2 research outputs found


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    Akselerasi perkembangan teknologi digital membawa perubahan pada perilaku konsumen dalam melakukan transaksi keuangan. Perubahan preferensi transaksi keuangan dari offline menjadi online mendorong berkembangnya berbagai aplikasi dompet elektronik, salah satunya yaitu LinkAja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati intensi penggunaan LinkAja sebagai alat pembayaran elektronik. Kuesioner elektronik dibagikan kepada para pengguna aplikasi LinkAja untuk dianalisis. Seluruh kuesioner yang terisi dengan lengkap kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan SmartPLS. Penelitian ini mendukung teori Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Perceived Usefulness dan Ease of Use terbukti secara positif mempengaruhi intensi penggunaan LinkAja. Selain itu, Ease of Use memberikan dukungan yang berarti terhadap Perceived Usefulness pengguna untuk menggunakan LinkAja. Hubungan Satisfaction secara positif berpengaruh terhadap Trust. Adapun temuan yang tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan perlu dilakukan investigasi lebih lanjut. Satisfied dan Trust tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Intention to Use. Sementara, Satisfied tidak memiliki asosiasi langsung terhadap intensi penggunaan LinkAja

    Do Learning Styles Affect Accounting Students’ Performance in Financial Management Online Courses?

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    This study aimed to figure out whether learning styles affected the accounting students’ performance in the Financial Management online courses. This study was considered as experimental research using two groups of accounting students joining the Financial Management courses: one group attended online classroom, and the other group attended face-to-face classroom. Their learning styles were identified using the model of Fleming and Mills (1992). The student performance was measured using the final quiz scores. The accounting students with visual learning styles show no different performance in the face-to-face and online classrooms. Accounting students with auditory and kinesthetic learning styles show lower performance in the online classroom. Based on the results, the accounting programs and accounting lecturers should consider other teaching methods in teaching the financial courses to accommodate both auditory and kinesthetic learners. However, the accounting students’ performance in this study was only measured using the final quiz scores. Further research is needed to use more comprehensive performance measurements