1,627 research outputs found

    Instant messaging clients - Relaxed, free & enjoyable English learning and training tools

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    In a demanding world of using English as a second language, computer technology and the internet are being dominantly used as they provide an incredible boost to language learning environment. At present, we can experience a more exciting way of learning a language by taking the advantages of the Instant Messaging Networks widely available online. This latest incarnation of the online chat is one of the communication methods that has proven to be a very good complement to the ways in which we communicate, both privately and professionally. These brilliantly invented instruments such as Skype, Yahoo Messenger and et cetera are a godsend to those who like to seek knowledge and to improve their English. This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of these so called ‘eclectic communicators’ in second language learning; focusing more on their functions as relaxing, and enjoyable language learning tools in a higher educational setting. This qualitative paper begins by highlighting current literature in the area of computer mediated communication (CMC) learning environments in second language use and development. It also discusses some of the issues and challenges related to this matter. In conclusion, this paper provides an overview of the benefits and drawbacks of instant messaging in educational settings especially in second language learning environment

    Komunikasi Pendidikan (Urgensi Komunikasi Efektif dalam Proses Pembelajaran)

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of educational communication in the learning process. This study uses a quantitative approach, with explanatory research methods. The results of the study show that communication is an important part, a basic need and a medium for interacting with others to convey feelings, opinions, thoughts, information, advice and share experiences with others. Effective communication is also an important part of educational communication to convey educational messages in the learning process. Educational communication is said to be effective if the subject matter delivered by educators can be well received and understood and generates positive feedback by students. The conclusion of this research is that educators need to learn "communication science", components, functions and objectives of communication, effective communication, intercultural communication, and the basic concepts of educational communication. Because the success of education is largely determined by the ability and skills of educators in effective communication. Keywords: Communication, Effective Communication, Educational Communication


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    Manajemen Konstruksi adalah penyatuan semua unsur disiplin ilmu teknik dalam menangani suatu proyek. Khususnya proyek yang bernilai besar. Pekerjaan dalam manajemen konstruksi adalah mengkoordinasikan seluruh aktivitas mulai dari tahap konsep pra rencana sampai dengan terwujudnya desain atau rencana itu menjadi sebuah bangunan yung diinginkan oleh owner atau pemilik modal. Peranan Manajemen Konstruksi dalam menangani proyek adalah sebagai “Penengah” antara pengguna jasa, perencana/arsitek, pengawas dan pelaksana proyek/kontraktor pemborong bangunan