6 research outputs found
Genepop file
Genepop file for the analyzed individual
Summary output (location, Fst, etc) from STACKS for each individual SN
FLUIDIGM SNP data in genepop format
FLUIDIGM SNP data in genepop format from all genotyped individuals analyzed in the present study. The data includes both data from the paper of pujolar et al. 2014a and new data
SNP file in STRUCTURE format. The data encompases 47 individuals: 7 hybrids and 20 individuals considered to be pure specimens from each species. The data set was used for estimating hybrid classes for the 7 hybrids. Please see Supporting Information Note 3 for more information
RAW SNP data on Genepop format for all individual
python script to establish the genomic position of candidate SNPs based on the gene predictions for the European eel genom