6,404 research outputs found

    Should a clinical rotation in haematology be mandatory for undergraduate medical students?

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    Clinical rotations form the foundation of medical education. Medical students in the UK are offered conventional rotations such as cardiology, surgery and psychiatry as part of their curriculum, but a rotation of haematology is not currently compulsory. This article explores the benefits of a compulsory haematology rotation, and suggests recommendations for its implementation into UK medical school curricula

    Improving Extractions of |Vcb| and the b Quark Mass from Semileptonic Inclusive B Decay

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    Recent advances in improving extractions of |Vcb| and m_b from spectra of semileptonic inclusive B decay are reported. Results of a general moment analysis of the lepton energy spectrum and the hadronic invariant mass spectrum are summarized. The calculation of the general O(\alpha_s) structure functions for semileptonic B decay is reported, which has allowed the calculation of the O(\alpha_s Lambda_{QCD} /m_b) terms for the hadronic invariant mass moments to be carried out. Recent theoretical advances and improvements in experimental data has allowed extractions of the CKM element |Vcb| to improve to the 2% level.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at MRST2004, May 12-14, Concordia, Montrea

    Sustainable water management in Iraq (Kurdistan) as a challenge for governmental responsibility

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    During the last few decades, a critical scarcity of water has occurred in the Middle East due to climate change and the mismanagement of water resources. The situation is complicated by the absence of an effective legislative framework at the local level as well as by the incapability and disrepute of the local water authorities. Most Iraqi citizens depend on the surface waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which have their sources in upstream neighbouring countries. Water crises concerning the shared waters urgently require a solution at the international level. Unfortunately, Iraq has faced several wars in a row (1980-2003), which has prevented the country from establishing its institutions. The rapid increase in the population of the transboundary countries on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and the high demands on agriculture, are accelerating water exploitation. In this paper, the present state of water management in Iraq from the viewpoint of the legislative framework, water balance, and transboundary issues will be discussed, with special attention to Kurdistan. Many legislative documents have been established or amended by the Iraqi and Kurdistan parliaments since 2003. In 2015, the Kurdistan Government Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, in cooperation with the EU, issued a guide for environmental legislation related to all environmental components such as air, water, and soil. The recommendations on actions needed in the water management in Kurdistan will be presented; they are inspired by the Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) implemented in EU member states.Web of Science1011art. no. 165

    Green Pricing Model with Mental and R&D Share: A Strategy for non Green Firms

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    The research on green marketing practices is going popular now a day but still many companies are lagging behind in development of green products. Thus, these companies may follow the green marketing mix approach to get competitive advantage in term of profitability. This study focused on only one element of green marketing mix (i.e Green Price). SPSS was used to interpret the results while the data was collected from employees of Unilever. The relation of green price is studies with mental and R&D share and study provided the significant results. The derived model can be used by non green firms to add green element at least in their sales operations

    Design of a Simple Dust Removal System for a Solar Street Light System

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    يعد الغبار ومخلفات الطيور من المشاكل التي تعيق عمل منظومات الانارة للشوارع وخاصة في المناطق شبه الصحراوية  ومنها العراق. وفي هذه الورقة ، تم تصنيع المنظومة محليا من مكونات   بسيطة ورخيصة . يعمل النظام تلقائيا  , يربط مع الالواح الشمسية المستخدمة في انارة الشوارع، ويحصل على الكهرباء المطلوبة من نفس النظام الشمسي يعمل  النظام على غسل الالواح الشمسية بالمياه المقطرة ومسحها ، وبوقت قصير لا يتجاوز نصف دقيقة  كما يمكن  التحكم بفترة التنظيف , كما يمكن ايضا التحكم , والاستشعار بكمية الغبار التي يعمل عندها النظام. كما تمت دراسة تأثير انواع مختلفة للغبار الساقط على الالواح والذي تم جمعه من رياح مختلفة ودراسة تأثيرها على أداء الألواح الشمسية. كما درست النفاذية مع الطول الموجي لثلاث انواع من الاتربة. المنظومة استهلاكها للتيار والفولتية قليل نسبيا ,ممكن تعميمها لسهولة تصنيعها وتوفر مكوناته محليا وهي فعالة بشكل جيد.      Dust and bird residue are problems impeding the operation of solar street lighting systems, especially in semi-desert areas, such as Iraq. The system in this paper was designed and developed locally using simple and inexpensive materials. The system runs automatically. It Connects to solar panels used in solar street lighting, and gets the required electricity from the same solar system. Solar panels are washed with dripping water in less than half a minute by this system. The cleaning period can also be controlled. It can also control, sensing the amount of dust the system operates. The impact of different types of falling dust on panels has also been studied. This was collected from different winds and studied their impact on solar panel performance. Also it studied permeability with the wavelength of three types of soil. The system has relatively low current and voltage consumption; it can be generalized for easy manufacturing and locally available components and is well effective