39 research outputs found

    A Single-Tube, Functional Marker-Based Multiplex PCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection of Major Bacterial Blight Resistance Genes Xa21, xa13 and xa5 in Rice

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    AbstractIn marker-assisted breeding for bacterial blight (BB) resistance in rice, three major resistance genes, viz., Xa21, xa13 and xa5, are routinely deployed either singly or in combinations. As efficient and functional markers are yet to be developed for xa13 and xa5, we have developed simple PCR-based functional markers for both the genes. For xa13, we designed a functional PCR-based marker, xa13-prom targeting the InDel polymorphism in the promoter of candidate gene Os8N3 located on chromosome 8 of rice. With respect to xa5, a multiplex-PCR based functional marker system, named xa5FM, consisting of two sets of primer pairs targeting the 2-bp functional nucleotide polymorphism in the exon II of the gene TFIIAɤ5 (candidate for xa5), has been developed. Both xa13-prom and xa5FM can differentiate the resistant and susceptible alleles for xa13 and xa5, respectively, in a co-dominant fashion. Using these two functional markers along with the already reported functional PCR-based marker for Xa21 (pTA248), we designed a single-tube multiplex PCR based assay for simultaneous detection of all the three major resistance genes and demonstrated the utility of the multiplex marker system in a segregating population

    A Comparative Study of Two Freshwater Lakes of Mysore with Different Pollution Status

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    A comparative study of Physico-chemical parameters with Zooplankton abundance and two freshwater lakes was conducted for a period of two years from February 2018 to February 2020. The results showed that the most abundant zooplankton are phylum Rotifera in Dalvoy lake, followed by class Copepoda, Order Cladocera and Ostracod. Physico-chemical analysis showed that the surface water of Dalvoy lake is highly polluted due to eutrophication. The Rotifers are more abundant than any other zooplankton and group microcrustaceans i.e., ostracods abundance has low as they show high sensitivity to pollution. Cladocera showed a significant negative correlation with CO2 and BOD, but a positive correlation with Nitrate. Ostracods showed a negative correlation with atmosphere and a positive correlation with COD. In total zooplankton abundance showed a negative correlation with Conductivity, Chloride and Phosphate. In Varuna Lake crustacean abundance, is followed by copepods, rotifers and ostracods as they show high sensitivity to pollution. Zooplankton abundance is because of seasonal variations, crustaceans were abundant and diverse. When compared to other groups, Varuna Lake noticed that the pH measured in the field showed a negative correlation with copepods and a positive correlation with Calcium, Conductivity and hardness of the water sample showed a positive correlation with Cladocerans, Chloride shows a negative correlation with Ostracods. The Abundance of Zooplankton showed no significance with any Physico-chemical parameters

    Freshwater cutlivation of algae with possibilities of utilizing rural wastes in India

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    Meeting: Workshop on High Rate Algae Ponds, 27-29 Feb. 1980, Singapore, SGIn IDL-306

    A prospective study of clinicopathology and management of carcinoma breast

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common site-specific cancer in women and it is one of the leading cause of death from cancer for women between 20-59 years age group and it is accounting for 29% of all newly diagnosed cases and 14% of cancer related death among women. Breast cancer accounts for the mortality of 21.5% of all cancer cases, ranking number one killer in women. Materials and Methods The data used in the study was obtained from the K.V.G Medical Collage Hospital, Sullia who were presented to the surgery department with carcinoma breast from December 2017 to June 2019. A total of 100 cases were evaluated at this study period. Results: 100 cases of breast cancer were studied for emphasizing the risk factors and management of breast cancer. Most common age group of presentation is between 50-59 years and mean age was 52.7 years. Majority of our patients had early menarche, late menopause and longer reproductive period was associated with high risk of breast cancer. Most common presentation was lump in the breast with tumor size >5cm (64%).62% of patients were in the stage III when they presented to the hospital. Majority of patients were diagnosed as infiltrating ductal carcinoma on FNAC and histology. All patients underwent modified radical mastectomy (MRM) and postoperatively patients received Chemotherapy (CT) and Hormonal therapy (HT). Conclusion: Stage III due to lack of awareness about the disease. MRM, CT and HT are the various modalities of treatment given to the patient depending on the stage of disease

    Effect of Nano Nitrogen and Nano Zinc on Soil Fertility and Crop Productivity of Paddy-paddy Cropping System

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    Field experiments were conducted during rabi and kharif seasons of 2020-21 and 2021-22 at Krishi Vigyana Kendra, Gangavathi, Koppal, Karnataka, India, to study the influence of nano nitrogen and nano zinc on soil fertility and crop productivity of paddy-paddy cropping system.The experiment was laid out in split-split plot design with different levels of nitrogen in main plots, nano nitrogen sprays in sub-plots and nano zinc sprays in sub-sub plots which were replicated thrice. The results of the study indicated that application of 125 per cent RDN along with foliar spray of nitrogen @ 4000 ppm and nano Zn @ 2000 ppm has recorded significantly higher grain yield, straw yield, soil available N, P2O5, K2O, S and Zn during both rabi and kharif season and which was on par with and 100 per cent RDN along with spray of nano nitrogen @ 4000 ppm and nano Zn @ 2000 ppm. Hence for effective management of nano fertilizers in paddy, the application of 100 per cent RDN along with foliar spray of nano N @ 4000 ppm and foliar spray of nano Zn @ 2000 ppm was recommended

    Effect of Nano Nitrogen and Nano Zinc on Growth and Yield of Paddy in Paddy-Paddy Cropping System

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    An investigation on nano nitrogen and nano zinc with different levels of nitrogen approaches on growth and yield of paddy was conducted during rabi and kharif seasons of 2020-21 and 2021-22 at Krishi Vigyana Kendra, Gangavathi, Koppal, Karnataka, India. The experiment was laid out in split-split plot design with three replications, which consisted of four levels of nitrogen in main plots, three levels of nano nitrogen in sub plots and two levels of nano zinc in sub-sub plots. The treatment with application of 125 per cent Recommended Dose of Nitrogen (RDN) has recorded significantly taller plants (97.11 and 96.54 cm), higher number of tillers hill-1 (19.65 and18.14) and total dry matter (70.06 and 64.54 g hill-1) at harvest stage of crop and the Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) values (46.69 and 42.60) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values (0.85 and 0.82) at flowering stage of crop, Similarly, foliar spray of nitrogen @ 4000 ppm has recorded significantly higher plant height (95.44 and 91.33 cm), higher number of tillers hill-1 (17.75 and 16.01), total dry matter (66.84 and 62.31 g hill-1) SPAD values at flowering stage (44.89 and 41.29), NDVI values at flowering stage (0.81 and 0.74), grain yield (5623 & and 6840 kg ha-1) and straw yield (5352 and 6581 kg ha-1). Interaction effect showed non-significant effect with different combination treatments

    Assessment of groundwater potential in Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka, India

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    The present study aims at the assessment of groundwater potential and an attempt was made to assess the groundwater balance using the water table fluctuation method in which all the components of the water balance equation are know and the only component which is considered unknown is the rainfall recharge. Most of the inputs were derived from the satellite remote sensing data. Twenty eight rain gauge stations and fifty observation wells falling within and outside the periphery of the sub-basin were considered for groundwater assessment. The total annual recharge includes recharge form (i) Monsoon rainfall, (ii) Non-monsoon rainfall, (iii) Hilly areas (iv) Surface water-bodies (v) groundwater irrigation, (vi) Seepage from canals and (vii) Canal irrigation. The total annual draft consists of water applied to the crops and water consumed for domestic and industrial use. Difference in the annual draft and the net annual results compared to the other methods. © 2011 CAFET-INNOVA TECHNICAL SOCIETY. All rights reserved

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableIn marker-assisted breeding for bacterial blight (BB) resistance in rice, three major resistance genes, viz., Xa21, xa13 and xa5, are routinely deployed either singly or in combinations. As efficient and functional markers are yet to be developed for xa13 and xa5, we have developed simple PCR-based functional markers for both the genes. For xa13, we designed a functional PCR-based marker, xa13-prom targeting the InDel polymorphism in the promoter of candidate gene Os8N3 located on chromosome 8 of rice. With respect to xa5, a multiplex-PCR based functional marker system, named xa5FM, consisting of two sets of primer pairs targeting the 2-bp functional nucleotide polymorphism in the exon II of the gene TFIIAɤ5 (candidate for xa5), has been developed. Both xa13-prom and xa5FM can differentiate the resistant and susceptible alleles for xa13 and xa5, respectively, in a co-dominant fashion. Using these two functional markers along with the already reported functional PCR-based marker for Xa21 (pTA248), we designed a single-tube multiplex PCR based assay for simultaneous detection of all the three major resistance genes and demonstrated the utility of the multiplex marker system in a segregating population.Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India (Grant Nos. BT/AB/FG-2 (PH-II)/2009 and BT/PR11705/AGR/02/646/2008

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableRPHR-1005 is a stable, elite restorer line of rice possessing highly desirable medium-slender grain type and is the male parent of the popular public bred hybrid DRRH-3. However, both RPHR-1005 and DRRH-3 are highly susceptible to major diseases like bacterial blight (BB) and blast. As genes conferring effective resistance are available against both BB and blast along with availability of gene-specific markers, the present study was carried out to introgress a major BB resistance gene, Xa21 and a major blast resistance gene, Pi2 into the genetic background of RPHR-1005 through marker-assisted backcross breeding. RPBio Patho-1, a breeding line in the genetic background of the popular variety, Samba Mahsuri and possessing Xa21 and Pi2 served as the donor. Marker-assisted backcross breeding strategy was deployed for targeted introgression of the two resistance genes into RPHR-1005. This involved two rounds of backcrossing and at each backcross generation, foreground selection was carried out using PCR based molecular markers specific for Xa21 (i.e. pTA248) and Pi2 (i.e. AP5659-5) along with the markers specific for the major fertility restorer genes, Rf3 (i.e. DRRM-RF3-10) and Rf4 (i.e. DRCG-RF4-14) and background selection was done using a set of 61 parental polymorphic SSR markers spread across the rice genome. At BC2F2, a single plant possessing all the targeted genes along with maximum recurrent parent genome recovery (~ 93.4%; plant # RP-9-27-79-179) was selected and advanced through selfing and pedigree-based selection for morphological traits. AT BC2F4, three lines, viz., RP-9-27-79-179-74-9, RP-9-27-79-179-74-79 and RP-9-27-79-179-74-105, possessing high level of resistance against BB and blast along with complete fertility restoration and all the elite features of RPHR-1005 were identified.Department of Biotechnology, Government of India File no. BT/PR11705/AGR/02/646/2008

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableThis study was carried out to improve the RPHR-1005, a stable restorer line of the popular medium slender grain type rice hybrid, DRRH-3 for bacterial blight (BB) and blast resistance through marker-assisted backcross breeding (MABB). Two major BB resistance genes, Xa21 and Xa33 and a major blast resistance gene, Pi2 were transferred to RPHR-1005 as two individual crosses. Foreground selection for Xa21, Xa33, Pi2, Rf3 and Rf4 was done by using gene-specific functional markers, while 59 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers polymorphic between the donors and recipient parents were used to select the best plant possessing target resistance genes at each backcross generation. Backcrossing was continued till BC2F2 and a promising homozygous backcross derived line possessing Xa21 + Pi2 and another possessing Xa33 were intercrossed to stack the target resistance genes into the genetic background of RPHR-1005. At ICF4, 10 promising lines possessing three resistance genes in homozygous condition along with fine-grain type, complete fertility restoration, better panicle exertion and taller plant type (compared to RPHR-1005) were identified.Not Availabl