10 research outputs found
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VisCap: inference and visualization of germ-line copy-number variants from targeted clinical sequencing data
Purpose: To develop and validate VisCap, a software program targeted to clinical laboratories for inference and visualization of germ-line copy-number variants (CNVs) from targeted next-generation sequencing data. Genet Med 18 7, 712–719. Methods: VisCap calculates the fraction of overall sequence coverage assigned to genomic intervals and computes log2 ratios of these values to the median of reference samples profiled using the same test configuration. Candidate CNVs are called when log2 ratios exceed user-defined thresholds. Genet Med 18 7, 712–719. Results: We optimized VisCap using 14 cases with known CNVs, followed by prospective analysis of 1,104 cases referred for diagnostic DNA sequencing. To verify calls in the prospective cohort, we used droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to confirm 10/27 candidate CNVs and 72/72 copy-neutral genomic regions scored by VisCap. We also used a genome-wide bead array to confirm the absence of CNV calls across panels applied to 10 cases. To improve specificity, we instituted a visual scoring system that enabled experienced reviewers to differentiate true-positive from false-positive calls with minimal impact on laboratory workflow. Genet Med 18 7, 712–719. Conclusions: VisCap is a sensitive method for inferring CNVs from targeted sequence data from targeted gene panels. Visual scoring of data underlying CNV calls is a critical step to reduce false-positive calls for follow-up testing. Genet Med 18 7, 712–719
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Next generation sequencing‐based copy number analysis reveals low prevalence of deletions and duplications in 46 genes associated with genetic cardiomyopathies
Abstract Background: Diagnostic testing for genetic cardiomyopathies has undergone dramatic changes in the last decade with next generation sequencing (NGS) expanding the number of genes that can be interrogated simultaneously. Exon resolution copy number analysis is increasingly incorporated into routine diagnostic testing via cytogenomic arrays and more recently via NGS. While NGS is an attractive option for laboratories that have no access to array platforms, its higher false positive rate requires weighing the added cost incurred by orthogonal confirmation against the magnitude of the increase in diagnostic yield. Although copy number variants (CNVs) have been reported in various cardiomyopathy genes, their contribution has not been systematically studied. Methods: We performed single exon resolution NGS‐based deletion/duplication analysis for up to 46 cardiomyopathy genes in >1400 individuals with cardiomyopathies including HCM, DCM, ARVC, RCM, and LVNC. Results and Conclusion Clinically significant deletions and duplications were identified in only 9 of 1425 (0.63%) individuals. The majority of those (6/9) represented intragenic events. We conclude that the added benefit of exon level deletion/duplication analysis is low for currently known cardiomyopathy genes and may not outweigh the increased cost and complexity of incorporating it into routine diagnostic testing for these disorders
The Evolution of a Large Biobank at Mass General Brigham
The Mass General Brigham Biobank (formerly Partners HealthCare Biobank) is a large repository of biospecimens and data linked to extensive electronic health record data and survey data. Its objective is to support and enable translational research focused on genomic, environmental, biomarker and family history associations with disease phenotypes. The Biobank has enrolled more than 135,000 participants, generated genomic data on more than 65,000 of its participants, distributed approximately 153,000 biospecimens, and served close to 450 institutional studies with biospecimens or data. Although the Biobank has been successful, based on some measures of output, this has required substantial institutional investment. In addition, several challenges are ongoing, including: (1) developing a sustainable cost model that doesn’t rely as heavily on institutional funding; (2) integrating Biobank operations into clinical workflows; and (3) building a research resource that is diverse and promotes equity in research. Here, we describe the evolution of the Biobank and highlight key lessons learned that may inform other efforts to build biobanking efforts in health system contexts
Harmonizing the Collection of Clinical Data on Genetic Testing Requisition Forms to Enhance Variant Interpretation in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): A Study from the ClinGen Cardiomyopathy Variant Curation Expert Panel
Diagnostic laboratories gather phenotypic data through requisition forms, but there is no consensus as to which data are essential for variant interpretation. The ClinGen Cardiomyopathy Variant Curation Expert Panel defined a phenotypic data set for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) variant interpretation, with the goal of standardizing requisition forms. Phenotypic data elements listed on requisition forms from nine leading cardiomyopathy testing laboratories were compiled to assess divergence in data collection. A pilot of 50 HCM cases was implemented to determine the feasibility of harmonizing data collection. Laboratory directors were surveyed to gauge potential for adoption of a minimal data set. Wide divergence was observed in the phenotypic data fields in requisition forms. The 50-case pilot showed that although demographics and assertion of a clinical diagnosis of HCM had 86% to 98% completion, specific phenotypic features, such as degree of left ventricular hypertrophy, ejection fraction, and suspected syndromic disease, were completed only 24% to 44% of the time. Nine data elements were deemed essential for variant classification by the expert panel. Participating laboratories unanimously expressed a willingness to adopt these data elements in their requisition forms. This study demonstrates the value of comparing and sharing best practices through an expert group, such as the ClinGen Program, to enhance variant interpretation, providing a foundation for leveraging cumulative case-level data in public databases and ultimately improving patient care
Additional file 1 of Genetic sex validation for sample tracking in next-generation sequencing clinical testing
Additional file 1: Table S1. 96-SNP panel design—BCM-HGSC-CL
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Lessons learned from the eMERGE Network: balancing genomics in discovery and practice
The Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) Network, established in 2007, is a consortium of academic and integrated health systems conducting discovery and implementation research in translational genomics. Here, we outline the history of the network, highlight major impacts and lessons learned, and present the tools and resources developed for large-scale genomic analyses and translation into a clinical setting. The network developed methods to extract phenotypes from the electronic medical record to perform genome-wide and phenome-wide association studies. Recruited cohorts were clinically sequenced off a custom panel for targeted sequencing of variants and monogenic disease risks and returned to participants to investigate the impact of return of genomic results. After generating a 105,000 participant-imputed genome-wide association study (GWAS) dataset for discovery, the network enrolled and sequenced 24,998 participants. Integration of these results into the medical record and the effects of results on participants provided key lessons to the field. These learned lessons inform genetic research in diverse populations and provide insights into the clinical impact of return and implementation of genomic medicine using the electronic medical record. The lessons produced by the eMERGE Network can be utilized by other consortia as translational genomic medicine research evolves