28 research outputs found

    Platelet rich plasma for the treatment of osteoarthrosis knee

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    Background: New studies focused on modern therapeutic methods which stimulate cartilage healing and repair the damage, including the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as a cocktail of growth factors. This study has the purpose to present the use of PRP in management of knee osteoarthrosis and its outcomes up to 6 month follow up.Methods: 58 patients with 100 knees (32 male, 26 female) with Kellgren Lawrence grade 1, 2,3 and 4, aged between 50 to 65 years between February 2015 to December 2015 treated with 4 ml of intra-articular PRP injections at 4 week interval in each affected knee and evaluated using WOMAC and VAS scores before injection and on follow up at end of the 1st, 3rd, and 6th month.Results: The mean age was 58.29 years. Improvement in WOMAC score for KL grade 1 (32.61%), grade 2 (31.12%), grade 3(26.54%) whereas only 13.68% in KL grade 4 at end of 6month follow up. Improvement in VAS score for KL grade 1 (41.30%), grade 2 (38.02%), grade 3 (47.68) whereas only 12.74% in grade 4 at the end of 6 month follow up. Results show statistically higher significant improvement seen in WOMAC and VAS for KL grade 1, 2, and 3 as compared to grade 4 at 6 months follow up.Conclusions: The results of our study illustrated that the treatment with intra articular PRP injections is safe and effective in reducing pain and stiffness as well as improve knee function and quality of life in early stages of knee osteoarthrosis.

    A prospective study to assess the adverse events following immunization in paediatric population

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    Background: The objective of current study was to analyse the pattern of adverse drug reactions due to different vaccines in paediatric patients.Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out in paediatric department of GSVM medical college Kanpur to monitor vaccine adverse event and its causal association with vaccine. Patients of 0-10 year age group of either sex, who developed adverse event following vaccination, were included in study. Vaccine adverse event were recorded in the suspected ADRs reporting form of Indian Pharmacopoeia commission. Causality was evaluated using WHO-UMC assessment scale, outcome and seriousness as per W.H.O. To classify type of ADRs, Expanded Rawlins- Thompson’s classification system was used.Results: Vaccine adverse reactions were more in female (53%) as compared to male (47%). Most common age group involved was 0-6 months; (79.41%) of total reactions. Fever (14.70 %) was most common reaction, followed by pain at inj. site (11.77%), and Convulsion (11.77). The causality of 67.65% vaccine adverse reactions was of possible type; 88.23 % reactions were of non-serious type. Type A reaction were more common and most of vaccine adverse reaction recovered (82.35%).Conclusions: Vaccines can also cause different types of adverse reactions in paediatric patients. This Study emphasizes the need for an effective vaccine adverse event monitoring system among paediatric patients in every hospital to ensure safety of vaccine. Hence more educational awareness program should be plotted and more similar studies are needed to be conducted

    Role of single and mixed probiotics in acute diarrheal diseases in pediatric population

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    Background: The objective of present study was to analyse the effect of probiotics on various parameters of acute diarrhoeal disease and to compare single and mixed probiotic preparations in context to their role in acute diarrhoeal disease in paediatric population.Methods: A double blind controlled trial was conducted in children suffering from acute diarrhoeal disease at department of paediatrics jointly with department of pharmacology, G. S. V. M. Medical college, Kanpur, U.P., India. All enrolled children were divided into three groups having similar baseline characteristics. One group was given single probiotic preparation another mixed probiotic preparation and the third one (i.e. control group) placebo plus Zinc/ORS to all three groups. Various parameters such as frequency and consistency of stool, duration of diarrhoea were measured after doing intervention over a period of one week.Results: In our study duration of diarrhoea, stool frequency and total duration of hospital stay was found significantly less in probiotic groups compared to control group. However no significant difference was found between single and mixed probiotics in curtailing the acute diarrhoeal illness.Conclusions: Probiotics should be used judiciously in acute diarrhoeal diseases. There is no additional benefit of mixed probiotics in acute diarrhoeal diseases rather than increasing the cost of treatment

    Drug utilization pattern in sick paediatric patients: analysis for rationality and other aspects

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    Background: The aim of this research work was to study the drug utilization pattern in the indoor paediatric patients with specific objective to analyse the rationality status of prescriptions and other aspects.Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted for a period of 6 months. We analysed 120 prescriptions for the rationality status and different other parameters using Phadke’s criteria and W.H.O. prescribing indicators.Results: In our study out of total 120 prescriptions; 90 were rational followed by semi-rational and irrational. Average number of drugs prescribed was 5.39 drugs per prescription. Out of total FDCs prescribed 30% were irrational. Most commonly prescribed drug was anti-bacterial. Among anti-bacterial, most commonly prescribed anti-bacterial was from the cephalosporin group; which is categorized as “WATCH” category in W.H.O.-EML for children, March 2017.Conclusions: Though the results in present study reflect rational prescribing in pediatric patients in our hospital set up, there is still scope of improvement in prescription habits like avoid prescribing unnecessary drugs and irrational FDCs. There is also need of prescribing by generic names

    Formulation Development and Evaluation of Aqueous Injection of Poorly Soluble Drug Made by Novel Application of Mixed Solvency Concept

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    It is commonly recognized in the pharmaceutical industry that on average more than 40% of newly discovered drug candidates are poorly water-soluble. The objective of present research is to explore the application of mixed solvency technique in the injection formulation of poorly soluble drugs and to reduce concentration of individual solubilizers (used for solubility enhancement) to minimize the toxic effects of solubilizers. In the present work poorly soluble drugs Ofloxacin are selected as model drugs. Ofloxacin is an antibiotic drug tried to formulate the aqueous injection by the use of various physiologically compatible solubilizing agent like Lignocaine Hydrochloride, Niacinamide, Sodium benzoate, Sodium citrate, PEG 400, PEG 4000, PVP 40000, Ethanol, and Propylene Glycol. For expected synergistic enhancement effect on solubility of these poorly soluble drugs various blends of solubilizers shall be tried to decrease the amounts of Solubilizer employed for a desired solubility enhancement ratio. The study further opens the chances of preparing dry powders for injection of drug which are not stable in aqueous solution, ready to use injection. Key word- Mixed solvency solubilization, Ofloxacin, solubility enhancement, synergistic enhancement effect

    Formulation Development and Evaluation of Aqueous Injection of Poorly Soluble Drug Made by Novel Application of Mixed Solvency Concept

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    It is commonly recognized in the pharmaceutical industry that on average more than 40% of newly discovered drug candidates are poorly water-soluble. The objective of present research is to explore the application of mixed solvency technique in the injection formulation of poorly soluble drugs and to reduce concentration of individual solubilizers (used for solubility enhancement) to minimize the toxic effects of solubilizers. In the present work poorly soluble drugs Ofloxacin are selected as model drugs. Ofloxacin is an antibiotic drug tried to formulate the aqueous injection by the use of various physiologically compatible solubilizing agent like Lignocaine Hydrochloride, Niacinamide, Sodium benzoate, Sodium citrate, PEG 400, PEG 4000, PVP 40000, Ethanol, and Propylene Glycol. For expected synergistic enhancement effect on solubility of these poorly soluble drugs various blends of solubilizers shall be tried to decrease the amounts of Solubilizer employed for a desired solubility enhancement ratio. The study further opens the chances of preparing dry powders for injection of drug which are not stable in aqueous solution, ready to use injection. Key word- Mixed solvency solubilization, Ofloxacin, solubility enhancement, synergistic enhancement effect

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Pattern of central nervous system related adverse drug reactions (ADRs) due to anti-retroviral therapy in HIV infected patients in tertiary care hospitals in North India

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    Background: Anti-retroviral therapy is associated with myriads of side-effects. Central nervous system related side effects are troublesome and mostly self limiting. Working knowledge of these side effects can improve the prescription habits of physicians. The study aimed pattern of central system related adverse drug reactions (ADRs) due to anti-retroviral therapy in HIV infected patients in tertiary care hospitals in North India. Materials and methods: A prospective observational study was conducted and all HIV positive patients, previously registered and new; attending OPD who encountered ADRs were enrolled in our study irrespective of their age and sex. Data was collected using ADR reporting form issued by Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission. Causality assessment was done by using Naranjo’s Probability Scale. Modified Hartwig severity scale was used to evaluate severity, WHO criteria for seriousness and guidelines of council for international organizations of medical sciences to decide the predictability of ADRs. Results: A total of 250 patients encountered various types of ADRs during the study period. Total number of ADRs recorded was 452. Out of total ADRs (n=452) recorded, 20.35% (n=92) were central system related ADRs. Most common central nervous system related ADR was dizziness. Most central nervous system related ADRs were of moderate type and possible in nature on causality assessment. Conclusion: Relatively overweight, older age and baseline CD4 absolute count below 250 cells/mm3, were predictors for central nervous system related side effects due to anti-retroviral therapy in HIV patients. We suggest that more stringent evaluation and monitoring should be carefully done in all HIV/AIDS patients who will receive and on efavirenz based anti-retroviral therapy, especially if they have the above predictors