90 research outputs found

    Role of Microorganisms in Alleviating the Abiotic Stress Conditions Affecting Plant Growth

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    Agriculture is one of the main sectors that participate in building up world economy, and offers the main source of food, income, and employment to their rural populations. Despite the necessity of doubling agricultural production, quantitatively and qualitatively, to cope with the worsening increase in the global population and to meet the increasing humanitarian needs, the agricultural sector faces many abiotic stress conditions. Additionally, the great climate changes lead to an increase in the negative impact of these stressors. There are many conventional and nonconventional ways that could directly or indirectly mitigate the adverse effects of these stressors, each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The biological tool is one of the promising methods; it depends on the effective use of beneficial microorganisms to alleviate stress conditions that affect plant growth, development, and therefore productivity. This method is economically inexpensive and eco-friendly toward the environment. Beneficial soil microorganisms such as PGPRs and AMF colonize the root zone of many plant species and help to enhance plant growth and development. Thus, this chapter is aiming to highlight the role of microorganisms in alleviating the abiotic stress conditions affecting in plant growth

    Poultry rearing and slaughtering practices in rural Egypt: an exploration of risk factors for H5N1 virus human transmission.

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    BACKGROUND: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) virus continues to cause infections in Egypt. This study describes the practices associated with raising and slaughtering household poultry to identify risk factors for H5N1 infection and reasons for non-compliance with preventive measures. METHODS: An investigation was conducted of 56 households with household flocks (19 households with human H5N1 cases, 19 with poultry H5N1 cases, and 18 with no reported poultry or human H5N1 cases). Data were collected via structured observations and in-depth interviews. RESULTS: Half of the households kept at least some free-range poultry and mixed at least some different species of poultry as it was considered beneficial for the poultry. Feeding and cleaning practices exposed children to contact with poultry; slaughtering contaminated homes; use of personal protective barriers was not a norm; waste management exposed the communities to slaughtering waste and dead chickens; and reporting of sick and dead poultry was not a practice. Only minor changes in poultry-handling took place following H5N1 virus outbreaks. DISCUSSION: H5N1 virus prevention in Egypt represents both an epidemiological and socio-cultural challenge. Traditional poultry-rearing practices that likely increase exposures to H5N1-infected poultry are common throughout Egypt. Despite education campaigns following sporadic H5N1 outbreaks, no differences in these practices could be detected between households with previous H5N1 human or poultry cases and those households with any previous experience with H5N1. Development of H5N1 infection-related education campaign strategies should focus on perceptions underlying traditional practices in order to tailor public awareness messages that are meaningful for communities

    Role of nanoparticles in diagnosis and management of parasitic diseases: Review article

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    Background: An extensive class of materials, nanoparticles (NPs) include particulate compounds with a minimum diameter of 100 nanometers (nm). This is because of their tiny size and huge surface area, which allows them to traverse the blood-brain barrier, enter the respiratory system and be adsorbable through endothelial cells. Today, nanoparticles for drug administration are being studied to increase their sustained release, intracellular penetrability as well as bioavailability, due to the constant development and innovation of nanomedicine.Objective: To determine how nanoparticles can help diagnose and treat parasitic diseases.Conclusion: Nanoparticles could be conjugated with proteins and immunoglobulins that could help in specific diagnosis of several parasitic diseases, in addition, improved efficacy and reduced harmful side effects can be achieved by immobilizing antiparasitic medicines on or inside nanomaterials

    Serum leptin level and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and its complications are highly prevalent in Egypt and are considered a major health problem. Insulin resistance arising from visceral obesity is the main pathological mechanism of T2DM. Leptin is an adipokine secreted from visceral adipose tissue and its level is proved to be higher in patients with T2DM, but its association with microvascular complications is not yet well-established, for this aim the present study was conducted. Methods. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 participants with T2DM recruited from the diabetes outpatient clinic of Alexandria Main Uni­versity Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt. Each participant was subjected to full history taking, complete physical examination and laboratory investigations. Results. Serum leptin level was significantly positively correlated with diabetes duration, BMI, WC, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, FPG, HbA1c, serum insu­lin level, HOMA-IR, total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL-C. Regarding microvascular complications, serum leptin level was highly significantly positively correlated with UACR, peripheral neuropathy and retinopathy (P < 0.001) and significantly negatively correlated with e-GFR (P = 0.003). Conclusions. Serum leptin level is significantly correlated with microvascular complications in patients with T2DM in Alexandria, Egypt

    Developing a theory-based behavior change intervention to improve the prescription of surgical prophylaxis

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is increasingly pervasive due to multiple, complex prescribing and consuming behaviours. Accordingly, behaviour change is an important component of response to AMR. Little is known about the best approaches to change antibiotic use practices and behaviours. This project aims to develop a context-specific behaviour change strategy focusing on promoting appropriate prescription practices following the World Health Organization recommendations for surgical prophylaxis. In an orthopaedic surgery unit in Egypt. The project included a formative qualitative research study with 31 in-depth interviews with orthopaedic surgeons that was based on the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) and an intervention that was developed to following the Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) in a knowledge co-production workshop with ten public health experts that ensured that the theory based intervention was a culturally acceptable, practical and implementable intervention. The prescription of surgical prophylaxis was influenced by eight TDF domains from which workshop participants selected five to be included in the behaviour change intervention including, knowledge, belief in consequences (mistrust towards infection prevention and control measures), environmental factors (lack of prescription guidelines), professional role and reinforcement (a lack of appropriate follow up actions influenced prescription of surgical prophylaxis). The appropriate set of behaviour change functions of BCW and related activities to improve the current practices included education, enablement, persuasion, environmental restructuring and restriction. The study showed that a theory based, and context specific intervention can be created by using the TDF and BCW together with knowledge-co creation to improve the prescription of surgical prophylaxis in and Egyptian orthopaedic unit. The intervention needs to piloted and scaled up

    Correction to: Developing a theory‑based behavior change intervention to improve the prescription of surgical prophylaxis

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    Unfortunately, the headings were not included in the initial version of this article's Abstract section, and the "Ethics Approval" was also not included. In this correction, the same was corrected. The original article has been corrected

    Viral etiology, seasonality and severity of hospitalized patients with severe acute respiratory infections in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2007-2014.

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    INTRODUCTION: Little is known about the role of viral respiratory pathogens in the etiology, seasonality or severity of severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. METHODS: Sentinel surveillance for SARI was conducted from December 2007 through February 2014 at 20 hospitals in Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Qatar and Yemen. Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs were collected from hospitalized patients meeting SARI case definitions and were analyzed for infection with influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus (AdV), human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and human parainfluenza virus types 1-3 (hPIV1-3). We analyzed surveillance data to calculate positivity rates for viral respiratory pathogens, describe the seasonality of those pathogens and determine which pathogens were responsible for more severe outcomes requiring ventilation and/or intensive care and/or resulting in death. RESULTS: At least one viral respiratory pathogen was detected in 8,753/28,508 (30.7%) samples tested for at least one pathogen and 3,497/9,315 (37.5%) of samples tested for all pathogens-influenza in 3,345/28,438 (11.8%), RSV in 3,942/24,503 (16.1%), AdV in 923/9,402 (9.8%), hMPV in 617/9,384 (6.6%), hPIV1 in 159/9,402 (1.7%), hPIV2 in 85/9,402 (0.9%) and hPIV3 in 365/9,402 (3.9%). Multiple pathogens were identified in 501/9,316 (5.4%) participants tested for all pathogens. Monthly variation, indicating seasonal differences in levels of infection, was observed for all pathogens. Participants with hMPV infections and participants less than five years of age were significantly less likely than participants not infected with hMPV and those older than five years of age, respectively, to experience a severe outcome, while participants with a pre-existing chronic disease were at increased risk of a severe outcome, compared to those with no reported pre-existing chronic disease. CONCLUSIONS: Viral respiratory pathogens are common among SARI patients in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Ongoing surveillance is important to monitor changes in the etiology, seasonality and severity of pathogens of interest

    Association of specific ACE2 and TMPRSS2 variants with circulatory cytokines of COVID-19 Emirati patients

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    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic represented one of the most significant challenges to researchers and healthcare providers. Several factors determine the disease severity, whereas none alone can explain the tremendous variability. The Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) and transmembrane serine protease type-2 (TMPRSS2) genes affect the virus entry and are considered possible risk factors for COVID-19.MethodsWe compiled a panel of gene variants from both genes and used in-silico analysis to predict their significance. We performed biological validation to assess their capacity to alter the ACE2 interaction with the virus spike protein. Subsequently, we conducted a retrospective comparative genome analysis on those variants in the Emirati patients with different disease severity (total of 96) along with 69 healthy control subjects.ResultsOur results showed that the Emirati population lacks the variants that were previously reported as associated with disease severity, whereas a new variant in ACE2 “Chr X:g.15584534” was associated with disease severity specifically among female patients. In-silico analysis revealed that the new variant can determine the ACE2 gene transcription. Several cytokines (GM-CSF and IL-6) and chemokines (MCP-1/CCL2, IL-8/CXCL8, and IP-10/CXCL10) were markedly increased in COVID-19 patients with a significant correlation with disease severity. The newly reported genetic variant of ACE2 showed a positive correlation with CD40L, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-15, and IL-17A in COVID-19 patients.ConclusionWhereas COVID-19 represents now a past pandemic, our study underscores the importance of genetic factors specific to a population, which can influence both the susceptibility to viral infections and the level of severity; subsequently expected required preparedness in different areas of the world

    Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in the AFHSC-GEIS network

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    International infectious disease surveillance has been conducted by the United States (U.S.) Department of Defense (DoD) for many years and has been consolidated within the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, Division of Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (AFHSC-GEIS) since 1998. This includes activities that monitor the presence of antimicrobial resistance among pathogens. AFHSC-GEIS partners work within DoD military treatment facilities and collaborate with host-nation civilian and military clinics, hospitals and university systems. The goals of these activities are to foster military force health protection and medical diplomacy. Surveillance activities include both community-acquired and health care-associated infections and have promoted the development of surveillance networks, centers of excellence and referral laboratories. Information technology applications have been utilized increasingly to aid in DoD-wide global surveillance for diseases significant to force health protection and global public health. This section documents the accomplishments and activities of the network through AFHSC-GEIS partners in 2009