beberapa kekurangan. Salah satu di antaranya adalah perhitungan persilangan ray-object pada tiap pixel yang memakan 75% waktu dari keseluruhan proses rendering. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode yang diharapkan dapat mempersingkat proses perhitungan persilangan ray-object dengan membangun struktur data berupa binary tree. Tree yang dibangun sering juga disebut sebagai Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) di mana masing-masing node-nya adalah sebuah container. Struktur data tersebut akan dibangun dengan metode Approximate Agglomerative Clustering (AAC) yang merupakan metode bottom-up clustering dengan top-down preprocessing. Metode AAC dengan parameter yang baik dapat meningkatkan performa Ray Tracing. Metode-metode yang diterapkan sangat mudah diparalelkan sehingga performa algoritma meningkat jika dijalankan pada lingkungan paralel. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan peningkatan kecepatan hingga 3 kali lipat dibandingkan tanpa menerapkan paralelisme. Pada hasil uji coba, juga didapatkan dua jenis parameter yang masing-masing memiliki karakteristik tersendiri (6= cepat, 12= kualitas baik)

    The quest for better outcomes: a randomized controlled trial comparing letrozole versus clomiphene citrate in polycystic ovarian syndrome related infertility

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    Background: Infertility is a widespread concern, particularly among individuals with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Clomiphene citrate (CC) has been a primary treatment for PCOS-related infertility, despite suboptimal pregnancy rates. Letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, presents an alternative with potential advantages for improving pregnancy outcomes. This study aimed to rigorously compare letrozole and CC in the context of PCOS-related infertility, focusing on Bangladeshi women, adopting incremental dosing protocols, and examining endpoints to contribute valuable insights. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted at a tertiary care center in Bangladesh from July 2021 to June 2023. Participants included women aged 18-35 with anovulatory infertility due to PCOS. They were randomized into two groups: letrozole and CC. Treatments were administered following incremental dosing protocols, and outcomes included endometrial thickness, ovulation rate, mono-follicular development, pregnancy rate, and time to pregnancy. Results: Out of 187 patients assessed for eligibility, 102 were enrolled, with 51 in each group. Demographics were comparable between groups. While endometrial thickness did not significantly differ between the groups, letrozole demonstrated a higher rate of mono-follicular development (72.55% versus 50.98%), a significantly higher pregnancy rate (47.06% versus 23.53%), and a shorter time to pregnancy (9.23 weeks versus 11.7 weeks) compared to CC. Conclusions: This study suggests that letrozole may be a preferred option for ovulation induction in PCOS patients due to its superior pregnancy rates and shorter time to pregnancy compared to CC. However, limitations such as a relatively small sample size and variations in dosages should be considered. Further research is needed to validate these findings and address the evolving needs of patients with PCOS-related infertility

    Comparative Analysis of Students’ Interest in Basic Science Curriculum in Nasarawa State-Nigeria

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    The purpose of this paper is to make a comparative analysis of student’s interest on Basic science and Technology curriculum in Nasarawa state. The study has a sampled population of 2,105 students in Nasarawa state of Nigeria made up of 1,277 lower middle Basic Science, (primary 1-6) and 828 junior secondary school students. The researcher decided to employ survey design and use chi-square statistics to analyse the data. It was observed in general that, the students were not satisfied with what was being taught in school, as the school programme failed to address issues of interests to them while in school. When asked what they wanted to learn at school, majority of these students in both the primary schools and junior secondary schools mentioned many activities that are not taught at school by the teachers-which have a direct link with their natural instinct and or inclination, based on the feeling of liking or disliking a given subject area. The most important issues of concern is the vocation on the students career option and the difficulties they faced at the time of decision as they are confronted at the end of their primary school and junior secondary school. Since schooling, is the determinant of the student’s career and future life and coupled with the dissatisfaction with the school programme generally detected in this study, it becomes necessary for completely new basic science curriculum content to be considered for the best interest of our students in Nasarawa state. Keywords: Science curriculum development, Natural instinct, Dissatisfaction with school programme, Contemporary school system, Science education

    Iron, Iodine and Selenium Effects on Quality, Shelf Life and Microbial Activity of Cherry Tomatoes

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    Tomatoes have high nutritional and economical value and its deterioration start after harvest. They need proper treatments to increase and maintain quality as well as shelf life. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of iron, iodine and selenium on quality, shelf life and microbial activity of cherry tomatoes. Iron (1 mg/L), iodine (1 mg/L) and selenium (1 mg/L) were supplied with nutrient solution for five weeks prior to harvest. Then, cherry tomatoes were stored at  5 °C to assess quality, shelf life and microbial activity. The highest Ca content (p < 0.05) revealed in selenium-treated cherry tomatoes. Lower respiration and ethylene production were showed in selenium-treated cherry tomatoes both harvest time and after storage compared with iron and iodine treatments. At harvest time and after storage, the respiration were 1.29 (p < 0.05) and 0.62 mL/kg/hr (p < 0.01), respectively in selenium-treated cherry tomatoes. Moreover at harvest time and after storage in selenium-treated cherry tomatoes, the ethylene production was 2.11 and 0.87 μL/kg/hr (p < 0.01), respectively. The lowest fresh weight loss, the longest shelf life (p < 0.01), the least fungal incidence rate and microbial activities were found in selenium-treated cherry tomatoes. The longest shelf life of selenium-treated cherry tomatoeswas 22 days. Selenium-treated cherry tomatoes’ firmness increased (16.82N) at harvest time (p < 0.05) and it was significantly retained (12.70N) after storage (p < 0.01). Color development and lycopene content were more suppressed by selenium treatment after storage than iron and iodine treatments. Titratable acidity, vitamin C and soluble solids increased in selenium-treated cherry tomatoes after storage. Based on results, selenium-treated cherry tomatoes have significant potential to increase and maintain quality and shelf life

    Assessment of the Implementation of Basic Science Programme in Junior Secondary School in Nasarawa West Zone

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    This research was designed to assess the implementation of basic science programme in Junior Secondary Schools in Nasarawa West Zone of Nasarawa state. Specifically, the study intends to find out whether the curriculum content of the Basic Science Programme are taught to the students as specified, the availability, adequacy and utilization of facilities, the quality and quantity of teachers, the teaching methods employed by teachers and the performance of students in the Basic Science Programme in Junior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (JSSCE) in the state. The assessment of the implementation of basic science programme involves the collection of data and the use of data to assess the effectiveness of the quality of new science programme. A total of eighteen Junior Secondary Schools were sampled and questionnaires were administered to both teachers and students to collect the datas. The result of the study revealed these findings. Basic science programmes in Nasarawa West Junior Secondary Schools are being implemented to a large extent, facilities available for the implementation of Basic Science Programmes are not adequate and there is a significant different between the mean perception of rural and urban teachers on the extent of the implementation of the basic science programme curriculum in Nasarawa West Zone. In conclusion, it has been proved in the course of this study that there is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of male and female students in basic science achievement test for junior secondary School students in Nasarawa West Zone. It has also been proved that Nasarawa West Zone has enough qualified teachers that can enhance the implementation of the basic science programme in junior secondary schools. Furthermore, it has been proved that the facilities available for the implementation of basic science programme are inadequate and underutilized. It has also been proved that lecture method, discussion method, group investigation, field trip/excursion, guided discovery and cooperative method are the methods of teaching commonly adopted by teachers. Recommendations were proffered to enhance the effective implementation of basic science programmes in Nasarawa West Zone. Keywords: Basic Science, Programme, Curriculum content, Implementation, Material Resources


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    The phenomenon of women violence and child abuse are an issue that has been discussed recently and has become a global public problem that has effects on the condition of victims including for the city of Bulukumba. The number of participants in this psychoeducation are 101 villagers in sub-districts Bulukumpa and Herlang. The method use are giving infographics containing material about violence and pre-post test design to measure understanding of villagers. The result indicates none villagers were in the low category, 10 villagers were in the moderate, and 91 villagers were high category. That it seems the villagers understanding outcomes improved after psychoeducation from the result that the number of villagers in low and moderate category become h

    As You Are, So Shall You Move Your Head: A System-Level Analysis between Head Movements and Corresponding Traits and Emotions

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    Identifying physical traits and emotions based on system-sensed physical activities is a challenging problem in the realm of human-computer interaction. Our work contributes in this context by investigating an underlying connection between head movements and corresponding traits and emotions. To do so, we utilize a head movement measuring device called eSense, which gives acceleration and rotation of a head. Here, first, we conduct a thorough study over head movement data collected from 46 persons using eSense while inducing five different emotional states over them in isolation. Our analysis reveals several new head movement based findings, which in turn, leads us to a novel unified solution for identifying different human traits and emotions through exploiting machine learning techniques over head movement data. Our analysis confirms that the proposed solution can result in high accuracy over the collected data. Accordingly, we develop an integrated unified solution for real-time emotion and trait identification using head movement data leveraging outcomes of our analysis.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, NSysS 201

    Chlorine Dioxide Gas Retain Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life of Tomato During Modified Atmosphere Packaging Storage

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    While surface sterilization can minimize the postharvest loss of fruits and vegetables, it depends on concentration, treatment duration, storage condition, and crops. This study was conducted to investigate the consequences of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas on post-harvest quality and shelf life of tomato fruits during the modified atmosphere packaging storage. Tomato fruits of light red maturity stage were harvested at Gangwon province in the Republic of Korea. Fruits were dipped in fungal suspension and, afterward, some of them were sterilized with NaOCl, while others were sterilized with ClO2 gas. On the final storage day, the 5 ppm ClO2 gas 12 hours treated tomato fruits showed the least carbon dioxide and ethylene, and the utmost oxygen concentration. The least fresh weight loss, prolonged shelf life and the most suppressed fungal incidence were obtained by the 5 ppm ClO2 gas 12 hours treatment. As compared to other treatments, the 5 ppm ClO2 gas 12 hours treatment yielded higher firmness, titratable acidity and vitamin C, and lower soluble solids. Therefore, the 5 ppm ClO2 gas 12 hours treatment may be useful to prevent fungal incidence as well as to retain the postharvest quality and increase the shelf life of tomato fruits
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