53 research outputs found

    Monetary aggregates in Pakistan: theoretical and empirical underpinnings

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    The objective of this study is to analyze theoretical as well as empirical soundness of the current monetary aggregates (M2) and to propose a broader monetary aggregate (M3), by exploring the functional characteristics and empirical relevance of financial assets. We used annual time series data from FY76 to FY03 and employed both the functional and empirical (F-M dual criteria) approaches. The results indicate that current monetary aggregates seemed to have been defined more on functional considerations compared to the empirical evidence. The analysis of new set of financial assets suggests that, while the various savings schemes individually as well as in aggregate were able to meet F-M dual criteria, deposits of NBFIs failed to satisfy this criteria. However, the functional considerations suggest that these deposits should, nevertheless, be included in a broader definition of monetary aggregates (M3).Monetary Aggregates, Pakistan

    Climate Classification of Pakistan

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    The research covenants amid the evaluation and analysis of the weather data in regards to mean monthlytemperature, precipitation, rainy days, relative humidity, wind direction, atmospheric pressure, evaporation, solarradiation and with the literature cited. The components getting fluctuation in the atmospheric condition comprise ofglobal location, vicinity to ocean, geomorphic reliefs and continental extent, maritime affects, forests and landuse.Based on the daily and monthly temperature, the study area has divided into five localities consisting of hot, warm,mild, cool, and cold. Besides, the five precipitation zones namely arid, semi-arid, sub-humid, humid andundifferentiated highlands have been distinguished during course of work. Generally, eastern longitudes of the countryget substantial downpours amid summers (monsoon season). Though the western areas in winters excluding GilgitBaltistan, where it is from local thunderstorms. Pakistan encounters four precipitation seasons namely winter, premonsoon, monsoon, and post monsoon rainfall. Because of sub-tropical vicinity, the country has experienced twofundamental seasons explicitly winter and summer. Generally, the summer period goes on for five months in mountainsand seven months in plains, whilst the winter period differs for seven months in mountains and five months in plains.The stated two essential rainy periods are auxiliary sub-isolated into four sub-spells to be precisely hot, warm, monsoonand cold season. Based on appropriation and fluctuation of climate variables, Pakistan is classified in five macro areasthat auxiliary sub-curved up into 18 meso and 46 micro scale climate regions

    Effects of Eucalyptus Globulus on the Underground Water in Udigram, Swat, Pakistan

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    The plantation of Eucalyptus in hilly areas is not encouraging insight because it vanishes more than 50 litersof groundwater per day into the atmosphere and is gradually more dangerous to the water table and rock reservoirs. Therate of water evaporated by eucalyptus is higher than compared to the incoming showers in the area.This imbalance inthe water cycle caused changes in the water table as well as the flow of water from the springs.On the other hand, itswood is of poor quality and having low market demand as well as domestic use.The precipitation shows -2 inches (-25.8 millimeters) decline per year in the winter season between 1995 and 2014, while the ratio of increase is 1.24inches (31.5 millimeters) in the summer months. Generally,the major share of annual precipitation was from the winterseason before 1995, but onward, it is in summer and the area dropped from humid to sub-humid climate.This seasonalfluctuation of rainfall and dryness of rock reservoirs has not only decreased the water table, but also caused changes inthe flow of water from the springs and rivers. The dryness of the wells after reduction in precipitation, generally leadsto the digging and intensive use of tube wells in the area. The study reveals that the dryness in spring has an aftereffecttotally of cultivation of Eucalyptus on the Raja Gira hill slopes and required mitigation to overcome the issue of wateravailability for the locals

    Precipitation and Temperature Oscillation and its Effects on the Flow of Indus Water System and Adaptation in the Arid Region, Pakistan (1940-2000)

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    The study evaluates the water discharge of the Indus and its sub-rivers in the arid region of Pakistan from1940-2004 using the annual changes in addition to seasonal flux and inconsistencies in culmination of the water flow.Currently, in Pakistan, the gross per capita water availability shows notable dwindle during 1951 till 2000. Owing todecline in precipitation (0.6inch or 15.2mm) and amplify in degree of hotness of 1.60C for the period of 1960-2000, thewater discharge throughout Pakistan particularly in the arid region reveals a susceptible stipulation from 1940-2004.During Rabi season, the decline in the water discharge of the Indus River and its tributaries show a drasticdecline/reduction, while it remains stable in Kharif season and could do with adaptation instantly. The annual waterdischarge indicates a positive deviation in the Kabul River, while it is negative in Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, and Ravirivers. Most of the rivers in Baluchistan are altered into seasonal torrents and the water scarcity for agriculture sectorand domestic use will be at climax in the future. The decrease in the water discharge of the Indus drainage system willinfluence the crop pattern and its production in the rain fed as well as canals fed arid areas in the lower Punjab andSindh province. The specific adaptations to cope with the problem are, improvement in the irrigation system, edifice ofnew water dams and reservoirs, construction of water course guards, innovation in sanitation and sewerage system,public awareness, policy and implementation, establishment of research and development fund, crop choices, glacierretreat and planning for water resources

    Pre- and post-harvest elicitation with methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid followed by cold storage synergistically improves red colour development and health-promoting compounds in blood oranges

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    Red blush is one of the key quality markers of blood orange fruit (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). Therefore, the influence of pre- (1, 2, and 3 mM) and postharvest (0.5, 1, and 1.5 mM) methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and salicylic acid (SA) (1, 2, and 3 mM) treatments on redness, colouring pigments, and health-promoting compounds in cold stored ‘Tarocco Ippolito’ blood oranges was investigated. Preharvest application of 3 mM MeJA significantly increased rind citrus colour index (CCI) by 43.3% and colorimetric coordinate a* (redness) by 3.1% and decreased h° (hue angle, 0 = red), L* (lightness), and b* (yellowness) by 13.7%, 12.6%, and 23.4%, respectively. This treatment also enhanced CCI (57.4%), reduced h° (16.5%) and L* (36.4%), and increased total anthocyanins (88%), monomeric anthocyanins (117%), and flavonoids (77%) in the juice. Postharvest dip of 1.5 mM MeJA (5 min) improved CCI of juice (53.6%) and a* (5.5%), reduced h° (15.9%), L* (19.8%), and b* (19.4%), and increased total anthocyanins (66.7%), monomeric anthocyanins (74%), and flavonoids (23.4%) in the juice. Preharvest application of 1 mM SA increased rind CCI (50.8%) and reduced L* (13.6%), b* (16.4%), and h° (29.5%). All preharvest SA treatments significantly increased total phenolics in the juice. Lycopene was increased (61.7%) by 5 min postharvest dip of 3 mM SA. In conclusion, 3 mM preharvest spray application of MeJA four weeks before harvest and postharvest dip of 1.5 mM MeJA (5 min) are effective in improving red colour of rind and juice and health-promoting compounds in blood orange juice

    Monetary aggregates in Pakistan: theoretical and empirical underpinnings

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    The objective of this study is to analyze theoretical as well as empirical soundness of the current monetary aggregates (M2) and to propose a broader monetary aggregate (M3), by exploring the functional characteristics and empirical relevance of financial assets. We used annual time series data from FY76 to FY03 and employed both the functional and empirical (F-M dual criteria) approaches. The results indicate that current monetary aggregates seemed to have been defined more on functional considerations compared to the empirical evidence. The analysis of new set of financial assets suggests that, while the various savings schemes individually as well as in aggregate were able to meet F-M dual criteria, deposits of NBFIs failed to satisfy this criteria. However, the functional considerations suggest that these deposits should, nevertheless, be included in a broader definition of monetary aggregates (M3)

    Performance enhancement of multivariable model reference optimal adaptive motor speed controller using error-dependent hyperbolic gain functions

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    The main contribution of this paper is to formulate a robust-adaptive and stable state-space speed control strategy for DC motors. The linear-quadratic-integral (LQI) controller is utilized as the baseline controller for optimal speed-regulation, accurate reference-tracking and elimination of steady-state fluctuations in the motor’s response. To reject the influence of modelling errors, the LQI controller is augmented with a Lyapunov-based model reference adaptation system (MRAS) that adaptively modulates the controller gains while maintaining the asymptotic stability of the controller. To further enhance the system’s robustness against parametric uncertainties, the adaptation gains of MRAS online gain-adjustment law are dynamically adjusted, after every sampling interval, using smooth hyperbolic functions of motor’s speed-error. This modification significantly improves the system’s response-speed and damping against oscillations, while ensuring its stability under all operating conditions. It dynamically re-configures the control-input trajectory to enhance the system’s immunity against the detrimental effects of random faults occurring in practical motorized systems such as bounded impulsive-disturbances, modelling errors, and abrupt load–torque variations. The efficacy of the proposed control strategy is validated by conducting credible hardware-in-the-loop experiments on QNET 2.0 DC Motor Board. The experimental results successfully validate the superior tracking accuracy and disturbance-rejection capability of the proposed control strategy as compared to other controller variants benchmarked in this article

    A Review on Synthesis of Silicon Nanowires by Laser Ablation

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    Silicon (Si) is the most widely used semiconductor since many decades. Due to the developments in the synthesis and manufacturing technology new semiconductor materials have been introduced in semiconductor industry. Along with the newly developed semiconductors, Si is still considered the most reliable and durable semiconductor. The synthesis techniques of the Si have also been affected by the technological revolution and different Si based materials engineered at the nano-scale have been synthesized. Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) are one of the newly developed semiconductors of Si. SiNWs have interesting features due to their high aspect ratio and small size. The chemical, mechanical and electrical properties of SiNWs have opened new ways for the research in this field. Especially the charge carrying abilities and quantum confinement effects have gathered much attention of the scientific community. Different efforts have been made to synthesize SiNWs over the course of few years. Synthesis of SiNWs by laser ablation is one of the methods widely used due to its simplicity and good control over the parameters of the process. Different modifications have been made in this synthesis process by different researchers. The variations in laser ablation synthesis process and its outputs have been analyzed in this review paper. And effect of different parameters on the properties of SiNWs has been discussed. Keywords: Laser ablation, Nanowires, Supersaturation, Vapor liquid solid mechanism, Lithography, Catalys

    The Economics Profession in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis

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    Economics is a policy science: its claim is to describe policies that can improve peoples' lives. Its usefulness for policymaking, therefore, depends on how well economists understand and interpret economic behaviour. In other words, successful economic policy entails a good understanding of the dynamics of economic change. In turn, a model of economic change requires analysis of institutions and organisations in the society. Institutions are the informal conventions (customs) and formal rules by which the members of a society organise the production and distribution of goods and services. Organisations are the players in the economy, including the state (executive, legislature and judiciary), private businesses (profit-seeking individuals and corporate entities), and private non-profit associations (NGOs, professional groups and bodies). Both institutions and organisations change with the evolution of each society and economy. Much as economists disagree on the underlying assumptions and interpretation of "facts" about economic change, they have a broad agreement that the discipline of economics must be embedded in the study of interactions between institutions and organisations.
