113 research outputs found

    Money Supply Function for Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

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    The study had empirically tested the money supply function for Bangladesh using annual time series data. Authors observed that high-powered money played a very significant role in the money supply process of Bangladesh, particularly with respect to the narrow money supply M1, thus providing some support for the monetarist model. However, beyond the monetarist view, additional variables in the light of the Keynesian and structuralist analysis, such as bank rate, external resources, and financial liberalization need to be taken into account in understanding the money supply process of the country. Other aforesaid variables were also found to exert some influence on the broad money supply in Bangladesh. However, given the poor performance of the narrow money model and the existence of multicollinearity problem in both models, the estimated results, even for the broad money model, needed to be interpreted with caution.

    Macro Economy of a Least Developed Country: The Case of Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries. The economy of Bangladesh suffers from both supply side and demand side problems. This study has been undertaken with a view to investigate macro economic conditions of the country over the two sub periods period a) Sub period-1: Macroeconomic policy under administrative control i.e. 1976-77 to 1989-90; b) Sub period-2: Macroeconomic policy under reform measures i.e. 1990-91 to 2004-05. The study doesn’t find full applicability of either Keynesian or Monetarist view of the macro model for this country. Authors’ suggested that the performance of the Bangladesh economy is a mixture of accomplishment and failure, not significantly different from that of the majority of poor less developed countries and thus a coordinated approach to fiscal, monetary and exchange rate and debt management policy is required to achieve the long-term goal and sustainable economic growth with inflation within control. The first section of the paper provides the background to the literature review. Section two outlines the objective and explains the research methodology applied by gathering quantitative data. Section three explains the analysis of the data and results and section four provides policy implications and finally concluding comments.

    A historical review of foreign language teaching methods with particular reference to the teaching of grammar

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    This thesis is concerned with a "historical review of foreign language teaching methods with particular reference to the teaching of grammar.’ Chapter one outlines the purpose of study, defines its scope and explains why it is significant. It outlines as well the stages through which language teaching methodology passed during the last hundred years. Chapter two deals with the entry of Modern Languages into the school curriculum and the adoption of the Grammar-Translation method in the foreign language classroom. Chapter three discusses why the Reform Movement was necessary and what changes took place consequently in language teaching methodology. Chapter four looks at the development of some Reform Movement ideas which resulted in the growth of the Direct Method. Chapter five is devoted to a discussion of the development of language learning theory, the emergence of behaviourist doctrine and the entry of machines in the language learning classroom. Chapter six looks at the changes which were brought into language teaching methodology by Chomsky and Hymes and of other linguists which resulted in the emergence of Communicative Language Teaching methodology with the appearance of the notional syllabus. The last chapter summarizes the main points discussed in the previous chapters, especially the role of 'grammar’ in language teaching methodology during the last hundred years

    Problems and Prospects of Poultry Industry in Bangladesh: An Analysis

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    The poultry industry has been successfully becoming a leading industry of Bangladesh. The primary objective of the study is to identify the various aspect relating the growth and sustainability of poultry industry in Bangladesh. Authors argued that strategic management in poultry sector requires complementing to achieve present Govt.’s vision of Digital Bangladesh 2021. Considering the importance of the country’s poultry industry in order to ensure the sustainable economic development it is now high time to step forward for the better accumulation of resources available from this industry. This industry proves various opportunities of increasing GDP growth rate plus equitable distribution through arranging food security as well as ensuring self-employment at a large scale as pointed out by the authors.

    The nature of corporate social responsibility disclosures by the Bangladeshi commercial banks

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    The Bangladesh Bank is now encouraging corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure by banks however the adoption of CSR remains voluntary and not mandatory. The aim in this paper is to determine the nature and extent of corporate social responsibility disclosure in the banking sector in Bangladesh, and to assess the need to improve corporate social responsibility by such organisations. We observe, from our content analysis of the annual reports of three cases studies within the banking industry of Bangladesh, that corporate social responsibility disclosures focus on initiatives undertaken to support two critical two sectors within Bangladesh\u27s economy. agriculture and the SME sector. Further disclosures address contributions and donations made by the banks to support underprivileged sections of Bangladesh society including destitute youth and women. Of the three cases examined in this study, two are relatively new entrants to the banking sector. We observed that the newest firm, incorporated in 1999, made no disclosures in regards to its corporate social responsibility and, as a consequence, conclude that the corporate governance mechanisms in this firm are likely to be unsophisticated.<br /

    Executive compensation and corporate governance with special reference to Bangladesh; some emerging issues

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    This discussion paper considers corporate governance issues associated with executive compensation arrangements. An historical perspective is used to demonstrate the absence of a sound empirically-based understanding of good corporate governance practices in relation to share-based payment arrangements. The paper provides an overview of issues including the potential earnings dilution and volatility effects of the introduction of regulations affecting executive remuneration. Potential future research questions have been framed addressing each of the major issues identified in this paper. We conclude that corporate regulators should ensure they are familiar with and consider best practice models for corporate governance when developing new, or revising existing business regulation. It is proposed that further research to remedy this deficiency would enable a more accurate assessment of the impact of management on accounting regulation and the better design and implementation of regulation.<br /


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    ‘Green Business’ has risen in prominence.  Green supply chain management is a concept that is gaining popularity in the South East Asian region especially in India. For many organizations in India, it is a way to demonstrate their sincere commitment to sustainability.    For this purpose a conceptual model was developed from literature review and data used secondary sources.  The analysis identified that Awareness of Green Business in India   has been improving very slowly but now people of both countries are feeling that this area is having lot of scope to improve and they started to do work on this area.   This paper presents the   link between green business management practices and increased competitiveness and improved economic performance amongst a sample of organizations in India. India is fast growing country but slow in developing green business

    Existing situation and prospects of green economy: evidence from Bangladesh

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    Economy for green is currently becoming a “buzz word” among producers, suppliers and consumers, which is also receiving impetus in Bangladesh. Based on the literature review, a number of theoretical relationships were empirically tested. An investigative query is: to what extent the green economy is flourishing with a via to extend sustainability of the state with competitive advantage? Structured questionnaire was deliberated in order to find the relationships between the demographic variables and the green ecosystem. Time period of the research was October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. It was empirically observed that the relationship between the respondents of both genders and usability of green production in the country exists; the connection between business type and sensitivity of any green product is easily obtainable; the linkage between business type and awareness of any green product is accessible in the market; the linkage between type of institution and encouraging goods and services of any “Green Product” in Bangladesh occurs; the relationship between different types of institutes and use of Green Product consumption is applicable in the country. Economy for Green can possibly reduce the magnitude of the worst shock of natural disasters which increasingly occur as regular variation in addition to severe problems on human being and non-human assets. Consumers and producers are essential by conscious of green concept. Green Investment Bank in Bangladesh may be established to accomplish a broad range of economic support for innovative green projects and technologies leading to increasing capacity and sustainable connections

    E-Business and on line banking in Bangladesh: an Analysis

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    E-Business and on line banking in Bangladesh: an Analysis

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    Abstract: E-business has created tremendous opportunity all over the globe. On line banking can act as a complementary factor of e-business. Bangladesh Bank has recently argued to introduce automated clearing house system. This pushed upward transition from the manual banking system to the on line banking system. The study has been undertaken to observe present status of the e-business and as its complementary factor on line banking system in Bangladesh. The article analyzes the data that were collected from Bangladeshi banks up to February 2010 and also used snowball sampling techniques to gather answer from the five hundred respondents&apos; who have already been using on line banking system on the basis of a questionnaire which was prepared for this study purpose. The study found that dealing officials of the banks are not well conversant about their desk work. Authors&apos; observed that the country can be benefited through successful utilization of e-business as this will help to enhance productivity, monetary gain of both producer and customer may be feasible and positive impact on raising gross domestic product. E -business especially with the help of on line banking can manage economy of Bangladesh in a better way as customer will be satisfied
