105 research outputs found

    Investigation of degradation mechanisms in low-voltage p-channel power MOSFETs under High Temperature Gate Bias stress

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    In this work we investigate the degradation mechanisms occurring in a p-channel trench-gate power MOSFET under High Temperature Gate Bias (HTGB) stress. The impact of negative bias temperature stress is analysed by evaluating relevant figures of merit for the considered device: threshold voltage, transconductance and on-resistance. Temperatures and gate voltages as large as 175 \ub0C and 1224 V, respectively, are adopted to accelerate the degradation in the device. Moreover, in order to investigate the origin of degradation mechanisms we analyse the interface states generation and the charge trapping processes, the impact of a switching gate voltage during the stress phase and the recovery phase after HTGB stress

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Oranye (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Terhadap Kadar Betakarote

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    Introduction: Deficiency of vitamin A is one of the main nutritional problem in Indonesia. Vegetable foodstuffs which contain provitamin A is the orange-fleshed sweet potato. Substitusion can help improve the nutritional value, including betacarotene. Proximat analysis needs to be done to determine changes in the nutritional value due to the substitution of orange-fleshed sweet potato flour. Objective: The purpose of the research was to determine the Subsititution Effect of orange-fleshed sweet potato flour (lpomoea batatas L.) in value of betacarotene and proximate composition in biscuit. Methode: The design of the research used an experimental design with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 1 control with 2 replications. It’s substitution of orange-fleshed sweet potato flour was 0%, 40%, 50%, and 60%. The value of beta-caroten obtained by the method of thin layer chromatography (TLC) and proximate value analysis using “one way ANOVA” test with a significant level of 95% and continued by duncan multiple range test (DMRT). Result: Value of beta-caroten in biscuit substitused orange-fleshed sweet potato flour 0%, 40%, 50%, and 60% were <62,9 mg/kg. The highest of water content was 4,58% and the lowest was 3,68%. The highest of ash content was 1,6% and the lowest was 1,06%. The highest of protein content was 8.82% and the lowest was 4,85%. Then, the highest of carbohydrate content was 71,4% and the lowest was 67,1%. Conclusion: There is a substitution effect against the orange sweet potato flour for biscuits proximate with value sig. = 0.00 (p <0.05). Suggestion: before the addition of orange-fleshed sweet potato flour with the greater ranges to increase the value of beta-caroten

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Sari Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum Linn.) Kating Dan Sin Chung Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Perusak Ikan Air Tawar

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    Garlic is one of the natural ingredients that has the ability as an antibacterial. Chemical ingredients that has antibacterial properties is allicin. This study was to determine the effect of kating and sin chung garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) concentrate on the inhibition of the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The type of research is an experimental. The samplings are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, kating and sin chung garlic concentrate with concentrations 0 %, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %. Each treatment is repeated three times. It’s statistical test that is used, it is One Way Anova test with p ≤ 0,05 and it is Independent T-test with p ≤ 0,05. Inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in kating garlic with a concentration of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% is 0 mm, 1.50 mm, 2.77 mm, 3.94 and sin chung garlic is 0 mm, 1.44 mm, 2.16 mm, 3.27 mm

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata) Terhadap Kadar Β-Karoten Dan Daya Terima Apem

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    Introduction : The efforts to reduce the imports of rice in Indonesia is by using other food sources such as pumpkin as an alternative way to reduce the use of rice. Pumpkin contain β-carotene in quite high level, 1569 mg/ 100 grams, an alternative food material to reduce the deficiency of vitamin A. To reduce the use of rice flour is by applying food diversification based on local food sources of pro-vitamin A by making food products like apem cake. Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pumpkin use as the substituents material of rice flour on β-carotene and receptive level of pumpkin apem. Methods : This study is an experimental research. The design applied in this study is complete randomized design with four different treatments, they were: 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% with two replications. The level of Β-carotene was obtained by using a spectrophotometer and the receptive level was obtained by using fondness test with 30 panelists. The statistical test was done by using One Way ANOVA , then followed by LSD (Least signifikant Different). Results : Based on the result of ANOVA test, indicated the value of p β-carotene level is 0.000, and the p-value of apem receptive color is 0.000, flavor 0.005, aroma 0.010, texture 0.569 and overall fondness 0.025. Conclusion : There is an effect of pumpkin flour substitution on the level of β-carotene, color, flavor, aroma and overall fondness of pumpkin apem, and there is no effect on the texture of pumpkin apem. The lowest levels of β-carotene is in the apem without pumpkin flour substitution, 0.037 g/ 100 g and the highest is with subtitution at 15%, 0.157 g/ 100 g. The most preferred apem is the one with pumpkin flour substitution 0%. Suggestion : There should be further research of pumpkin apem making to obtain the color, flavor, aroma, and overall fondness of good apem either by reducing the amount of pumpkin flour substitution and adding vanilla to reduce the typical aroma in pumpkin apem. Keywords : Pumpkin Flour, β-Carotene level, Receptive, and Apem Bibliography : 31 (1997 - 2015

    An oil pipeline catastrophic failure: Accident scenario modelling and emergency response development

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    In spite of advanced technologies, inherent safety and safety management system, pipeline loss of containments and large-scale releases of hazardous substances are still common accidents leading to severe consequences for human health, environment and assets, both in Europe and in developing Countries. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the catastrophic failure of a pipeline connecting the port oil terminal with a downstream oil plant, in the North part of Italy, causing a major oil spill into a river and subsequently into the Genoa harbor (Italy). Firstly, the impact of atmospheric dispersion is evaluated then, assuming oil containment failure, the hydrodynamic dispersion of the spill into the sea is studied. By means of numerical methods, we performed a consequence-based assessment incorporating the effects, the hazardous distance and the reaction time scale, related to oil spill. Results are focused on the atmospheric dispersion of the "key" oil volatile fractions and the propagation in the sea of the medium-heavy fractions, both performed by Lagrangian simulations

    Multicomponent dispersion of hydrocarbons at sea: Source term evaluation and hydrodynamic simulation of the spill

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    The evaluation of the ecological consequences of spill accidents including factors such as persistence, and long-term exposure became more stringent following some notable events and still represents an up-to-date research issue. This study focuses on the possibility of proper source identification of a multi component sea spill and is motivated by actual findings of small quantities of floating and/or stranded waxy material in some areas of Liguria and Tuscany, in early summer 2017. The paper presents a thorough hydrodynamic simulation, carried out with an oil-spill Lagrangian particle model to study the trajectories of the different released material and determine its probable source. A short-cut mathematical simulation of the step-by-step process of formation by on-board activities and subsequent water interaction is proposed so as to highlight the limitations and the potential applicability of the method, also in light of setting-up early warning systems to prevent stranding of the oil slick in sensitive coast environments

    Pengetahuan tentang Keamanan Pangan dan Prakteknya di antara Penjual Makanan Dengan Mobil di Surakarta dan Sekitarnya

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    ANGGITA KUSUMAWATI. J310140016 KNOWLEDGE OF FOOD SAFETY AND PRACTICES AMONG STREET-FOOD VENDORS IN SURAKARTA AND SURROUNDINGS. Introduction: Within the modern times, specifically in the Surakarta region, many street-food vendors sell their goods using various means of transportation. For instance, motorbikes and some even use pickup trucks. Occasionally, they go around selling or stop and park somewhere. However, there are still many food vendors who stop and sell their food or beverage products without seeing the environment around them. Such as when they sell near the highway that is used as a path upon which travel occurs. If the sellers do not pay attention to the sanitation of the environment around it,perhaps the food they are selling can be contaminated. Objective: This study aims to determine the knowledge and practice of food safety in street-food vendors in pick-up trucks in the Surakarta and surrounding areas. Study Method: The method that were used is the observational study with crosssectional design. Data collection was carried out in 31 samples as well as questionnaire. The samples were taken from the total or sum of all existing population. The results of the study used statistical analysis of Pearson Product Moment. Results: Most food sellers have good knowledge of food safety at approximately 51.6% and most food sellers have poor food safety practices of 67.7%. The results of the Pearson Product Moment analysis obtained a value of p = 0.407 for a test of the relationship between food security and food safety practices. Conclusion: There is no relationship between knowledge of food security and food safety practices

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata) Terhadap Kadar Β-Karoten Dan Daya Terima Produk Flakes

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    Deficiency of vitamin A is one of the four main nutrient problems in Indonesian that must be solved. As many as three millions of childrean are blind due to the deficiency of vitamin A. In the toddlers, the deficiency will succeptible to infections diseases, such as diarhea, pneumona and finally death. Pumpkin flour can be used as substitute material in making flakes. The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of pumpkin flour substitution on β-carotene and acceptance levels of flakes. The research was conducted by subtituting the pumpkin flour at various levels, were 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%. The results indicated that β-carotene of all treatment of flakes was below 62,9 mg/kg. The highest acceptance of flakes was given by 0% substitution, followed by 20%. Keywords: flakes, food acceptance, beta carotene, yellow pumpkin

    Reference Values for Peak Exercise Cardiac Output in Healthy Individuals

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiac output (Q\u2d9) is a key parameter in the assessment of cardiac function, its measurement being crucial for the diagnosis, treatment, and prognostic evaluation of all heart diseases. Until recently, Q\u2d9 determination at peak exercise has been possible through invasive methods, so that normal values were obtained in studies based on small populations. METHODS: Nowadays, peak Q\u2d9 can be measured noninvasively by means of the inert gas rebreathing (IGR) technique. The present study was undertaken to provide reference values for peak Q\u2d9 in the normal general population and to obtain a formula able to estimate peak exercise Q\u2d9 from measured peak oxygen uptake (V\u2d9o2). RESULTS: We studied 500 normal subjects (age, 44.9 \ub1 1.5 years; range, 18-77 years; 260 men, 240 women) who underwent a maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test with peak Q\u2d9 measurement by IGR. In the overall study sample, peak Q\u2d9 was 13.2 \ub1 3.5 L/min (men, 15.3 \ub1 3.3 L/min; women, 11.0 \ub1 2.0 L/min; P < .001) and peak V\u2d9o2 was 95% \ub1 18% of the maximum predicted value (men, 95% \ub1 19%; women, 95% \ub1 18%). Peak V\u2d9o2 and peak Q\u2d9 progressively decreased with age (R2, 0.082; P < .001; and R2, 0.144; P < .001, respectively). The V\u2d9o2-derived formula to measure Q\u2d9 at peak exercise was (4.4 7 peak V\u2d9o2) + 4.3 in the overall study cohort, (4.3 7 peak V\u2d9o2) + 4.5 in men, and (4.9 7 peak V\u2d9o2) + 3.6 in women. CONCLUSIONS: The simultaneous measurement of Q\u2d9 and V\u2d9o2 at peak exercise in a large sample of healthy subjects provided an equation to predict peak Q\u2d9 from peak V\u2d9o2 values
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