368 research outputs found

    Pakistan-USA Relations in the Eyes of American and Pakistani Print Media: A Case Study of Post US Withdrawal from Afghanistan

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    Public Opinion about governmental issues is a worldwide phenomenon. The present research discusses two Pakistani (The Dawn & Daily Times) and two US newspapers (The New York Times & Washington Post) about the relations of both countries. It also highlights the role of the Pakistani and US Print Media with special concerns of political relations between Pakistan and the United States. The Analysis of different editorials, regarding post US withdrawal conditions published in the said newspapers, is also discussed in this research. Though Pakistani media has to face a lot of challenges in the regimes of dictatorship but with their determination and strong will and government supportive recent laws, media has entered into new arenas which were earlier considered to be a taboo. The newspapers are the main source of exchanging the views to international people. There is a need of a little bit censorship of the newspapers so that the morale of Pakistan people cannot be underestimated. Pakistan walked along with USA in the War on Terror. Pakistan considered the military support from USA very effective in combating the militancy and terrorism. US-Pak relations have been once again cold. Pakistan is looking to China and Russia for military assistance which is unbearable for the United States. USA is not satisfied with the military operations of Pakistan. It stopped the financial aid to military and it also denied selling the eight F-16 fighter jets because USA is worried about the rapidly increasing nuclear arsenals of Pakistan. The relations between Pakistan and the United States are going to be further cold. The newspapers mentioned above are covering the News regarding post US withdrawal implications for Pakistan. The US papers are in favour of slow pace of draw-down process but Pakistani newspapers suggests the US withdrawal in the favour of Pakistan

    Cost Effective Monitoring and Automation of Concrete Plant Using PLC

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    A PLC is a digital computer used to automate electromechanical processes. This research is based on automation and real time monitoring of concrete plant by using Siemens PLC. Automatic plants can work continuously and can decrease the gap between demand and supply. For such plants there is no need of labor so there is no human error. Without human error the quality of product is better and the cost of production would definitely decrease. The main motivation factor of this research is cost effective automation and real time monitoring of plant

    Study of Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral- developmental disorder that causes impulsive reactions, learning disorders and excessive physical activities and is associated with some abnormal behaviors. Attention deficit disorder is diagnosed more often in children. However, this disorder has also been observed in adults. Hyperactivity disorder begins around the ages of 2 to 4 years and 3 to 7 percent of children in the world suffer from this disorderو and the prevalence of this disorder in boys is 2 to 9 times higher than in girls. The present research is descriptive-analytical which was done in the form of a library. The tools for collecting information in this research are psychology books, research articles and reputable national and international scientific journals. According to the researches, it can be said that the most important symptoms of this disorder are the inability to concentrate, excessive mobility, and impulsive behaviors. Psychosocial, biological and genetic factors play a major role in the occurrence of this disorder. To treat this disorder, drug therapy is used in the first step, and psychotherapy approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy, play therapy, and coaching are used in the next step. Research findings show that if this disorder is not treated, it can disrupt the important functions of a person\u27s life, such as family function, social function, and educational function

    Game of Eyeballs: What Should Be Above and Below the Fold of an E-Commerce Website: A Biometric Study

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    With the advent of Web 2.0, there has been a comprehensive paradigm shift in the way people communicate and interact on the web. While the time before the Y2K focused on unilateral communication from the website owners to the viewers; the modern era has brought with it a whole new dimension of how organizations interact with their customers and prospects online. One of the major components of this ecosystem is the buzzing industry of E-Commerce. Today, amongst the top five most swiftly growing industries globally E-commerce is one of them. Organizations have made a beeline to market their products online to get their fair share of the online tech savvy customers. In Pakistan, the E-Commerce marketplace is set to cross the magical USD1Billion this year. It is a big feat in a country where online payments are still not applicable and most of the business is done on Cash on Delivery. The purpose of this research is to narrow down on the subliminal and overt factors which contribute to making an E-Commerce platform/website stand out. The study takes into account the neurological factors that include eye tracking as well as emotional recognition tools to study how online consumers interact with the particular website. The results revealed very interesting facts about how users interact with a particular E-Commerce website where findings revealed that most of the attention is given to data above the fold while screen flashers are the most premium real estate for these websites. Additionally the space below the fold should not be ignored by these websites since most of the shoppers scroll down unconsciously. In order to promote engagement these websites should focus on promoting discounts and sales messages

    Reliability analysis of ATM network with error control

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    Modelling a multichannel security protocol to address Man in the Middle attacks

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    Unlike wired networks, wireless networks cannot be physically protected, mak ing them greatly at risk. This study looks into advanced ways of implementing security techniques in wireless networks. It proposes using model checking and the orem proving to prove and validate a security protocol of data transmission over multi-channel in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) between two sources. This can help to reduce the risk of wireless networks being vulnerable to Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks. We model secure transmission over a two-host two-channel wireless network and consider the transmission in the presence of a MitM attack. The main goal of adding an extra channel to the main channel is to provide security by stopping MitM from getting any readable data once one of these channels has been attacked. We analyse the model for vulnerabilities and specify assertions for secure data transmission over a multi-channel WLAN. Our approach uses the model analyser Alloy which uses a Satisfiability (SAT) solver to find a model of a Boolean formula. Alloy characterizations of security models are written to analyse and verify that the implementation of a system is correct and achieves security relative to assertions about the model of our security protocol. Further, we use the Z3 theorem prover to check satisfiability using the Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver to generate results. Using Z3 does not involve high costs and can help with providing reliable results that are accurate and practical for complex designs. We conclude that, based on the results we achieved from analysing our pro tocol using Alloy and Z3 SMT solver, the solvers complement each other in their strengths and weaknesses. The common weakness is that neither can tell us why the model is inconsistent, if it is inconsistent. We suggest that an approach of be ginning with modelling a problem using Alloy and then turning to prove it using Z3, increases overall confidence in a model

    Role of Contact Center for Smart Cities

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    Smart city is a strategic entity that comprises of modern urban production factors in a common framework and highlights the growing importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Telecommunications service providers have strengths and assets that can be utilized to bring the dream of a smart city environment into reality. This leads to a strong move that serves the needs of society by ensuring E-Governance rather than conventional setup of Governance. Establishing a customer contact centre is just the first part of the process of optimal digitalization of municipal operations and interactions with citizens. This research highlights how a contact center helps to achieve few goals of a by providing significant facilities to citizens

    Review on Use of Wireless Sensor Network To Overcome Agricultural Problems of Pakistan

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    Wireless sensor networks are the communication of small sensing el- ements which collaborate with each other to collect process and communicate over wireless channel information about some physical phenomena. These self- managing, highly robust and energy efficient networks can be excellent means for monitoring underground mining, wildlife and various physical infrastruc- tures such as bridges, pipelines, and buildings. This paper introduces wireless sensor networks to address specific problems in agriculture system of agricul- tural countries like Pakistan and discusses WSN’s usefulness to overcome those problems

    Revisiting Far/Near Infrared Pyramid-Based Fusion Types for Night Vision Using Matlab

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    The night vision imaging mechanisms are developed to increase the visibility beyond normal human perception capabilities. So far, night vision methods reported in literature, such as, Morphological, Low Pass Pyramid, Contrast Pyramid, Filter Subtract Decimate and Shift Invariant methods, the Laplacian fusion method has been rated, the best method [1][2]. In this research paper four different methods of fusion of images, Gradient, Wavelet, Quincuns Lifting, including Laplacian are processed using Matlab toolbox called Matifus for night vision. For comparing the results of processed images using above methods, Mean Opinion Score (MOS) is used. MOS result of Laplacian, wavelet, gradient and quincunx methods are compared. The MOS results on the scale of 1-5 indicate a score of 4.15 for Laplacian, that means the quality of image perceived by the scorers is rated between good and excellent. By using MOS and perceptually proving that Laplacian technique is better than all others for night vision systems. However Gradient scored 3.56, Wavelet scored 3.15 and lastly 2.22 was scored by Quincunx Lifting method

    Classification of Blood Cells Using Deep Learning Models

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    Human blood mainly comprises plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The blood cells provide the body's cells oxygen to nourish them, shield them from infections, boost immunity, and aid in clotting. Human health is reflected in blood cells. The chances that a human being can be diagnosed with a disease are significantly influenced by their blood cell type and count. Therefore, blood cell classification is crucial because it helps identify diseases, including cancer, damaged bone marrow, benign tumors, and their growth. This classification allows hematologists to distinguish between different blood cell fragments so that the cause of diseases can be identified. Convolution neural networks are a deep learning technique that classifies images of human blood cells (RBCs, WBCs, and platelets) into their subtypes. For this study, transfer learning is used to apply different CNN pre-trained models, including VGG16, VGG19, ResNet-50, ResNet-101, ResNet-152, InceptionV3 MobileNetV2 and DenseNet-201 to the PBC dataset's normal DIB. The overall accuracy achieved with these models lies between 91.375-94.72%. A novel CNN-based framework has been presented to improve accuracy, and we were able to attain an accuracy of 99.91% on the PBC dataset