163 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses kolaborasi antar pelaksana yang terjadi pada penataan dan pembinaan toko modern di Kota Surakarta; mengetahui peran masing-masing Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah yang terkait pada penataan dan pembinaan toko modern di Kota Surakarta selaku pelaksana; mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menghambat proses kolaborasi antar pelaksana pada penataan dan pembinaan toko modern di Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, yakni menggambarkan bagaimana proses kolaborasi antar pelaksana pada penataan dan pembinaan toko modern di Kota Surakarta, dengan tehnik pengumpulan data melalui observasi,wawancara terhadap sumber data utama dan dokumentasi sumber data.Validitas data dengan triangulasi.Analisis data dilakukan sejak awal proses penelitian menggunakan langkah-langkah data reduksi, data display dan verification. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kolaborasi sebagai suatu proses dilakukan dengan memenuhi syarat- syarat kolaborasi yang meliputi pemahaman yang sama terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi, saling percaya dan itikad baik, pemahaman terhadap batasan kewenangan, cara menciptakan peraturan dan mekanisme mengatasi konflik, hanya saja koordinasi internal dan eksternal kurang maksimal. Peran Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah selaku pelaksana pada penataan dan pembinaan toko modern di Kota Surakarta sudah sesuai dengan mekanisme penataan dan pembinaan toko modern di Kota Surakarta yang diatur dalam dasar penataan dan pembinaan toko modern di Kota Surakarta, yaitu Perda Nomor 5 Tahun 2011 dan Perwali Nomor 17- A Tahun 2012. Faktor yang menghambat proses kolaborasi terjadi pada faktor budaya yaitu ketergantungan terhadap prosedur dan faktor keterbatasan sumber daya manusia sehingga berakibat waktu pengurusan perizinan sebagai bentuk penataan dan pembinaan toko modern menjadi terlalu lama, Guna meningkatkan kolaborasi antar pelaksana diusulkan untuk meningkatkan komunikasi internal dinas melalui rapat-rapat koordinasi secara periodik maupun pemanfaatan kegiatan rutin dinas sebagai forum berbagi informasi kegiatan masingmasing bidang. Selain itu perlu melakukan kajian terhadap regulasi penataan dan pembinaan toko modern untuk mengakomodir hal-hal yang sebelumnya belum tercakup dalam regulasi, antara lain pengaturan jarak antar toko modern serta penegasan peran instansi yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pembinaan toko modern. Keywords : Kolaborasi, Stakeholders, Toko Moder

    Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Kesulitan Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar

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    The objective of this research, to find out The Influences Difficulty Study of Internal and External Factor toward study achievement. Internal Factor consist of (Physiology, Intelligence, Talent, Interest, Motivation, Psichologycal weeknesses). External Factor consist of (Parents, Home Condition, Economic of Family, Teacher, Equipment, Building, Curriculum, Dicipline and time, mass media, social environment). Documentation and quessionaire are the instrument. The Data analyzis use descriptive dan inferensial statisthic. Population 133 student with proportional random sampling. And 58 samples.There is a positive influence between internal factor and external factor toward study achievement. Study Achievement has independent variable 55.1% dan remains 44.9% be explained by other variable. External Factor are the effective variable to influences study achievement, it can be shown from the Effective Contribution 29.2% and Relative Contribution 53%

    Kajian Investasi, Pengeluaran Pemerintah, Tenaga Kerja dan Keterbukaan Ekonomi terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Propinsi Jawa Tengah

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    This study aims to explainE economic growth in Central Java Province. The variables that affect rate of economic growthis private investment,government investment,government spending, labor and economic openness. In this study, the dataused are secondary data published by the Central Bureau of Statistic and bank Indonesia. The data are annual data from1985 to 2010. The analysis tool used is regression Ordinary Least Square (OLS), using t test, F test, and classicalassumption. The result showed that in the partial private investment, government investment, government spending, laboris positive and significant impact on economic growth in Central Java. While economic openness variable is statisticallysignificant, negative effect on economic growth in Central Java. Taken together private investment, government investment,government spending, labor and economic openness affect economic growth in Central Java

    Analisis Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran PT Roda Pembangunan Jaya Dalam Memasarkan Perumahan Taman Palagan Asri Di YOGYAKARTA

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    Developing business for real-estate is a very big business for future because this is aboutaspect of most people need in live. This reality inspired me to make a further research about realestate developer. The matters that this research about to raise is how PT. Roda PembangunanJaya attempt their strategic of marketing communications to achieve their company goal inselling unit of their real estate. The goal of this research is to knowing strategic of segmenting,targeting, positioning and form of the marketing style of PT. Roda Pembangunan Jaya in orderto sell their unit in Taman Palagan Asri Real Estate.This research using method of qualitative description which is the researcher is trying toexplained strategic of marketing communications of PT. Roda Pembangunan Jaya in case ofselling Taman Palagan Asri Real Estate. The writer collecting data by doing an interview withthe Marketing Manager of PT. Roda Pembangunan Jaya and according to PT. Roda PembangunanJaya record file. The analyze technique theory is using theory from Miles and Huberman which isabout some essay and descriptive explanation.From the result of research we can know that PT. Roda Pembangunan Jaya taking segmentof consumer target from middle to high level of class according to housing positioning ofTaman Palagan Asri Real Estate, that is housing for middle to high level class. The implementationof positioning strategic to housing of Taman Palagan Asri conduct with three approachingsuch as positioning according to attribute, price and competitor. Advertising, personal sellingand sales promotion is using to promote where advertising through billboard media is the mosteffective form of marketing communication. But there is some barriers to be face when implementmarketing communication such as circumstances of global economic that not conducivebut overall marketing communication that had been done running well

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Media Realita di Kelas V SD

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    : This study aims to improve student learning outcomes at a fraction multiplication using reality material media in fifth grade of SDN 68 West Pontianak. The method used is descriptive quantitative approach. The subjects were researchers and fifth grade students of SDN 68 at second semester with 46 students. Techniques of data collection consisted of direct observation and measurement techniques. Implementation of this class action performed 2 cycles. The results of this research is the ability of researchers to in doing the learning at cycle 1 is an assessment of researchers ability to prepare lesson plans with an average of 3.24 and the second cycle at 3.76. The researchers ability in doing the learning in cycle 1 with average of 3.56 and cycle 2 at 3,82. The result of using reality material media is the student can increase the learning in cycle 1 with average 71,30 with 60.86% mastery learning at cycle 2 with average 90.43 with 100%masterylearning

    Analisis Penerapan Sistem Akuntansi Penjualan Kredit Dan Penerimaan Kas Dalam Mendukung Pengendalian Intern Perusahaan (Studi Kasus PT. Smart Tbk Refinery Surabaya)

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    System of selling credit accounting and system of cash receiving from account receivable is the source of life to achieving company goals. This research on the system of credit sales and cash receipts to support the company internal control. This research was conducted at PT. SMART Tbk Refinery Surabaya. PT. SMART Tbk Refinery Surabaya only selling cooking oil in the form of branded product and trading product on credit. PT. SMART Tbk Refinery Surabaya still has any weakness on system of selling credit accounting and system of cash receiving from account receivable, some of the sales transaction activity that occurred less supportive of the company\u27s internal control. This study aims to provide information to companies about the advantages and weakness of credit sales accounting system and cash receipts that have been applied by the company
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