3 research outputs found

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan kadar HDL pada pasien Diabetes Mellitus tipe 2

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    Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a metabolic disease characterized by an increase in insulin released by pancreatic beta cells and / or insulin resistance. Excessive nutrition with excess body fat accumulation increases the risk of suffering from degenerative diseases. The purpose of this study was to study whether there was a relationship between Body Mass Index with HDL levels in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus FKTP patients at the Independent Practitioner Doctor K. Hakikiyah, Lampung Tengah in 2019. This research method used observational analytic with cross sectional design. The sampling technique in this study used the total sampling quota method with a total sample of 56 people collected. Data analysis using Pearson trial. The highest BMI was the excess BB category by 33 people (58.9%), the highest HDL frequency distribution, namely the Low category by 29 people (51.8%), and obtained (p-value = 0.034 and r = -0.284 Related to Body Mass Index with HDL levels having a weak direction and a negative direction, is if BMI increases, HDL levels increase and vice versa.Diabetes mellitus tipe 2 adalah penyakit metabolik yang ditandai dengan kenaikan glukosa darah akibat penurunan sekresi insulin oleh sel beta pankreas dan atau resistensi insulin. Gizi berlebih dengan akumulasi lemak tubuh berlebih meingkatkan risiko menderita penyakit degeneratif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan kadar HDL pada pasien FKTP Diabetes Mellitus tipe  2 di Dokter Praktik Mandiri K. Hakikiyah Lampung Tengah Tahun 2019. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuota total sampling dengan keseluruhan sampel berjumlah 56 orang. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi pearson. Hasilnya diketahui distribusi frekuensi IMT terbanyak yaitu kategori BB Berlebih sebanyak 33 orang (58,9%), distribusi frekuensi kadar HDL terbanyak yaitu kategori Rendah sebanyak 29 orang (51,8%), dan didapatkan (p-value = 0,034 dan r = -0,284) sehingga terdapat hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan kadar  HDL memiliki korelasi lemah dan arah negatif yaitu jika IMT meningkat maka kadar HDL menurun dan sebaliknya

    Identifikasi Escherichia coli Penyebab Waterborne Disease pada Air Mimun Kemasan dan Air Mimunm Isi Ulang

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    Abstract. Background : Refilled water drinking store and packaged water drinking often can be found in cities with a high demand of water by the community, whether it’s drinking water or for daily basis. Contaminated water if being consumed, will cause a disease. Purpose : To know contamination of Escherichia coli bacteria cause of waterborne disease on refilled drinking water and packaged drinking water in Kelurahan Kemiling Raya by filtering method and isolate and identified on differential selective media. Method : Descriptive research design with experimental qualitative approach. Sample of refilled drinking water sample and packaged water drinking are filtered with a membrane filter and incubated on differential selective media Chromogenic Coliform Agar to know whether there is a contamination of Escherichia coli cause of waterborne disease. Result : There are Escherichia coli bacteria cause waterborne disease colonies in refilled drinking  water on sample X, Y, and Z with each having 2,4 x 102 cfu/100ml, 6,8 x 102 cfu/100ml and sample Z having categorized by TBUD because of too much colonies, but on sample W there isn’t any. On packaged drinking water sample A and B both have the same number of colonies Escherichia coli which 2,0 x 100 cfu/250ml. Conclusion : The number of Escherichia coli bacteria on refilled drinking water is greater than packaged drinking water. There isn’t any Escherichia coli bacteria cause of waterborne disease in refilled drinking water whom uses reserved osmosis technology.Abstrak. Latar Belakang : Depot air minum isi ulang dan air minum kemasan banyak didapati pada daerah perkotaan yang didorong oleh tingginya kebutuhan masyarakat akan air, baik untuk minum maupun dalam kebutuhan sehari-hari lainnya. Air yang terkontaminasi jika dikonsumsi akan menimbulkan suatu penyakit. Tujuan : Mengetahui cemaran bakteri Escherichia coli penyebab waterborne disease pada air minum isi ulang dan air minum kemasan di Kelurahan Kemiling Raya dengan cara peyaringan kemudian mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi pada media selektif diferensial. Metode : Desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kulitatif eksperimetal. Sampel air minum isi ulang dan air minum kemasan disaring dengan penyarig membran kemudia diinkubasi pada media selektif deferensial Chromogenic Coliform Agar untuk mengetahui adanya cemaran bakteri Escherichia coli penyebab waterborne disease. Hasil : Terdapat koloni bakteri Escherichia coli penyebab waterborne disease pada air minum isi ulang pada sampel X, Y, dan Z dengan masing-masing memiliki jumlah 2,4 x 102 cfu/100ml, 6,8 x102 cfu/100ml dan sampel Z memiliki jumlah koloni yang sangat banyak sehingga dikategorikan TBUD, sedangkan untuk sampel W tidak terdapat koloni bakteri. Pada sampel air minum kemasan A dan B memiliki jumlah koloni bakteri Escherichia coli yang sama yaitu sebanyak 2,0 x 100 cfu/250ml. Kesimpulan : Jumlah koloni bakteri Escherichia coli pada sampel air minum isi ulang lebih besar dari pada air minum kemasan. Tidak terdapat bakteri Escherichia coli penyebab waterborne disease pada air minum isi ulang yang menggunakan teknologi reserved osmosis

    Isolation and Identification of Escherichia Coli Bacteria Causes Waterborne Disease in Bottled and Refilled Water

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    . Background : Refilled water drinking store and packaged water drinking often can be found in cities with a high demand of water by the community, whether it's drinking water or for daily basis. Contaminated water if being consumed, will cause a disease. Purpose : To know contamination of Escherichia coli bacteria cause of waterborne disease on refilled drinking water and packaged drinking water in Kelurahan Kemiling Raya by filtering method and isolate and identified on differential selective media. Method : Descriptive research design with experimental qualitative approach. Sample of refilled drinking water sample and packaged water drinking are filtered with a membrane filter and incubated on differential selective media Chromogenic Coliform Agar to know whether there is a contamination of Escherichia coli cause of waterborne disease. Result : There are Escherichia coli bacteria cause waterborne disease colonies in refilled drinking  water on sample X, Y, and Z with each having 2,4 x 102 cfu/100ml, 6,8 x 102 cfu/100ml and sample Z having categorized by TBUD because of too much colonies, but on sample W there isn't any. On packaged drinking water sample A and B both have the same number of colonies Escherichia coli which 2,0 x 100 cfu/250ml. Conclusion : The number of Escherichia coli bacteria on refilled drinking water is greater than packaged drinking water. There isn't any Escherichia coli bacteria cause of waterborne disease in refilled drinking water whom uses reserved osmosis technology