69 research outputs found

    Meditation-based interventions for family caregivers of people with dementia: a review of the empirical literature

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    Objectives: Providing care for a family member with dementia is associated with increased risk of adverse mental health sequelae. Recently, interventions utilising meditation-based techniques have been developed with the aim of reducing psychological distress among dementia caregivers. The present review aimed to critically evaluate the extant empirical literature in order to determine: (1) whether meditation-based interventions can reduce depression among dementia caregivers and (2) whether meditation-based interventions can reduce subjective burden among dementia caregivers. Method: After adhering to inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of eight studies were included in the present review. Methodological quality was assessed using one of two scales dependent on study design. Results: The results provide tentative evidence that meditation-based interventions do indeed improve levels of depression and burden in family dementia caregivers. Conclusions: The review highlighted the strengths and weakness of the studies’ methodological designs. Whilst this novel review offers evidence in support of meditation-based interventions to improve the psychological distress of family dementia caregivers, future research should direct efforts to conduct larger scale, more rigorous studies. Clinical implications of the findings are also discussed

    Changes in diet, activity, weight, and wellbeing of parents during COVID-19 lockdown

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted lifestyle behaviour as public health initiatives aim to “flatten the curve”. This study examined changes in activity patterns (physical activity, sedentary time, sleep), recreational physical activities, diet, weight and wellbeing from before to during COVID-19 restrictions in Adelaide, Australia. This study used data from a prospective cohort of Australian adults (parents of primary school-aged children; n = 61, 66% female, aged 41±6 years). Participants wore a Fitbit Charge 3 activity monitor and weighed themselves daily using Wi-Fi scales. Activity and weight data were extracted for 14 days before (February 2020) and 14 days during (April 2020) COVID-19 restrictions. Participants reported their recreational physical activity, diet and wellbeing during these periods. Linear mixed effects models were used to examine change over time. Participants slept 27 minutes longer (95% CI 9–51), got up 38 minutes later (95% CI 25–50), and did 50 fewer minutes (95% CI -69–-29) of light physical activity during COVID-19 restrictions. Additionally, participants engaged in more cycling but less swimming, team sports and boating or sailing. Participants consumed a lower percentage of energy from protein (-0.8, 95% CI -1.5–-0.1) and a greater percentage of energy from alcohol (0.9, 95% CI 0.2–1.7). There were no changes in weight or wellbeing. Overall, the effects of COVID-19 restrictions on lifestyle were small; however, their impact on health and wellbeing may accumulate over time. Further research examining the effects of ongoing social distancing restrictions are needed as the pandemic continues.Rachel G. Curtis, Timothy Olds, Ty Ferguson, Franc¸ois Fraysse, Dorothea Dumuid, Adrian Esterman ... et al

    Heavy-Higgs Lifetime at Two Loops

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    The Standard-Model Higgs boson with mass MH>>2MZ M_H >> 2M_Z decays almost exclusively to pairs of WW and ZZ bosons. We calculate the dominant two-loop corrections of O(GF2MH4) O( G_F^2 M_H^4 ) to the partial widths of these decays. In the on-mass-shell renormalization scheme, the correction factor is found to be 1+14.6 1 + 14.6 % (M_H/TeV)^2 + 16.9 % (M_H/TeV)^4 , where the second term is the one-loop correction. We give full analytic results for all divergent two-loop Feynman diagrams. A subset of finite two-loop vertex diagrams is computed to high precision using numerical techniques. We find agreement with a previous numerical analysis. The above correction factor is also in line with a recent lattice calculation.Comment: 26 pages, 6 postscript figures. The complete paper including figures is also available via WWW at http://www.physik.tu-muenchen.de/tumphy/d/T30d/PAPERS/TUM-HEP-247-96.ps.g

    Contributions of below--threshold decays to MSSM{\cal {MSSM}} Higgs branching ratios

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    We calculate all the experimentally relevant branching ratios of the Higgs bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, paying particular attention to the contributions from below--threshold decays. We show that in some cases these can significantly change the pattern of branching ratios calculated without taking off--shell effects into accountComment: 15 pages, latex, 5 figures appended as uuencoded file

    Dust Devil Tracks

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    Dust devils that leave dark- or light-toned tracks are common on Mars and they can also be found on the Earth’s surface. Dust devil tracks (hereinafter DDTs) are ephemeral surface features with mostly sub-annual lifetimes. Regarding their size, DDT widths can range between ∼1 m and ∼1 km, depending on the diameter of dust devil that created the track, and DDT lengths range from a few tens of meters to several kilometers, limited by the duration and horizontal ground speed of dust devils. DDTs can be classified into three main types based on their morphology and albedo in contrast to their surroundings; all are found on both planets: (a) dark continuous DDTs, (b) dark cycloidal DDTs, and (c) bright DDTs. Dark continuous DDTs are the most common type on Mars. They are characterized by their relatively homogenous and continuous low albedo surface tracks. Based on terrestrial and martian in situ studies, these DDTs most likely form when surficial dust layers are removed to expose larger-grained substrate material (coarse sands of ≥500 μm in diameter). The exposure of larger-grained materials changes the photometric properties of the surface; hence leading to lower albedo tracks because grain size is photometrically inversely proportional to the surface reflectance. However, although not observed so far, compositional differences (i.e., color differences) might also lead to albedo contrasts when dust is removed to expose substrate materials with mineralogical differences. For dark continuous DDTs, albedo drop measurements are around 2.5 % in the wavelength range of 550–850 nm on Mars and around 0.5 % in the wavelength range from 300–1100 nm on Earth. The removal of an equivalent layer thickness around 1 μm is sufficient for the formation of visible dark continuous DDTs on Mars and Earth. The next type of DDTs, dark cycloidal DDTs, are characterized by their low albedo pattern of overlapping scallops. Terrestrial in situ studies imply that they are formed when sand-sized material that is eroded from the outer vortex area of a dust devil is redeposited in annular patterns in the central vortex region. This type of DDT can also be found in on Mars in orbital image data, and although in situ studies are lacking, terrestrial analog studies, laboratory work, and numerical modeling suggest they have the same formation mechanism as those on Earth. Finally, bright DDTs are characterized by their continuous track pattern and high albedo compared to their undisturbed surroundings. They are found on both planets, but to date they have only been analyzed in situ on Earth. Here, the destruction of aggregates of dust, silt and sand by dust devils leads to smooth surfaces in contrast to the undisturbed rough surfaces surrounding the track. The resulting change in photometric properties occurs because the smoother surfaces have a higher reflectance compared to the surrounding rough surface, leading to bright DDTs. On Mars, the destruction of surficial dust-aggregates may also lead to bright DDTs. However, higher reflective surfaces may be produced by other formation mechanisms, such as dust compaction by passing dust devils, as this may also cause changes in photometric properties. On Mars, DDTs in general are found at all elevations and on a global scale, except on the permanent polar caps. DDT maximum areal densities occur during spring and summer in both hemispheres produced by an increase in dust devil activity caused by maximum insolation. Regionally, dust devil densities vary spatially likely controlled by changes in dust cover thicknesses and substrate materials. This variability makes it difficult to infer dust devil activity from DDT frequencies. Furthermore, only a fraction of dust devils leave tracks. However, DDTs can be used as proxies for dust devil lifetimes and wind directions and speeds, and they can also be used to predict lander or rover solar panel clearing events. Overall, the high DDT frequency in many areas on Mars leads to drastic albedo changes that affect large-scale weather patterns

    Which clinical research questions are the most important? Development and preliminary validation of the Australia & New Zealand Musculoskeletal (ANZMUSC) Clinical Trials Network Research Question Importance Tool (ANZMUSC-RQIT).

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    Background and aims High quality clinical research that addresses important questions requires significant resources. In resource-constrained environments, projects will therefore need to be prioritized. The Australia and New Zealand Musculoskeletal (ANZMUSC) Clinical Trials Network aimed to develop a stakeholder-based, transparent, easily implementable tool that provides a score for the 'importance' of a research question which could be used to rank research projects in order of importance. Methods Using a mixed-methods, multi-stage approach that included a Delphi survey, consensus workshop, inter-rater reliability testing, validity testing and calibration using a discrete-choice methodology, the Research Question Importance Tool (ANZMUSC-RQIT) was developed. The tool incorporated broad stakeholder opinion, including consumers, at each stage and is designed for scoring by committee consensus. Results The ANZMUSC-RQIT tool consists of 5 dimensions (compared to 6 dimensions for an earlier version of RQIT): (1) extent of stakeholder consensus, (2) social burden of health condition, (3) patient burden of health condition, (4) anticipated effectiveness of proposed intervention, and (5) extent to which health equity is addressed by the research. Each dimension is assessed by defining ordered levels of a relevant attribute and by assigning a score to each level. The scores for the dimensions are then summed to obtain an overall ANZMUSC-RQIT score, which represents the importance of the research question. The result is a score on an interval scale with an arbitrary unit, ranging from 0 (minimal importance) to 1000. The ANZMUSC-RQIT dimensions can be reliably ordered by committee consensus (ICC 0.73-0.93) and the overall score is positively associated with citation count (standardised regression coefficient 0.33, p<0.001) and journal impact factor group (OR 6.78, 95% CI 3.17 to 14.50 for 3rd tertile compared to 1st tertile of ANZMUSC-RQIT scores) for 200 published musculoskeletal clinical trials. Conclusion We propose that the ANZMUSC-RQIT is a useful tool for prioritising the importance of a research question.William J. Taylor, Robin Willink, Denise A. O, Connor, Vinay Patel, Allison Bourne, Ian A. Harris, Samuel L. Whittle, Bethan Richards, Ornella Clavisi, Sally Green, Rana S. Hinman, Chris G. Maher, Ainslie Cahill, Annie McPherson, Charlotte Hewson, Suzie E. May, Bruce Walker, Philip C. Robinson, Davina Ghersi, Jane Fitzpatrick, Tania Winzenberg, Kieran Fallon, Paul Glasziou, Laurent Billot, Rachelle Buchbinde

    Time evolution of in vivo articular cartilage repair induced by bone marrow stimulation and scaffold implantation in rabbits

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    Purpose: Tissue engineering techniques were used to study cartilage repair over a 12-month period in a rabbit model. Methods: A full-depth chondral defect along with subchondral bone injury were originated in the knee joint, where a biostable porous scaffold was implanted, synthesized of poly(ethyl acrylate-co-hydroxyethyl acrylate) copolymer. Morphological evolution of cartilage repair was studied 1 and 2 weeks, and 1, 3, and 12 months after implantation by histological techniques. The 3-month group was chosen to compare cartilage repair to an additional group where scaffolds were preseeded with allogeneic chondrocytes before implantation, and also to controls, who underwent the same surgery procedure, with no scaffold implantation. Results: Neotissue growth was first observed in the deepest scaffold pores 1 week after implantation, which spread thereafter; 3 months later scaffold pores were filled mostly with cartilaginous tissue in superficial and middle zones, and with bone tissue adjacent to subchondral bone. Simultaneously, native chondrocytes at the edges of the defect started to proliferate 1 week after implantation; within a month those edges had grown centripetally and seemed to embed the scaffold, and after 3 months, hyaline-like cartilage was observed on the condylar surface. Preseeded scaffolds slightly improved tissue growth, although the quality of repair tissue was similar to non-preseeded scaffolds. Controls showed that fibrous cartilage was mainly filling the repair area 3 months after surgery. In the 12-month group, articular cartilage resembled the untreated surface. Conclusions: Scaffolds guided cartilaginous tissue growth in vivo, suggesting their importance in stress transmission to the cells for cartilage repair.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through MAT2010-21611-C03-00 project (including the FEDER financial support), by Conselleria de Educacion (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain) PROMETEO/2011/084 grant, and by CIBER-BBN en Bioingenieria, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina. The work of JLGR was partially supported by funds from the Generalitat Valenciana, ACOMP/2012/075 project. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the - Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Sancho-Tello Valls, M.; Forriol, F.; Gastaldi, P.; Ruiz Sauri, A.; Martín De Llano, JJ.; Novella-Maestre, E.; Antolinos Turpín, CM.... (2015). Time evolution of in vivo articular cartilage repair induced by bone marrow stimulation and scaffold implantation in rabbits. International Journal of Artificial Organs. 38(4):210-223. https://doi.org/10.5301/ijao.5000404S210223384Becerra, J., Andrades, J. A., Guerado, E., Zamora-Navas, P., López-Puertas, J. M., & Reddi, A. H. (2010). Articular Cartilage: Structure and Regeneration. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 16(6), 617-627. doi:10.1089/ten.teb.2010.0191Nelson, L., Fairclough, J., & Archer, C. (2009). Use of stem cells in the biological repair of articular cartilage. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 10(1), 43-55. doi:10.1517/14712590903321470MAINIL-VARLET, P., AIGNER, T., BRITTBERG, M., BULLOUGH, P., HOLLANDER, A., HUNZIKER, E., … STAUFFER, E. (2003). HISTOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF CARTILAGE REPAIR. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume, 85, 45-57. doi:10.2106/00004623-200300002-00007Hunziker, E. B., Kapfinger, E., & Geiss, J. (2007). 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Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, 17(4), 213-227. doi:10.1089/ten.teb.2010.0572Vikingsson, L., Gallego Ferrer, G., Gómez-Tejedor, J. A., & Gómez Ribelles, J. L. (2014). An «in vitro» experimental model to predict the mechanical behavior of macroporous scaffolds implanted in articular cartilage. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 32, 125-131. doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2013.12.024Weber, J. F., & Waldman, S. D. (2014). Calcium signaling as a novel method to optimize the biosynthetic response of chondrocytes to dynamic mechanical loading. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 13(6), 1387-1397. doi:10.1007/s10237-014-0580-xMauck, R. L., Soltz, M. A., Wang, C. C. B., Wong, D. D., Chao, P.-H. G., Valhmu, W. B., … Ateshian, G. A. (2000). Functional Tissue Engineering of Articular Cartilage Through Dynamic Loading of Chondrocyte-Seeded Agarose Gels. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 122(3), 252-260. doi:10.1115/1.429656Palmoski, M. J., & Brandt, K. D. (1984). 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    Two-loop O(GF2MH4){\rm O}\left(G_F^2M_H^4\right) corrections to the fermionic decay rates of the Higgs boson

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    We calculate the dominant O(GF2MH4){\rm O}\left(G_F^2M_H^4\right) two-loop electroweak corrections to the fermi\-onic decay widths of a heavy Higgs boson in the Standard Model. Use of the Goldstone-boson equivalence theorem reduces the problem to one involving only the physical Higgs boson HH and the Goldstone bosons w±w^\pm and zz of the unbroken theory. The two-loop corrections are opposite in sign to the one-loop electroweak corrections, exceed the one-loop corrections in magnitude for MH>1114 GeVM_H>1114\ {\rm GeV}, and increase in relative magnitude as MH2M_H^2 for larger values of MHM_H. We conclude that the perturbation expansion in powers of GFMH2G_FM_H^2 breaks down for MH1100 GeVM_H\approx 1100\ {\rm GeV}. We discuss briefly the QCD and the complete one-loop electroweak corrections to Hbbˉ,ttˉH\rightarrow b\bar{b}, \,t\bar{t}, and comment on the validity of the equivalence theorem. Finally we note how a very heavy Higgs boson could be described in a phenomenological manner.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX file, 4 figures in a separate compressed uuencoded Postscript file or available by mail on request. Fig. 1 not included see Figs. 1, 2 in Phys. Rev. D 48, 1061 (1993

    Including Soft Global Constraints in DCOPs

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    In the centralized context, global constraints have been essential for the advancement of constraint reasoning. In this paper we propose to include soft global constraints in distributed constraint optimization problems (DCOPs). Looking for efficiency, we study possible decompositions of global constraints, including the use of extra variables. We extend the distributed search algorithm BnB-ADOPT + to support these representations of global constraints. In addition, we explore the relation of global constraints with soft local consistency in DCOPs, in particular for the generalized soft arc consistency (GAC) level. We include specific propagators for some well-known soft global constraints. Finally, we provide empirical results on several benchmarks