35 research outputs found

    Spatially Adiabatic Frequency Conversion in Optoelectromechanical Arrays

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    Faithful conversion of quantum signals between microwave and optical frequency domains is crucial for building quantum networks based on superconducting circuits. Optoelectromechanical systems, in which microwave and optical cavity modes are coupled to a common mechanical oscillator, are a promising route towards this goal. In these systems, efficient, low-noise conversion is possible using a mechanically dark mode of the fields but the conversion bandwidth is limited to a fraction of the cavity linewidth. Here, we show that an array of optoelectromechanical transducers can overcome this limitation and reach a bandwidth that is larger than the cavity linewidth. The coupling rates are varied in space throughout the array so that the mechanically dark mode of the propagating fields adiabatically changes from microwave to optical or vice versa. This strategy also leads to significantly reduced thermal noise with the collective optomechanical cooperativity being the relevant figure of merit. Finally, we demonstrate that, quite surprisingly, the bandwidth enhancement per transducer element is largest for small arrays; this feature makes our scheme particularly attractive for state-of-the-art experimental setups.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures (including Supplemental Material

    Interfacing single photons and single quantum dots with photonic nanostructures

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    Photonic nanostructures provide means of tailoring the interaction between light and matter and the past decade has witnessed a tremendous experimental and theoretical progress in this subject. In particular, the combination with semiconductor quantum dots has proven successful. This manuscript reviews quantum optics with excitons in single quantum dots embedded in photonic nanostructures. The ability to engineer the light-matter interaction strength in integrated photonic nanostructures enables a range of fundamental quantum-electrodynamics experiments on, e.g., spontaneous-emission control, modified Lamb shifts, and enhanced dipole-dipole interaction. Furthermore, highly efficient single-photon sources and giant photon nonlinearities may be implemented with immediate applications for photonic quantum-information processing. The review summarizes the general theoretical framework of photon emission including the role of dephasing processes, and applies it to photonic nanostructures of current interest, such as photonic-crystal cavities and waveguides, dielectric nanowires, and plasmonic waveguides. The introduced concepts are generally applicable in quantum nanophotonics and apply to a large extent also to other quantum emitters, such as molecules, nitrogen vacancy ceters, or atoms. Finally, the progress and future prospects of applications in quantum-information processing are considered.Comment: Updated version resubmitted to Reviews of Modern Physic

    Quantum networks with chiral light--matter interaction in waveguides

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    We propose a scalable architecture for a quantum network based on a simple on-chip photonic circuit that performs loss-tolerant two-qubit measurements. The circuit consists of two quantum emitters positioned in the arms of an on-chip Mach-Zehnder interferometer composed of waveguides with chiral light--matter interfaces. The efficient chiral light--matter interaction allows the emitters to perform high-fidelity intranode two-qubit parity measurements within a single chip, and to emit photons to generate internode entanglement, without any need for reconfiguration. We show that by connecting multiple circuits of this kind into a quantum network, it is possible to perform universal quantum computation with heralded two-qubit gate fidelities F0.998{\cal F} \sim 0.998 achievable in state-of-the-art quantum dot systems.Comment: 5 pages plus supplementary materia

    Numerical modelling of the coupling efficiency of single quantum emitters in photonic-crystal waveguides

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    Planar photonic nanostructures have recently attracted a great deal of attention for quantum optics applications. In this article, we carry out full 3D numerical simulations to fully account for all radiation channels and thereby quantify the coupling efficiency of a quantum emitter embedded in a photonic-crystal waveguide. We utilize mixed boundary conditions by combining active Dirichlet boundary conditions for the guided mode and perfectly-matched layers for the radiation modes. In this way, the leakage from the quantum emitter to the surrounding environment can be determined and the spectral and spatial dependence of the coupling to the radiation modes can be quantified. The spatial maps of the coupling efficiency, the β\beta-factor, reveal that even for moderately slow light, near-unity β\beta is achievable that is remarkably robust to the position of the emitter in the waveguide. Our results show that photonic-crystal waveguides constitute a suitable platform to achieve deterministic interfacing of a single photon and a single quantum emitter, which has a range of applications for photonic quantum technology

    Dynamics of many-body photon bound states in chiral waveguide QED

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    We theoretically study the few- and many-body dynamics of photons in chiral waveguides. In particular, we examine pulse propagation through a system of NN two-level systems chirally coupled to a waveguide. We show that the system supports correlated multi-photon bound states, which have a well-defined photon number nn and propagate through the system with a group delay scaling as 1/n21/n^2. This has the interesting consequence that, during propagation, an incident coherent state pulse breaks up into different bound state components that can become spatially separated at the output in a sufficiently long system. For sufficiently many photons and sufficiently short systems, we show that linear combinations of nn-body bound states recover the well-known phenomenon of mean-field solitons in self-induced transparency. For longer systems, however, the solitons break apart through quantum correlated dynamics. Our work thus covers the entire spectrum from few-photon quantum propagation, to genuine quantum many-body (atom and photon) phenomena, and ultimately the quantum-to-classical transition. Finally, we demonstrate that the bound states can undergo elastic scattering with additional photons. Together, our results demonstrate that photon bound states are truly distinct physical objects emerging from the most elementary light-matter interaction between photons and two-level emitters. Our work opens the door to studying quantum many-body physics and soliton physics with photons in chiral waveguide QED.Comment: Updated with new results. 14 pages plus supplementary materia

    Engineering chiral light-matter interaction in photonic crystal waveguides with slow light

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    We design photonic crystal waveguides with efficient chiral light--matter interfaces that can be integrated with solid-state quantum emitters. By using glide-plane-symmetric waveguides, we show that chiral light-matter interaction can exist even in the presence of slow light with slow-down factors of up to 100100 and therefore the light--matter interaction exhibits both strong Purcell enhancement and chirality. This allows for near-unity directional β\beta-factors for a range of emitter positions and frequencies. Additionally, we design an efficient mode adapter to couple light from a standard nanobeam waveguide to the glide-plane symmetric photonic crystal waveguide. Our work sets the stage for performing future experiments on a solid-state platform

    Dynamics of Many-Body Photon Bound States in Chiral Waveguide QED

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    We theoretically study the few- and many-body dynamics of photons in chiral waveguides. In particular, we examine pulse propagation through an ensemble of N two-level systems chirally coupled to a waveguide. We show that the system supports correlated multiphoton bound states, which have a well-defined photon number n and propagate through the system with a group delay scaling as 1/n2. This has the interesting consequence that, during propagation, an incident coherent-state pulse breaks up into different bound-state components that can become spatially separated at the output in a sufficiently long system. For sufficiently many photons and sufficiently short systems, we show that linear combinations of n-body bound states recover the well-known phenomenon of mean-field solitons in self-induced transparency. Our work thus covers the entire spectrum from few-photon quantum propagation, to genuine quantum many-body (atom and photon) phenomena, and ultimately the quantum-to-classical transition. Finally, we demonstrate that the bound states can undergo elastic scattering with additional photons. Together, our results demonstrate that photon bound states are truly distinct physical objects emerging from the most elementary light-matter interaction between photons and two-level emitters. Our work opens the door to studying quantum many-body physics and soliton physics with photons in chiral waveguide QED. © 2020 authors

    Supermodes of Hexagonal Lattice Waveguide Arrays

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    We present a semi-analytical formulation for calculating the supermodes and corresponding Bloch factors of light in hexagonal lattice photonic crystal waveguide arrays. We then use this formulation to easily calculate dispersion curves and predict propagation in systems too large to calculate using standard numerical methods.Comment: Accepted by J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, DocID:160522. http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?msid=16052

    Unraveling two-photon entanglement via the squeezing spectrum of light traveling through nanofiber-coupled atoms

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    We observe that a weak guided light field transmitted through an ensemble of atoms coupled to an optical nanofiber exhibits quadrature squeezing. From the measured squeezing spectrum we gain direct access to the phase and amplitude of the energy-time entangled part of the two-photon wavefunction which arises from the strongly correlated transport of photons through the ensemble. For small atomic ensembles we observe a spectrum close to the lineshape of the atomic transition, while sidebands are observed for sufficiently large ensembles, in agreement with our theoretical predictions. Furthermore, we vary the detuning of the probe light with respect to the atomic resonance and infer the phase of the entangled two-photon wavefunction. From the amplitude and the phase of the spectrum, we reconstruct the real- and imaginary part of the time-domain wavefunction. Our characterization of the entangled two-photon component constitutes a diagnostic tool for quantum optics devices