2 research outputs found

    Il-profil ta' riforma ortografika

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    Dizzjunarju ewlieni tal-Ingliż jiddefinixxi l-‘ortografija’ bħala dik il-parti tal-grammatika li tittratta n-natura tal-ittri u l-kumbinazzjonijiet varji tagħhom (Follick 26). Din id-definizzjoni hija simili għal dik ta’ Baker, iżda huwa jelabora d-definizzjoni billi joħloq paragun bejn sistema ta’ kitba u ortografija. Sistema ta’ kitba, jgħid Baker, hija dik li tirrappreżenta b’mod grafiku xi lingwa jew grupp ta’ lingwi f’daqqa waqt li l-ortografija hija sistema ta’ kitba iktar speċjalizzata għaliex tinħoloq għal lingwa partikolari (Baker 96). Minħabba li l-ortografija tal-Malti sa meta saret uffiċjali fl-1924 ġa ġiet irrakkontata minn Ninu Cremona fil-poeżija Ultimae Nostrarum, għall-għan ta’ dan l-istudju, ser tiffoka fuq ir-riformi li wasslu għall-ortografija tal-Malti standard, minn wara li saret uffiċjali sal-preżent billi tittratta argumenti rikorrenti li dehru fil-kwistjoni ta’ din il-bidla ortografika.peer-reviewe

    A feasibility study on CHP systems for hotels in the Maltese Islands : a comparative analysis based on hotels’ star rating

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    In Europe, the energy consumed for heating and cooling purposes by the hospitality sector is significant. In island economies such as that of the Mediterranean Island of Malta, where Tourism is considered essential to the local economy, energy consumption is perhaps even more significant, and energy‐efficient systems, or the use of renewable energy, are often listed as possible solutions to counter this. Based on this premise, the research contained in this paper presents an investigation on the technical and financial feasibility of using Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power (CCHP) systems for the hospitality sector in Malta. Using a supply– demand design methodology, the research made use of the software package RETScreen to model the electrical and thermal demand of a number of hotels ranging from 3‐ to 5‐star hotels. Based on these modelled hotels, different scenarios were simulated to analyze the technical and financial implications of installing a CHP in these modelled hotels. A number of parameters, including thermal size matching, presence of financial grants, electricity tariffs, feed‐in tariffs, and fuel prices, were tested out for a total of 144 scenarios. Results showed that the parameters having the highest impact were those of a financial nature. Specifically, the study showed that the 4‐star hotels considered were the hotels which would benefit the most from having such systems installed.peer-reviewe