42 research outputs found


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    Management of employee turnover is very essential condition of human resource management. Hiring the right people is the biggest challenge that HR department faces today. Sometimes candidates are not proficient enough for the job but they say yes to impress the interviewer to get the job, but after sometimes they realize that there is no match between them and job, so they start looking for another option. Employee Retention has contributed substantially to the economic power of the company, but they face the problem of employee turnover that affects the organization because if the turnover of employees increases in the organization than it will affect the productivity of the organization. So, to improve the productivity and performance of the organization current study is conducted. The current study is an attempt to identify the impact of factors (Organizational, HR, Personal and Job-related) on the turnover intentions amongst the employee's in Indian IT Sector. Data was collected from 660 women employee's working in Indian IT Sector. Primary data is collected from five major IT companies i.e. Wipro, Infosys, HCL, Accenture and HCL. Various dimensions of both the constructs are available in the literature but selected dimensions of both the constructs are used for drawing inferences that help organizations in identifying factors that affect turnover intentions

    Proposed Potential Security Infrastructure in VANETS using Tamper Registered Hardware

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    All over the world many road accidents are occurred due to lack of knowledge of vehicle`s distance and speed. But this issue will be solved by using VANETS through which we can well know about the speed of the vehicle and how much distance it is from other vehicles in all sides. So the VANETS will play a very crucial role in the safety and mostly avoidance of accidents like reacting immediately in dangerous situations. In order to prevent the abuse of VANETS a potential security infrastructure is needed to maintain confidential requirements like message integrity & availability. To achieve this we have proposed a concept called A seperate Potential security infrastructure facilitated with symmetric & Asymmetric cryptography with TRH. Our proposed theory will give very high efficient in terms of Computational Needs for the VANETS users

    Design of 1-D and 2-D IIR digital filters using IRLS technique.

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    Advanced Fractal Image Coding Based on the Quadtree

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    Fractal image coding simply based on quad tree is a unique technique for still image compression. Compared with other image compression methods, fractal image coding has the advantage of higher compression ratio, higher decoding speed and decoded image having nothing to do with the resolution of image. It spends too much time to look for the best matching Ri block on encoding. To improve the encoding speed, we must narrow the search range and improve the search skills to ensure the best match block falls within our range. In this paper, an advanced fractal image compression algorithm based on quad tree is proposed. First, we can improve the construction method of search attractor by constructing directly from the big Di block, so it can save a lot of searching time in encoding. Second, the attractors can be self-constructed, so it is not happened that the attractor is not found in the traditional methods. Experimental result shows that the algorithm makes image coding faster and more efficiency

    Thyroid abnormality in perimenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: AUB is a common but complicated clinical presentation and occurs in 15-20% of women between menarche to menopause and significantly affects the women’s health. Women with thyroid dysfunction often have menstrual irregularities, infertility and increased morbidity during pregnancy. The objective of present study is to find the correlation between thyroid disorders and AUB in perimenopausal women attending gynecology OPD.  Methods: In the present study, fifty five patients with AUB were included and were evaluated for the cause including thyroid abnormality. Thyroid function tests were done in all patients.Results: Among 55 patients, 12 patients were diagnosed as hypothyroidism and 7 as hyperthyroidism, women with AUB 36 (65.4%) were euthyroid. Among 19 women with thyroid abnormality, heavy menstrual bleeding was seen in 8 (42%) women, 6 (31.57%) had polymenorrhagia, 5 (26.31%) had oligomenorrhoea. The frequent menstrual abnormality in women with hypothyroidism (12 women) was heavy menstrual bleeding in 5 (41.6%) women, 3 (25%) had oligomennorhoea, 4 (33.3%) had polymenorrhagia. Out of 7 women with hyperthyroidism, 2 (28.57%) had oligomenorrhoea, 3 (42.8%) had heavy menstrual bleeding, 2 (28.57%) had polymenorrhagia. In a total of 55 patients with AUB, 11 (20%) had structural abnormalities in uterus and ovaries. 5 (9%) had adenomyosis, 3 (5.4%) had ovarian cysts, 3 (5.4%) had fibroids.  Conclusions: It is important to screen all women for thyroid abnormality who are presenting with AUB especially with non-structural causes of AUB. Correction of thyroid abnormalities also relieves AUB. This will avoid unnecessary hormonal treatment and surgery.

    Histopathological correlation of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women

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    Background: Current study designed to identify the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding( AUB) in perimenopausal women and also to correlate with their histopathological examination.Methods: A prospective study of 65 perimenopausal women with complaint of AUB with age group ranging from 40 to 1 year within menopause those are attending to department of gynaecology of Narayana Medical College & Hospital, Nellore. Clinical examinations between the parameters were analysed. Histopathological examination report was also correlated with clinical examination and ultrasonography.Results: Out of 65 women, 11 (16.9%) were primiparas, 36 (55.38%) were para 2, 18 (27.69%) were para 3 and above. The frequent menstrual abnormality seen in perimenopausal women is heavy menstrual bleeding i.e., 41 (63%) women out of 65 women, 14 (21.53%) had polymenorrhoea, 9 (13.84%) had oligomenorrhea, 6 (9.23%) had postmenopausal bleeding, 4 (6.15%) had intermenstrual spotting. Most common type of endometrial pattern is proliferative endometrium. Out of 65 perimenopausal women, 23 (35.38%) had proliferative type of endometrium, 20 (30.76%) women had secretory pattern, 9 (13.84%) had typical simple endometrial hyperplasia, 4 (6.15%) had atypical simple endometrial hyperplasia, 3 (4.61%) had adenomyomatous polyp, and 6 (9.2%) women had irregular ripening.Conclusions: The present study shows that Histopathological examination is mandatory in all cases of AUB in perimenopausal age. 66.14% had benign pathology which can be managed by hormonal therapy or conservative surgical modalities which alleviates need for unnecessary hysterectomy

    Designing and Simulation of Surrounding Supporting Multicast Routing Protocol

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    In the Wireless sensor networks having of multi-hop transmission in the Adhoc networks. These Adhoc networks having advantages of limited bandwidth and mobility which is more useful for the changing of and usage of various protocols, so that these Adhoc networks having energy conservation, simple to construct, robustness. In this paper we are proposing a new protocol called Surrounding supporting multicast routing protocol [SSMRP]. This protocol uses the mesh networks to enhance the resilience against change of node. This SSMRP utilizes the node locality which reduces the overhead of the route maintenance and it also reduces the route for good data transmissions. In this paper we clearly explain how the data will be delivered   efficiently by reducing the overheads


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    The anisotropic weighting model is made to catch more details in horizontal than vertical directions. The filter-based compensation methodology features a Palladian and spatial sharpening filters that are designed to enhance the edge information and lower the blurring effect. Additionally, the hardware cost was effectively reduced by hardware discussing and reconfigurable design techniques. Within this paper, a minimal-complexity color interpolation formula is suggested for that VLSI implementation in tangible-time applications. The suggested novel formula includes an advantage detector, an anisotropic weighting model along with a filter-based compensator. The VLSI architecture from the suggested design achieves 200 MHz with 5.2 K gate counts, and it is core area synthesized with a CMOS process. In contrast to the prior low-complexity techniques, the work not just reduces gate counts or power consumption, but additionally increases the average CPSNR quality by greater than 1.6 dB. By analyzing the parameters of those three eco-friendly color interpolation models, it's clearly the sign of the compensation for eco-friendly color is really a spatial sharpening filter