84 research outputs found

    Mahatma Gandhi letter

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    Gandhi writes from Yeravda Prison in Poona, India in 1933 in apparent response to Harry Deutch, of the Bronx.https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/littlejohnmss/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Digital Healthcare During Covid-19 Pandemic: Application and Regulatory Aspects of Telemedicine

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    The Indian healthcare sector faces many glitches and some of them are political and economic uncertainty, accessibility, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and an ageing population. Owing to the skewed ratio of doctor to patient, a large part of the population is still underserved in health care. As a consequence, effective and equal delivery of health-care facilities has always been an issue. Telemedicine as an instrument for health care delivery has been developed for both convenient and specialised healthcare, especially for patients with limited access to standardised healthcare services in remote locations. Subsequently in the influx of the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine activities have ultimately got extreme significance in the global health situation. The Government of India has recently highlighted the problems in telemedicine by publishing effective guidelines to streamline the telemedicine practices. Similar to COVID-19, telemedicine had an influence in the past on reducing a variety of epidemic diseases such as SARS and MERS. On the other hand, there are many barriers which need to be addressed / resolved to realize its full potential. Nowadays, the challenges faced by telemedicine are no longer technological, but legal. The absence of clear laws for telemedicine registration, practise and virtual consultation in India serves as a disincentive for medical profession. Therefore, it is proposed that apart from the Telemedicine practice guidelines of India, 2020, Indian Government should introduce comprehensive medico-legal regulations to address the issues faced by telemedicine service users and providers

    Modelling the impact and cost-effectiveness of the HIV intervention programme amongst commercial sex workers in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

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    BACKGROUND: Ahmedabad is an industrial city in Gujarat, India. In 2003, the HIV prevalence among commercial sex workers (CSWs) in Ahmedabad reached 13.0%. In response, the Jyoti Sangh HIV prevention programme for CSWs was initiated, which involves outreach, peer education, condom distribution, and free STD clinics. Two surveys were performed among CSWs in 1999 and 2003. This study estimates the cost-effectiveness of the Jyoti Sangh HIV prevention programme. METHODS: A dynamic mathematical model was used with survey and intervention-specific data from Ahmedabad to estimate the HIV impact of the Jyoti Sangh project for the 51 months between the two CSW surveys. Uncertainty analysis was used to obtain different model fits to the HIV/STI epidemiological data, producing a range for the HIV impact of the project. Financial and economic costs of the intervention were estimated from the providers perspective for the same time period. The cost per HIV-infection averted was estimated. RESULTS: Over 51 months, projections suggest that the intervention averted 624 and 5,131 HIV cases among the CSWs and their clients, respectively. This equates to a 54% and 51% decrease in the HIV infections that would have occurred among the CSWs and clients without the intervention. In the absence of intervention, the model predicts that the HIV prevalence amongst the CSWs in 2003 would have been 26%, almost twice that with the intervention. Cost per HIV infection averted, excluding and including peer educator economic costs, was USD 59 and USD 98 respectively. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that targeted CSW interventions in India can be cost-effective, and highlights the importance of replicating this effort in other similar settings.Published versio

    Para além do pensamento abissal: das linhas globais a uma ecologia de saberes

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    Semua Manusia Bersaudara: Kehidupan dan gagasan mahatma gandhi sebagaimana diceritakannya sendiri

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    xx, 239 p. ; 23 c

    The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi XLI: (June-October 1929>

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    Kaum Perempuan dan Ketidakadilan Sosial

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    Selain di kenal sebagai Bapak Anti-Kekerasan (ahimsa), Gandhi adalah pejuang paling gigih yang membela kaum perempuan.Tak ada seorang pria pun yang pengabdiannya untuk menjunjung martabat perempuan-sebesar Gandhi. Gandhilah yang menundukkan kaum pria.Kata-kata Gandhi selalu bertenaga, didengar dan dilaksanakan pengikutnya, karena ia selalu menjadi implementor pembaharuan dari dalam dirinya dan keluarganya sendiri. Buku ini merupakan terjemahan dari tulisan-tulisan Gandhi yang di publikasikan di media massaIndia.Dalambuku ini Gandhi mengungkapkan pemikiran-pemikirannya di sekitar kaum perempuan (kedudukan, peran, dan jasa) dan kelemahan alam budaya patriarchal.Dalamkontek sekarang, gagasan-gagasan Gandhi yang revolusioner perlu di kajikembalidan diaktualisasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Didalamsejarah, tidak ada seorang pemimpin yang memilki pengikut sedemikian besar dalam masa hidupnya, baik di negerinya sendiri maupun di seluruh dunia seperti Gandhi dan tak ada seorang pria yang bisa membangkitkan pengabdian dengan segenap ketulusan hati bagi kaum perempuan, selain Gandhi, Alasan dari semua ini tidaklah sulit dicari. Gandhi memiliki kapasitas yang pantas diteladani atas kesediaannya untuk menjadikan dirinya sebagai alas kaki bagi orang lain,terutama bagi orang-orang yang tengah berada dalam ketertindasan dan ketidakberdaya sebagai seorang pecinta kemanusiaan sejati, Gandhi adalah musuh yang sangat gigih bagi setiap ketidakadilan dalam bentuk apa pun.Oleh karena itu, tidaklah mengherankan apabila jejak awal Gandhi telah mendukung perjuangan untuk mengatasi persoalan perempuan

    Kaum perempuan dan ketidakadilan sosial

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    Yogyakartaxxi, 443 hlm.; 21 c

    Semua Manusia Bersaudara: Kehidupan dan gagasan mahatma gandhi sebagaimana diceritakannya sendiri

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    xx, 239 p. ; 23 c
