1,882 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Bimbinganpada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 40 Banda Aceh

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    Bimbingan diberikan untuk mengarahkan dan mengatasi masalah siswa. Masalah tersebut diantaranya malas dan lambat dalam belajar, tidak disiplin, suka berkelahi, dan lain sebagainya. Masalah tersebut diharapkan dapat diatasi oleh guru mengingat tugas pokok guru adalah sebagai pemberi bimbingan. Yang menjadi rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) bagaimanakah pelaksanaan bimbingan pada siswa SD Negeri 40 Banda Aceh, (2) bagaimanakah perkembangan siswa SDN 40 Banda Aceh setelah mendapat bimbingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan bimbingan yang dilakukan guru pada siswa SDN 40 Banda Aceh dan mengetahui perkembangan siswa SDN40 Banda Aceh setelah mendapat bimbingan.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalah 12 orang guru di SDN 40 Banda Aceh. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data peneliti memperoleh informasi bahwa bimbingan yang dilakukan guru mencakup kedalam 4 bidang bimbingan, meliputi bidang bimbingan pribadi, bidang bimbingan sosial, bidang bimbingan belajar, dan bidang bimbingan karier. Pemberian bimbingan bedarsarkan bidang-bidangnya banyak dilakukan dengan memberikan nasehat dan motivasi.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah (1) Pelaksanaan bimbingan berdasarkan bidang-bidang bimbingan dilakukan dengan berbagai jenis layanan dalam bimbingan dengan menggunakan teknik electic counseling. (2) Hasil bimbingan yang diperoleh adalah Perubahan sikap dan kemampuan yang ditunjukkan siswa ke arah yang lebih baik lagi. Namun perkembangan siswa tersebut tidak dicatat oleh guru secara bertahap. Tapi hanya dilihat secara keseluruhan dari tingkah lakunya

    Kemampuan Mengidentifikasi Unsur Intrinsik Cerita Pendek Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 16 Banda Aceh

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    Salah satu materi pembelajaran di kelas V SD adalah mngientifikasi unsur intrinsik cerita pendek, Penelitian ini berupaya untuk melihat kemampuan Mengidentifikasi Unsur Intrinsik Cerita Pendek Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 16 Banda Aceh.Masalah yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tingkat kemampuan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi unsur intrinsik cerita pendek di kelas V SD Negeri 16 Banda Aceh.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan secara rinci kemampuan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi unsur intrinsik cerita pendek pada kelas V SD Negeri 16 Banda Aceh.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dalam bentuk deskriptif.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SD Negeri 16 Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 63 orang.sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 orang siswa kelas V SD Negeri 16 Banda Aceh.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa tes objektif yaitu berupa 20 soal objektif yang dibagikan kepada siswa.pengolahan data menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif persentase P= x 100%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut, nilai rata-rata kemampuan mengidentifikasi unsur intrinsik cerita pendek siswa kelas V SD Negeri 16 Banda Aceh adalah 86. Siswa secara klasikal telah menguasai unsur-unsur intrinsik kecuali unsur sudut pandang, hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan banyaknya siswa yang tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan mengenai sudut pandang.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat kemampuan mengidentifikasi unsur intrinsik cerita pendek siswa kelas V SD Negeri 16 Banda Aceh termasuk dalam kategori baik.Namun tetap saja siswa perlu memperbanyak latihan membaca dengan sering melakukan kunjungan ke perpustakaan sekolah

    Analyzing the determinants of farmers' choice of adaptation methods and perceptions of climate change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia:

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    "This study identifies the major methods used by farmers to adapt to climate change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia, the factors that affect their choice of method, and the barriers to adaptation. The methods identified include use of different crop varieties, tree planting, soil conservation, early and late planting, and irrigation. Results from the discrete choice model employed indicate that the level of education, gender, age, and wealth of the head of household; access to extension and credit; information on climate, social capital, agroecological settings, and temperature all influence farmers' choices. The main barriers include lack of information on adaptation methods and financial constraints. Moreover, the analysis reveals that age of the household head, wealth, information on climate change, social capital, and agroecological settings have significant effects on farmers' perceptions of climate change." from authors' abstractAdaptation, Perception on climate change, Agriculture, Climate change, Nile Basin of Ethiopia,

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 021 Bagan Barat Kecamatan Bangko Labupaten Rokan Hilir Years 2015/2016

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    The problem in this Class Action Research is Are Applying inquiry learning model can improve learning outcomes fifth grade science students Elementary School 021 West Bagan. For that we need to be improved in order to improve learning outcomes. Efforts to repair is done by applying Inquiry Learning Model. The experiment was conducted in classes V Elementary School 021 West Exhibit, the number of students 21 students consisted of 9 male students and 12 female students. Data collection techniques were used that observation techniques and test engineering. Data analysis technique used is the result of learning, completeness individual and classical, the activities of teachers and students, individual awards. The results showed that the initial data is known that the students' social studies students only in an average 63.14 and completeness achieved by 23.8% with less category. In the first cycle and the class action after being evacuated there was little increase student learning outcomes IPA with an average of 73.9 and classical completeness still reached 71.42% with enough category. Seeing the conditions achieved in the first cycle of meetings 1 and 2, the researchers took the initiative to proceed to the second cycle. After the implementation of learning science in this second cycle learning outcomes achieved by students which averaged 78.3 and classical completeness of 85.71% with a very good category. This means that the inquiry learning model is one of the effective learning methods to improve learning outcomes fifth grade science students Elementary School 021 West Bagan, Bangko Subdistrict, Rokan Hilir

    Forecasting Saving Deposit in Malaysian Islamic Banking: Comparison Between Artificial Neural Network and Arima

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    The aim of this paper is to test the ability of artificial neural network (ANN) as an alternative method in time series forecasting and compared to autoregres­sive integrated moving average (ARIMA) in studying saving deposit in Malay­sian Islamic banks. Artificial neural network is getting popular as an alterna­tive method in time series forecasting for its capability to capture vola­tility pattern of non-linear time series data. In addition, the use of an estab­lished tool of analysis such as ARIMA is of importance here for comparative purposes. These two methods are applied to monthly data of the Malaysian Islamic bank­ing deposits from January 1994 to November 2005. The result provides evidence that ANN using “early stopping” approach can be used as an alterna­tive forecasting engine with univariate time series model. It can predict non-lin­ear time series using the pattern of the data directly without any statisti­cal analysis

    Quantum Chaos in the Bose-Hubbard model

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    We present a numerical study of the spectral properties of the 1D Bose-Hubbard model. Unlike the 1D Hubbard model for fermions, this system is found to be non-integrable, and exhibits Wigner-Dyson spectral statistics under suitable conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Ubiquitous Technology Model: The Use among Students at Malaysian Technical University Networks (MTUN)

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    Laptops, smartphones and tablets which also known as a ubiquitous technology or U-Tech have been widely used by many students in the university. However, little is known about the factors influencing its usage as not many comprehensive studies have been done related to it. A review of related literature demonstrates that factors, namely the Technology Competency (TC), Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Behavioural Intention (BI), Facilitating Conditions (FC) and Social Status (SS) influence technology usage. The focus of this study was to confirm whether these factors contribute towards the U-tech usage among students in the Malaysian Technical Universities Network (MTUN). This study was based on a quantitative research in which the Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS was employed. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire. The reliability of the instrument ranged from 0.851 to 0.912. The results attained from the analysis produced a new theory towards U-tech usage. The significant paths found were TC influences U-Tech usage (β=0.35, p=0.000), PE influences u-tech usage (β=0.41, p=0.000) and FC influences U-tech usage (β=0.23, p=0.000). Meanwhile, the structural paths for EE (β=0.26, p=0.000) and SS (β=0.52, p=0.000) towards u-tech usage were mediated by BI. Thus, it can be concluded that, 63% of the variance in u-tech usage described by the five factors. This study suggested that to increase the use of U-tech, the students need to be given more training and more workshops. The university administration should play an active role in disseminating any news that is related to the usefulness of U-Tech

    Mapping the daily rainfall over an ungauged tropical micro-watershed: a downscaling algorithm using gpm data

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    In this study, half-hourly Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) satellite precipitation data were downscaled to produce high-resolution daily rainfall data for tropical coastal micro-watersheds (100-1000 ha) without gauges or with rainfall data conflicts. Currently, daily-scale satellite rainfall downscaling techniques rely on rain gauge data as corrective and controlling factors, making them impractical for ungauged watersheds or watersheds with rainfall data conflicts. Therefore, we used high-resolution local orographic and vertical velocity data as proxies to downscale half-hourly GPM precipitation data (0.1°) to high-resolution daily rainfall data (0.02°). The overall quality of the downscaled product was similar to or better than the quality of the raw GPM data. The downscaled rainfall dataset improved the accuracy of rainfall estimates on the ground, with lower error relative to measured rain gauge data. The average error was reduced from 41 to 27 mm/d and from 16 to 12 mm/d during the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Estimates of localized rainfall patterns were improved from 38% to 73%. The results of this study will be useful for production of high-resolution satellite precipitation data in ungauged tropical micro-watersheds

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Head Together (Nht) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 011 Tanjung Penyembal

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    ,. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is done to improve science learning outcomes clas IV students of SDN 011 Tanjung Penyembal with implementing cooperative learning Numbered type head together (NHT). This research was conducted on the 20th of March until the 11th of April, 2014 with two cycles. The subjects were 011 class IV students of SDN Tanjung Penyembal totaling 32 students as a source of data. This instrument is collecting on thesis observation sheet activities of teachers and students as well as student learning outcomes. Average - The average student learning outcomes before the study was of 32 students. Students who complete only the classical completeness 10 students 25%, while students who did not complete 20 people with classical completeness 75%. Because of the low student science learning outcomes it is necessary done changes in class learning environment. To improve student learning outcomes IPA performed using Cooperative learning model types numbered head together (NHT). performed two cycles seen no improvement. Teacher activity cycle increased 37.5% in the second cycle to 87.5%. Being the percentage of first cycle student activity increased 33.3% to 87.5%. on the second cycle. Student learning outcomes also increased. Average Cycle I - Average student learning outcomes of students who completed 30 of 10 people with 71.4% and the percentage of incomplete 20 people with the percentage of 28.5% In the second cycle average - average student learning outcomes of 30 students who completed 28 people with percentage of 92.8% and an incomplete only 2 people with a percentage of 71.1%. It can be concluded that to apply the Learning Model Type Cooperative Numbered Head Together (NHT) can improve learning outcomes IPA class IV students of SDN 011 Tanjung Penyembal acceptable. Keywords : Model Study Of Co-Operative Type of NHT, Result of Learning IPA
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