32 research outputs found

    Strain induced mobility modulation in single-layer MoS2_{2}

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    In this paper the effect of biaxial and uniaxial strain on the mobility of single-layer MoS2_{2} for temperatures T >> 100 K is investigated. Scattering from intrinsic phonon modes, remote phonon and charged impurities are considered along with static screening. Ab-initio simulations are utilized to investigate the strain induced effects on the electronic bandstructure and the linearized Boltzmann transport equation is used to evaluate the low-field mobility under various strain conditions. The results indicate that the mobility increases with tensile biaxial and tensile uniaxial strain along the armchair direction. Under compressive strain, however, the mobility exhibits a non-monotonic behavior when the strain magnitude is varied. In particular, with a relatively small compressive strain of 1% the mobility is reduced by about a factor of two compared to the unstrained condition, but with a larger compressive strain the mobility partly recovers such a degradation

    The influence of non-idealities on the thermoelectric power factor of nanostructured superlattices

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    Cross-plane superlattices composed of nanoscale layers of alternating potential wells and barriers have attracted great attention for their potential to provide thermoelectric power factor improvements and higher ZT figure of merit. Previous theoretical works have shown that the presence of optimized potential barriers could provide improvements to the Seebeck coefficient through carrier energy filtering, which improves the power factor by up to 40%. However, experimental corroboration of this prediction has been extremely scant. In this work, we employ quantum mechanical electronic transport simulations to outline the detrimental effects of random variation, imperfections, and non-optimal barrier shapes in a superlattice geometry on these predicted power factor improvements. Thus, we aim to assess either the robustness or the fragility of these theoretical gains in the face of the types of variation one would find in real material systems. We show that these power factor improvements are relatively robust against: overly thick barriers, diffusion of barriers into the body of the wells, and random fluctuations in barrier spacing and width. However, notably, we discover that extremely thin barriers and random fluctuation in barrier heights by as little as 10% is sufficient to entirely destroy any power factor benefits of the optimized geometry. Our results could provide performance optimization routes for nanostructured thermoelectrics and elucidate the reasons why significant power factor improvements are not commonly realized in superlattices, despite theoretical predictions

    Low-dimensional phonon transport effects in ultra-narrow, disordered graphene nanoribbons

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    We investigate the influence of low-dimensionality and disorder in phonon transport in ultra-narrow armchair graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) using non-equilibrium Greens function (NEGF) simulation techniques. We specifically focus on how different parts of the phonon spectrum are influenced by geometrical confinement and line edge roughness. With the introduction of line edge roughness, the phonon transmission is reduced, but non-uniformly throughout the spectrum. We identify four distinct behaviors within the phonon spectrum in the presence of disorder: i) the low-energy, low-wavevector acoustic branches have very long mean-free-paths and are affected the least by edge disorder, even in the case of ultra-narrow W=1nm wide GNRs; ii) energy regions that consist of a dense population of relatively flat phonon modes (including the optical branches) are also not significantly affected, except in the case of the ultranarrow W=1nm GNRs, in which case the transmission is reduced because of band mismatch along the phonon transport path; iii) quasi-acoustic bands that lie within the intermediate region of the spectrum are strongly affected by disorder as this part of the spectrum is depleted of propagating phonon modes upon both confinement and disorder especially as the channel length increases; iv) the strongest reduction in phonon transmission is observed in energy regions that are composed of a small density of phonon modes, in which case roughness can introduce transport gaps that greatly increase with channel length. We show that in GNRs of widths as small as W=3nm, under moderate roughness, both the low-energy acoustic modes and dense regions of optical modes can retain semi-ballistic transport properties, even for channel lengths up to L=1 um. Modes in the sparse regions of the spectrum fall into the localization regime even for channel lengths as short as 10s of nanometers.Comment: 45 pages, 12 figure

    Numerical Analysis of Coaxial Double Gate Schottky Barrier Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors

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    Abstract. Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNTFETs) have been studied in recent years as a potential alternative to CMOS devices, because of the capability of ballistic transport. The ambipolar behavior of Schottky barrier CNTFETs limits the performance of these devices. A double gate design is proposed to suppress this behavior. In this structure the first gate located near the source contact controls carrier injection and the second gate located near the drain contact suppresses parasitic carrier injection. To avoid the ambipolar behavior it is necessary that the voltage of the second gate is higher or at least equal to the drain voltage. The behavior of these devices has been studied by solving the coupled Schrödinger-Poisson equation system. We investigated the effect of the second gate voltage on the performance of the device and finally the advantages and disadvantages of these options are discussed