608 research outputs found

    Laser method can also be used for endothelial function assessment in clinical practice

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    Excellent inter- and intra-observer reproducibility of microvascular tests using laser speckle contrast imaging.

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    Post-occlusive reactive hyperaemia (PORH) and vasodilation induced by acetylcholine (ACh) iontophoresis are tests of endothelial function that can be studied with laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI). LSCI has the advantage of having good temporal and spatial resolutions but can lead to a high amount of data when several minutes of recordings are needed. Parameters of PORH and ACh iontophoresis vasodilation are therefore often determined by several observers or by the same observer on different days. Nevertheless, inter- and intra-observer reproducibility for the determination of such parameters has not been studied yet. We analyzed inter-observer and intra-observer reproducibility of baseline, peak and plateau determination for the two microvascular tests. Ten recordings of both PORH and ACh iontophoresis have been analyzed by two blinded trained observers. For peak determination, inter-observer coefficient of variation (CV) was 4.7% and 3.0% for PORH and ACh respectively. Intra-observer reproducibility expressed in CV ranges from 2.4% to 5.4% for PORH-peak and ACh-peak. CVs for peak determination are better than for baseline or plateau determination for both microvascular tests. This suggests that when microvascular vasodilations are reported, the data segments measured have to be noted. Finally microvascular tests using LSCI have an excellent intra- and inter-observer reproducibility

    Multiscale Entropy Study of Medical Laser Speckle Contrast Images

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    Laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) is a noninvasive full-field optical imaging technique that gives a 2-D microcirculatory blood flow map of tissue. Due to novelty of commercial laser speckle contrast imagers, image processing of LSCI data is new. By opposition, the numerous signal processing works of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) data-that give a 1-D view of microvascular blood flow-have led to interesting physiological information. Recently, analysis of multiscale entropy (MSE) of LDF signals has been proposed. A nonmonotonic evolution of MSE with two distinctive scales-probably dominated by the cardiac activity-has been reported. We herein analyze MSE of LSCI data. We compare LSCI results with the ones of LDF signals obtained during the same experiment. We show that when time evolution of LSCI single pixels is studied, MSE presents a monotonic decreasing pattern, similar to the one of Gaussian white noises. By opposition, when the mean of LSCI pixel values is computed in a region of interest (ROI) and followed with time, MSE pattern becomes close to the one of LDF data, for ROI large enough. LSCI is gaining increased interest for blood flow monitoring. The physiological implications of our results require future study

    Assessment of Skin Microvascular Function and Dysfunction With Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging

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    Laser speckle contrast imaging: Multifractal analysis of data recorded in healthy subjects

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    Purpose: The monitoring of microvascular blood flow can now be performed with laser specklecontrastimaging (LSCI), a new noninvasive laser-based technique. LSCI images have good spatial and temporal resolutions. Nevertheless, from now, few processing of these data have been performed to have a better knowledge on their properties. We herein propose a multifractal analysis of LSCI data recorded in the forearm of healthy subjects, based on the method from Halseyet al., one of the popular methods using the box-counting technique. Methods: In laser specklecontrastimage time sequences, we studied time evolution of pixel values, as well as time evolution of pixel values averaged in regions of interest (ROI) of different sizes. The results are compared with the ones obtained with single-point laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) signals recorded simultaneously to LSCI images. Results: Our work shows that, for the range of scales studied and with the method from Halseyet al., time evolution of pixel values present narrow multifractal spectra, reminding the ones of monofractal data. However, we observe that when LSCI pixel values are averaged in ROI large enough and followed with time, the multifractal spectra become larger and closer to the ones of LDF signals. Conclusions: Single pixels from laser specklecontrastimages may not possess the same multifractal properties as LDF signals. These findings could now be compared with the ones obtained with other ranges of scales and with data recorded from pathological subjects

    ReproductibilitĂ© de l’évaluation de la fonction endothĂ©liale cutanĂ©e par mĂ©thode laser mono-point et laser speckle chez l’homme

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    Objectifs.– La dysfonction endothĂ©liale est la premiĂšre Ă©tape conduisant Ă  l’athĂ©rosclĂ©rose. La vasodilatation induite par l’acĂ©tylcholine (ACh) est un test spĂ©cifique de la fonction endothĂ©liale. Plusieurs techniques comme la mesure du flux sanguin par Laser doppler FluxmĂštre (LDF) et le Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es afin de quantifier cette vasodilatation. Actuellement, la fiabilitĂ© de ces techniques et l’expression de leurs rĂ©sultats sont Ă  l’étude, ces derniers manquants de standardisation. Les objectifs de cette Ă©tude Ă©taient d’évaluer Ă  sept jours d’intervalle : – la reproductibilitĂ© de la mesure inter-sujets ; – la reproductibilitĂ© de la mesure intra-sujets ; – l’effet du mode d’expression des rĂ©sultats sur la variabilitĂ©. MĂ©thode.– Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© deux protocoles d’iontophorĂšse d’ACh (stimulation unique, multiples stimulations) dont les rĂ©ponses Ă©taient mesurĂ©es simultanĂ©ment par le LDF et le LSCI. Le maximum de la vasodilatation provoquĂ© par l’ACh (pic d’ACh) a Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ© sous forme de valeurs de conductance absolue ou en flux normalisĂ©. La reproductibilitĂ© inter-sujets a Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ©e en coefficient de variation (inter-CV, %). La reproductibilitĂ© intra-sujet a Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ©e en coefficient de variation (intra-CV, %) et en coefficient de corrĂ©lation intra-classe (ICC). Quinze sujets sains ĂągĂ©s de 18 ans ou plus ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans cette Ă©tude. RĂ©sultats.– La reproductibilitĂ© inter-sujets du pic d’ACh change en fonction de la maniĂšre d’exprimer les rĂ©sultats et s’échelonne de 55 % Ă  162 % pour le LDF et de 17 % Ă  83 % pour le LSCI. La reproductibilitĂ© intra-sujet (Intra-CV/ICC) du pic d’ACh a Ă©tĂ© meilleure mesurĂ©e par le LSCI que par le LDF quels que soient le mode d’expression et le protocole utilisĂ©. Les meilleures reproductibilitĂ©s intra-sujets ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues avec le LSCI. Elles Ă©taient de 18,7 %/0,87 (rĂ©sultat exprimĂ© en valeur absolue de conductance vasculaire cutanĂ©e) lors d’une stimulation unique et de 11,4 %/0,61 (rĂ©sultat exprimĂ© en valeur absolue) lors d’une multiple stimulation. Conclusion.– La iontophorĂšse d’ACh couplĂ©e au LSCI est un outil d’avenir afin d’accĂ©der Ă  la fonction endothĂ©liale car elle est reproductible, non dangereuse et non invasive

    Air movements interfere with laser speckle contrast imaging recordings

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    SynthÚse d'un filtre planaire large bande à base de résonateurs série et parallÚle

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    National audienceCe papier prĂ©sente la synthĂšse d'un filtre planaire large bande basĂ© sur une association hybride de rĂ©sonateurs en sĂ©rie et en parallĂšle. Les rĂ©sonateurs en sĂ©rie sont implĂ©mentĂ©s Ă  l'aide de lignes couplĂ©es quart d'onde et les rĂ©sonateurs en parallĂšle par des stubs demi-onde en parallĂšle. Chaque Ă©tape de cette synthĂšse sera dĂ©taillĂ©e et accompagnĂ©e du schĂ©ma voire de la rĂ©ponse Ă©lectrique associĂ©s. Les avantages de cette topologie sont, d'une part, une rĂ©duction de l'encombrement vis Ă  vis d'une topologie traditionnelle du mĂȘme ordre, et d'autre part, l'obtention de zĂ©ros de transmission amĂ©liorant la rĂ©jection de maniĂšre notable. Nous prendrons l'exemple de filtres Ă  l'ordre 5 et 11 et une rĂ©alisation d'un filtre d'ordre 5 en bande Ku et en technologie microruban sera prĂ©sentĂ©e. Les performances mesurĂ©es sont conformes Ă  celles espĂ©rĂ©es
