480 research outputs found

    Minimax solutions for a problem with sign changing nonlinearity and lack of strict convexity

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    A result of existence of a nonnegative and a nontrivial solution is proved via critical point theorems for non smooth functionals. The equation considered presents a convex part and a nonlinearity which changes sign.Comment: 15 page

    Generalized Heegner cycles and p-adic L-functions in a quaternionic setting

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    In a recent paper, Castella and Hsieh proved vanishing results for Selmer groups associated with Galois representations attached to newforms twisted by Hecke characters of an imaginary quadratic field. These results are obtained under the so-called Heegner hypothesis that the imaginary quadratic field satisfies with respect to the level of the modular form. In particular, Castella and Hsieh prove the rank 0 case of the Bloch\u2013Kato conjecture for L-functions of modular forms in their setting. The key point of the work of Castella and Hsieh is a remarkable link between generalized Heegner cycles and p-adic L-functions. In this thesis, several of the results of Castella\u2013Hsieh are extended to a quaternionic setting, that is, the setting that arises when one works under a \u201crelaxed\u201d Heegner hypothesis. Crucial ingredients are Brooks' results on generalized Heegner cycles over Shimura curves

    A Dirichlet problem with asymptotically linear and changing sign nonlinearity

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    This paper deals with the problem of finding positive solutions to the equation ¡¢u = g(x; u) on a bounded domain ­; with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The function g can change sign and has asymptotically linear behaviour. The solutions are found using the Mountain Pass Theorem.This paper deals with the problem of finding positive solutions to the equation -u = g (x, u) on a bounded domain , with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The function g can change sign and has asymptotically linear behaviour. The solutions are found using the Mountain Pass Theorem. 2000 Mathematics Sub ject Classification: 35J20, 35J65

    On the problem of the existence for connecting trajectories under the action of gravitational and electromagnetic fields

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    AbstractWe give sufficient conditions assuring the existence of timelike trajectories connecting two prescribed events in a Lorentzian manifold. They represent the trajectories of a free falling massive particle under the action of a gravitational and electromagnetic fiel


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    Many studies have been conducted on the effects of red wine polyphenols on certain diseases, primarily, coronary heart disease (CHD) and, in this respect, evidence has been demonstrated that intake of red wine is associated with a reduction of CHD symptomatology. In this framework, the purpose of this review is to illustrate the effects of polyphenols on immune cells from human healthy peripheral blood. Data will show that polyphenols are able to stimulate both innate and adaptive immune responses. In particular, the release of cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-12, interferon (IFN)-, and IL-10 as well as immunoglobulins may be important for host protection in different immune related disorders. Another important aspect pointed out in this review is the release of nitric oxide (NO) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), stimulated by red wine polyphenols despite the fact that the majority of studies have reported NO production only by endothelial cells. Release of NO from PBMC may play an important role in cardiovascular disease, because it is known that this molecule acts as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation. On the other hand, NO exerts a protective role against infectious organisms. Finally, some molecular cytoplasmatic pathways elicited by polyphenols able to regulate certain immune responses will also be discussed. In particular, it seems that p38, a molecule belonging to the MAPK family, is involved in the release of IFN- and, therefore, in NO production. All these data confirm the beneficial effects of polyphenols in some chronic diseases

    Evasão escolar no ensino noturno de 2. grau : um estudo de caso

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    A presente dissertação apresenta as principais conclusôes de uma pesquisa, realizada em uma escola públicD. de Grau - ensino regular noturno de la. a 3a. série - na qual os professores e os alunos-trabalhadores foram privilegiados como sujeitos do estudo. Por meio de entrevistas e aplicação de questionários, foi possível uma aproximação das determinações do fenômeno da evasão escolar presentes no cotidiano do ensino noturno de 2o. Grau. O presente estudo também se preocupou em expor a complexidade que envolve a definição de um significado para o ensino de Grau brasileiro, assim como alguns dos principais determinantes da recente expansão dos cursos noturnos de 2o. Grau no Pais. Em suma, as relações entre escola e trabalho são enfocadas a partir das relações estabelecidas pelos alunos-trabalhadores com duas realidades excludentes: o fazer do trabalho e o saber da escola. Sendo que o fenômeno da evasão escolar é interpretado como sendo um indicador da incapacidade da atual instituição escolar - pensada e estruturada para atender uma população estudantil liberada do trabalho em atender as necessidades, os interesses e as especificidades dos alunos-trabalhadores

    Low Grade Inflammation as a Common Pathogenetic Denominator in Age-Related Diseases: Novel Drug Targets for Anti-Ageing Strategies and Successful Ageing Achievement

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    Nowadays, people are living much longer than they used to do, however they are not free from ageing. Ageing, an inexorable intrinsic process that affects all cells, tissues, organs and individuals, is a post-maturational process that, due to a diminished homeostasis and increased organism frailty, causes a reduction of the response to environmental stimuli and, in general, is associated to an increased predisposition to illness and death. However, the high incidence of death due to infectious, cardiovascular and cancer diseases underlies a common feature in these pathologies that is represented by dysregulation of both instructive and innate immunity. Several studies show that a low-grade systemic inflammation characterizes ageing and that inflammatory markers are significant predictors of mortality in old humans. This pro-inflammatory status of the elderly underlies biological mechanisms responsible for physical function decline and agerelated diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis are initiated or worsened by systemic inflammation. Understanding of the ageing process should have a prominent role in new strategies for extending the health old population. Accordingly, as extensively discussed in the review and in the accompanying related papers, investigating ageing pathophysiology, particularly disentangling agerelated low grade inflammation, is likely to provide important clues about how to develop drugs that can slow or delay ageing


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    Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, cronista, contista, dramaturgo,romancista, crítico e ensaísta, que viveu no final do século XIX e início do século XX, época em que o sistema patriarcal sempre reinou e, em sua obra, isso aparece claramente. As mulheres, descritas nos romances machadianos, são envolvidas com os afazeres domésticos, confirmando o modelo familiar da época. Embora o escritor tenha seguido o modelo patriarcal, ele procurou valorizar a mulher em seus romances e contos. Nessesentido, pode-se observar a importância dada à mulher na obra machadiana, nos papéis que a elas são designados. Normalmente esses são marcantes, determinados, independentes, inteligentes e algumas vezes chegam a conduziro romance. Esse artigo tem por objetivo abordar as personalidades e as características das personagens Iaiá Garcia, protagonista, e Estela Antunes do romance Iaiá Garcia de Machado de Assis. Embora a protagonista seja Iaiá Garcia, durante a leitura, nota-se que a personagem Estela Antunes équem conduz o romance de maneira bem sutil, não deixando de demonstrar sua característica mais marcante – o orgulho. Ao final da leitura é que se vê que a personagem Iaiá Garcia – protagonista - menina meiga e inteligente que se torna uma mulher esperta, orgulhosa, vaidosa e caprichosa é quem realmente conduz o enredo, de forma dissimulada, consegue alcançar seus objetivos com uma jogada de mestre. Iaiá possuía duas qualidades essenciais para um bom jogador de xadrez: vista pronta e paciência beneditina, sendo assim a protagonista, que já traçara seu destino desde menina, dá um cheque-mate e ganha o jogo

    Low Grade Inflammation as a Common Pathogenetic Denominator in Age-Related Diseases: Novel Drug Targets for Anti-Ageing Strategies and Successful Ageing Achievement

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    Nowadays, people are living much longer than they used to do, however they are not free from ageing. Ageing, an inexorable intrinsic process that affects all cells, tissues, organs and individuals, is a post-maturational process that, due to a diminished homeostasis and increased organism frailty, causes a reduction of the response to environmental stimuli and, in general, is associated to an increased predisposition to illness and death. However, the high incidence of death due to infectious, cardiovascular and cancer diseases underlies a common feature in these pathologies that is represented by dysregulation of both instructive and innate immunity. Several studies show that a low-grade systemic inflammation characterizes ageing and that inflammatory markers are significant predictors of mortality in old humans. This pro-inflammatory status of the elderly underlies biological mechanisms responsible for physical function decline and agerelated diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis are initiated or worsened by systemic inflammation. Understanding of the ageing process should have a prominent role in new strategies for extending the health old population. Accordingly, as extensively discussed in the review and in the accompanying related papers, investigating ageing pathophysiology, particularly disentangling agerelated low grade inflammation, is likely to provide important clues about how to develop drugs that can slow or delay ageing

    Molecular and cellular substrates for the Friedreich Ataxia. significance of contactin expression and of antioxidant administration

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    In this study, the neural phenotype is explored in rodent models of the spinocerebellar disorder known as the Friedreich Ataxia (FA), which results from mutations within the gene encoding the Frataxin mitochondrial protein. For this, the M12 line, bearing a targeted mutation, which disrupts the Frataxin gene exon 4 was used, together with the M02 line, which, in addition, is hemizygous for the human Frataxin gene mutation (Pook transgene), implying the occurrence of 82–190 GAA repeats within its first intron. The mutant mice phenotype was compared to the one of wild type littermates in regions undergoing differential profiles of neurogenesis, including the cerebellar cortex and the spinal cord by using neuronal (β-tubulin) and glial (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) markers as well as the Contactin 1 axonal glycoprotein, involved in neurite growth control. Morphological/morphometric analyses revealed that while in Frataxin mutant mice the neuronal phenotype was significantly counteracted, a glial upregulation occurred at the same time. Furthermore, Contactin 1 downregulation suggested that changes in the underlying gene contributed to the disorder pathogenesis. Therefore, the FA phenotype implies an alteration of the developmental profile of neuronal and glial precursors. Finally, epigallocatechin gallate polyphenol administration counteracted the disorder, indicating protective effects of antioxidant administration